Senior Women’s Softball Team Prepares for China Cup

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Fri Oct 5 17:02:49 EDT 2007

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From:  "Gilles LeBlanc" <gleblanc(at)> 

Subject:  Senior_Women’s_Softball_Team_Prepares_for_China_Cup_
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October5th, 2007


SeniorWomen’s Softball Team Prepares for China Cup


 (Ottawa,ON) –Twenty (20) Olympic hopefuls are currently working
very hard in theirefforts to be named to the 2008 Olympic softball
team. The coaching staff andathletes arrived early in Beijing,
China last week to continue their trainingfor the upcoming China
Cup, which will begin Monday, October 8thwhen Canada will meet
China (9:30pm EDT).


Theevent will serve as the final stage of the player selection
process whichimmediately began after the Canadian softball team
earned a berth to the 2008Olympics following a 5th place finish
at the 2006 ISF Senior Women’sWorld Championships last November,
which were also held in Beijing. From thetwenty players invited
to the selection camp, fifteen (15) will be selected torepresent
their country at the 2008 Olympic Games, while two or three otherswill
also be kept as reserves. 


Atthe China Cup, Canada will play two round-robin games against
each of the otherparticipating countries, which includes China,
Chinese Taipei and Australia.Here is the full tournament schedule:


Monday October 8th, 2007
9:30pm EDT - Canada vs. China

Tuesday October 9th, 2007
12:00am EDT - Autralia vs. Chinese Taipei
5:00am EDT - Canada vs. Australia
9:30pm EDT - Chinese Taipei vs. China

Wednesday October 10th, 2007
12:00am EDT - Canada vs. Chinese Taipei
5:00am EDT - Australia vs. China
9:30pm EDT - Australia vs. China

Thursday October 11th, 2007
12:00am EDT - Canada vs. Chinese Taipei
5:00am EDT - Chinese Taipei vs. China 
9:30pm EDT - Canada vs. Australia

Friday October 12th, 2007
12:00 am EDT - Australia vs. Chinese Taipei
5:00am EDT - Canada vs. China
9:30pm EDT - Semi Final #1

Saturday October 13th, 2007
12:00am EDT - Semi Final #2
5:00am EDT - Bronze medal game

Sunday October 14th, 2007
5:00am EDT - Gold medal game


Thefollowing athletes are currently in Beijing for the Olympic
Selection Camp andwill participate in the China Cup:


LaurenBay – Trail, BC

AlisonBradley – Pinkerton, ON

ErinCumpstone – Saskatoon, SK

TamraHowren – White Rock, BC

SheenaLawrick – Calgary, AB

DanielleLawrie – Langley, BC

CaitlinLever – Amherst, New York

MeganMacKenzie – North Delta, BC

RobinMackin – Newmarket, ON

NoemieMarin – Acton-Vale, QC

MelanieMatthews – Surrey, BC

ErinMcLean – Whitby, ON

DioneMeier – Saskatoon, SK

KristyOdamura – Richmond, BC

KaleighRafter – Guelph, ON

KatieRosentreter – Winnipeg, MB

JenniferSalling – Port Coquitlam, BC

MeganTimpf – Port Dover, ON

JanivaWillis – Irishtown, NB

JenniferYee – North Delta, BC




Formore information, please contact:


Gilles LeBlanc
Director,Marketing and Communications
gleblanc at
(613)523-3386 ext 3105





5 octobre 2007


L’équipe desoftball féminine senior se prépare pour la Coupe
de Chine


(Ottawa, ON) – Vingt (20) athlètesprometteuses sont présentement
à l’œuvre dans leurs espoirs d’être nommées àl’équipe de softball
Olympique de 2008. Le personnel des entraîneurs et lesathlètes
ont arrivé tôt à Beijing la semaine dernière pour continuer leurspréparations
pour la Coupe de Chine, qui commencera lundi le 8 octobre alorsque
le Canada rencontrera la Chine (21 :30 HAE).


L’événement servira comme ladernière étape du processus de sélection,
qui a débuté immédiatement après quel’équipe de softball canadienne
s’est mérité une place aux Jeux Olympiques de2008 après avoir
terminé en 5e position lors du Championnat du MondeISF  2006
qui a aussi eu lieu a Beijing en novembre dernier. Des vingtathlètes
invitées au camp de sélection, quinze (15) seront demandées de
représenterleur pays aux Jeux Olympiques de 2008, alors que deux
ou trois autres serontaussi gardées comme réservistes.


À la Coupe de Chine, le Canadajouera deux parties de ronde préliminaire
contre chacun des autres paysparticipants, ce qui incluse la
Chine, le Taipei chinois et l’Australie. Voicil’horaire complet
du tournoi :


Lundi le 8 octobre 2007
21:30pm HAE - Canada c. Chine

Mardi le 9 octobre 2007
Minuit HAE - Autralie c. Taipei chinois
5:00 HAE - Canada c. Australie
21:30 HAE - Taipei chinois c. Chine

Mercredi le 10 octobre 2007
Minuit HAE - Canada c. Taipei chinois
5:00 HAE - Australie c. Chine
21:30 HAE - Australie c. Chine

Jeudi le 11 octobre 2007
Minuit HAE - Canada c. Taipei chinois
5:00 HAE - Taipei chinois c. Chine
21:30 HAE - Canada c. Australie

Vendredi le 12 octobre 2007
Minuit HAE - Australie c. Taipei chinois
5:00 HAE - Canada c. Chine
21:30 HAE - Semi Finale #1

Samedi le 13 octobre 2007
Minuit HAE - Semi Finale #2
5:00 HAE - Match de bronze

Dimanche le 14 octobre 2007
5:00 HAE - Match de la médaille d'or


Les athlètes suivantes sont présentement à Beijing pour le camp
desélection et participeront à la Coupe de Chine :


LaurenBay – Trail, C-B

AlisonBradley – Pinkerton, ON

ErinCumpstone – Saskatoon, SK

TamraHowren – White Rock, C-B

SheenaLawrick – Calgary, AB

DanielleLawrie – Langley, C-B

CaitlinLever – Amherst, New York

MeganMacKenzie – North Delta, C-B

RobinMackin – Newmarket, ON

NoemieMarin – Acton-Vale, QC

MelanieMatthews – Surrey, C-B

ErinMcLean – Whitby, ON

DioneMeier – Saskatoon, SK

KristyOdamura – Richmond, C-B

KaleighRafter – Guelph, ON

KatieRosentreter – Winnipeg, MB

JenniferSalling – Port Coquitlam, C-B

MeganTimpf – Port Dover, ON

JanivaWillis – Irishtown, N-B

JenniferYee – North Delta, C-B




Pourplus de renseignements, contactez:


Gilles LeBlanc

Directeur, Marketing etCommunications
gleblanc at
(613)523-3386 ext 3105

 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)
   fastball at


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