Ontario Softball Umpires’ Association

Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Tue Feb 6 09:07:32 EST 2007

Received: 2/5/07 9:42:02 PM 
From:  "Joel Balberman" <isfump5 at rogers.com> 
Add to People Section  
To:  <aldoran at pmihrm.com>  
Subject:  Announcement  
MIME Ver:  1.0  

Greetings fellow Blue:

By now, many of you have heard talk of a new umpires' association
for ALL softball umpires in the province. The "Ontario Softball
Umpires’ Association" is now a reality! After months of planning
and preparation, the OSUA is slowly taking shape. Our motto is
"Umpires Working For Umpires".


Our association is being developed with the intention of presenting
itself as a legitimate, official, and credible organization of
softball umpires.  Our ultimate goal is for the umpires of Ontario
to gain full autonomy and equal status as a member of Softball
Ontario beginning with the 2008 calendar year.

An interim executive is now in place.  It is working hard on
the development of a “brand” for our new association, along with
a constitution, code of ethics, bylaws, and web-site. Our motto,
logo, and all of the items mentioned have been carefully thought
out, with no doubt in our minds that this major undertaking will
be for the betterment of all.  Proper representation, a cost-effective
fee structure, and the opportunity to partner with others that
regard the interests of softball as a key priority – these are
just some of the benefits we hope will result from our new organization.
Of course, to achieve these results, the organization will require
the efforts and input of everyone.   


The web-site will cost approximately $1000.00 to set up and maintain.
It will be a key communication tool, providing everyone with
critical information, and allowing opportunities to share their
views and ideas. It will be used for the membership to actually
see the ongoing work of your executive.

No one individual will gain financially from this endeavour.
Everyone can benefit. From equipment "trading" to a chance to
have a real voice, this will be YOUR Association!

We hope to attract many of the Blue in our province, both old
and new, and form one of the strongest umpire associations in
Canada! Most of us belong to a local umpire association. Let's
get together and form a province-wide body that we can all be
proud of.

We offer you a chance to be a part of a new beginning. Charter
memberships in OSUA are now available. For an initial membership
fee of $25.00 that will "Get the Ball Rolling", you can get in
on the ground floor of a whole new beginning of an organization
"for umpires and by umpires". Mail your cheque, made payable
to the "Ontario Softball Umpires' Association", along with your
name, address, phone number and e-mail address to the: 

 "Ontario Softball Umpires' Association." C/O Tim Whitelaw, 59
Harold Ave., Kitchener, Ontario. N2A 2H9. 


This one-time fee will get our new group up and running by providing
a start-up stake of cash. Charter members will be entitled to
special recognition at our first Annual General Meeting in the
fall. You will be first in line to receive all information as
it becomes available over the next few months. You will be helping
to energize a long-awaited new era for the umpires in this province,
fulfilling the dreams held by many who have come before us.

Yours in umpiring,

Tim Whitelaw      
                                                Membership Director
OSUA                                                    OSUA


 Al's Fastball News
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   fastball at pmihrm.com
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