Wellington/Hutt Valley Inter-city Competition

Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Tue Feb 6 08:56:54 EST 2007

Received: 2/6/07 1:13:31 AM 
From:  Vance <vanf(at)ihug.co.nz> 

Subject:  Wellington/Hutt Valley Inter-city Competition  

Wellington/Hutt Valley Inter-city Competition
4th Feb 2007

Hutt City United, Giants and Porirua City United all had wins
in the topsix first division of the Mens Intecity softball competition.
In the early game at Hataitai park, Hutt City United opened up
a 2-0 leadagainst Miramar in the 3rd innings.  Miramar tied the
game up in thefifth at 2-2 but Hutt City United bounced back
with two runs in the sixthto eventually win the game 4-2.
Porirua City United shut out Poneke Kilbirnie 5-0 in the late
game atHataitai park while Giants upset Kapiti 7-2 in Masterton.
In the bottom section, Cardinals had a big 16-0 win over Dodgers
in fourinnings at Fraser Park.  Johnsonville defeated Newlands
8-5 in thelocal derby at Alexmoore park.
Miramar and Saints were winners in the top 6 of the women's intercitycompetition
with Miramar going ahead 6-5 in the bottom of the seventh todefeat
Johnsonville while Saints had a 10-3 win over Porirua CityUnited.
In the bottom section of the women's intercity competition Newlands
had a10-3 win over Hutt City United and Poneke Kilbirmie had
a 7-1 win overTawa.

* Email:snz(at)softball.org.nz 

Cheers Vance 
Softball New Zealand web master.
* Email:vanf(at)ihug.co.nz 


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