Outage Update - www.alsfastball.com Still Down

Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Sat Jun 2 12:43:57 EDT 2007

Subject:  Outage Update  

Hi Al,

All HTTP services are still down, however email services are
normally. I wanted to give you an update regarding the outage.

In between responding to angry customers I finally got through
to tech
support via phone and the rep indicated to me that the issue
had already
been escalated to 2nd level support. He indicated that they think
the issue
is in the domain name resolution as the server appears to be
okay. I didn't
buy that answer since if DNS services were not working, email
would also be
affected. I tried to get the tech rep to forward me to an admin
but kept
getting deflected. He kept reassuring me that it was being looked
at as we
spoke. I have a feeling that either a DoS attack occurred or
the server
crapped out and they are fixing it/restoring data on a new server.

Unfortunately, now all I can do is be angry like my customers
and wait for
this to be fixed.

My apologies Al - I hope fastball fans aren't too ticked off.
I'll keep you
posted as I get further info.


 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com
   fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/
NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball

VIA http://www.webbox.com

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