A Tribute To James Buck

Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Tue Mar 6 00:03:39 EST 2007

Received: 3/5/07 11:10:49 PM 
From:  "Ryder" <gjryder(at)kwic.com> 

Subject:  A Tribute To James Buck  


A Tribute To James Buck

1924 - 2007


Over the years many of us involved with fastball have beenfortunate
to have crossed paths with Jim Buck.  Jim and his travelingbuddies,
Gus Takacs and Winston Botting were fixtures in many fastball
parks throughoutOntario overthe years. Their attendance and support
of the game was always greatlyappreciated by the hosts and players
alike.  Whether it was a trip to Perth, Midland or their favoritedestination
– Waterloothese three gentlemen followed the game and knew it


I was lucky enough to meet Jim in Simcoe in 1978 and we’vebeen
fastball buddies ever since.  I, like many other players from
theHaldimand Norfolk area, past and present, are really going
to miss him.  Jimwas a great family man and his conversations
always started with questionsabout your family and ended with
“God Bless”.  A veteran ofWorld War II, Jim went on to serve
overseas with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry,the United Nations
in Egyptand became a career soldier in 1953 with the R.C.H.A.
 Jim was alwaysproudest of his contribution to the freedom we
enjoy as Canadians.  He isknown in Simcoe as The Flag Man for
his many letters to the editor about theproper etiquette for
flying our Maple Leaf. 


His home was full of ball jackets, programs, sweaters andhats
given to him by players who just wanted to say thanks for his
support. When we would get together for coffee Jim might have
shown up in a Broken Bowjacket given to him by Rob Schweyer and
a Waterloo Twins hat from Larry Lynch.  Anotherday it was an
I.S.C. hat sent to him by the late Milt Stark, a Rockford Yinsjacket
and an A.S.A. T-shirt. He was a huge supporter of the local RockfordYins
and served on their Executive for many years.  I.S.C. Hall Of
 FamerLarry Lynch, Jeff Spencer and Chuck Hendricks were some
of his favouriteplayers.  In his later years of failing health,
Jim could no longer comeout to the ball park but he never lost
his love for the game.  He wouldalways call for updates about
who was playing where and who were the “upand comers”.  


I was lucky to call Jim my friend; his voice will be greatlymissed.

God Bless You Jim.


George Ryder




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