A Special Thank You to the Boys

fastball fastball at pmihrm.com
Mon May 1 01:52:01 EDT 2006

Received: 4/30/06 5:56:54 PM 
From:  <davebailey(at)baileyconstruction.ca>  
To:  <fastball(at)pmihrm.com    
Subject:  [A Special Thank You to the Boys]  


 On Saturday April 29, the catch phrases "for the love of the
game" and "if you build it, they will come" were never more evident
than on a tiny ball field in the village of Tavistock, Ontario.
Sixty plus screaming and laughing young ball players, boys and
girls ages 7 - 14, came together for a Skills and Player Development
Day. It was the third such event that we have hosted in Tavistock
and it was a tremendous success.

 In 2002, as the then president of our local minor ball association,
I decided that I wanted to create some ways of raising awareness
of our great game in our area in order to get more children on
the ball field. It had to be special, unique and spectacular.
It had to peak the interest of children and hold their attention
for an entire day. It was literally months of planning and preparation
the first time around to create the perfect mould. A day of FUN,
but also a day of quality instruction and learning. With the
help of our local executive, an itinery was set for an 8:00am
to 4:00pm day of fastpitch fun. A pitcher/catcher clinic for
beginners followed by two skills sessions before lunch,two skills
sessions after lunch and an exciting skills competition during
the lunch break. Dividing the children into four groups to cover
four skills stations throughout the day seemed the logical layout
to give everyone a little taste of each aspect of the game. Hitting,
Bunting and Baserunning, Outfield Skills and Infield Skills with
45 minute sessions at each to keep things moving and prevent
boredom. Have you ever tried to keep an eight year old interested
in something for 8 hours?? It takes planning.

 The next task, which I assumed would be the most difficult,
was to convince enough good people to assist and instruct with
this endeavour. I was never more wrong. I completely underestimated
the character and quality of the people involved in the great
sport of fastpitch. I simply dialed the phone or sent the email
and they came. Great coaches and players alike, to instruct a
group of children for an entire day with no vested interest other
than the love of the game and giving something back. 
 The 2006 version of our Skills Clinic was nothing short of spectacular.
I sent out the s.o.s. via email and no less than a dozen of my
teammates from the Kitchener Hallman Twins and the Sebrinville
Sting came parading into Tavistock from various areas of the
province to help and instruct. Guys came from as far away as
Stouffville, Brooklin, Smithville, driving hundreds of kilometres
to instruct a group of young ball players that they didn't even
know. These guys came and didn't just help. They ran the day
like professionals and made every kid in the place love them
for it. By the end of the day I heard young children calling
these guys by their nicknames and chatting it up with them like
they were long time buddies. At 8:00am that morning, most of
these children didn't know any of these guys. Unbelievable and
rewarding is all I can say. I watched Bill Simmons, Evan Boyd,
Paul Koert, and Grant Baechler compete in the baserunning event
as the kids cheered them on by name. I watched Dale Levy wack
balls off a tee with a sore back because a bunch of 8 year old
boys wanted to see him "hit it". I watched every one of "my boys"
suck it up for 8 hours and never let on once how tired, sun burned
and sore they were getting because they never once just "went
through the motions". They put on a show for these kids for the
entire day. It was truly a special event.

 With each passing year, I question myself more and more as to
how I can justify the time I spend playing fastball each summer.
I have a wonderful wife and family, a business, and many other
"grown up" committments in my life that sometimes go unattended
to during the ball season. My conscience tells me that maybe
its time to "grow up" and stop playing a kids game. Then an experience
happens like this clinic and it all becomes crystal clear. As
time moves on, the game of fastball becomes less and less about
the competitions and results and more about the people you spend
your summers with. I can't speak about other teams but I can
speak about the Kitchener Hallman Twins and the Sebringville
Sting. These guys are not just teammates. They're friends and
family. Not only the guys but their wives, girlfriends and kids
are all apart of our wonderful fastpitch family. If anyone is
curious as to what attracts great ball players to play for the
Hallman Twins or the Sebringville Sting, they would have only
had to give a Saturday of their time to see it first hand. 

 To Si, PK, Boydy, Baechs, Red, Shack, Crawfy, Ace, Stewy, Melon,
JD and Scotty, you're all the top of the heap. Thanks for making
this fastball day in Tavistock something that our young players
will remember and cherish. For one day, we all made a difference.
A sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you. 
 Also, a very special THANK YOU to my wife Kate for everything
that she did to help prepare for the big day. She was the clinic
typist, emailer, phone caller, errand runner and all round everything.
I couldn't have pulled it off without her support and terrific

 Dave Bailey
 Tavistock Minor Ball
 Kitchener Hallman Twins
 Sebringville Sting 

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