Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Fri Mar 7 14:46:44 EST 2008

Received: 3/7/08 9:36:24 AM 
From:  Softball Ontario Coaches Program <ssutton(at)softballontario.ca>






CONTACT:      StephanieSutton
                     (416) 426-7150
                     ssutton at softballontario.ca

DATE:           March7, 2008 




(Honoraria Based Position)

NORTH YORK- Softball Ontario is pleased to informsoftball enthusiasms
about Softball Canada’s invitation for interestedcandidates to
apply for the position of Head Coach of our Junior Women’sNational
Team (JRWNT).

A jobdescription for the Head Coach position JRWNT is included.
 In additionto the traditional responsibilities the Head Coach
will work in collaborationwith the Operations Manager - National
Teams and the Women’s National TeamCommittee (WNTC) to design
and implement a multifaceted high performanceprogram.

The idealcandidate will be certified at Level 4 under the National
CoachingCertification Program or have equivalent experience/education.
 Ideally,she/he will have experience coaching and/or playing
at the internationallevel.  Coaches who are certified at Level
3 may apply, providing theyenrol in the Level 4 program and work
towards Level 4certification.

Bilingualism is an asset. This position is financially supported
bySport Canada.

Deadlinefor application is March 31, 2008.  Applications should
be sent toSoftball Canada, 223 Colonnade Road, Suite 212, Ottawa,
Ontario,  K2E7K3, fax 
613-523-5761, or e-mail info at softball.ca.  Candidates that are
short-listed will be subject to athorough background review and
will be interviewed in April, 2008.

The Women’sNational Team Committee (WNTC) will select the successful
applicant andforward their recommendation to the Board of Directors,
Softball Canada forratification.

Junior Women’s National Team Head Coach JobDescription 


The HeadCoach of the JRWNT, in consultation with the WNTC, is
responsible for teamselection, preparation, training and evaluation
of all athletes and assistantcoaches.  The Head Coach is ultimately
responsible for all activitiesthat take place on the field of


Athlete/Team Preparation

The Head Coach JRWNTis responsible for the planning, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation oftraining and preparation for competition.
• Developing a four-yearplan for the JRWNT Program concluding
with the International SoftballFederation (ISF) World Championship
in 2011
• Developing yearlyplans for team and individual athletes
• Organizes and directs thetraining and competitive activities
of the JRWNT
• Works withathletes and their club team coaches in preparation
of training programs usingany means available that are within
the resources of  Softball Canada
• Establishes regular procedures to monitor the progress of athletes
• Maintains communication with the athletes
• Identifies andcommunicates clear objectives for competitions
and training camps to allpersonnel
• Responsible to recommend Assistant Coaches to the WNTCfor consideration
• Provides the best possible tactical andtechnical advice to
athletes according to team objectives andstrategy

The development, implementation and analysis of NationalTeam
Programs consistent with the objectives established by the WNTC
• Co-ordinateswith Assistant Coaches the identification, evaluation,
and selection ofathletes for the JRWNT
• In consultation with Assistant Coaches and theWNTC, selects
athletes to the JRWNT as required for World Championships andother
games and international competitions 
• Establishes multi-yearannual program plans to achieve performance
objectives established by theWNTC
• Designs and recommends to the WNTC athlete identification,recruitment
and selection system consistent with short and long termgoals.

The organization of appropriate competitive and trainingconditions
and completion of all support activities required for effective
andefficient execution of the JRWNT Program.
• Has direct supervisoryresponsibilities and evaluates Assistant
Coaches on all projects
• Provides updates as requested to the WNTC
• Communicatesexpected team behavior and discipline within the
policies and procedures ofthe National Team Handbook and Softball
• Serves as theofficial Team spokesperson in terms of team play,
individual performances andcompetitive expectations.Softball
Canada Management

SoftballCanada Management 
Participation in thedecision-making and management procedures
of the Association
• TheHead Coach JRWNT reports directly to the Operations Manager
- NationalTeams
• Works in conjunction with the Head Coach of the SR Women’sNational
Team to ensure consistent program delivery
• Has ongoingcommunication with the WNTC
• Prepares year end reports on the JRWNTProgram as directed by
the WNTC

The Head Coach JRWNT is appointed until theconclusion of the
ISF World Tournament, subject to satisfactory annualreview.
The annual review will be conducted by the WNTC.

The ideal candidate will have level 4certification under the
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) orequivalent experience/education,
and ideally will have considerable experiencecoaching and/or
playing at a high-calibre international level.  Level 3certified
coaches who enrol and will work towards certification in the
level 4program will be considered.

Selection Process
The WNTC will select the HeadCoach.  The name of the Head Coach
will be forwarded to the Board ofDirectors, Softball Canada for
their approval. 

Softball Ontario is thegoverning body for the sport of softball
in Ontario. Our goal is to promoteand develop the sport of softball
for its athletes, officials and volunteersby providing programs
and services at all levels ofcompetitions.


 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com
   fastball at pmihrm.com
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