Kamloops Mens Fastpitch - Open Weekends

Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Wed Feb 28 06:13:11 EST 2007

Received: 2/28/07 5:31:34 AM 
From:  UWebSmart <uwebsmart(at)gmail.com> 

Subject:  Kamloops Mens Fastpitch - Open Weekends  


Chu Chua Chiefs mens fastpitch team are looking to fill their
home schedule. If you are interested in coming to Kamloops to
play us in a super-series or a few double-headers or something,
please go to our website and send us an email from the contact
us page with the weekend your free to come up and anything else
you'd like to discuss about it.
You can go to our site at www.kamloopsfastpitch.com
Thank you 

From:  UWebSmart <uwebsmart(at)gmail.com> 

 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com
   fastball at pmihrm.com
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