2nd Ottawa Blitz Men's Fastball Tournament

Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Wed May 23 00:46:10 EDT 2007

Received: 5/22/07 6:54:03 PM 
From:  "Scott Dumouchel" <blitzfastball(at)hotmail.com> 

Subject:  2nd Ottawa Blitz Men's Fastball Tournament  

Ottawa, On.

The Ottawa Blitz Fastball team will be hosting their 2nd OPEN
July 27-29 at Carlington Park in Ottawa. There are 3 Fields that
will be 
played on over the weekend including as well lots of seating
for fans to 
watch. We will have a BBQ all weekend as well lots of cold beverages
in the
Beer Tent that will over look the Main Diamond with lots of space
to relax.

Teams will be accepted upon receipt of their Entry fee of $375,
that will 
guarranttee 3 games depending on the amount of teams and format
we decide to 
use. The Prize Money will be determined on the number of teams
entered. The 
Tournament is OPEN to any player or teams interested in attending
any restrictions. There will be no refunds of the teams entry
once it is cashed. For more information or mailing address for
team's cheque 
please see below.

Montorey Motor Inn
71 Rideau Heights Drive Nepean, On K2E 7A6 613-226-4152, 1-800-565-1311
15mins. from Park

Best Western Macie's Carling Ave. 613-728-1951, 1-800-268-5531
5mins. from

Webb's Motel Limited 613-728-1881, 1-800-263-4264 5mins. from

Cardinal Suites 1057 Merivale Rd 613-792-4949, 1-877-792-4949
5mins. from

Travelodge 1376 Carling Ave. 613-722-7600

Tournament Chairperson
Scott Dumouchel

Ottawa Blitz Fastball
61 McEwen Ave. Apt 801
Ottawa, On
K2B 5L3


 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com
   fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/
NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball

VIA http://www.webbox.com

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