Open Letter To The Sport Of Fastball - PeterJ.Porcelli, II

Al's Fastball News fastball at
Fri Nov 2 16:33:14 EDT 2007

Received: 11/2/07 11:26:54 AM 
From:  PeterJPorcelli(at) 

Subject:  Open Letter To The Sport Of Fastball  


Dear Al,


  This last Monday, I stood before a judge and heard sentence
pronounced upon me totaling 13 years in prison, which eliminates
any chance I had for getting a camp which is devoid of walls,
guns and violent criminals. According to the prosecutor, had
not my wife made a “Magnificent” appearance speaking on my
behalf, I would have received more time as the judge was clearly
moved by her appeal. She tearfully asked for mercy, pointing
to our nearly 18 years of faithful and devoted marriage and the
dual parenting of our two children, ages 13 & 9 who are both
straight A honor students and have never had any behavioral problems.
You can imagine how I felt as she wept on the stand.


     I wish to address the softball world that I have had the
privilege to be part of going on 19 years with 17 consecutive
ISC world tourney’s attended, until last year when conditions
precluded my being permitted to attend.


     With regard to my problems with the law, I wish to state
for the record and once and for all, possibly contradicting what
some of my friends, including the so-called ones, who might make
it look like I am shirking responsibility, that  I DEFINITELY
DO take full responsibility for the events that have resulted
in my having hurt my family, a number of customers, and many
in between, employees included. I made a very poor choice in
how I had my company managed when I went to Victoria in 2002,
electing to go with a certain  company to do my sales.


     Unfortunately they grossly misrepresented my product, a
debit card with a Mastercard logo which was the first debit card
you could go shopping with at stores instead of strictly an ATM.
It was such a good product it could have been easily marketed
successfully honestly, but as it worked out, the greedy people,
loaded it up with misrepresentations and I got closed down in


    As most of you know, I was indicted in March of this year,
I pled guilty and agreed to cooperate to both help myself and
also to assist in the indictment of the person they consider
the lead dog of the sales company. He did this sort of thing
to at least eight other companies, I never used anyone else but
him.. To learn more look up Kyle Kimoto & Assail, Inc..


     It is my fault I am in trouble, nobody else’s. As things
got worse I looked to avoid the truth and that was a combination
of stupidity and arrogance on my part. They say that getting
an education in life is expensive. I suggest you check out the
cost of stupidity and arrogance.


     I would not even bother with writing about this to the fastball
world except for the idea that while I am in the process of falling
on my sword, I wish to address much unfinished business in the
sport we all love.


     I came on the scene in 1993 with much of the same arrogance
and the know-it-all attitude along with any good intentions I
had. I am not here today to speak about the successes, the friends,
the accomplishments, and anything you all feel I did which might
have been good.


    I admit I did a horrible job of appreciating the sport we
love, and I alienated many good people through my words, deeds
and other actions. I shortchanged many in a lot of ways, and
denied, avoided, and otherwise refused to take responsibility
for that as well.

This continued throughout my continued participation until it
peaked at some point. I would like to think I have changed my
ways and tried to undo some of the damage I have caused as opposed
to simply put it on a counterbalance with the good I have done.


     But the most important part, is that I have yet to admit
it openly, and leave no doubt as to my innermost feelings. They
say actions speak louder than words, and to that extent I hope
if some of you perceive a better effort from me more recently
over the years, it is only good if I also give you the words
I also owe, with no reservation: “I truly apologize to everyone
I have hurt in any way.”


     Top of my list is Todd Martin. Not because I did any more
damage to him, I may not have even affected him, and hope I have
not. But that is the name I think of the most, when it comes
to ill will, if I am going to be honest with myself.  There are
many more, but this is not a litany and I wont go there. You
know who you are.


     I have been granted 60 days before reporting to finish rehab
on my shoulder which was operated on in July, but I know the
judge truly wanted to give my wife and family a break, so I will
report after the Holidays, right after. I wish to publicly apologize
to my beautiful wife, Nicole, my children Trey and Tiffany for
all the pain and hardship I have brought them.


     I was going to have a get-together before I leave for my
closest friends, but I am up in the air about that, I do not
wish to make them any more uncomfortable. 


    I will emerge from this a better man, I promise, much better.
I am fortunate to have great health and family, the two most
important things in life, so I am far from thinking I am done
as a worthwhile human, but I know I have to prove that in the


     A good friend of mine, Amir, called me last Friday, worried
for me about my situation. Amir Sarhaddi, the man everyone loved
and who only did good for his fellow man, never a hint of trouble
from him. Saturday night, when stopping on the interstate highway
at 3:00Am to see if he could be of assistance for an auto accident
that had just occurred not involving him, for which the authorities
had not yet arrived, was struck by a third vehicle and pronounced
dead at the scene. He leaves behind a wife and two children ages
8 & 11.
This sure puts my relatively small self-inflicted trouble in
perspective. Horrible things happen even to those who don’t
bring it upon themselves. How truly fortunate I am that God gives
me a chance to make amends.


     Thank you for taking the time, I regret the fact that the
sport has been mentioned along with my name in connection with
the legal woes. There are actually many out there outside the
sport that think this sport loves me and they cannot understand
why this is so. They are obviously misguided in their assumption
that I am unconditionally loved as you are fair and intelligent
as a group, you certainly are not deluded by me or anyone else.
You are also the most wonderful group I have ever been associated
with, probably the main reason none of us can ever truly walk
away. God Bless each and every one of you. I am forever in your


Most Sincerely, 


2519 McMullen Booth Road suite 510-191
Clearwater, Florida, 33761
Cellphone: 727-698-7259
727-785-3651 x 201 Res. before 8:00 PM 
727-787-4492 Fax 


 Al's Fastball News
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   fastball at


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