From fastball at Wed Jan 14 10:54:04 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 07:54:04 -0800 Subject: Need pitcher or 2 for Canadians in St. Thomas, 2009 Message-ID: <> Received: 1/14/09 10:40:07 AM From: DEREK J Macdonald -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GlaceBay Coors Light Mets from GlaceBay, NS are looking to sign a pitcher or 2 for the Canadian Championships being held in Saint Thomas, Ont August 30th to Sept 6th. If anyone is interested in joining our team for the Nationls they can email me at eeker13(at) and we can discuss what it will take to sign here in GlaceBay. Our team here in GlaceBay is committed to putting the best team together to attend the National Championships. So if interested email me and we can discuss Finances, travel, and costs...Thank you. eeker DEREK J Macdonald < eeker13(at) > Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jan 14 10:55:49 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 07:55:49 -0800 Subject: Need players for AAU in Orlando 2009 Message-ID: <> Received: 1/14/09 10:47:38 AM From: Don Freeman Subject: AAu tourney -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone would like to play in Orlando next week,we need a couple players.Contact donhfreeman(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jan 14 11:20:09 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 08:20:09 -0800 Subject: Italy calls for top softballer Message-ID: <> SOFTBALL star Melinda Weaver is polishing up on her Italian after being signed by one of Europe?s top professional clubs. In a move the 2008 Caboolture Shire Sportsperson of the Year never dreamed possible, she will fly to Italy in March to join Mosca Macerata. The giant club plays in the Italian Professional Softball League Division 1 where players can earn a decent living in one of the toughest softball competitions in the world. It is an opportunity Weaver, 20, admits she would never have had if she stayed in Australia, which is still reeling from softball?s axing from the London Olympics in 2012. ``It doesn?t happen in Australia. Going overseas is something I?ve always wanted to do, but I just never thought I?d get the opportunity,?? she said. ``Especially now funding has been cut before the next Olympics, we?re not even close (to a professional league in Australia). Our competition?s good, but there?s no money to sustain what we?ve got. ``No doubt the game has (stagnated) and that?s why we?re trying to push toward expanding the game in Australia and overseas. It?s just difficult at the moment.?? Weaver will be made to feel at home at Macerata alongside two former Australian Spirit stalwarts, catcher Kym Tollenaere and pitcher Jocelyn McCallum. Tollenaere alerted the Italians to Weaver?s talents. The Aussie trio make up Macerata?s three allocated imports for the six-month Italian regular season which starts in April. Before then, Weaver will continue leading Queensland?s tilt at winning the Gilley?s Shield, which has replaced the old Australian Fastpitch Championships. Queensland sits top of the table heading into Round 3 starting on Thursday. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jan 16 09:51:38 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 06:51:38 -0800 Subject: 2009 Eastern Canadian Championships Message-ID: <> Received: 1/15/09 8:27:11 PM From: Mike Add to People Section To: fastball at CC: Subject: 2009 Eastern Canadian Championships MIME Ver: Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wondering if anyone knows the date and location for the 2009 Eastern Canadian Fastball Championships. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank VANNIEUW(at)CIACESS.COM p.s. Please send the info to Al as well at fastball (at) and I will post it at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jan 16 14:35:45 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 11:35:45 -0800 Subject: FUNDING OPPORTUNITYFOR FEMALE SOFTBALL COACHES Message-ID: <> FUNDING OPPORTUNITYFOR FEMALE SOFTBALL COACHES NORTH YORK, ON- Attention all Softball Associationswho would like to train coaches for the 2009 Softball Season! TodaySoftball Ontarioreceived a great opportunity for you to obtain funding to help train femalecoaches, but you must act quickly! Dueto tight timelines set by Softball Canada, Softball Ontario must provide a listof interested Softball Associations for consideration for the CoachingAssociation of Canada?s ?We Are Coaches?Campaign by THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 2009! The ?We AreCoaches? Campaign provides financialassistance for coaching clinics at the house league level. The?We Are Coaches? campaignfunding opportunity is for Softball Associations who are interested in hostinga Softball Ontario/National Coaching Certification Program ?Lean toCoach? or ?Keep Coaching? clinic(s). Softball Ontario delivers the National Coaching CertificationProgram for Softball in the Province of Ontario. Tobe eligible to apply for this special funding you cannot previouslyparticipated in Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3 of the ?We AreCoaches? campaign. ?We AreCoaches? is a three-year campaign designed toincrease the number of trained Women coaches in Canada in order to providefemale mentors and role models for young participants. The campaignprimarily targets mothers with children involved in community level sport, andstrongly communicates the sense of community, reward, and FUN that can beachieved through coaching. Inyear one of the campaign, Coaches Association of Canadapartnered with Softball Canadato pilot this initiative with the community of Orleans, ON. Inyear two of the campaign, the following Softball Communitiesparticipated: Windsor, ONSt. Catharines, ONand Orleans, ON. Inyear three of the campaign, the following Softball Communitiesparticipated: Arthur, ONOshawa, ON, Oakville, ON, Orleans, ON and Windsor, ON. Localcommunities in Ontarioare to recruit Women to participate in the sports? National CoachingCertification Program (NCCP) community sport workshops (Learn to Coach and KeepCoaching). There will be additional training and support offered in openand friendly forums to further encourage and assist these women in becomingsuccessful community coaches. In an effort to continually enhance Canada's community sport programs through coachtraining and developmental activities, six (6) grants of $1500 each will beawarded to local softball organizations across Canada. Thecommunity coaching grants must be completed by March 31, 2008. Softball Canada is responsible for the financialassistance of ?We are Coaches? grant while Softball Ontario theadministration of the program. If your local softball association would benefitfrom ?We Are Coaches? program,please contact Stephanie Sutton by Thursday, January 22, 2009 by 4:00 pm viaemail at ssutton(at) or bycalling 416-426-7150 with the proposed date of your clinic and the clinic youwish to offer. Softball Ontario is the governing bodyfor the sport of softball in OntarioOur goal is to promote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes,officials and volunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jan 21 09:22:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:22:36 -0800 Subject: Fan comments on AAU in Orlando Message-ID: <> Received: 1/21/09 2:48:21 AM From: Dennis Frye -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Caravans , HOF , WBC - and it's International Tournament of Major & Minor League Players Competing for their Countries in March , Hot Stove League , AAU this week at Disney's Wide World of Sports in Orlando , Florida has ALL the KID in each of us dreaming and gearing up for Fastball 09! MLB has Fantasy Baseball Magazines on Newstands and USA Today has the Spring Training dates and Sites printed for Fans to Plan and Prepare for OUR GLOBAL Game for every age to enjoy and Participate in.. Many Gloves and Bats are making their way into Gyms and Indoor Facilities , a Heart Warming site to see boys and girls of every age carrying the bags like back-packs! The Fortunate one's heading to Disney this week we hope and PRAY for Sunny and Softball weather for you all to enjoy and bask in the Warmth of what is to come in Early Spring for the rest of us staying at home this week. On this Inauguaration Day and ALL the Hope and YES WE CAN - Spirit of Americana !!! Many Free Agents signing HUGE Contracts and a Photo of Bud Selig standing by a Money Machine in Baseball Weekly - " Show Me The MONEY " What Fastball Free Agents have Switched Teams or what teams have broken the bank with their Sponsorship Money ??? I still miss Bob Tomlinson's Fast-pitch Chronicle in paper form , although The Internet & Streaming and Webcast are GOD's gift to US and thanks to Jim Flanagan and Al Doran and Ken Hackmeister and their Staff members who make it all happen . The oldest saying in sport is The Best Team Money can buy don't always win - it is the TEAM that Plays the Best ! PLAY BALL ... Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Jan 24 19:13:27 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 16:13:27 -0800 Subject: Gee-Gees Softball Star Happy to Stay Home Message-ID: <> Received: 1/24/09 7:09:54 PM From: scottsearle(at) Subject: Gee-Gees Softball Star Happy to Stay Home -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Softball player happy to stay home by Dan Plouffe View all articles from Dan Plouffe Article online since December 12nd 2008, 9:47 Be the first to comment on this article Jillian Taylor won multiple MVP awards for the Orl?ans Rebels and Ottawa Gee-Gees. Photo supplied Softball player happy to stay home Orl?ans Rebels softball player Jill Taylor is expecting this Christmas season won?t be quite as chaotic as the last one. At this time last year, she had settled into her role as a pitcher for the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees and was finally getting her education on track after she was set back due to a failed attempt at playing for a small Florida school on an athletic scholarship. But then Taylor got a call on Dec. 28, 2007 asking her if she would join Simon Fraser University ? the home of many Canadian national team players ? for the winter semester and their spring season. And she?d have to be there in about a week. ?I thought, ?That is such a huge opportunity and I would love it,? but it was really overwhelming,? says Taylor, who flew out to Vancouver to see the campus and practice with the softball team for a week, but returned to Ottawa for the second week of school. ?It was the shock of not being prepared at all to move away. (The offer) was a huge compliment ? I felt really honoured ? but it was not something I could fully commit to.? Taylor was coming off a season where she was named the Gee-Gees? team MVP, and because she was registering for classes late, none of her courses would transfer back to Ottawa U. Although she says the Simon Fraser offer would have been perfect in her first year, Taylor decided it wasn?t the right fit or the right time to make that big a change. ?I think Jill was really hurt by growing up in Ottawa ? Ontario?s one of the best provinces for ball, but the top teams are all from Toronto,? says Gee-Gees coach Scott Searle, who also coaches for the Rebels and is a teacher at St. Peter Catholic High School. ?She lacked exposure and elite competition, so I think that hurt her development at the beginning.? It wasn?t until Taylor started competing at the university level, and the Rebels began drawing players from as far as Pembroke and Kingston, that Taylor really blossomed and attracted more attention. This past summer, Taylor was named MVP of the provincial under-23 championships as the Rebels earned the first trip to nationals for an Ottawa team in a decade. She followed that up with her second Gee-Gees team MVP award in the fall, and also took home top pitcher honours from the Ontario university finals. ?With the university team and expanding the Orl?ans team, she?s been able to compete against better teams and she?s really been able to bring her game up,? Searle says, pegging Taylor as one of the best five or six players in Canada who aren?t on the national team. ?She?s one of the most dominant players in Ontario now.? Taylor, who was also the Gee-Gees? top hitter, doesn?t expect she?ll get another chance to make it to the national team level as a player, but she?s quite eager to help the next generation try to reach those goals. Taylor has helped out with clinics ? for free, Searle notes ? and can frequently be found at the ballpark, often with her dad, teaching youngsters how to pitch. ?I just love working with kids,? says Taylor, whose Starbucks job four days a week starts at 5 a.m. ?I think it?s important for kids to have a positive coach who?s knowledgeable in what they?re doing.? Taylor hasn?t had time to coach a team of her own yet, and for now she?s hoping that her playing career with the Gee-Gees can continue ? she?s applied for teacher?s college at the school for fall 2009. ?I love the Gee-Gees. I?m really sad that it could be my last year,? Taylor says, noting trips in rented vans to tournaments were her favourite memories ? even when they got lost in places like Deseronto without directions, cell phone service, gas, or any sign of life. ?Even though I play for softball, when I think back to Gee-Gees, I think of all the fun we?ve had and the friendships we?ve made through those trips.? Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Feb 2 15:57:29 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 12:57:29 -0800 Subject: Aurora Dolan & Murphy looking for pitcher for 2009 Message-ID: <> Received: 2/2/09 3:54:09 PM From: "Adam Perkins" Subject: Aurora Dolan & Murphy looking for pitcher for 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurora Dolan & Murphy looking forpitcher for 2009 Monday, February 2, 2009 Aurora, IL Aurora Dolan & Murphy Fastpitchis looking for an ISC level pitcher that would be interested in playingwith us for the 2009 season. We are a young team that is gettingmore competitive every year. We will be competing at ISC level tournamentsthroughout the season including the NAFA Open, ASA Major and ISC WorldTournament. If you are interested, please contact us by email todiscuss details of this opportunity. Thanks, Adam and Dave Perkins adam.perkins(at), dperk10(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Feb 3 15:58:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 12:58:25 -0800 Subject: South Perth Fastball League Annual Meeting Message-ID: <> Received: 2/3/09 3:04:42 PM From: George Nahrgang Subject: South Perth Fastball League Annual Meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The annual S.P.M.F.L meeting will be heldon Tuesday Feb.10 at 7:30 at the Shakespeare Hall in Shakespeare.Any teams interested in applying to join should be in attendance. George Nahrgang Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Feb 5 14:46:19 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 11:46:19 -0800 Subject: player looking for team in mid-west Message-ID: <> Received: 2/5/09 2:50:37 PM From: "Ritchie Richardson" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am writing to you all to get some information on men's fastpitch here in the midwest. I am interested in playing 45-over fastpitch or modified in a league or with a traveling team. l am looking for league info: what cities have leagues, if any?; Who might I contact in those areas? Also, are there traveling teams in some communities still? What communities have teams? Do they have openings or conduct tryouts? Who might I contact with those teams? If you know a team that has an opening or a tryout, here is some basic info on me if you might be interested: I am originally from the Knoxville, TN area and played college baseball at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, TN (1980-1984). After graduation in 1984, I played 7 seasons of ASA Men's Major and Men's Major Modified Fastpitch all over the south. I played for teams in Knoxville and Morristown, TN. We played leagues during the week in Rogersville, TN and Morristown, TN and played the major tournaments on weekends (Atlanta, Chattanooga, Durham, Morristown, Miami). Our teams had good success, winning several major tournaments and appearing at the Men's Major Modified National Tournament in Decatur, AL. I was a catcher primarily when I played but can play anywhere. I am 6'0" and weigh 180 lbs and in good shape. I am sure I could probably still find some of the guys I played with down there as references if you would need them. The only guy that I did play against that I know from the midwest is Al White (currently coach at Madonna Univ.). Al played out of Miami, FL and our paths crossed quite a bit during that time at the major tournaments. I moved to Bourbonnais, IL in 1990 and am employed by Olivet Nazarene University. I have coached fastpitch since 1995 at ONU and the Univ. of Illinois. Again, I appreciate any direction that you all can give me. I really love the mens game and am really excited to find out about it here in the midwest. Please feel free to call me at (815) 939-5166 or e-mail here at ONU. Thanks again. Ritchie Richardson Head Softball Coach Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (815) 939-5166 RRichard(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Feb 5 17:24:51 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 14:24:51 -0800 Subject: 15th Annual Haskell Commencement Fast Pitch Tournament 2009 Message-ID: <> Received: 2/5/09 4:36:28 PM From: Sherry Girty Subject: 15th Annual Haskell Commencement Fast Pitch Tournament 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15th Annual Haskell Commencement Indian Men???s & Women Fast Pitch Tournament May 9 ??? 10 2009Clinton Lake Sports ComplexLawrence, Kansas Entry Fee: $200.00MONEY ORDERS ONLY! Men???s Awards: (Subject to change)Championship: $500 + PulloversRunner-up: $300 + T-ShirtsThird Place: $150 + T-ShirtsM.V.P.: Bat Bag/.Jacket Women Awards: Sweatshirts, T-Shirts Entry Deadline: May 4, 2009 For Tournament Information: E-mail or Call us! Sherry Girty ??? sgirty(at)haskell.eduLou Edith Hara ??? lhara(at) Sherry Girty 785-979-5501 CellLou Edith Hara 785-749-8404 xt. 251 WorkGalen Springer 785-550-4902 Cell Sponsorship: Contact Lou @ 785-749-8404 x. 25 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Feb 8 15:15:06 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 12:15:06 -0800 Subject: player available in Timmins Message-ID: <> Received: 2/7/09 3:05:55 PM From: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm moving to Timmins to work with persona tv and was looking for a fastball team to play with. Now, I'm 20 so I was wondering if there was a junior team and how I go about contacting them, tryouts and all that stuff. Please let me know...I'd really appreciate it! Thanks, Michelle Baril First and Last Name: Michelle Baril Position/s: 3rd base/ utility infielder Current Hometown:currently new hamburg, soon to be Timmins State/Province: ON Date Posted:Feb 7, '09 Your Bio: I've played ball since I was 5 in the Kitchener area. Both Rep and Recreational and I'm looking for a spot to play. I haven't missed a summer in 15 years and really love the game. Notes: if you have any questions or need anything please let me know. Hope to hear from you soon. E-Mail Address: m.baril(at) or bo_sox33(at) also see FREE AGENTS on Team Page Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Feb 8 23:54:43 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 20:54:43 -0800 Subject: looking for a team in London, On area Message-ID: <> Received: 2/8/09 10:32:09 PM From: "Seth Allen" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am looking for a fastball team in the London Ontario area to play this year, I play 1st or 3rd. Thanks Seth Allen sethallen(at) 519-639-0498 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Feb 10 13:24:20 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 10:24:20 -0800 Subject: Free Agent Page on NEWS-1 Message-ID: <> See FREE AGENTS Players looking for teams and teams looking for players. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Feb 13 01:17:10 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 22:17:10 -0800 Subject: softball tourney kcmo Message-ID: <> Received: 2/12/09 6:43:22 PM From: manuel hernandez Add to People Section To: fastball at CC: Subject: softball tourney kcmo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We would like to welcome anyone interested in attening this year class C tourney held in downtown kansas city mo. please fell fre to pass this inform.Torney dates May 23-24-09 you can reach me at 816-589-3769 or 816-931-302 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Feb 13 20:19:24 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:19:24 -0800 Subject: REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR GET IN THE GAME SYMPOSIUM Message-ID: <> Received: 2/13/09 4:48:42 PM From: Softball Ontario's Participation Program Subject: REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR GET IN THE GAME SYMPOSIUM NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: LisaCrompton (416) 426-7150 lcrompton at DATE: February13, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATIONDEADLINE EXTENDED FOR GET IN THE GAMESYMPOSIUM NORTH YORK, ONTARIO - Due to overwhelming demand,Softball Ontario is pleased to announce that we will be extending theregistration deadline for the Get In The Game Symposium until FridayFebruary 20, 2009. The Get In The Game Symposium is designed tobring Softball Association Executives together to learn from each other?sexperience and develop new ways to promote softball in Ontario. Topics to be discussedat the 2009 Symposium include marketing, fundraising, building effective websites, productive & fun practices, and more! In addition, SoftballOntario will be launching a new initiative designed to help SoftballAssociations and to promote softball across the province! Softball Associationswho have already registered for the 2009 Symposium include: Don Victoria SoftballLeague Bramalea Boys MinorSoftball Association Brantford MinorSoftball Association Kitchener WaterlooMinor Boys Softball Greater KingstonSoftball Association Brampton GirlsSoftball Association Scarborough SoftballAssociation Sarnia Minor AthleticAssociation Girls Fastball Stittsville MinorSoftball Association Vaughan VikingsSoftball Mississauga NorthSoftball Topham Park MinorSoftball Alderwood SoftballAssociation Etobicoke GirlsSoftball League Oshawa NASCSoftball CourticeSoftball WoodbridgeSoftball Oakville GirlsSoftball Association Unionville MinorSoftball Association All SoftballAssociations in Ontario are encouraged to take advantage of the newFriday February 20, 2009 deadline and registerrepresentatives from their Association. Date: Saturday February 28, 2009 Time: 9:00 AM ? 5:00 PM (Registration begins at 8:00AM) Location: Sport Alliance Building 1185 Eglinton Avenue East North York, ON M3C 3C6 Cost: FREE Participants will eachreceive a delegate bag containing free promotional materials and informationfrom Softball Ontario. In addition, an Exhibitor Marketplace will takeplace during the lunch-hour. Travel (mileage) andaccommodations will be provided by Softball Ontario for those whoqualify. Participants in the Symposium must register with Lisa Cromptonat Softball Ontario before February 20, 2009. If you would like toregister for the Get In The Game Symposium or you have any questions, contactLisa Crompton via telephone at (416) 426-7150 or via email at lcrompton(at) Softball Ontario is looking forward to working together with you to makesoftball better! Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Feb 17 09:19:41 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 06:19:41 -0800 Subject: Fantasy Week Message-ID: <> Imagine spending a full week in Sunny Florida with the Softball Champions from Team USA, The PFX Tour and the Champions from the Womens College World Series...learning and training with the best in the world. Now you can make your or your daughter's dream come true! Join the All American Fastpitch Fantasy Week and experiance the opportunity of a lifetime! This exclusive camp will be held in Clermont, Florida Dec.26th - Jan 1st, 2009. Whats Included? One on One and Group Lessons in Fastpitch Softball with the Champions of Fastpitch Strength Training and Conditioning designed for Fastpitch Softball Players Evening Lectures with Softball Pros, College Coaches and Special Guests Pizza Dinner and Welcome Party with the Pros at the Hotel Video Analysis of Hitting, Throwing and Pitching Custom Made Apparel for you to wear at camp 8X10 Autographed Photo of you and the Prop Prises and Giveaways from our Sponsors Final Goodbye Party at the Hotel! And so much more!!! Also Included: Hotel Room for 4 Nights (2 campers per room) Tranportation to Hotel to included AAFFW Events Breakfast & Lunch (Dinner available by request) Memories to last a lifetime! For AAFFW Information and Cost, go to and click on the "Request Information " Link to receive complete details by email! Don't miss the chance this year! Registration is limited to the first 50 campers that register. If you have any questions just contact us by CLICKING HERE Easy Payment Plans Available! Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Feb 17 09:23:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 06:23:25 -0800 Subject: Upcoming Fast Ball Tournaments in Salt Lake City, UT Message-ID: <> Received: 2/16/09 7:17:31 PM From: "Rosanna Morera" Subject: Upcoming Fast Ball Tournaments in Salt Lake City, UT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming Fast Ball Tournaments in Salt Lake City, UT Good afternoon! I am excited to be able to offer you and your teams the following rates for your 2009 sports events in Salt Lake City. We have two great hotels less than 10 minutes from downtown Salt Lake City, and less than 15 minutes from the University of Utah and other sports venues. I have been able to work out some really amazing rates for your teams. Below is a brief overview of some of the amenities we will be able to offer you: Complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport Complimentary Suite Seasons Breakfast when staying at the SpringHill Suites by Marriott Complimentary wireless internet and business center 25% larger suites at our SpringHill Suites by Marriott property with brand new 37" flat screen TV's On-site restaurant that serves breakfast and dinner at the Courtyard by Marriott - your preferred rate will include breakfast each morning during your stay - a $9.00/person value! We promise that if you stay at our hotels you will receive top notch service and the most value to your dollar. In these trying economic times we understand that you have budgets to stay within and we are here to help you keep to your bottom line. Our normal rates at both hotels are $169.95 a night - so you can see that we are extending this preferred pricing to do what we can to help. We would like to offer you the following rates while in Salt Lake City: Courtyard by Marriott - $64.00/night includes breakfast in our full-service, on-site restaurant SpringHill Suites by Marriott - $62.00/night includes complimentary Suite Seasons Breakfast - BRAND NEW HOTEL OPENING FEBRUARY 13, 2009! You can take a virtual tour of our properties at and . We can accommodate up to 6 in a double room - 4 to a single room with a pull out couch. You can contact me directly if you would like to book your team at one of our hotels. I would just need a roster/rooming list and a credit card to hold the rooms. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of further service to you. I'm looking forward to working with you this year. Best Regards, Rosanna Morera Cluster Sales Manager - airport properties Residence Inn by Marriott Courtyard by Marriott SpringHill Suites by Marriott 4883 West Douglas Corrigan Way Salt Lake City, UT 84116 (801) 532-4101 - office (801) 532-4206 - fax Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Feb 17 16:56:06 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 13:56:06 -0800 Subject: In the Home Stretch.... Ontario's Coaches Symposium Message-ID: <> Received: 2/17/09 4:21:43 PM From: Softball Ontario's Participation Program IN_THE_HOME_STRETCH_FOR_THE_SOFTBALL_ONTARIO?S_COACHES_S -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: February17, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THE HOME STRETCH FOR THE SOFTBALL ONTARIO?SCOACHES SYMPOSIUM NORTH YORK,ON- Softball Ontario wants to remind Softball Coaches that thedeadline to register for the Softball Coaches Symposium is just around thecorner! Be sure to secure your spot before Thursday, February19, 2009! Please join Softball Ontario, SoftballCanada and the Investor?s Group at Mohawk College in Brantfordfor softball instruction at it's finest. It is a great opportunityfor Softball Coaches to learn from the experts! Presenters for this action packed day include: Todd Martin- Todd is considered an outstanding athlete andexcellent pitcher in our great game. Todd plays for the Canadian NationalMen's Softball team. Some of his successes are the following: 4 Time WorldChampion, 9 Time All World, 3 Time MV Pitcher Worlds, 6 Time All American andrepresenting Canada this summer at the ISF Men?s World?sChampionships. ? Topic: Advanced Pitching Skills and Drills Erin Forman- A Director of ?RisingStars? elite softball camps clinics and workshops; former member of SoftballCanada?s National Team Program, NCAA All American, NFCA Great Lakes RegionFirst Team Shortstop. - with - Dr. AndrewPeters - Dr. Peters received his Physical Education from WesternUniversity and is a member in good standing within the Ontario College ofTeachers. He is the Executive Director of "Rising Stars" anorganization initially born through the implementation of developmentalathletic and social programs for First Nations youth. Rising Stars hasexperienced significant growth and diversification. The organization hasexpanded to provide sports and athletic camps, clinics, and workshops; nowavailable throughout southern Ontario. ? Topic: Dynamic Stretching and Strength conditioning activities for all ages; Batting;Infield and Outfield Skills and Drills DaveBourne- Dave has an extensive background in Softball as SoftballOntario?s Coaching Chairman, Master Learning Facilitator, and his experiencecoaching softball at the provincial and national level. In 2009, CoachBourne was named Softball Canada's Home Run Sports Coach of the Year. ? Topic: Slap and Drag Bunting; CRASH WARM Event attendees for the 2009 Coaches Symposium have theopportunity to get up close and personal with our expertise from differentaspects of the game. Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009 Time: 9:30 am- 4:30 PM (Registration begins at 8:30 am) Location: Mohawk College, Brantford Campus Cost: $30.00 plus GST (includes pizza lunch) RegistrationDeadline: Thursday, February 19, 2009 There is stillroom, so sign up today! Here is the link to the application form: Softball Ontario mustrecruit a minimum of thirty-five (35) participants by February 19, 2009 inorder to host the 2009 Coaches Symposium, so apply today! If the minimumnumber of participants is not reached by February 19, 2009, the Symposium maybe cancelled. Softball Ontario will continue to accept applicationsafter the deadline providing the minimum of thirty-five (35) participants haveregistered. Softball Ontario will accept registration beyond February19, 2009 and on the actual day of the Symposium as along as the minimum numberof participants has been met. Note: SoftballOntario will issue a full refund of $30.00 plus GST if a Symposium participantcancels before Thursday, February 19. Softball Ontario is pleased tooffer this opportunity to softball coaches who may want to continue theirprofessional development beyond the National Coaching CertificationProgram. Ontario is putting its best efforts forward to prepare Coachesfor the softball season. A special thank you to the Quest for GoldLottery, the Ontario Government, specifically the Ministry of HealthPromotions. Without the financial support of these organizations, theSoftball Ontario Coaches Symposium would be not possible. Coacheswish to attend are asked to complete the Coaches Symposium registration formwhich can be found on the Softball Ontario website at Softball Ontario is thegoverning body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is to promoteand develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials and volunteersby providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Feb 21 10:08:03 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 07:08:03 -0800 Subject: BC Umpire Tonya Ribalkin Message-ID: <> Received: 2/20/09 1:39:30 AM Subject: Re: BC Umpire Tonya Ribalkin Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Mar 4 19:25:06 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:25:06 -0800 Subject: Feedback on Darren Zack release Message-ID: <> See Darren Zack story: Congratulations Darren - always a class act on the field... all the best in the ISC II with your son. Being from the Mi'kmaq Nation in Nova Scotia, I had a chance to meet Mr. Zack during the 2005 Canadian Championships in Windsor/St. Croix when we entered our Cape Breton Thunder team (which was comprised half of native players) as well as the 2005 North American Indigenous Games in Denver, Colorado. He is always such a gracious ambassador for the great game of fastpitch softball everywhere he goes, so kudos to the ISC for allowing him the ability to continue his career and the opportunity to play with his son on the same team... Please send along our congratulations and best wishes!! Go get 'em Darren! Sincerely, Robert Bernard Nova Scotia Ken, Congratulations on a superb decision. This is a gracious and judicious gesture that should make us all proud. Thanks, JJ BC Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Mar 4 19:34:16 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:34:16 -0800 Subject: More Feedback on Zack story Message-ID: <> See Zack story: Ken, I applaud the ISC's decision re granting Darren Zack's eligibility to play in the ISC II Divison for the 2009 season. I think it would be great to play with your son. Darren has done a lot for Fastball and deserves this special opportunity to continue playing. Larry BC Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Mar 10 22:35:38 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:35:38 -0800 Subject: Bats Message-ID: <> Received: 3/10/09 6:34:29 PM From: david cummins I play in a small league in hamilton ont (3rd year) and I'm trying to find out the type of bat to buy i have bought three so far but am not wanting to buy every bat out there i'm 6'2 about 235. The "fastpitch" bats that i have looked at seem to be geared toward women Am i going to damage a slowpitch bat. and do you have any suggestions on what a "good" fastball bat for men is daveydog6(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Mar 11 14:06:11 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 10:06:11 -0800 Subject: 2009 Mens championships in Saskatoon, Canada Message-ID: <> Received: 3/11/09 12:40:39 PM From: Bunny Combres Subject: 2009 Mens championships in Saskatoon,canada -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My wife Yvonne and I are fastball fans and we live on 2 acres of lakefront one and a half hours by auto north of Saskatoon.We are interested in hosting softball fans before ,during, or following the competion.We offer swimming,boating,fishing,golfing,and good old downhome Saskatchewan hospitality. We are planning to visit N.Z and Australia in 2010 or 2011 and are wanting to find folks willing to host us in exchange. Anyone that might be interested is more than welcome to contact us. Bunny Combres Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Mar 17 09:21:39 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 05:21:39 -0800 Subject: Looking for uniforms for South American team (girls) Message-ID: <> Received: 3/17/09 8:09:29 AM From: Fernanda Garrido Jordan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hola , mi nombre es fernanda y vivo ne Chile, sudamerica. pertennezco a un equipo de softball, el cual adoramos pero somo de escasos recursos, en mi pais no es masivo este deporte por lo cual no existe financiamiento. Mi consulta es si ustedes me pueden ayudar a conseguir uniformes para damas ( usados o nuevo) para comprar mas barato...agradecida de antemano.Fernand hello, my name is Jake and I live ne Chile, South America. pertennezco a softball team, which we worship but we are poor in my country for this sport is massive and there is funding. My advice is if you can help me get uniforms for ladies (used or new) to buy the cheapest ... grateful antemano.Fernand fgarridoj30(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Mar 18 14:12:08 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 10:12:08 -0800 Subject: Hamilton Rec Team looking for an Ontario Tour, like Ottawa Message-ID: <> Received: 3/18/09 1:01:19 PM From: "AliceAnn Wedlock" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team from Hamilton Ont only a rec team but looking for a tour we can get away for the weekend. Ottawa sounds like a nice place to go any opens left I hope. Dana Wedlock (RailRoaders) awedlock(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Mar 18 18:54:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:54:25 -0800 Subject: looking for a pitcher in Calgary Message-ID: <> Received: 3/18/09 5:50:58 PM From: dwayne scofield Subject: fastball pitcher -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi,my name is dwayne and i run a fastball team in calgary. I am currently looking for a pitcher. If you are intressded in playing please contact me heatherstoffer(at) thanks Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Apr 5 14:56:23 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 11:56:23 -0700 Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO ANNOUNCES A SOFTBALL CANADA INSTRUCTOR/EVALUATOR CLINIC IN TORONTO, ON Message-ID: <> Received: 4/3/09 10:26:10 AM From: Softball Ontario Umpires Program Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO ANNOUNCES A SOFTBALL CANADA INSTRUCTOR/EVALUATOR CLINIC IN TORONTO, ON NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: April3, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTBALL ONTARIO ANNOUNCES A SOFTBALLCANADA UMPIRE INSTRUCTOR/EVALUATOR CLINIC IN TORONTO NORTH YORK, ONTARIO ? Softball Ontario?sUmpire Program is thrilled to announce they are hosting Softball Canada?sUmpire Instructor/Evaluator in Toronto, Ontario on May 2-3, 2009. Pleasenote this clinic is being held at the Sport Alliance of Ontario building inToronto and is the same location as the Softball Canada Level 4 Umpire clinicand the home of Softball Ontario. This twelve (12) hours Softball Canada clinic focuses onhow to be an effective Softball Canada Umpire Clinic Instructor and how tobecome a knowledgeable Softball Canada Umpire Evaluator. This excitingeducational opportunity will offer the following objectives: improve yourquality of Umpire clinic instruction; develop your Evaluation techniques of OnField Evaluations and provide a national network of Softball Canada?sInstructor/Evaluators. Top notch Softball Canada Umpire Instructors for theUmpire Instructor/Evaluator Clinic will be on hand to lead this clinic. In order to be eligible to attend the Softball CanadaInstructor/Evaluator clinic hosted by Softball Ontario, you must be a fullycertified Level 3 Softball Ontario Official. Softball Ontario LevelII Umpires may be given consideration upon approval from theappropriate Provincial Umpire-in-Chief, Jack Van Bynen for Slo-Pitch Umpiresand Peter Kluszczynski Fast Pitch Provincial Umpire-in-Chief. Pleasenote approval is also required from Softball Canada National Director ofUmpires, Brian Van Os. Softball Ontario must recruit a minimum of twenty (20)participants by April 17, 2009 in order to host the clinic, so applytoday! If the minimum number of participants is not reached by April 17,the clinic will be cancelled. Softball Ontario will continue to acceptapplications after the deadline providing the minimum of twenty (20)participants have registered. Cost: Member Fee: $225.00 plus GST per participant Non Member Fee: $275.00 plus GST per participant Note: Member meansindividual is a registered umpire with Softball Ontario in thecurrent year or in the previous year. Softball Ontario has reservedaccommodations for clinic participants at the Crowne Plaza-Toronto Don Valleylocated at 1250 Eglinton Ave E, North York, ON M3C 1J3 with a room rate of$99.00 plus applicable taxes. It is the responsibility of participantswho require accommodation to book their own accommodations. Please notewhen making reservation, please mention you are a participant of the SoftballOntario Umpire Clinic. To register for the Softball Canada Instructor/EvaluatorUmpire clinic, please visit the Softball Ontario website . Formore information about the upcoming Softball Canada Instructor/EvaluatorUmpires clinic or the Softball Ontario Umpires program, please contactStephanie Sutton by email ssutton(at) orcall 416-426-7150. -30- Softball Ontariois the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Apr 5 14:57:52 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 11:57:52 -0700 Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO LEVEL 3 UMPIRE CLINIC-OTTAWA Message-ID: <> Received: 4/3/09 9:13:40 AM From: Softball Ontario Umpires Program Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO LEVEL 3 UMPIRE CLINIC-OTTAWA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: April3, 2009 SOFTBALL ONTARIO LEVEL 3 UMPIRE CLINIC-OTTAWA NORTH YORK, ONTARIO-The Softball Ontario Level 3 Umpire clinic scheduled for April 4-, 2009in Ottawa, ON has been cancelled due to low registration numbers. The Softball OntarioUmpires Committees will discuss the possiblilities of hosting a SoftballOntario Level 3 Umprie CLinic in 2010. For details of otherUmpire clinics being offered by Softball Ontairo, visit the Softball Ontariowebsite at If you have any questionsrelated to the cancellation of the Softball Ontario Level 3 Umpire clinic,please contact Jack Van Bynen, SP PUIC at jack.vanbynen(at) or Peter Kluszczynski, FP PUIC atkluzzy(at) -30- Softball Ontariois the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Apr 6 10:35:04 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 07:35:04 -0700 Subject: Successful Week for Gee-Gees Message-ID: <> Received: 4/5/09 9:32:04 PM From: scottsearle at Subject: Successful Week for Gee-Gees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The University of Ottawa 's competitive sports banquet on April 2nd concluded a great week for the Gee-Gees softball program. Jillian Taylor and Vanessa Homiak were awarded Quest for Gold scholarships from the Provincial Womens Softball Association and the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion. These scholarships are awarded to elite athletes who live, study and train in Ontario based on athletic performance. Jill and Vanessa received the scholarship based on their performance in 2008 where both athletes led their respective club teams to medals at the Ontario Provincials and the Jr. Womens National Championship in Summerside Prince Edward Island . Vanessa led the Pickering Heat to a Gold Medal at the Provincials and a Silver Medal at the Canadian Championships. Vanessa was critical to the teams success at the Nationals with 2 game-winning RBI's. Jillian was instrumental in the Orleans Rebels bronze medal performance at the Provincials, and was named the tournaments MVP. These scholarships are worth $8,000 each and are a great incentive for Ontario athletes to train at home. Sustaining the program's reputation for academic excellence, we maintained our 100% graduation rate and two of our athletes were accepted into teacher's college at the University of Ottawa . Elissa Sivel and Jillian Taylor will don the garnet and grey in 2009 in their last year of eligibility. Finally, Jillian Taylor was named the Competitive Sports Club Female Athlete of the Year for her 2008 performance. Jill finished the year with 13 wins for the Gee-Gees, leading the team to a silver medal at the Provincial Championships. She set a team records for wins, most strikeouts, lowest ERA (.71) and most stolen bases in a season (11) . Jillian was second in the team in batting average (0.477), hits (31) and runs scored (15). Significant accolades came with this very successful season ??? Jillian was awarded the team MVP, the Top Pitcher in the league (OIWFA), a Quest for Gold Scholarship and an Ottawa Sports Award for the Top Softball Player in the city. Jillian joins Gee-Gees Alumni Danna Masters (2003) and Lindsey McLaughlin (2005 , 2006) in winning this prestigious award amongst 17 other competitive sports clubs within the University . The Gee-Gees will de-centralize for the summer as they all chase various athletic goals throughout the summer before re-convening in the fall in their quest for an OIWFA Championship and their first appearance at a University National Championship. Scott Searle Head Coach Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Apr 6 10:35:58 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 07:35:58 -0700 Subject: Big Week for Gee-Gees Message-ID: <> Received: 4/5/09 8:56:07 PM From: scottsearle at Subject: Big Week for Gee-Gees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Release The University of Ottawa 's competitive sports banquet on April 2nd concluded a great week for the Gee-Gees softball program. Jillian Taylor and Vanessa Homiak were awarded Quest for Gold scholarships from the Provincial Womens Softball Association and the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion. These scholarships are awarded to elite athletes who live, study and train in Ontario based on athletic performance. Jill and Vanessa received the scholarship based on their performance in 2008 where both athletes led their respective club teams to medals at the Ontario Provincials and the Jr. Womens National Championship in Summerside Prince Edward Island . Vanessa led the Pickering Heat to a Gold Medal at the Provincials and a Silver Medal at the Canadian Championships. Vanessa was critical to the teams success at the Nationals with 2 game-winning RBI's. Jillian was instrumental in the Orleans Rebels bronze medal performance at the Provincials, and was named the tournaments MVP. These scholarships are worth $8,000 each and are a great incentive for Ontario athletes to train at home. Sustaining the program's reputation for academic excellence, we maintained our 100% graduation rate and two of our athletes were accepted into teacher's college at the University of Ottawa . Elissa Sivel and Jillian Taylor will don the garnet and grey in 2009 in their last year of eligibility. Finally, Jillian Taylor was named the Competitive Sports Club Female Athlete of the Year for her 2008 performance. Jill finished the year with 13 wins for the Gee-Gees, leading the team to a silver medal at the Provincial Championships. She set a team records for wins, most strikeouts, lowest ERA (.71) and most stolen bases in a season (11) . Jillian was second in the team in batting average (0.477), hits (31) and runs scored (15). Significant accolades came with this very successful season ??? Jillian was awarded the team MVP, the Top Pitcher in the league (OIWFA), a Quest for Gold Scholarship and an Ottawa Sports Award for the Top Softball Player in the city. Jillian joins Gee-Gees Alumni Danna Masters (2003) and Lindsey McLaughlin (2005 , 2006) in winning this prestigious award amongst 17 other competitive sports clubs within the University . The Gee-Gees will de-centralize for the summer as they all chase various athletic goals throughout the summer before re-convening in the fall in their quest for an OIWFA Championship and their first appearance at a University National Championship. Scott Searle Head Coach Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Apr 13 13:20:54 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:20:54 -0700 Subject: Successful Week for Gee-Gees (Women) Message-ID: <> Received: 4/13/09 11:33:53 AM From: scottsearle(at) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The University of Ottawa 's competitive sports banquet on April 2nd concluded a great week for the Gee-Gees softball program. Orleans resident Jillian Taylor and Vanessa Homiak were awarded Quest for Gold scholarships from the Provincial Womens Softball Association and the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion. These scholarships are awarded to elite athletes who live, study and train in Ontario based on athletic performance. Jill and Vanessa received the scholarship based on their performance in 2008 where both athletes led their respective club teams to medals at the Ontario Provincials and the Jr. Womens National Championship in Summerside Prince Edward Island . Vanessa led the Pickering Heat to a Gold Medal at the Provincials and a Silver Medal at the Canadian Championships. Vanessa was critical to the teams success at the Nationals with 2 game-winning RBI's. Jillian was instrumental in the Orleans Rebels bronze medal performance at the Provincials, and was named the tournaments MVP. These scholarships are worth $8,000 each and are a great incentive for Ontario athletes to train at home. Sustaining the program's reputation for academic excellence, we maintained our 100% graduation rate and two of our athletes were accepted into teacher's college at the University of Ottawa . Elissa Sivel and Jillian Taylor will don the garnet and grey in 2009 in their last year of eligibility. Finally, Jillian Taylor was named the Competitive Sports Club Female Athlete of the Year for her 2008 performance. Jill finished the year with 13 wins for the Gee-Gees, leading the team to a silver medal at the Provincial Championships. She set a team records for wins, most strikeouts, lowest ERA (.71) and most stolen bases in a season (11) . Jillian was second in the team in batting average (0.477), hits (31) and runs scored (15). Significant accolades came with this very successful season ??? Jillian was awarded the team MVP, the Top Pitcher in the league (OIWFA), a Quest for Gold Scholarship and an Ottawa Sports Award for the Top Softball Player in the city. Jillian joins Gee-Gees Alumni Danna Masters (2003) and Lindsey McLaughlin (2005 , 2006) in winning this prestigious award amongst 17 other competitive sports clubs within the University . Finally, the team was awarded a Calvary Award as the Top Competitive Club of the Year. "When looking at the Gee-Gees??? competitive clubs, the women???s fastball team stands out as one of the most successful. The Gee-Gees were among the cream of the crop in the Ontario Intercollegiate Women???s Fastball Association (OIWFA) regular season, collecting an impressive 14-4 record by the season???s end. In the playoffs, the Gees were almost unstoppable, defeating the Laurier Golden Hawks, Queen???s Golden Gaels, and Windsor Lancers in the round-robin portion of the OIWFA championships. Although the team ultimately fell 5-1 to the Western Mustangs in the championship game, this did not marr an otherwise excellent season. The team are perennial medal contenders in OIWFA, and this year has added to their string of success." The Gee-Gees will de-centralize for the summer as they all chase various athletic goals throughout the summer before re-convening in the fall in their quest for an OIWFA Championship and their first appearance at a University National Championship. Scott Searle Head Coach Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Apr 22 10:01:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 07:01:36 -0700 Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO AND UNIONVILLE MINOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION HOST TWO (2) NCCP CLINICS Message-ID: <> Received: 4/20/09 4:36:35 PM From: Softball Ontario's Participation Program Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO AND UNIONVILLE MINOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION HOST TWO (2) NCCP CLINICS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: April20, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTBALL ONTARIO AND UNIONVILLE MINOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION HOST TWO(2) NCCP CLINICS NORTH YORK, ON- Softball Ontario is pleasedto announce its partnership with Unionville Minor Softball in hosting two (2)National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) clinic for Softball Coaches ~Community Sport Stream: Learn to Coach (officially called CommunitySport-Initiation) and Keep Coaching (officially called Community Sport-OnGoing Participation). The scheduled dates are as follows: Learn to Coach- Saturday, May 9, 2009 inUnionville, ON Keep Coaching- Friday, May 1 and Saturday, May 2, 2009 inUnionville, ON The National Coaching Certification Program(NCCP) is a coach training and certification program for 66 different sportsand is offered both official languages across Canada. NCCP workshops aredesigned to meet the needs of all types of coaches from the first time-coachto the head coach of the national team. The NCCP is recognized as thenational standard for coach training and certification in Canada. Aspart of the program, all coaches are trained in ethical decisions-making andsport safety. Softball Ontario is the provider of the NCCP Program forthe sport of Softball in the province of Ontario. Softball Ontario and Unionville MinorSoftball have partnered as both Associations are committed to providingopportunities for Softball Coaches to advance their skills and knowledge atall levels. The Community Sport stream is geared for local SoftballAssociations and House League to provide Coach education that is best suitedfor its athletes. Learn to Coach Clinic - 6 hours Thisworkshop has been designed for the community softball coach who is workingwith children or youth and is introducing the basic skills of softball. Thefocus of this course is: ? Your coaching philosophy ? Making Ethical decisions ? Understanding the rules andequipment of Softball ? Teaching basic skills of Softball ? Modifying a pre-designed practice Keep Coaching Clinic-12 hours Coachesencourage participants of all ages to continue in the Sport for fun, fitness,skill development and social interaction. This training allows coaches to helptheir players to love softball, learn more skills and continueparticipation. For more information regarding these twoclinics or to register please contact Pam Branoff at 905-604-0190 or umsa at For more information about the SoftballOntario Coaches Program and the NCCP Program, please contact Steph Sutton at416-426-7150 or ssutton(at) Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From aldoran at Sat Apr 25 14:39:38 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:39:38 -0700 Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO GIRLZ RULE CLINIC CANCELLED Message-ID: <> Al Doran, CHRP Phenix Management Int'l, Inc. 10520 Yonge St. Unit 35B, Suite 217 Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 3C7 Office Phone: +1.416-505-6204 Office Fax: +1.416-352-7456 Email: aldoran at 3rd Edition Now Available VIA From fastball at Thu Apr 30 15:00:19 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:00:19 -0700 Subject: May INSIDE PITCH 2009 Message-ID: <> Received: 4/30/09 7:31:47 AM From: "Bill Plummer" Subject: May INSIDE PITCH 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The May2009 issue of THE INSIDE PITCH is now online. You can access itby using the link provided below. : If you have any questions or comments, pleasecontact me. Also, ifyou have any news items/pictures for the June issue, get them to me by June 1. Thanks very much. Bill Plummer III Hall of Fame Manager, Editor,INSIDE PITCH National Softball Hall of Fame (405) 425-3433 e-mail: bplummer(at) visit us on the web: The Inside Pitch is provided inPortable Document Format (PDF). If you do not have software installed on yourcomputer that is capable of displaying or printing PDF files, please access theAdobe website to the download their free Adobe Reader software. The downloadaddress is: . If you need other help regarding TheInside Pitch file, or any other PDF file located on our website, please access for additional help. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat May 2 16:03:41 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 13:03:41 -0700 Subject: Ice breaker in dekalb, il Message-ID: <> Received: 5/2/09 2:55:17 PM From: Brian Tobin Add to People Section To: Al Doran CC: Subject: Ice breaker in dekalb, il -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are sending results to our site: Sent from G1. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue May 5 23:59:24 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 20:59:24 -0700 Subject: The Linwood Jr Chiefs require an experienced pitcher Message-ID: <> The Linwood Jr Chiefs require an experienced pitcher for Millgrove, starting Friday Night, (May 8-10) as well as June 5, (Snapper Shootout). Contact: Don Freeman- donhfreeman(at) Phone-1-519-698-1018 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed May 6 14:15:41 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 11:15:41 -0700 Subject: LORDS WOMEN'S FASTBALL GOES WEST FOR NEW RECRUIT Message-ID: <> Received: 5/6/09 12:56:54 PM From: Scott Dennis Add to People Section To: "Media Als Fastball (fastball at" CC: Subject: LORDS WOMEN'S FASTBALL GOES WEST FOR NEW RECRUIT DurhamLords Media Release Monday, May 04, 2009 Lords women?s fastball goes west for new recruit Oshawa, Ont. ? Women?s fastball head coach Jim Nemish andthe Durham College Athletic Department is proud to announce that Janna Hagan willbe joining the program next fall. Hagan, a native of Sherwood Park, Alberta, joins the Lords after an impressive12 year minor fastball career out west with the Sherwood Park Belles. It is anticipated that Hagan will both pitch and play the outfield for theLords next season. At the plate, she is a feared slugger who hits for power andaverage. Last season, she finished the year with a .393 batting average and a sluggingpercentage of .538. She also led the team in RBI?s with 31 on the season.On the mound, Hagan has dominated opposing batters as she can throw a varietyof pitches while reaching 56-58 mph on the radar gun. Hagan also has plenty of experience playing at the provincial and nationallevel, going on to win a number of awards. In 2008, her team won a silver medal at the Alberta Provincial Championship andparticipated at the Canada Cup, placing sixth out of 21 teams. One year prior,Hagan played for Team Alberta at the Western Canada Games where the team wonbronze. She also won silver at the Canadian Bantam Nationals in Montreal, whereshe was recognized as the Player of the Game. In 2006, her team went on to winthe bronze medal at the Alberta Summer Games. Uponviewing her profile and meeting with Hagan and her family, Nemish immediatelyknew that she would be a great fit for the program as well as the college.?She has a tremendous work ethic and is dedicated to the game offastball. She is also an excellent student in the classroom. Janna has plenty of experience in pressure situations and she will bring an added dimension to our program. We arelooking forward to having her in our lineup next season.? Hagan hada chance to visit the college this pastFebruary before choosing to enroll at Durham. She was able to talk to academicand athletic staff, meet some of the current players and tour the excellentfacilities on campus. ?Ifeel that Janna will fit right in with our returning players in seeing themtogether in the short time she was here,? commented Nemish. ?Alongwith all of our returning freshmen class and a couple of third year veterans, the addition of Janna will only help to make usstronger for this fall.? The DurhamCollege women?s fastball program is coming off a silver medal performancein 2008. The Lords have won provincial medals in twelve consecutive seasons havecollected a total of 26 since 1981 (14 gold, 8 silver, 4 bronze), the most ofany college in league history. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) scott.dennis(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed May 6 16:59:38 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 13:59:38 -0700 Subject: Field Narrowed to 10 for the Finalists for the USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Message-ID: <> Field Narrowed to 10 for the Finalists for the USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year For ImmediateRelease: 5/6/09 Field Narrowed to10 for the Finalists for the USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year OKLAHOMA CITY,Okla. --- The Amateur Softball Association of America (ASA), theNational Governing Body of Softball in the United States, has selected its 10Finalists for the 8th Annual USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Award.This award, which is considered the most prestigious honors in Division Iwomen?s collegiate softball, is designed to recognize outstanding athleticachievement by female collegiate softball players across the country. Pastwinners of this award include UCLA?s Stacey Nuveman, Florida State?s JessicaVan der Linden, three-time winner Texas pitcher Cat Osterman, Tennessee?sMonica Abbott and Virginia Tech?s Angela Tincher. The Top 10 list represents 10 schools and five different NCAA Division IConferences. The list is comprised of five seniors, four juniors, and onesophomore. The 2009 USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year will be chosenfrom the 10 finalists. The three finalists will be announced May 20th while the winner ofthe 2009 USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Award will be announcedprior to the start of the 2009 NCAA Women?s College World Series in OklahomaCity. 2009 Top 10Finalists for the USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Name ? School ?Year ? Position ? Hometown Stacie Chambers (Arizona) ? Junior ?Catcher ? Glendale, Az. Kaitlin Cochran (Arizona State) -Senior- Outfield - Yorba Linda, Calif. Amber Flores (Oklahoma) ? Junior ?Infield ? Calexico, Calif. Alisa Goler (Georgia) ? Sophomore ?Infield ? Frankfort, Ill. Danielle Lawrie (Washington) ?Junior - Pitcher ? Langley, British Columbia Charlotte Morgan (Alabama) ? Junior?Pitcher/Utility ? Moreno Valley, Calif. Stacey Nelson (Florida) ? Senior ?Pitcher ? Los Alamitos, Calif. Amber Patton (DePaul) ? Senior ?Third Base - Forsyth, Ill. Missy Penna (Stanford) ? Senior ?Pitcher/Infield ? Miami, Fla. Tammy Williams (Northwestern) ?Senior ? Infield - Roscoe, Mo. About ASA The Amateur Softball Association, founded in 1933, is the National GoverningBody of softball in the United States and a member of the United States OlympicCommittee. The ASA has become one of the nation?s largest sports organizationsand now sanctions competition in every state through a network of 83 localassociations. The ASA has grown from a few hundred teams in the early days toover 240,000 teams today, representing a membership of more than three million.For more information on the ASA, visit About USA Softball USA Softball is the brand created, operated and owned by the ASA that links theUSA Men?s, Women?s, Junior Boys? and Junior Girls? National Team programstogether. USA Softball is responsible for training, equipping and promotingthese four National Teams to compete in international and domesticcompetitions. The USA Softball Women?s National Team is one of the only twowomen?s sports involved in the Olympic movement to capture three consecutivegold medals at the Olympic Games since 1996. The U.S. women have also won eightWorld Championship titles including the last six consecutive as well as claimedtwo World Cup of Softball titles. For more information about USA Softball,please visit Holly Krivokapich Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications ASA/USA Softball 405-425-3431 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu May 7 11:42:08 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 08:42:08 -0700 Subject: Under Armour to recall 21, 000 athletic cups....they could bust if struck Message-ID: <> To: "'Al's Fastball List - ISC II'" CC: Subject: FW: Under Armour to recall 21,000 athletic cups....they could bust if struck..... FYI UPDATE1-Under Armour to recall 211,000 athletic cups April 29(Reuters) - Athletic-clothing and shoe maker Under Armour Inc (UA) is voluntarily recallingabout 211,000 athletic cups on fears that they could break if hit, riskinginjury to athletes, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said. Consumersshould immediately stop using the recalled products, which were manufactured inChina, the commission said in statement. "UnderArmour has received five reports of cups breaking, including an injuryinvolving cuts and bruising," it said. The recallinvolves all athletic cups that have the Under Armour logo, including adult,teen and youth sizes, which were sold from January 2006 through March 2009 forabout $15. The company'sshares were trading down 2 percent at $23.98 Wednesday afternoon on the NewYork Stock Exchange. (Reporting byAmitha Rajan in Bangalore) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat May 9 18:18:20 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 15:18:20 -0700 Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO'S RESPECT MY GAME PROGRAM IS LAUNCHED! Message-ID: <> Received: 5/8/09 3:46:48 PM From: Softball Ontario's Participation Program Add to People Section To: fastball at CC: Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO'S RESPECT MY GAME PROGRAM IS LAUNCHED! NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: May7, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTBALL ONTARIO'S RESPECT MY GAME IS LAUNCHED! NORTH YORK,ON- Softball Ontario is excited to announce its original Respect MyGame Program- an innovative program geared to create and build mutual respectbetween all participants in the great game of Softball. SoftballOntario?s Respect My Game Program was funded by the Ministry of HealthPromotion specifically Active 2010, which assisted in the development andlaunching of the ground breaking ?Respect My Game? Program. The Softball Communityis encouraged to visit the Softball Ontario website to access the freeresource materials to do their part in creating mutual respect amongst all thestakeholders in the game of Softball. The free downloads thatcan be found at include: ? The Respect My Game Card- to be distributed to variousstakeholders within your Association (i.e. League Executive, Members,Divisional Coordinators, Coaches, Players, Parents, etc.) ? The Respect My Game Umpire Card-each Umpire who registers withSoftball Ontario will receive a laminated copy of the Respect My Game UmpireCard which was designed to be included in the Umpire?s Place Conference priorto each game ? Respect My Game Posters- available withboth Female and Male players. Ideal to hang these posters in your LeagueClubhouse and at Tournaments to promote the Association?s participants in theRespect My Game Program ? Respect My Game Guide for Parentsand Guide for Coaches- is a resource designed to help parents or coachesidentify whether their behaviour is abusive and help them better understandthe (ten) 10 most misunderstood rules in the game. It also contains theParents? and Coaches? Code of Conduct ? Respect My GameCode of Conduct for Players of the Game- use the Respect My Game Player?sCode of Conduct to encourage respect amongst players as well as towards thepeople in leadership roles (Coaches, Umpires, League Executives, etc) ? The Respect My Game Clinic Manual- to be used for in allof Softball Ontario training opportunities and provides strategies and givesexams of how to build mutual respect between Umpires and Umpires, Umpires andCoaches, Players and Umpires, Players and Coaches, Parents and Coaches ? The Respect My Game Brochure- promotional material that provides anoverview of the Respect My Game Program The "Respect MyGame" Program will be included in all of Softball Ontario's trainingopportunities including the Umpires Program, the Coaches Program, theScorekeeping Program and Certified Softball Administrator Program. Byincorporating the "Respect My Game" program into all the technicalcomponents of the game and making the resources available for free on theSoftball Ontario website, the ideals of this cutting edge program willpermeate throughout the entire softball community. For more informationabout the Softball Ontario?s Respect My Game Program, please contact StephSutton (at) ssutton(at) or416-426-7150. Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon May 11 09:23:37 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 06:23:37 -0700 Subject: Maddhatters Mens Fastpitch League Message-ID: <> Received: 5/10/09 10:23:28 PM From: Bill Aldred Subject: League Schedule begins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maddhatters Mens Fastpitch League Check out the new Schedule Opening Game Monday night at SBC # 2 8:00pm Crown vs the Pride Check out the website Bill Aldred 13 Pinnacle Road Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8W-0A9 780-532-6022 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue May 12 00:47:22 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 21:47:22 -0700 Subject: Maddhatters league update Message-ID: <> Received: 5/11/09 11:28:47 PM From: Bill Aldred Subject: Maddhatters league update Crown Anchors 1 - GP Pride 0 WP Mike McVey C Curtis Ames LP Derek Belsheim C Andrew Hawkes Tuesday May 12 8:00pm Maddhatters vs, Clear Prairie 10:00 pm Clear Prairie vs. Horse Lake All Games at South Bear creek # 2 Bill Aldred 13 Pinnacle Road Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8W-0A9 780-532-6022 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu May 14 10:02:18 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 07:02:18 -0700 Subject: For Canadian softball fans Message-ID: <> Received: 5/14/09 7:14:14 AM From: "Joel Balberman" Subject: For Canadian softball fans My brother lives in Seattle, WA. He passed this link on to me: Joel Balberman Brantford Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri May 15 09:07:48 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 06:07:48 -0700 Subject: Linwood Chiefs Message-ID: <> Received: 5/15/09 6:16:02 AM From: Adam Snider Subject: Linwood Chiefs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Linwood Jr Chiefs require an experienced pitcher for the snapper shootout. First game is Friday night. Please contact Don Freeman if interested donhfreeman(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon May 18 12:44:29 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 09:44:29 -0700 Subject: Florencio Barreto is looking for a US Team Message-ID: <> Received: 5/18/09 10:36:22 AM From: "Jeff Larson" Subject: FW: hola es florencio FYI Florencio Barreto is looking for a US Team. A good dependable 24 yr old Right Hander from Venezuela. Top speed around 73-74 mph. Doesn?t hit or play other positions. Would make a good ISC II pitcher. Posted to NEWS-2 can also send a file to me for Free Agents page thanks Al Florencio Barreto tuto_f(at) Regards, Jeff Larson Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue May 19 10:13:26 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 07:13:26 -0700 Subject: Durham College women’s fastball adds two Scarborough Stingrays for the 2009 season Message-ID: <> Received: 5/19/09 8:38:34 AM From: Scott Dennis : DURHAM_COLLEGE_WOMEN?S_FASTBALL_ADDS_TWO_SCARBOROUGH_S MIME Ver: 1.0 Durham Lords Media Release Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Durham College women?s fastball adds two Scarborough Stingrays for the 2009 season Oshawa, Ont. ? Durham College Women?s Fastball Head Coach Jim Nemish is proud to announce the addition of two players for the upcoming season. Joining the 2009 Lords fastball team are Shannon Stevenson (Scarborough, Ont.) and Tiana Cosentino ( Toronto, Ont.). Shannon Stevenson is a product of the Scarborough Stingrays fastball program. In 2008, she batted .402 for the Stingrays and helped guide the team to their regular season and playoff championship. In 2007, Stevenson was part of the Scarborough team that captured a bronze medal at the Eastern Canadian Championship and the Provincial Championship. Stevenson is also a multi-sport star as she was the Varsity Hockey captain in 2007, 2008 and 2009, picking up MVP honours in 2007 for R.H. King Academy. ?Shannon is a catcher/first baseman and will be looked upon to take some of the load off veteran catcher Shannon Ferguson,? said Lords Head Coach Jim Nemish. ?Her skills behind the plate are outstanding and she will also give us some depth at first base. We look forward to having her in the lineup next year.? Joining her Scarborough Stingrays teammate for the 2009 edition of the Lords will be Tiana Cosentino. In 2008, Cosentino batted .419 for Scarborough with a .612 slugging percentage and 26 runs batted in, helping the team to a regular season and playoff crown. She is a natural third baseman but she has the skills to play anywhere on the field. Cosentino was also a member of the bronze medal winning team at the 2007 Eastern Canadian Championship. ?Tiana has a good work ethic, a strong arm and the ability to play multiple positions,? said Nemish. ?We look for her to add some power to the team and much needed bench strength to our program.? Cosentino and Stevenson will join Janna Hagan (Sherwood Park, Alta.) as the freshman class on this year?s squad, although Nemish is still looking to strengthen the team with a couple more new recruits. The rookies combined with veteran talent returning to the team will put the Lords in good position heading into 2009 in an attempt to win the school?s 15th OCAA fastball championship. - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) scott.dennis at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue May 19 13:49:05 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 10:49:05 -0700 Subject: Hillsburgh Mens Fastball Tournament Message-ID: <> Received: 5/19/09 12:29:45 PM From: Jamie Pinkney Add to People Section To: fastball at CC: Subject: Hillsburgh Mens Fastball Tournament We are still looking for teams for our June 12,13 tournament. Contact Jamie at 519 938 0379 or Kevin ay 416 428 4919. This tournament will be held at Barbour fieid in Hillsburgh Ont Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue May 19 17:25:46 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 14:25:46 -0700 Subject: Greater Ottawa Fastball League Link Message-ID: <> Received: 5/19/09 3:43:22 PM From: Michael Money Our League up here in Ottawa has a new league site setup. I believe that some of the teams, such as Ottawa Team Easton, Carp I4C Victory and Quyon Combat Flyers may be pursuing a birth into the Tournament of Champions this year. Our league site has the most comprehensive statistical information that I have seen from any ISC II teams or leagues. Feel free to post a reference to the league site URL. Thanks Mike Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed May 20 14:44:35 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 11:44:35 -0700 Subject: Top Three Finalists for USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Announced Message-ID: <> Received: 5/20/09 1:44:33 PM From: "Holly Krivokapich" Subject: Top Three Finalists for USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Announced For Immediate Release:5/20/2009 Top ThreeFinalists for USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Announced OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.? The Amateur Softball Association of America (ASA), is pleased torelease its Top Three Finalists for the 2009 USASoftball Collegiate Player of the Year, which will be announced onTues., May 26 at the NCAA Women?s College World Series Party at the Park at ASA Hall of Fame Complex in Oklahoma City, Okla.. The huntfor the Player of the Year started with a Top 50 Watch list and has beennarrowed down to three; Arizona State?s Kaitlin Cochran, Washington?s DanielleLawrie and Florida?s Stacey Nelson. Thebios of the Top Three Finalists are as follows: Kaitlin Cochran ? Arizona State ? Senior ? Yorba Linda, Calif. Kaitlin Cochran thus far in this season and throughout her career has ledthe nation in nearly every offensive category at one point in the season. ThePac-10 Player of Year still holds the nation?s leading on-base percentage andranks top 10 in batting average, slugging percentage, home runs, home runs pergame and is ranked in RBI per game. She has broken every ASU offensive careerand single-season record and now continues to climb up the Pac-10 and NCAArecord books in hits, doubles, home runs, slugging percentage, on basepercentage, walks and intentional walks. Cochran is hitting .424 on the seasonwith 65 runs scored. She has drawn an incredible 59 walks with 59 RBI. InPac-10 play, she has still hit an impressive .404 with 17 RBI and a sluggingpercentage of 0.915. Cochran earned the Pac-10 Player of the Week on March 31as well as earned first-time honors. Danielle Lawrie ? Washington ? Senior ? Langley, British Columbia ThePac-10 leader in wins, ERA, strikeouts and shutouts, Lawrie is also among thenation?s top three in all four categories. She has thrown two no-hitters thisseason, against UCLA and Arizona to become the first pitcher in NCAA history tono-hit both in a career, let alone a season. She set a school record in theNCAA Regional Championship deciding game against No. 20 UMass, striking out 24batters in a 6-1, 15-inning win. She is the third pitcher in Pac-10 historywith 24+ strikeouts in a game. It was her 25th double-digit strikeout game ofthe season. She has also had two 18 strikeout games, one in seven inningsagainst Oregon and another in 11 innings against Fresno State and has 18shutouts, 12 of which have come against ranked teams. Among the team?s she hasshutout: No. 1 Florida, No. 2 UCLA, No. 4 Alabama, No. 5 Stanford, No. 6Arizona, No. 7 Michigan, No. 8 Georgia and No. 11 Ohio State. Lawrie has 454strikeouts this season, three shy of breaking her own school record.She has gone over the 1,000 career K mark and the 1,200 career K mark thisseason and now has 1,298, fifth in Pac-10 history and 15th in NCAA historyalong with four one-hitters and 10 two-hitters. She has won a Pac-10 record sixPitcher of the Week awards as well as been named the NFCA and USA SoftballNational Player of the Week. Lawrie had a streak of 64.1 consecutive scorelessinnings earlier in the season and 90.0 consecutive innings without allowing anearned run. She broke UW?s career strikeout record early in the season and alsobroke the single-season UW strikeout record. She also broke UW?s single-seasonshutout record with 18. Her 35 wins are also one shy of the school record. StaceyNelson ? Florida ? Senior ? Los Alamitos, Calif. Seniorpitcher Stacey Nelson continues to move up the NCAA record book, as she hastallied 131 wins in her career, seventh-best all time. She is second inSoutheastern Conference history, only behind Tennessee's Monica Abbott (189).This season, her 37-3 (.925) record one of the best in the nation and her ERA(0.43) leads the country. She is the first Gator to tally 1,000career strikeouts and sits in sixth in the SEC with 1,061. She holds 19single-season and career pitching records at Florida, including single-seasonshutouts (19, 2009) and career ERA (0.97). She has pitched two no-hittersin her career, both coming in her senior year against SEC opponents. In2008, she recorded a career-high 16 strikeouts in a 10-inning contest againstLong Beach State. This season, she tallied a season-high 14 Ks in theregional win over Texas A&M in just seven innings. For two years in arow, Nelson has earned the SEC Pitcher of the Year award (2008, 09), first-teamAll-SEC accolades (2008, 09) and SEC All-Defensive team honors (2008, 09). Shewas named Pitcher of the Week three times, tying for the most thisseason. Thisaward, which is considered the most prestigious honors in Division I women'scollegiate softball, is designed to recognize outstanding athletic achievementby female collegiate softball players across the country. Past winners of thisaward include UCLA's Stacey Nuveman, Florida State's Jessica Van der Linden,three-time winner Texas pitcher Cat Osterman, Tennessee's Monica Abbott andVirginia Tech's Angela Tincher. AboutASA TheAmateur Softball Association, founded in 1933, is the National Governing Bodyof softball in the United States and a member of the United States OlympicCommittee. The ASA has become one of the nation?s largest sports organizationsand now sanctions competition in every state through a network of 83 localassociations. The ASA has grown from a few hundred teams in the early days toover 240,000 teams today, representing a membership of more than three million.For more information on the ASA, visit About USA Softball USASoftball is the brand created, operated and owned by the ASA that links the USAMen?s, Women?s, Junior Boys? and Junior Girls? National Team programs together.USA Softball is responsible for training, equipping and promoting these fourNational Teams to compete in international and domestic competitions. The USASoftball Women?s National Team is one of the only two women?s sports involvedin the Olympic movement to capture three consecutive gold medals at the OlympicGames since 1996. The U.S. women have also won eight World Championship titlesincluding the last six consecutive as well as claimed two World Cup of Softballtitles. For more information about USA Softball, please visit HollyKrivokapich AssistantDirector of Marketing and Communications ASA/USA Softball 405-425-3431 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed May 20 15:04:56 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 12:04:56 -0700 Subject: CORRECTION: Top Three Finalists for USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Announced Message-ID: <> Received: 5/20/09 1:49:59 PM From: "Holly Krivokapich" Subject: CORRECTION: Top Three Finalists for USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Announced -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORRECTION: Danielle Lawrie isa Junior. For Immediate Release:5/20/2009 Top ThreeFinalists for USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year Announced OKLAHOMA CITY,Okla. ? The Amateur Softball Association of America (ASA), ispleased to release its Top Three Finalists for the 2009 USA Softball Collegiate Player of theYear, which will be announced on Tues., May 26 at the NCAA Women?sCollege World Series Party at the Park at ASA Hall of Fame Complex. The hunt for the Player ofthe Year started with a Top 50 Watch list and has been narrowed down to three;Arizona State?s Kaitlin Cochran, Washington?s Danielle Lawrie and Florida?sStacey Nelson. Thebios of the Top Three Finalists are as follows: Kaitlin Cochran ? Arizona State ? Senior ? Yorba Linda, Calif. Kaitlin Cochran thus far in this season and throughout her career has ledthe nation in nearly every offensive category at one point in the season. ThePac-10 Player of Year still holds the nation?s leading on-base percentage andranks top 10 in batting average, slugging percentage, home runs, home runs per gameand is ranked in RBI per game. She has broken every ASU offensive career andsingle-season record and now continues to climb up the Pac-10 and NCAA recordbooks in hits, doubles, home runs, slugging percentage, on base percentage,walks and intentional walks. Cochran is hitting .424 on the season with 65 runsscored. She has drawn an incredible 59 walks with 59 RBI. In Pac-10 play, shehas still hit an impressive .404 with 17 RBI and a slugging percentage of0.915. Cochran earned the Pac-10 Player of the Week on March 31 as well asearned first-time honors. Danielle Lawrie ? Washington ? Junior? Langley, British Columbia ThePac-10 leader in wins, ERA, strikeouts and shutouts, Lawrie is also among thenation?s top three in all four categories. She has thrown two no-hitters thisseason, against UCLA and Arizona to become the first pitcher in NCAA history tono-hit both in a career, let alone a season. She set a school record in theNCAA Regional Championship deciding game against No. 20 UMass, striking out 24batters in a 6-1, 15-inning win. She is the third pitcher in Pac-10 historywith 24+ strikeouts in a game. It was her 25th double-digit strikeout game ofthe season. She has also had two 18 strikeout games, one in seven inningsagainst Oregon and another in 11 innings against Fresno State and has 18shutouts, 12 of which have come against ranked teams. Among the team?s she has shutout:No. 1 Florida, No. 2 UCLA, No. 4 Alabama, No. 5 Stanford, No. 6 Arizona, No. 7Michigan, No. 8 Georgia and No. 11 Ohio State. Lawrie has 454 strikeouts thisseason, three shy of breaking her own school record. She has gone over the1,000 career K mark and the 1,200 career K mark this season and now has 1,298,fifth in Pac-10 history and 15th in NCAA history along with four one-hittersand 10 two-hitters. She has won a Pac-10 record six Pitcher of the Week awardsas well as been named the NFCA and USA Softball National Player of the Week.Lawrie had a streak of 64.1 consecutive scoreless innings earlier in the seasonand 90.0 consecutive innings without allowing an earned run. She broke UW?scareer strikeout record early in the season and also broke the single-season UWstrikeout record. She also broke UW?s single-season shutout record with 18. Her35 wins are also one shy of the school record. StaceyNelson ? Florida ? Senior ? Los Alamitos, Calif. Seniorpitcher Stacey Nelson continues to move up the NCAA record book, as she hastallied 131 wins in her career, seventh-best all time. She is second inSoutheastern Conference history, only behind Tennessee's Monica Abbott (189).This season, her 37-3 (.925) record one of the best in the nation and her ERA(0.43) leads the country. She is the first Gator to tally 1,000career strikeouts and sits in sixth in the SEC with 1,061. She holds 19single-season and career pitching records at Florida, including single-seasonshutouts (19, 2009) and career ERA (0.97). She has pitched two no-hittersin her career, both coming in her senior year against SEC opponents. In2008, she recorded a career-high 16 strikeouts in a 10-inning contest againstLong Beach State. This season, she tallied a season-high 14 Ks in theregional win over Texas A&M in just seven innings. For two years in arow, Nelson has earned the SEC Pitcher of the Year award (2008, 09), first-teamAll-SEC accolades (2008, 09) and SEC All-Defensive team honors (2008, 09). Shewas named Pitcher of the Week three times, tying for the most thisseason. Thisaward, which is considered the most prestigious honors in Division I women'scollegiate softball, is designed to recognize outstanding athletic achievementby female collegiate softball players across the country. Past winners of thisaward include UCLA's Stacey Nuveman, Florida State's Jessica Van der Linden,three-time winner Texas pitcher Cat Osterman, Tennessee's Monica Abbott andVirginia Tech's Angela Tincher. Holly Krivokapich Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications ASA/USA Softball 405-425-3431 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat May 23 09:18:02 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 06:18:02 -0700 Subject: Canadian pitcher in the running for Player of the Year Message-ID: <> Received: 5/23/09 7:42:37 AM From: "Joel Balberman" To: "John Allen Doran" CC: Subject: Canadian pitcher in the running for Player of the Year Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun May 24 22:05:03 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 19:05:03 -0700 Subject: Lawrie leads UW to Women's College World Series Message-ID: <> Received: 5/24/09 6:24:20 PM From: "Joel Balberman" Add to People Section To: "John Allen Doran" CC: Subject: Lawrie leads UW to Women's College World Series Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed May 27 11:48:18 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 08:48:18 -0700 Subject: Danielle Lawrie wins USA Softball National Collegiate Player of the Year Award Message-ID: <> Received: 5/27/09 10:40:51 AM From: "Gilles LeBlanc" Add to People Section To: "Gilles LeBlanc" CC: Subject: Danielle_Lawrie_wins_USA_Softball_National_Collegiate_Play FORIMMEDIATE RELEASE May27th, 2009 Danielle Lawrie wins USA Softball National Collegiate Player of the Year Award (OklahomaCity, OK) ? Softball Canada is very pleased to announce that Danielle Lawrie(Langley, BC), a 2008 Canadian Softball Olympian and Senior Women?s NationalTeam member, has been awarded the prestigious 8th Annual USASoftball National Collegiate Player of the Year award. Lawrie plays for theUniversity of Washington ? along with fellow Canadian Olympian Jenn Salling(Port Coquitlam, BC) ? and the team will participate in the 2009 Women?sCollege World Series in Oklahoma City starting this weekend. Lawriewas the PAC-10 leader in wins, earned run average, strikeouts and shutouts, andwas in the Top 3 of each of those categories in the entire NCAA. She certainlyelevated her game against top competition, as she threw shutouts against No. 1 Florida, No. 2 UCLA, No. 4 Alabama, No. 5 Stanford,No. 6 Arizona, No. 7 Michigan, No. 8 Georgia and No. 11 Ohio State (rankingsare at the time she played them), throwing no-hitters against UCLA and Arizona.The University of Washington finished the season ranked #3 in the NCAA ranks.Lawrie broke her own school season records with 472 strikeouts, 37 wins and 19shutouts. In addition, she had a streak of 64.1 consecutive scoreless innings,and 90.0 innings without allowing an earned run. In addition to her tremendous success in the pitcher?s circle,Lawrie also contributed at the plate this season, propelling the University ofWashington to the Women?s College World Series with two homeruns againstGeorgia Tech ? led by another Canadian Olympian, Jennifer Yee (North Delta, BC)? in the Super Regionals. Lawrie ended the season with six homeruns and 25 runsbatted in. The other finalists for the award were Kaitlin Cochran(University of Arizona) and Stacey Nelson (University of Florida). Past winnersinclude Team USA Olympians Cat Osterman (three times), Stacey Nuveman andMonica Abbott, as well as Jessica Van der Linden and Angela Tincher. Lawrie isthe first Canadian to win the award. -SC- For more information, please contact: Gilles LeBlanc Manager: Marketing and Communications Softball Canada (613) 523-3386 x3105 gleblanc at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POUR DIFFUSION IMMEDIATE 27 mai 2009 Danielle Lawrie remporte le prix deJoueuse de l?ann?e de Softball Coll?gial National des ?tats-Unis (Oklahoma City, OK) ? Softball Canada est tr?s contentd?annoncer que Danielle Lawrie (Langley, C-B), une Olympienne de Softballcanadienne de 2008 et membre de l??quipe Nationale Senior F?minine, a gag? le 8eprix annuel prestigieux de Joueuse de l?ann?e de Softball Coll?gial Nationaldes ?tats-Unis. Lawrie joue pr?sentement avec l?Universit? de Washington ? avecsa co?quipi?re Olympienne du Canada Jenn Salling (Port Coquitlam, C-B) ? etl??quipe participera ? la S?rie Mondiale Coll?giale F?minine de 2009 ? OklahomaCity, qui commence cette fin de semaine. Lawrie a men? la conf?rence PAC-10 en victoires, moyenne depoints m?rit?s, retraits au b?ton et blanchissages, et ?tait parmi les troismeilleures de la NCAA enti?re dans chacune de ces cat?gories. Elle acertainement ?lev? son jeu contre la meilleure comp?tition, alors qu?elle alanc? des blanchissages contre No. 1 Floride, No. 2 UCLA, No. 4 Alabama, No. 5Stanford, No. 6 Arizona, No. 7 Michigan, No. 8 G?orgie and No. 11 Ohio State(le classement affich? est celui au moment de lorsqu?elle les a affront?),lan?ant des matchs sans coup s?r contre UCLA et Arizona. L?Universit? deWashington a termin? la saison class?e 3e dans les rangs de la NCAA.Lawrie a bris? ses propres records de saison d??cole avec 472 retraits sur desprises, 37 victoires et 19 blanchissages. De plus, elle a eu une p?riode de64.1 manches sans accorder de point, ainsi que 90.0 manches sans accorder unpoint m?rit?. En plus de son succ?s remarquable dans le cercle des lanceuses,Lawrie a aussi contribu? ? l?attaque cette saison, propulsant l?Universit? deWashington ? la S?rie Mondiale Coll?giale F?minine avec deux circuits contreGeorgia Tech ? men? par une autre Olympienne du Canada, Jennifer Yee (NorthDelta, C-B) ? dans les R?gionaux. Lawrie a termin? la saison avec six circuitset 25 points produits. Les autres finalistes pour le prix ?taient Kaitlin Cochran(Universit? d?Arizona) et Stacey Nelson (Universit? de la Floride). Lesgagnants pr?c?dents incluent les Olympiennes des ?tats-Unis Cat Osterman (?trois reprises), Stacey Nuveman et Monica Abbott, ainsi que Jessica Van derLinden et Angela Tincher. Lawrie est la premi?re canadienne ? gagner le prix. -SC- Pour plus d?information, veuillez contacter : Gilles LeBlanc Manager - Marketing and Communications Services 223 Colonnade Rd., Ste 212 Ottawa, ON K2E 7K3 gleblanc(at) (613) 523-3386 ext. 3105 (613) 523-5761 (Fax) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed May 27 21:39:20 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 18:39:20 -0700 Subject: Canadian pitcher US College Player of the Year Message-ID: <> Received: 5/27/09 4:31:54 PM From: "Joel Balberman" Add to People Section To: "John Allen Doran" CC: Subject: Canadian pitcher US College Player of the Year -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu May 28 15:16:40 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 12:16:40 -0700 Subject: Children & Adults with disabilities ball park information, Keith "Sparky" Clark, Omaha, Nebraska Message-ID: <> Received: 5/28/09 12:35:25 PM From: "Keith Clark" Add to People Section To: "Keith Clark" CC: Subject: Children & Adults with disabilities ball park information, Keith "Sparky" Clark, Omaha, Nebraska Hello, I amsharing this information with you since we are friends, or business associates,or you have a love of sports for children and/or adults. This is truly aone-of-a-kind sports and recreation complex in Omaha, Nebraskafor children and adults with disabilities. The aathlete?s disabilities may include autism,cerebral palsy, spinal bifida, blindness, muscular dystrophy, spinal-cordinjury, down syndrome, amputations, and other physical and mental disabilities. wanted you to know about this unique sports and recreation facility availableto people with disabilities. Please feel free to share this information with othersas many of us have friends and family members that have a disability that couldenjoy this facility. If you are in Omahathis Saturday, please join us. If your travels bring you through Omaha, please call me asI?d be tickled to show you this beautiful park complex. Yoursin the game. Keith ?Sparky?Clark Cell:402-203-2644 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLPLAY Complex GrandOpening May 30 @ 9:30 Ifthe scorecard reported children?s smiles and their attendance atMonday?s Miracle League baseball practice, this Saturday?s grandopening celebration for the ALLPLAY Complex will be a grand slam for childrenand adults with disabilities. The celebration is scheduled for Saturday, May30, 2009 at 9:30am with a May 31, 1:00pm raindate. Photographersand videographers will want to capture the excitement at the nation?sfinest outdoor barrier-free sports and recreation complex built especially forchildren and adults with disabilities. ALLPLAY Complexis located in Seymour Smith Parkat 6802 Harrison Street Ralston, NebraskaThe celebration is open to the public. JoinMayor Mike Fahey, Heisman Trophy winner Eric Crouch, the Omaha Royals, local area mascots,Shiners? Clowns, and many others in this long awaited grand openingevent. The event will feature sporting demonstrations by children andadults with disabilities including baseball, softball, basketball, andquadriplegic rugby. Comeand celebrate the opening of this new $1.5 million dollar complex that includesa rubber coated baseball field, wheelchair softball field, barrier freeplayground, and a welcome center. A children?s water park is alsoplanned. Additional information on ALLPLAY can be viewed at To schedule interviews, please call BruceFroendt at 402-305-5020. ?Thank you? on behalf ofthe ALLPLAY Foundation Keith Clark PH: 402-203-2644 Children?s Miracle League Practice on Memorial Day 2009 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu May 28 22:55:09 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 19:55:09 -0700 Subject: Lawrie leads UW to win in College World Series Message-ID: <> Received: 5/28/09 6:45:55 PM From: "Joel Balberman" Add to People Section To: "John Allen Doran" CC: Subject: Lawrie leads UW to win in College World Series Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri May 29 00:46:24 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 21:46:24 -0700 Subject: Thomson Merchants looking for pitching help Message-ID: <> Received: 5/28/09 8:18:52 PM From: "Scott Glazier" Add to People Section To: "Al's Fastball News" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Thomson Merchants are looking for pitching help this 2009 summer season for the weekends of June 5th. and July 17th. If anyone has one or both of these weekends open and would like some innings at two top level tournaments please contact me for more information. Thanks, Scott and the Thomson Merchants Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat May 30 10:34:59 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 07:34:59 -0700 Subject: World Series All-Stars Exhibition Match- June 13 UPDATE Message-ID: <> Received: 5/30/09 6:12:21 AM From: terry downes Subject: FW: World Series All-Stars Exhibition Match- June 13 UPDATE MIME Ver: 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys, This year Redlands Softball Associaton are holding the Presidents Cup round of games on the 20th June. For the first time ever there is a rare opportunity to enjoy the best club Softball in the Redlands,whilst indulging in a fantastic Spit Roast Meal and having the chance to win $500 in cash. We place a cow in a paddock that has been divided into equal squares, these are purchased at $20 each. If the cow drops it's first poo in your square then you win $500. All proceeds from the cows lotto, spit roast dinner and bar after 6:30 pm will go towards my 4th world Series Campaign for the AUSSIE STEELERS. It would be wonderful if you all could make it, even if you are coming along please forward this email to anyone who may be interested. Thanks, hope to see you all there! Terry Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat May 30 10:35:59 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 07:35:59 -0700 Subject: Lawrie pitches a shutout for UW Message-ID: <> Received: 5/30/09 7:28:21 AM From: "Joel Balberman" Add to People Section To: "John Allen Doran" CC: Subject: Lawrie pitches a shutout for UW Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat May 30 10:38:16 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 07:38:16 -0700 Subject: Terry Downes Fundraiser Message-ID: <> Help Terry Hit 100 games for Australia! Redlands only Aussie Men?s Rep for 2009, Terry Downes, is hoping to play his 100th game for Australia at the upcoming Men?s World Series in Canada this July. Be part of the FUNDRAISING DAY at Redlands Softball on SAT June 20th at the PRESIDENTS CUP EVENTS INCLUDE: ? COWS LOTTO $500 prize money ? Spit Roast Dinner ? Bar (after 6:30 p.m.) ? RAFFLES (All Day) Cows Lotto $20 per square, Dinner $10 per plate, Square and Plate $28 To be involved contact Terry Downes on 0412 420 657 or Nikkie Molander 0414 883 218 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat May 30 16:49:09 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 13:49:09 -0700 Subject: Pitching needed for July 4th Message-ID: <> Received: 5/30/09 3:49:40 PM From: Johnny Villanueva To: fastball at Subject: pitching -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are in search for an open pitcher for the 4th of july. Can you please post my info.Thank You San Antonio Titan Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun May 31 11:24:34 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 08:24:34 -0700 Subject: FW: ISC Canada West ISC II Qualifier Results - Sunday May 31 - Late Game Saturday - Sunday Schedule Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun May 31 11:27:37 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 08:27:37 -0700 Subject: FW: OASA AFFILIATION DEADLINE JUNE 10, 2009 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: Brad Thomson >To: >Date: 5/31/09 9:46:29 AM > > > > >ONTARIO AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION > >2009 INTERMEDIATE & SENIOR & MASTERS TOURNAMENTS > > > > >Affiliation DEADLINE IS JUNE 10, 2009 > >.. > > > > >INTERMEDIATE ELIMINATIONS > >Location: Waterloo July 31-August 2 at Hillside Park in Waterloo > > >This year the OASA is pleased to announce that the International Softball Congress (Canada East) will provide a berth in the 2010 ISCll Tournament of Champions to be held in Midland Michigan to the winner of the 2009 OASA Intermediate Men?s Elimination Tournament. > > > >The intermediate tournament will use the Softball Canada rules and will use the ISC pitching rule and eligibility guidelines. Operating rules for this tournament can be found on the OASA website under men news > >The OASA Tournament Director is Brad Thomson 1-519-954-1269 > > > > > >INTERMEDIATE B/C PROVINCIALS > >Location: Wiarton August 15-16 > >Host Contact: Brett Miller 519-924-1568 > > > >SENIOR ELIMINATIONS > > >Location: Waterloo July 31-August 2 at Hillside Park in Waterloo. > >The OASA Tournament Director is Brad Thomson 1-519-954-1269 > > > > >Questions regarding team and player eligibility and other pertinent information may be found at the OASA website or by contacting the tournament director. > > > > >MASTERS PROVINCIALS > >Location: Niagara Falls July 17-19 , 2009 > >The OASA Tournament Host: Bob Abbott - rda44 at 905-373-0337 > > > >Affiliation, applications and information regarding deadlines and registration may be > >Found at the OASA website or by contacting the OASA Registrar Mary Myers at 1-905-727-5139. > > > >Brad Thomson >OASA Men's Committee Chair > > >_________________________________________________________________ >One at a time or all at once? Get updates from your friends in one place. > From fastball at Mon Jun 1 11:02:47 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 08:02:47 -0700 Subject: Lawrie leads UW to College World Series Final Message-ID: <> Received: 6/1/09 6:56:19 AM From: "Joel Balberman" To: "John Allen Doran" CC: Subject: Lawrie leads UW to College World Series Final -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Jun 1 17:56:52 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 14:56:52 -0700 Subject: San Francisco fastpitch article Message-ID: <> Received: 6/1/09 1:27:19 PM From: Dirk McCall To: Al Doran Subject: San Francisco fastpitch article -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al, Here is a link to a Softball West magazine article on our men's league in San Francisco...only 5 "B" teams. Over 200 fastball teams in the city in the 60's. Anyway, thought you might like it for your site. Wow, you have over 500 connects on Linked In....that must make you linked in some degree to the entire planet. Best, Dirk McCall, San Francisco Crabs Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jun 2 09:50:33 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 06:50:33 -0700 Subject: UW one win away from title Message-ID: <> Received: 6/2/09 6:58:22 AM From: "Joel Balberman" Add to People Section To: "John Allen Doran" CC: Subject: UW one win away from title Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jun 2 14:51:16 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 11:51:16 -0700 Subject: New York Bombers Website Message-ID: <> Received: 6/2/09 1:41:38 PM From: CC: Subject: New York Bombers Website We just developed the site and would like to get it out there with our information on it. Thanks, JD John J. Dry NYS Parks, Rec & Historical Preservation Western District - Allegany Region Business Office 716-354-9101 ext. 227 Quaker Warehouse 716-354-2075 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jun 2 15:06:59 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 12:06:59 -0700 Subject: Polish National Women's team looking for Polish origin players from USA or Canada Message-ID: <> Received: 6/2/09 2:01:49 PM From: "Pavel Prachar" Add to People Section To: "Al's Fastball List" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al, I hope you coul help me. I am coaching Polish National Wome?s Team and I thopught I could get one or two girls from US or Canada to help with Polish origin and double passport. This team is very new - they go for the first time to European Championship, have no experience. I am trying to help them to develope softball and ended up with this position.... I know you do men but I do not know where to advertise this request. I would appreciate very much if you could give me some hint (websites ??). The European Chap?ionship is only in two months in Belgium. Thanks in advance, Pavel Prachar Czech Softball pracharpavel(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jun 3 01:29:40 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 22:29:40 -0700 Subject: Topeka Toros Message-ID: <> Received: 6/3/09 12:26:11 AM From: David Bellis Add to People Section To: fastball at CC: Subject: Topeka Toros -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was able to watch the championship of a Tournament in Topeka KS last weekend. A very young team from Topeka, the Toros, you can check their website, beat Tony Peoples in the championship hitting two impressive home runs. Their coach also said they beat former Pan Am pitcher Chris Bigelo in back to back games in the Championship over a memorial day Tournament in Kansas City the weekend before. I checked their website and they have won all 4 tournaments they have played in and are like 24 and 1. Interesting bunch most look like they are in their early 20's. Good to see the game trying to hang on with some young players Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jun 3 01:32:34 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 22:32:34 -0700 Subject: Bruno Merchants Message-ID: <> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jordie Gagnon sent a message to the members of Bruno Merchants softball. -------------------- Subject: league schedule up to july 8th Here is what our league schedule looks like til july 8th Wed Jun 3 6:45 pm Saskatoon Int Kekambas vs Bruno Sr.A Merchants Bob Van Impe Wed Jun 3 2nd Game Saskatoon Midget AA Selects vs Bruno Sr.A Merchants Bob Van Impe Tue Jun 9 6:45 pm Saskatoon KW Homes Hawks vs Bruno Sr.A Merchants Gordie Howe Park #1 Tue Jun 9 2nd Game Mike Oakes Welding AA Selects vs Bruno Sr.A Merchants Gordie Howe Park #1 Wed Jun 17 2nd Game Warmen Merchants vs Bruno Sr.A Merchants Gordie Howe Park #1 Wed Jun 17 6:45 pm Saskatoon Tint Centre Cubs vs Bruno Sr.A Merchants Gordie Howe Park #1 Tue Jun 23 6:45 pm Bruno Sr.A Merchants vs Saskatoon PolyPlus Sr.A Diamondbacks Bob Van Impe Tue Jun 23 2nd Game Bruno Sr.A Merchants vs Saskatoon Jr.A Diamondbacks Bob Van Impe Tue Jun 30 6:45 pm Bruno Sr.A Merchants vs Saskatoon PolyPlus Sr.A Diamondbacks Gordie Howe Park #1 Tue Jun 30 2nd Game Bruno Sr.A Merchants vs Saskatoon Jr.A Diamondbacks Gordie Howe Park #1 Fri Jul 3 6:45 pm Bruno Sr.A Merchants vs Saskatoon Jr.A Spartans Gordie Howe Park #1 Wed Jul 8 2nd Game Bruno Sr.A Merchants vs Delisle National Leasing Sr B Gordie Howe Park #1 -------------------- To reply to this message, follow the link below: Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jun 3 10:09:04 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 07:09:04 -0700 Subject: Level IV Umpire Available Message-ID: <> Received: 6/3/09 5:34:21 AM From: John Sullivan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello,My name is John Sullivan, a Level IV Umpire, currently residing in St. John's, NL after spending several years in AB under the tutelage of Frank Omoe. 47 years old and played the game at a high level, subsequently taking up umpiring due to getting older. Also officiate Jr Ice Hockey. Looking for info to get involved with ISC fastball this season.References would include the following:Mark Gough, Frank Omoe, Brian Sharples, Lou Davis ,John Irvin Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jun 3 12:47:47 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 09:47:47 -0700 Subject: Karl Gollan is available Message-ID: <> Received: 6/3/09 11:48:12 AM From: KARL GOLLAN To: Al Doran -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Al, Our Albaugh team is playing a limited season this year so we have some open weekends which i would like to fill if i could to get some extra innings and swings. could you please send this message out for me in the event there may be some teams looking for an arm. regards, Karl Gollan gollan21(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jun 5 00:48:55 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 21:48:55 -0700 Subject: Madhatters results Message-ID: <> Received: 6/4/09 11:19:11 PM From: Bill Aldred Thursday June 4 8:00pm Gp Pride 5 - Maddhatters 1 Winning Pitcher Derek Belsheim Catcher Clayton Noskey Losing Pitcher Ryan Krebs Catcher Shayne Milligan Pride Trevor Aldred 3-3 Clayton Noskey Triple Next Game Monday June 8 8:00pm South Bear Creek # 2 Bill Aldred 13 Pinnacle Road Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8W-0A9 780-532-6022 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jun 5 01:30:07 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 22:30:07 -0700 Subject: Pitchers need for Glowworm tournament - San Antonio Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jun 5 09:46:19 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 06:46:19 -0700 Subject: Pitchers needed for Glowworm tournament - San Antonio Message-ID: <> Received: 6/5/09 12:13:51 AM From: "iceworms at" Subject: Pitchers need for Glowworm tournament MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pitcher need for July 4th tournament in San Antonio. If interested please email back thanks Ruben Rios iceworms(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jun 5 21:08:49 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 18:08:49 -0700 Subject: legends game 1 and 2 Message-ID: <> Twins lead CPI 5 - 0 T6 Martin vs Winship On D2 Jarvis lead st Thomas 5 - 0 Koert vs Beecroft Good sized crowd in PHB tonight Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From aldoran at Sun Jun 7 13:54:00 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 17:54:00 +0000 Subject: Updates from the park Message-ID: <> Test Checking out of hotel before 3pm Updates here and facebook until I get home tonight Al Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sun Jun 7 15:43:27 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 19:43:27 +0000 Subject: Jarvis in x inngs over Argentina Message-ID: <> Jarvis 8 - 7 in 8th Marathon game; Argentina record holder for delays Lesson Learned: if a team shows up w 25 players, only let them dress 18 Twins vs Jarvis in championship started 3:40pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From fastball at Sun Jun 7 15:44:18 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 12:44:18 -0700 Subject: FW: Update Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Dan Bernard" >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 6/7/09 12:49:27 PM > Bridgeport and New York getting set to go. > >Ashland beat Elmira. Not sure of the score > >Niagara up on Quebec 5-2. Wells started for Niagara. Rob Obrien in to relieve. LeClaire for Quebec. Winner gets Ashland. Game is running late. Back and forth affair. > >_____________ >Blackberry Mai From fastball at Sun Jun 7 15:46:04 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 12:46:04 -0700 Subject: FW: Update Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Dan Bernard" >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 6/7/09 10:09:35 AM > NY 8 >Wyevale 0 >5 innings > >Jeremy Tracey no hitter, 2nd no hitter of the tourney. Gremlins 3rd no hitter in 4 games this weekend. > >Bridgeport up 5-0 on Shakespeare late in the game. If they win they will meet Gremlins in the semis. >_____________ >Blackberry Mai From fastball at Sun Jun 7 15:47:38 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 12:47:38 -0700 Subject: FW: Correction Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Dan Bernard" >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 6/7/09 1:18:08 PM > VanHooser for Ashland > >_____________ >Blackberry Mai From fastball at Sun Jun 7 15:49:23 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 12:49:23 -0700 Subject: FW: Update semis Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Dan Bernard" >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 6/7/09 2:02:03 PM > NY 5 >Bridgeport 0 >3rd inning > >Ashland 2 >Niagara 0 >3rd inning >_____________ >Blackberry Mai From fastball at Sun Jun 7 15:51:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 12:51:36 -0700 Subject: FW: Semi Update 2 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Dan Bernard" >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 6/7/09 2:16:48 PM > NY Gremlins 6 >Bridgeport Braves 1 >Bottom 6th > >Ashland Stockpack 2 >Niagara Snappers 0 >Bottom 5th >_____________ >Blackberry Mai From fastball at Sun Jun 7 15:55:30 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 12:55:30 -0700 Subject: Mitchell update Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: jeffpauli at >To: "Al's Fastball List - ISC II" >Date: 6/7/09 2:37:06 PM > Mitchell Mets TournamentSunday scoresQuarter Final # 3Glencoe Astros 5Alvinston Indians 3Wellington Sox 6Georgian Bay Axeman 1Semi FinalsKitchener Outlaws vs Waterloo Jrs Glencoe Astros vs Wellington Sox------Original Message------From: Al's Fastball List - ISC IITo: Jeff PauliSent: Jun 2, 2009 2:28 PMSubject: Please make note of my correct e-mail address!Please make note of my correct e-mail address!Tuesday, June 2, 2009A gentle reminder to PLEASE make note of my e-mail address, its fastball at pmihrm.comI have sent a couple of dozen notices about this at the tail end of my posts over the past month or so but many seem to have missed it so I am starting this note off with the important stuff,PLEASE send me fastball news only to: fastball at pmihrm.comMy business address is aldoran at and it gets over 200 spams a day so IF you send me any fastball news there, its likely to be missed.There are a few people in fastball who also send me large attachments, HTML files, Excel files, etc. with tournament schedules and results. Most of them know to send these to my alternate address: aldoran42 at but to also send me a short heads up at fastball at to let me know as I do not check yahoo very often, except during World Tournament week when its on 24-7So in summary, and padon me for repeating myself, but I really need fastball news to go to:fastball at pmihrm.comthanksAlfastball@pmihrm.comNOTE: Al's Fastball will be on site, tentatively:June 5-7 - Kitchener, ON - Legends Tournament - YES This Weekend!June 12-14 - Midland, MI - Explorers TournamentJuly 2-5 - Monkton, ON - Annual World Fastball InvitationalJuly 17-26 - Saskatoon, SK - ISF World ChampionshipAugust 14-22, Quad Cities - ISC World Tournament and ISC ToCAugust 30 - Sep 6 - St. Thomas, ON - Canadian Senior Men's ChampionshipsJune News: News: reports go to fastball at PLEASE!Items to our business address may be missed or lost due to the very large volume of spam we are getting. Yes, PLEASE send ALL reports on fastball to: fastball at pmihrm.comAl's Fastball News*Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.comfastball at pmihrm.comNEWS-1: unsubscribe, click on this link: at by Reliant eMailer, a Net Reliant On-Demand >Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Networ From aldoran at Sun Jun 7 16:07:06 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 20:07:06 +0000 Subject: Twins up 2 - 0 in B2 Message-ID: <> Shackleton 2 run home run Koert throwing for Jarvis Don Scott has ball for Twins T3. 4:04pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From fastball at Sun Jun 7 16:15:42 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 13:15:42 -0700 Subject: update from Mitchell Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: jeffpauli at >To: "Al's Fastball List - ISC II" >Date: 6/7/09 3:06:42 PM > Mitchell Mets TournamentSemi FinalsWellinton Sox 11Glencoe Astros 0Waterloo Jrs 2Kitchener Outlaws 0FinalsWellington Sox vs Waterloo JrsRec DivisionFinalMet Masters 7Walton Brewers 2------Original Message------From: Al's Fastball List - ISC IITo: Jeff PauliSent: Jun 2, 2009 2:28 PMSubject: Please make note of my correct e-mail address!Please make note of my correct e-mail address!Tuesday, June 2, 2009A gentle reminder to PLEASE make note of my e-mail address, its fastball at pmihrm.comI have sent a couple of dozen notices about this at the tail end of my posts over the past month or so but many seem to have missed it so I am starting this note off with the important stuff,PLEASE send me fastball news only to: fastball at pmihrm.comMy business address is aldoran at and it gets over 200 spams a day so IF you send me any fastball news there, its likely to be missed.There are a few people in fastball who also send me large attachments, HTML files, Excel files, etc. with tournament schedules and results. Most of them know to send these to my alternate address: aldoran42 at but to also send me a short heads up at fastball at to let me know as I do not check yahoo very often, except during World Tournament week when its on 24-7So in summary, and padon me for repeating myself, but I really need fastball news to go to:fastball at pmihrm.comthanksAlfastball@pmihrm.comNOTE: Al's Fastball will be on site, tentatively:June 5-7 - Kitchener, ON - Legends Tournament - YES This Weekend!June 12-14 - Midland, MI - Explorers TournamentJuly 2-5 - Monkton, ON - Annual World Fastball InvitationalJuly 17-26 - Saskatoon, SK - ISF World ChampionshipAugust 14-22, Quad Cities - ISC World Tournament and ISC ToCAugust 30 - Sep 6 - St. Thomas, ON - Canadian Senior Men's ChampionshipsJune News: News: reports go to fastball at PLEASE!Items to our business address may be missed or lost due to the very large volume of spam we are getting. Yes, PLEASE send ALL reports on fastball to: fastball at pmihrm.comAl's Fastball News*Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.comfastball at pmihrm.comNEWS-1: unsubscribe, click on this link: at by Reliant eMailer, a Net Reliant On-Demand >Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network From aldoran at Sun Jun 7 16:49:39 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 20:49:39 +0000 Subject: Legends Champ Game update Message-ID: <> Eidt singles, drives in 1 B5 Runnerson corners w 2 out Holoien K 3 - 1 for Twins T6 Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sun Jun 7 17:16:41 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 21:16:41 +0000 Subject: Kitchener win Legends Message-ID: <> Twins 4 - 1 over Jarvis Complete update when I get home tonight Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From fastball at Sun Jun 7 17:16:05 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 14:16:05 -0700 Subject: FW: Finals update Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Dan Bernard" >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 6/7/09 3:40:50 PM > Ashland 1 >NY 0 >Top 3rd >_____________ >Blackberry Mai From fastball at Sun Jun 7 17:17:30 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 14:17:30 -0700 Subject: FW: Finals update 2 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Dan Bernard" >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 6/7/09 4:08:58 PM > Ashland 1 >NY 1 >Top 5th >_____________ >Blackberry Mai From aldoran at Sun Jun 7 17:21:50 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 21:21:50 +0000 Subject: On the Road again Message-ID: <> Updates tonight Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From fastball at Sun Jun 7 19:01:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 16:01:25 -0700 Subject: Snappers finals update 3 Message-ID: <> Received: 6/7/09 4:21:49 PM From: "Dan Bernard" Add to People Section To: "Al Doran" CC: Subject: Finals update 3 MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY 2 Ashland 1 Top 6th _____________ Blackberry Mai Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From aldoran at Sun Jun 7 19:02:20 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 16:02:20 -0700 Subject: Snappers winner Message-ID: <> Received: 6/7/09 4:46:23 PM From: "Dan Bernard" Add to People Section To: "Al Doran" CC: Subject: Shootout winner MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY Gremlins 4 Ashland Stockpack 1 WP: Bryan Newton LP: Ty McKinney Full report to follow _____________ Blackberry Mai Al Doran, CHRP Phenix Management Int'l, Inc. 10520 Yonge St. Unit 35B, Suite 217 Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 3C7 Office Phone: +1.416-505-6204 Office Fax: +1.416-352-7456 Email: aldoran at 3rd Edition Now Available VIA From fastball at Sun Jun 7 21:07:41 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 18:07:41 -0700 Subject: Mitchell Message-ID: <> elora won beat waterloo jr. mercy in final kitchener lost to waterloo in semi. elora beat glencoe as well Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Jun 11 09:33:12 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 06:33:12 -0700 Subject: COACHING CLINC World Series All Star Exhibition Fastpitch Men's Softball Match- June 13- Update III Message-ID: <> Received: 6/11/09 2:33:04 AM From: hamish monkman Subject: FW: COACHING CLINC World Series All Star Exhibition Fastpitch Men's Softball Match- June 13- Update III As you are all aware of the up and coming events of saturday eg world series match i'm going to give a run down on the coaching clinc which start at 3:oopm Since we do not what the attendance will be we have to be prepared for all circumstances. The invite was sent out to ages from tee-ball to under 19's The total clinc willl run about 1 hour and forty mins The break down on the clinc INTRODUCTION (APPOX 8mins ) - this will be a brief introduction on what how the clinc will conducted - An brief introduction of the world series players ( general info ) - Will break the kids up into ages group -tee-ball ( approx 2 groups) - under 12's ( approx 2 groups) -under 14's ( approx 2 groups) - under 16's and 19's (approx 1 group) ( these will have to be organise properly on the day due to unknown numbers, if large number of tee-ballers more groups will be made, if small amount of 14, 16 and 19' could be combined ) For the tee-ball and 12's there will be stations set-up and rotating after 20-25mins 14's depending on numbers will be in the rotation or will join in with 16 and 19's 16's and 19's will have specialist training on the main diamond Groups will be broken up: scott sunley, Bill Bailey, Brayden Reynolds, - THROWING AND CATCHING David Metekingi. Tyron Bartorillo, Darren Pyke - FIELDING Patrick Morgan, Richard Devey, Wade Prouten - BASERUNNING Josh davidson, Juilan jermont , Tom Bailey - BATTING Zenon Winters, Terry Downs , Jason Nathan - UNDER 16'S AND 19'S THESE GROUPS MAY CHANGE ON THE DAY - SPECIALIST TRAINING WILL HOPEFULLY INVOLVE ALL OF THE WORLD SERIES PLAYERS WARM-UP ( APPROX 15mins ) once the kids have been spilt up into the groups, they will go for a warm-up run followed by a stretch. Emphasis to the kids on the importance of stretching. STATIONS (20mins) = 4 stations X 20mins = 80mins WARM-DOWN (10-15mins ) Once again emphasize to the kids on the importance of stretching i will have drills to do at the stations which will go through on the day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDER 16 and 19's after warm-up - hitting -bunting and brieft baserunning - throwing and then cross over drill - split into specialise training - warm-down I WILL BE HELPING WHERE NEEDED, SO IF THEY ARE ANY QUERIES ON THE DAY AND THE CLINC, YOU CAN SEE MYSELF, LOU AND JULIAN ANY COACHES ARE MORE WELCOME TO HELP AND ASIST IN THIS CLINC. PLEASE SEE MYSELF, LOU OR JULIAN FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO. THANKS FOR READING. IF YOU MADE THIS FAR DOWN HAMISH MONKMAN ANY QUESTIONS GIVE ME A BUZZ PH: 0416 183 207 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jun 12 09:56:55 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 06:56:55 -0700 Subject: ANNUAL NORTHERN ONTARIO LADIES AND MEN'S FASTBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS Message-ID: <> Received: 6/12/09 8:57:38 AM From: "roger legendre" Add to People Section 4TH ANNUAL NORTHERN ONTARIO LADIES AND MEN'S FASTBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS As we hit mid June already this coming weekend , we are reminded that the 4th Annual Northern Ontario Ladies and Men's Fastball Championship is only two months away . The entree fee for this fine tournament will be $380 in 2009 .All teams will be guarenteed three games . Should we get the appropriate number of teams in for the men , first prize money should be between $1200 and $1500 with second prize money being around the $700 mark . All this will depend on the number of teams . We are looking for a minimum of 12 teams . In the ladies we cannot at this time establs a set amount for first place . In 2006 and 2007 it was one prize of $500 with a limited amount of 4 teams . All that could change in 2009 with an increase in the number of teams . The tournament will be held from August 14th to 16th most likely at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park in Azilda . The deadline for entry is Friday August the 7th . Cheques should made out to Northern Ontario Fastball Championship c/o Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League . We also need your roster with the money. A non refundable amount of $100 is due by Tuesday August the 1st which guarentees you a spot in the tournament . Full details and format for the tournament either pools or championship bracket style with tournament rules will be sent out once your entry has been confirmed(non refundable $100) . All cheques and money orders should be mailed to : Northern Ontario Fastball Championship c/o Roger Legendre Public Relations Liaison/Advisor 968 Jeanne D'Arc Street Hanmer , Ontario P3P 1R9 For further inquiries please send those inquiries to : Roger at er_legendre at Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jun 12 23:24:49 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 20:24:49 -0700 Subject: FW: Softball Players and Fans in Ontario celebrate World Softball Day! Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: Softball Ontario >To: fastball at >Date: 6/12/09 10:25:22 AM >




> > >CONTACT:??????Lisa >Crompton
????????????????????? >(416) 426-7150
????????????????????? >lcrompton at

> > >DATE:????????? >??June 12, 2009


Softball Players and Fans in Ontario celebrate World Softball >Day!

> > >NORTH YORK, ONTARIO- Declared by >the International Softball Federation (ISF) in 2005 to coincide with the date >that the International Olympic Committee announced that Softball would be >included in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, World Softball Day 2009 is >celebrated world-wide on June 13, 2009.

> > >In Ontario, the >following events are being held to help celebrate World Softball Day and to >support the Back Softball Campaign to get softball back into the Olympics for >2016:

  • Unionville World Softball Day Celebration ? June 13, >2009 >
    • Unionville Minor >Softball Association?s Opening Day, held on World Softball Day, will feature >700 players taking part in their first official game and having team photos >taken. The event will also feature hitting and throwing stations to add to the >fun!

    • >
  • >
  • Don >Victoria Softball League Alumni vs. Coaches Game ? June 13, 2009 > >
    • The Don Victoria >Softball League is celebrating World Softball Day by holding a special Alumni >vs. Coaches game on June 13, 2009. The game will take place at 12:00 PM at >Fenside Park (DVP & York Mills area, behind Fenside Public School). It >will be a fun game between Alumni Don Victoria Players and Coaches, with >approximately 100 people in attendance. The game is free of charge to all >participants; however we are asking they bring donations for our local food >bank.

    • >
  • >
  • 3rd >Annual Guelph Gator Classic ?09 ? June 12-14, 2009 >
    • The Gator Classic >is in its 3rd year since its re-establishment as an annual tournament. The >tournament focuses on the younger divisions, Mite to Novice, as there are >typically fewer tournaments available for these age groups. Thirty-four (34) >teams from across Ontario are participating this year.

    • >
  • >
  • Brampton June Novice Annual Blast ? June 12-14, 2009 > >
    • The Brampton June >Novice Annual Blast features four (4) Novice Tier II teams competing for the >tournament championship. Each team is guaranteed five (5) games, which will >provide them with a great opportunity to celebrate World Softball Day!

    • >
  • >
  • Red >Lake District Softball Association Tournament ? June 13-14, 2009 > >
    • Red Lake District >Softball Association is holding a boys and girls tournament on June 13 & >14, 2009! Three (3) local girls? teams and three (3) local boys? teams will be >competing against teams from out of town. A total of 150 players will be >participating!

    • >
  • >
  • Unionville Midget Girls Select Tournament ? June 14, >2009 >
    • The Unionville >Minor Softball Association Midget Girls Select Tournament features 8-10 Midget >Select Teams competing for the tournament championship. A great way to >celebrate World Softball Day!

    • >
  • >
  • Brampton Squirt Girls Select Tournament ? June 14, >2009 >
    • The Brampton >Girls Softball Association?s Squirt Girls Select Tournament features 8 Squirt >Girls Select Teams competing for the tournament championship. Another great >way to celebrate World Softball Day!
    • >
  • >
> > >Each of these events >will be celebrating World Softball Day and distributing BackSoftball Tattoos >to participants. Softball Ontario encourages you to join them in celebrating >World Softball Day!

> > >Other events being held >on World Softball Day include:

  • Newmarket >?Skins? Open Tournament | Newmarket, ON | June 13-14, 2009 >
  • >
  • Gravenhurst >Boston Pizza Mixed Slo-Pitch Classic | Gravenhurst, ON | June 12-14, >2009
  • >
  • Port Hope >Ganaraska Sharks 18th Annual SPO Provincial Qualifier | Port Hope, ON | >June 12-14, 2009
  • >
  • Burlington >Men?s Annual Slo-Pitch Tournament | Burlington, ON | June 13-14, >2009
  • >
  • CLMSO 2009 >Invitational Tournaments | Cobourg, ON | June 13-14, 2009 >
  • >
  • Stratford >Memorials Minor Boys Softball Tournament | Stratford, ON | June 13, >2009
  • >
  • Burgessville Pee Wee Boys Softball Tournament | >Burgessville, ON | June 13-14, 2009
  • >
  • Guelph >Novice Girls Select Tournament | Guelph, ON | June 14, 2009 >
  • >
> > >Softball Ontario hopes >you enjoy celebrating World Softball Day this weekend, and encourages you to >continue to play softball!



> > >Softball Ontario is >the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is to >promote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials and >volunteers by providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. >

> > >BackSoftball is a >campaign by the International Softball Federation (ISF) to promote the sport >of softball with the goal of getting softball back on the 2016 Olympic >Program. For more information about BackSoftball, please visit or >the ISF web site at >

> > From fastball at Sat Jun 13 18:30:20 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 15:30:20 -0700 Subject: Softball Players and Fans in Ontario celebrate World SoftballDay! Message-ID: <> Softball Players and Fans in Ontario celebrate World SoftballDay! NORTH YORK, ONTARIO- Declared bythe International Softball Federation (ISF) in 2005 to coincide with the datethat the International Olympic Committee announced that Softball would beincluded in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, World Softball Day 2009 iscelebrated world-wide on June 13, 2009. In Ontario, thefollowing events are being held to help celebrate World Softball Day and tosupport the Back Softball Campaign to get softball back into the Olympics for2016: Unionville World Softball Day Celebration ? June 13,2009 Unionville MinorSoftball Association?s Opening Day, held on World Softball Day, will feature700 players taking part in their first official game and having team photostaken. The event will also feature hitting and throwing stations to add to thefun! DonVictoria Softball League Alumni vs. Coaches Game ? June 13, 2009 The Don VictoriaSoftball League is celebrating World Softball Day by holding a special Alumnivs. Coaches game on June 13, 2009. The game will take place at 12:00 PM atFenside Park (DVP & York Mills area, behind Fenside Public School). Itwill be a fun game between Alumni Don Victoria Players and Coaches, withapproximately 100 people in attendance. The game is free of charge to allparticipants; however we are asking they bring donations for our local foodbank. 3rdAnnual Guelph Gator Classic ?09 ? June 12-14, 2009 The Gator Classicis in its 3rd year since its re-establishment as an annual tournament. Thetournament focuses on the younger divisions, Mite to Novice, as there aretypically fewer tournaments available for these age groups. Thirty-four (34)teams from across Ontario are participating this year. Brampton June Novice Annual Blast ? June 12-14, 2009 The Brampton JuneNovice Annual Blast features four (4) Novice Tier II teams competing for thetournament championship. Each team is guaranteed five (5) games, which willprovide them with a great opportunity to celebrate World Softball Day! RedLake District Softball Association Tournament ? June 13-14, 2009 Red Lake DistrictSoftball Association is holding a boys and girls tournament on June 13 &14, 2009! Three (3) local girls? teams and three (3) local boys? teams will becompeting against teams from out of town. A total of 150 players will beparticipating! Unionville Midget Girls Select Tournament ? June 14,2009 The UnionvilleMinor Softball Association Midget Girls Select Tournament features 8-10 MidgetSelect Teams competing for the tournament championship. A great way tocelebrate World Softball Day! Brampton Squirt Girls Select Tournament ? June 14,2009 The BramptonGirls Softball Association?s Squirt Girls Select Tournament features 8 SquirtGirls Select Teams competing for the tournament championship. Another greatway to celebrate World Softball Day! Each of these eventswill be celebrating World Softball Day and distributing BackSoftball Tattoosto participants. Softball Ontario encourages you to join them in celebratingWorld Softball Day! Other events being heldon World Softball Day include: Newmarket?Skins? Open Tournament | Newmarket, ON | June 13-14, 2009 GravenhurstBoston Pizza Mixed Slo-Pitch Classic | Gravenhurst, ON | June 12-14,2009 Port HopeGanaraska Sharks 18th Annual SPO Provincial Qualifier | Port Hope, ON |June 12-14, 2009 BurlingtonMen?s Annual Slo-Pitch Tournament | Burlington, ON | June 13-14,2009 CLMSO 2009Invitational Tournaments | Cobourg, ON | June 13-14, 2009 StratfordMemorials Minor Boys Softball Tournament | Stratford, ON | June 13,2009 Burgessville Pee Wee Boys Softball Tournament |Burgessville, ON | June 13-14, 2009 GuelphNovice Girls Select Tournament | Guelph, ON | June 14, 2009 Softball Ontario hopesyou enjoy celebrating World Softball Day this weekend, and encourages you tocontinue to play softball! -30- Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. BackSoftball is acampaign by the International Softball Federation (ISF) to promote the sportof softball with the goal of getting softball back on the 2016 OlympicProgram. For more information about BackSoftball, please visit orthe ISF web site at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jun 16 12:07:06 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 09:07:06 -0700 Subject: Media Release - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament, July 4 - 12, 2009 Message-ID: <> Subject: Media Release - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament, July 4 - 12, 2009 MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For ImmediateRelease Many of theWorld?s Best Prepare ForCanada Cup Competition (Happening July 4? 12, 2009) (Surrey, B.C.Canada) Many of the best players in the world are about to take centre stage atone of the best tournaments in the world, July 4 ? 12 at Softball City, Surrey,BC. It?s the 16th edition of the CanadaCup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament, where 13 teams are expected tocompete, including five of the eight national teams that competed in the 2008Olympic Summer Games in Beijing, China. It?s a grand slamtournament lineup once again with four tournaments being part of the 2009Canada Cup schedule. This year?stournament includes, not only the 16th Canada Cup International Women?sFastpitch Tournament, but also the 8th Canada Cup International FastpitchFutures Tournament World Junior Women?s presented by MVP Athletic Supplies, the5th Canada Cup 16 and Under Fastpitch Showcase Tournament and returning for the12th time, the Canada Cup Special Olympics Friendship Division Tournament. Up to 59 teams from many parts of the worldwill be coming to B.C. to take part in this softball extravaganza. This year?sCanada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament running July 4 - 12 atSoftball City (2201 ? 148th St.) in Surrey will feature many top national andclub teams vying for supremacy including Australia, Canada, Netherlands, theUSA and Venezuela. The 2009 CanadaCup Women?s tournament will be run under a new format this year, ensuring moregames featuring the international teams.The new tournament format will include an International Division and aNorth American Division. Theinternational teams and the North American club teams will compete amongstthemselves in round robin play with the top three club teams advancing tocompete against the international teams in the International ChampionshipRound. The remaining club teams will competein the North American Play-Off Round. ?We?re veryexcited about the great competition expected at this year?s Canada Cup. With the new format, each international team,including Canada, will play each of the other international teams twice duringthe week of round robin play. It will bean action packed week in both divisions, followed we?re sure by the alwaysintense play-off action where the best of the best square off.? stated GlenTodd, Canada Cup Chairman. The Canada Cupwas started by Todd in 1993 as an international women?s fastpitch developmentaltournament to help the Canadian national team prepare for top-levelinternational competition. Teams now regard the Canada Cup as one of thepremier competitive tournaments in the world. For informationon Canada Cup tickets and other tournament information call 604-536-9287 orvisit for other tournament information including a listing ofteams, as confirmed, that are expected to compete in the 2009 event. Media Contact:Colleen Goodwin-Ryan, Phone 604-581-9203 or e-mail: colleen(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jun 16 12:43:55 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 09:43:55 -0700 Subject: Hounds Lose First Game Message-ID: <> HOUNDS LOSE FIRST GAME Play continued Monday night in the Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League out in Azilda .In the opner the Dog House North Stars (1-1) picked up their firsr victory of the season as the Parry Island Hawks forfiethed because of the lack of players to give the North Stars a 7-0 win. In the nightcap the Cardinals of Pickerel River took on the first place undefeated Garson Hounds .Jonathan Contin(2-1) from the Cardinals only faced 25 batters in his five innings of work as he struck out 8 Hounds to give him a league high 26 on route to a 7-3 victory and tie Garson for first place at 2-1 . Contin only faced minor trouble in the top of the fouth when Garson scored all three of its runs .Gary Lamothe(2-1) went all the way for the Hounds scattering 8 hits ,issuing 4 base on balls and fanning 4 Cardinals . Curtis Hambley , Ed Panamick Jr and Pat Brennan Jr led the way for Pickerel River each hitting 2 for 3 while Dan Bidal hit 1 for 2 in a losing cause for the Hounds. Play resumes in the Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League on Thursday night at the Lorn Brady Park in Garson .In the opener set for 7PM it will be Dog House North Stars(1-1) taking on the Garson Hounds(2-1) followed by the nightcap at 9PM when the Parry Island Hawks(1-1) face the winless Sudbury Athletics (0-2) . Don't forget this coming weekend the 10th Annual Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball Tournament taking part at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park in Azilda. This is very prestigeous tournament held every year since the sad death of Officer Rick McDonald killed on duty.This year we will also remember Dan McDonald ,Rick's brother who for so many years was one of the leaders of this event and was killed in a car accident last year. Every year several police(both ladies and men constables) teams from across Ontario come to Greater Sudbury to play some weekend slo-pitch but also a fastball tournament is held in memory of Rick who was an excellent ball player from the Sudbury league. Everything gets underway Friday night on all three fields in Azilda .Don't forget there is BBQ all weekend plus a dance Saturday night.This year there will be 8 competing teams in the fastball section . The eight teams have been divided into two divisions of four . There will be divisional round robbin games for both Friday and Saturday followed by two semi finals and a championship game on Sunday. In semi final action the top teams in each division advance.Here are this year's fastball teams : BUD LIGHT DIVISION BLUE LIGHT DIVISION 1. Garson Hounds 5. Dog House North Stars 2. JB Red Soxs 6. Pickerel River Cardinals 3. Sudbury Athletics 7. Maganatewan Native Sons 4. Parry Island Hawks 8.Sagamok Rez Riders The final schedule for this weekend's 15 games will be out on Wednesday June the 10th. Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre Umpire,statistitian Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jun 16 12:49:34 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 09:49:34 -0700 Subject: Vote for Softball to be an Olympic Sport in 2016! Message-ID: <> Subject: Vote for Softball to be an Olympic Sport in 2016! MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vote for Softball to be an Olympic Sport in2016! The Canadian Olympic Committee has posted a poll on theirwebsite asking: ?What sport would you like to see added to the 2016 OlympicGames?? Let?s all join together and vote forsoftball! The poll is onthe right side of the COC website: www.olympic. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Jun 18 05:35:04 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 02:35:04 -0700 Subject: AUSSIE v KIWI residents match Message-ID: <> Subject: AUSSIE v KIWI residents match MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: TERRY_FUNDRAISER.doc - 1030k g'day everyone! no plans for saturday / night? come down to redlands softball (sturgeon street, ormiston) to watch the top 2 club teams play off for the presidents cup! hang around for a delicious spit roast, wash it down with a few drinks while australian invitational women's team take on new zealand invitational women's team. also have the deadliest dj commentating the game .. "dr rock", the dave horne! who knows? just might be your lucky day and win one of the many raffles being sold throughout the day, including $500 prize money in COW LOTTO. hope to see your smiling faces there! kelly mcnathan Saturday, June 26 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Jun 18 22:24:31 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 19:24:31 -0700 Subject: DURHAM LORDS FASTBALL PLAYER TAKING TO THE NATIONAL STAGE AT THE CANADA SUMMER GAMES Message-ID: <> From: Scott Dennis Subject: DURHAM LORDS FASTBALL PLAYER TAKING TO THE NATIONAL STAGE AT THE CANADA SUMMER GAMES DurhamLords Media Release Thursday, June 18, 2009 Durham Lords fastball player taking to the National stage at the CanadaSummer Games Oshawa, Ont. - Before taking the field in a Durham Lords uniform,incoming freshman Janna Hagan (Sherwood Park, Alta.) will have a chance to makean impression on the rest of the country as she has been selected to representTeam Alberta in softball at the 2009 Canada Summer Games. The games are set totake place in Summerside, Prince Edward Island from August 15th to29th. ?I had a chance to speak with Janna and she?s extremely excitedabout this opportunity,? said Durham College women?s fastball headcoach Jim Nemish. ?It is a great chance for her and hopefully it?san experience she can share with her teammates when she comes to Durham thisfall.? Hagan has plenty of experience playing at the provincial and national level.. In2008, her team won a silver medal at the Alberta Provincial Championship andshe also participated at the Canada Cup, placing sixth out of 21 teams. Oneyear prior, Hagan played for Team Alberta at the Western Canada Games where theteam won the bronze medal. She has also won silver at the Canadian BantamNationals in Montreal, where she was recognized as the Player of the Game. In2006, her team went on to win the bronze medal at the Alberta Summer Games. Hagan will bring versatility and a great bat to Team Alberta and the DurhamLords. Her role at the Summer Games has yet to be defined, but with the Lordsit is anticipated she will pitch and play in the outfield. Hagan brings astrong mix of power and average to the plate. Last season with the SherwoodPark Belles, Hagan batted .393 with a slugging percentage of .538 while addinga team-leading 31 runs batted in. Hagan will join the Durham Lords women?s fastball team as they begintheir quest for a 15th Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA)Championship. She will join a lineup that already boasts a strong veteran coreincluding 2008 OCAA player and rookie of the year Erin Dewey and 2008 OCAA all-starCarolyn Moore. The women?s fastball team begins their 2009 regular seasonas they host Mohawk College on September 18, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jun 19 22:42:42 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 19:42:42 -0700 Subject: FW: Innerkip 9 pm Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: >Date: 6/19/09 9:40:01 PM > Gm 1 >Shakespeare Falcons 5 >Wyevale Tribe 2 >WP Fred Follings >LP Jason Giffen, relief Drew Faulkner >Shakespeare: Matt Mclaren 2 RBIs; Trevor Glaab 2 RBIs > >Gm 3 >Alvinston Indians 8 >Orangeville Kings 1 >WP Ryan Swift, relief Doug Charlton >LP Joel Pegg, relief Kyle Anderson >Alvinston: Ryan Swift 3-run home run (inside the park) > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 11:56:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:56:25 -0700 Subject: FW: Updated Innerkip Saturday Schedule Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: >Date: 6/20/09 10:42:44 AM > Scrambling to move games to drier diamonds ... Tentative schedule is below for rest of day. Will update at 1 pm. > >1 pm >Kitchener vs Shakespeare at Drumbo 1 >Wellington vs Wyevale at Drumbo 2 >KW vs Ohsweken at Innerkip > >3 pm >Glencoe vs CPI at Drumbo 2 >Port Elgin vs Alvinston at Drumbo 1 >Orangeville vs Innerkip at Innerkip > >5 pm >Loser's bracket games in Innerkip > >7 pm >Winner's bracket games in Innerkip > >9 pm >Loser's bracket games in Innerkip > >Note: Undefeated game originally scheduled for 9 pm Saturday now scheduled for 11 am Sunday. > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 14:53:17 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 11:53:17 -0700 Subject: FW: Innerkip 1 pm scores Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 1:31:48 PM > 1 pm at Drumbo 1 >Shakespeare 4 >Kitchener 3 >WP Fred Follings >LP Mel Ross > >at Drumbo 2 >Wellington 9 >Wyevale 2 - 6 innings >WP Nic Goetz >LP Jason Giffen, relief Graham McNabb > >1:50 start in Innerkip >KW vs Ohsweken >Ryan French vs Darren Zack > >3 pm >Glencoe vs CPI at Drumbo 2 >Port Elgin vs Alvinston at Drumbo 1 >Orangeville vs Innerkip at Innerkip > >6 pm >Loser's bracket games in Innerkip > >8 pm >Winner's bracket games in Innerkip > >10 pm >Loser's bracket games in Innerkip > >Note: Undefeated game originally scheduled for 9 pm Saturday now scheduled for 11 am Sunday. > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 14:58:45 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 11:58:45 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: Innerkip 1 pm scores Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 1:56:25 PM > Some sun peeking thru the clouds here in Innerkip. > >Ohsweken leading K/W 2-0 in 5th ... > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sat Jun 20 14:31:48 2009 >Subject: Innerkip 1 pm scores > >1 pm at Drumbo 1 >Shakespeare 4 >Kitchener 3 >WP Fred Follings >LP Mel Ross > >at Drumbo 2 >Wellington 9 >Wyevale 2 - 6 innings >WP Nic Goetz >LP Jason Giffen, relief Graham McNabb > >1:50 start in Innerkip >KW vs Ohsweken >Ryan French vs Darren Zack > >3 pm >Glencoe vs CPI at Drumbo 2 >Port Elgin vs Alvinston at Drumbo 1 >Orangeville vs Innerkip at Innerkip > >6 pm >Loser's bracket games in Innerkip > >8 pm >Winner's bracket games in Innerkip > >10 pm >Loser's bracket games in Innerkip > >Note: Undefeated game originally scheduled for 9 pm Saturday now scheduled for 11 am Sunday. > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 15:21:41 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 12:21:41 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: Innerkip 1 pm scores - Update Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: >Date: 6/20/09 2:12:23 PM > Now 2-2 in T7 - Cubs just tied it > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >________________________________ > >From: jamesflanagan at >To: Setford, Blair >Sent: Sat Jun 20 15:09:32 2009 >Subject: Re: Innerkip 1 pm scores > > >I added note as an "Update" to the 1pm post > > > >On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Setford, Blair wrote: > > > Some sun peeking thru the clouds here in Innerkip. > > Ohsweken leading K/W 2-0 in 5th ... > > > > > From aldoran at Sat Jun 20 15:37:02 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 12:37:02 -0700 Subject: Team Canada vs Jarvis Message-ID: <> Softball Canada waiting for their stats man to send them results >From last night then they will sen them to us for posting Check NEWS-2 Al Doran, CHRP Phenix Management Int'l, Inc. 10520 Yonge St. Unit 35B, Suite 217 Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 3C7 Office Phone: +1.416-505-6204 Office Fax: +1.416-352-7456 Email: aldoran at 3rd Edition Now Available VIA From fastball at Sat Jun 20 16:13:42 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 13:13:42 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: Innerkip 1 pm scores Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 2:31:43 PM > In Drumbo >1-0 CPI over Glencoe >6-0 Port Elgin over Alvinston >Both in mid innings > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >________________________________ > >From: jamesflanagan at >To: Setford, Blair >Sent: Sat Jun 20 15:19:19 2009 >Subject: Re: Innerkip 1 pm scores > > >Posted as a second update...we're almost in real time :-) (where's your headset? ;-) > > >- > > >On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Setford, Blair wrote: > > > Now 2-2 in T7 - Cubs just tied it > > > > > Blair Setford > AVP, Product Development > IA Clarington Investments Inc. > 416 860 9880 x2285 > -------------------------- > Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > > > > > >________________________________ > > From: jamesflanagan at > To: Setford, Blair > Sent: Sat Jun 20 15:09:32 2009 > Subject: Re: Innerkip 1 pm scores > > > > > I added note as an "Update" to the 1pm post > > > > On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Setford, Blair wrote: > > > Some sun peeking thru the clouds here in Innerkip. > > Ohsweken leading K/W 2-0 in 5th ... > > > > > > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 16:15:12 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 13:15:12 -0700 Subject: FW: 1:50 final Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 2:38:44 PM > KW Cubs 3 >Ohsweken Redmen 2 - 8 innings >WP Ryan French >LP Darren Zack >Cubs Andy Baechler sac fly GWRBI in T8 > >Next is Orangeville vs Innerkip > >In Drumbo >CPI leading Glencoe 3-1 >Port Elgin leading Alvinston 6-3 > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 17:05:20 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:05:20 -0700 Subject: FW: Final Gm 6 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 3:54:21 PM > CPI 9 >Glencoe 1 - 5 innings >WP Jason Smith >LP Ian Knott, relief Steve Cook > > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 17:06:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:06:25 -0700 Subject: FW: Final Gm 7 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 4:03:11 PM > Port Elgin 11 >Alvinston 4 >WP Scott Smith, relief Rob Fawcett >LP Brad Young, relief Ryan Swift, Doug Charlton > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 17:40:58 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:40:58 -0700 Subject: FW: Ottawa update Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 4:19:13 PM > Gm 2 >Ottawa Team Easton 6 >Napanee Express 4 > >Gm 5 >Team Quebec 1 >Fitzroy Harbour 0 > >Gm 7 >Stittsville 6 >Carp 1 > > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 17:42:37 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:42:37 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: Final Gm 10 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 4:09:55 PM > Innerkip reliever was Adam McIntyre > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sat Jun 20 17:08:25 2009 >Subject: Final Gm 10 > >Orangeville 7 >Innerkip 1 >WP Joel Pegg >LP Rob Dyckson, relief >Orangeville Ken Wilton home run; Rich Long 3-run home run > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 18:07:43 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 15:07:43 -0700 Subject: FW: Update 5:50 pm Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/20/09 4:56:19 PM > Gm 11 >Ohsweken Redmen vs Alvinston Indians >Phil Martin vs Ryan Swift >Underway at 5:45 > >Gm 12 - started at 5:30 >Kitchener Outlaws vs Glencoe Astros >Mel Ross vs Ian Knott >Outlaws score 5 in T1 > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sat Jun 20 19:00:06 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:00:06 -0700 Subject: FW: Portland Rose Cup Scores - Saturday morning, June 20, 2009 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: Jim Flanagan >To: "Al's Fastball" >Date: 6/20/09 5:08:03 PM > Portland Rose Cup Scores - Saturday morning > > >Thanks to Tom Ree for phoning in these scores: > >2009 Rose Cup >June 20/21 - Delta Park >ISC & ISC II Qualifier > >Teams: >Midwest Stampede - Bondurant, IA >Vancouver Grey Sox - Vancouver, B.C. >Columbia River Rockers - Portland, OR >Innovative Communications - Salt Lake City, Utah > >Saturday June 20th > >Game 1 - 8:30am >Vancouver Grey Sox - 7 >Columbia River Rockers - 0 >WP-Travis Price >LP-Rick Smith >HR-Scott Newitt (VGS) > >Game 2 - 8:30am >Midwest Stampede - 20 (twenty) >Innovative Communications - 0 >WP-Tony Peeples >LP-Chadwick >HR-King and Bohman (MS) > >Game 3 >Vancouver Grey Sox - 3 >Innovative Communications - 2 >WP-Brand >LP-Chadwick > >12:30pm mid-game score >Midwest Stampede up 5-0 over Columbia River Rockers, after 3 inn. > >Other games scheduled today. >Columbia River Rockers vs Innovative Communications - 2:30pm Pepsi Field >Vancouver Grey Sox vs Midwest Stampede - 4:30pm Jubitz Field > >We are updating scores on The Morning Brief at Fastpitchwest as they come in: > >(scroll for scores) > >--- >Jim Flanagan > > >Email: jim (at) fastpitchwest (dot) co From fastball at Sun Jun 21 11:24:17 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 08:24:17 -0700 Subject: FW: Innerkip 11 am gms 19 and 20 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 9:54:44 AM > Gm 19 >Undefeated game >KW Cubs vs Dundas CPI Classics >Brad Thomson vs Jeff Murphy > >Gm 20 >Port Elgin Blue Devils vs Ohsweken Redmen >Scott Smith vs Phil Martin >Winner of this game gets a berth to the ToC > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sun Jun 21 12:00:28 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 09:00:28 -0700 Subject: FW: : Update Innerkip 11 am gms 19 and 20 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 10:45:14 AM > Port Elgin 1 Ohsweken 0 - end 3 >Matt Reinhart RBI triple > >KW 4 CPI 0 - B3 >Dan Garmon 2-run home run > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 10:54:44 2009 >Subject: Innerkip 11 am gms 19 and 20 > >Gm 19 >Undefeated game >KW Cubs vs Dundas CPI Classics >Brad Thomson vs Jeff Murphy > >Gm 20 >Port Elgin Blue Devils vs Ohsweken Redmen >Scott Smith vs Phil Martin >Winner of this game gets a berth to the ToC > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sun Jun 21 12:23:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 09:23:25 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: : Update Innerkip 11 am gms 19 and 20 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 11:19:39 AM > Port Elgin 4 Ohsweken 0 end 5 >Ryan Dudgeon RBI triple, Blake Underwood RBI double > >KW 6 CPI 1 - B5 >Brad Thomson solo home run for KW >Shaun Winship RBI double for CPI > > > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 11:45:14 2009 >Subject: : Update Innerkip 11 am gms 19 and 20 > >Port Elgin 1 Ohsweken 0 - end 3 >Matt Reinhart RBI triple > >KW 4 CPI 0 - B3 >Dan Garmon 2-run home run > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 10:54:44 2009 >Subject: Innerkip 11 am gms 19 and 20 > >Gm 19 >Undefeated game >KW Cubs vs Dundas CPI Classics >Brad Thomson vs Jeff Murphy > >Gm 20 >Port Elgin Blue Devils vs Ohsweken Redmen >Scott Smith vs Phil Martin >Winner of this game gets a berth to the ToC > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sun Jun 21 13:55:05 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 10:55:05 -0700 Subject: FW: Innerkip Game 21 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 12:12:06 PM > Port Elgin Blue Devils vs Dundas CPI Classics >Scott Smith vs Shaun Winship > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sun Jun 21 13:55:16 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 10:55:16 -0700 Subject: FW: Update Innerkip Game 21 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 12:45:04 PM > T2 Port Elgin Blake Underwood 2b followed by Greg Thede home run. >2-0 Port into B2 > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 13:12:06 2009 >Subject: Innerkip Game 21 > >Port Elgin Blue Devils vs Dundas CPI Classics >Scott Smith vs Shaun Winship > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sun Jun 21 14:34:03 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 11:34:03 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: Update Innerkip Game 21 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 1:04:17 PM > B3 CPI Charlie Walsman single, stolen base followed by Keith Rankin RBI double >2-1 for Port Elgin > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 13:45:04 2009 >Subject: Update Innerkip Game 21 > >T2 Port Elgin Blake Underwood 2b followed by Greg Thede home run. >2-0 Port into B2 > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 13:12:06 2009 >Subject: Innerkip Game 21 > >Port Elgin Blue Devils vs Dundas CPI Classics >Scott Smith vs Shaun Winship > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sun Jun 21 14:36:31 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 11:36:31 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: Update Innerkip Game 21 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 1:24:54 PM > Still 2-1 thru 5 complete > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 14:04:17 2009 >Subject: Re: Update Innerkip Game 21 > >B3 CPI Charlie Walsman single, stolen base followed by Keith Rankin RBI double >2-1 for Port Elgin > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 13:45:04 2009 >Subject: Update Innerkip Game 21 > >T2 Port Elgin Blake Underwood 2b followed by Greg Thede home run. >2-0 Port into B2 > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 13:12:06 2009 >Subject: Innerkip Game 21 > >Port Elgin Blue Devils vs Dundas CPI Classics >Scott Smith vs Shaun Winship > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sun Jun 21 15:03:13 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:03:13 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: Update Innerkip Game 21 Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 1:36:25 PM > Thru 6 complete still 2-1 Port Elgin > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 14:24:54 2009 >Subject: Re: Update Innerkip Game 21 > >Still 2-1 thru 5 complete > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 14:04:17 2009 >Subject: Re: Update Innerkip Game 21 > >B3 CPI Charlie Walsman single, stolen base followed by Keith Rankin RBI double >2-1 for Port Elgin > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 13:45:04 2009 >Subject: Update Innerkip Game 21 > >T2 Port Elgin Blake Underwood 2b followed by Greg Thede home run. >2-0 Port into B2 > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 13:12:06 2009 >Subject: Innerkip Game 21 > >Port Elgin Blue Devils vs Dundas CPI Classics >Scott Smith vs Shaun Winship > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Sun Jun 21 16:03:46 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 13:03:46 -0700 Subject: FW: Re: Game 22 - Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Setford, Blair" >To: , >Date: 6/21/09 2:55:18 PM > B3 Cubs 1-out Luc Hiller 3b stranded >Scoreless thru 3 complete > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 15:31:12 2009 >Subject: Re: Game 22 - Final > >Scoreless thru 1 >Great play by PE's Shawn Detzler to end the inning. > > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > >----- Original Message ----- >From: Setford, Blair >To: 'fastball at' ; 'jim at' >Sent: Sun Jun 21 15:15:27 2009 >Subject: Game 22 - Final > >Port Elgin Blue Devils vs KW Cubs >Scott Smith vs Ryan French > >Blair Setford >AVP, Product Development >IA Clarington Investments Inc. >416 860 9880 x2285 >-------------------------- >Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Device > From fastball at Wed Jun 24 11:22:10 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 08:22:10 -0700 Subject: Player (lady) looking for a team Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: Lisa Showan >To: Players looking for a Team to play with this season: First and Last Name: Lisa Position/s: Short, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Catcher Current Hometown: Sault Ste. Marie State/Province: Ontario Date Posted: June 20, 2009 Your Bio: Not much to tell, many years of competitive fastball, good athlete all round, consistent hitter, regular workout regime, experienced in team activities (fundraising, organizing events), has full-time job, vehicle to travel, dependable and committed. That pretty much sums it up. Looking for organization and commitment. I won?t waste my time and money on teams that aren?t in it to win! Notes: Looking for a woman?s fastball team for All Ontario Native Fast pitch Tourny, or Northern Championships in Sudbury. If I had more time I would possibly run a North Shore Woman?s Fastball League. Need help on that one! E-Mail Address: dizzylizzy_68(at) From fastball at Thu Jun 25 16:50:01 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 13:50:01 -0700 Subject: University Nationals in Waterloo, ON - in October Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Jun 25 17:03:37 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 14:03:37 -0700 Subject: University Nationals - Waterloo - October Message-ID: <> Received: 6/25/09 3:43:02 PM From: Matt Allen Add to People Section To: CC: Subject: RE: University Nationals Hi Al, Date is October 10-12 in Kitchener/Waterloo at Peter Hallman Ball Yard. Yours in softball, Matt Allen Paris Predators Fastball 2009 Wilfrid Laurier University Women's Softball Assistant Coach- Home of the 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch Championships October 9-12 @ Peter Hallman in KW 2007 Ontario Champions 2008 Ontario Bronze 2008 Canadian National Silver Kingston Kobras Midget Boys Fastball Coach-2008 Ontario Champions Wilfrid Laurier University Student Recruitment Office Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Jun 27 15:24:14 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 12:24:14 -0700 Subject: FW: Eau Claire Classic Results Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Stu Taylor" >To: >Date: 6/27/09 2:23:00 PM > Saturday games: > > > 43rd Eau Claire Classic > MIDWEST STAMPEDE vs ASB-VILLARD > Jun 27, 2009 at Eau Claire (Gelein) > > MIDWEST STAMPEDE 22 (2-0) ASB-VILLARD 0 (1-1) > > Player AB R H BI Player AB R H BI > --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- > ENOKA,BEN cf............... 5 2 3 2 GORING, D 1b............... 2 0 0 0 > MCLEAN,STACY rf............ 5 4 5 6 RETIER,DAVE ss............. 2 0 0 0 > NUKUNUKA,NATHAN ss......... 5 3 4 3 GORING,ZACH 2b............. 2 0 1 0 > MOTRONI,BRUNO dh........... 4 2 3 3 DZIENGEL,ANDY rf/p......... 2 0 0 0 > KUNKA,TONYA 1b............. 3 2 2 2 ALBERS,JOSH cf............. 1 0 0 0 > KING,BOBBIE 2b............. 3 1 0 0 ALBERS,NATHANIEL lf........ 1 0 0 0 > BOHLMANN,CHRIS lf.......... 2 3 1 0 LULI,JASON dh/rf........... 1 0 0 0 > ROSTHENHAUSLER,BOBBY c..... 3 3 2 1 ROWAN,JACK c............... 1 0 0 0 > CASCAES,GREGG 3b........... 3 2 2 4 Reeger, Pat 3b............. 1 0 0 0 > MUIZELAAR,GERALD p......... 0 0 0 0 COOLEY,JOEL p.............. 0 0 0 0 > Totals..................... 33 22 22 21 Totals..................... 13 0 1 0 > > Score by Innings R H E > ---------------------------------------- > MIDWEST STAMPEDE.... (10)03 9 - 22 22 0 > ASB-VILLARD......... 0 00 0 - 0 1 0 > ---------------------------------------- > > LOB - MIDWEST 5; ASB-VILLARD 1. 2B - MCLEAN,S; NUKUNUKU,N; CASCAES,G. 3B - ENOKA,B; > MOTRONI,B. HR - MCLEAN,S; NUKUNUKU,N; CASCAES,G. HBP - KUNKA,T; BOHLMANN,C. > > MIDWEST STAMPEDE IP H R ER BB SO WP BK HP IBB AB BF FO GO > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > MUIZELAAR,GERALD W........ 4.0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 3 > > ASB-VILLARD IP H R ER BB SO WP BK HP IBB AB BF FO GO > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > COOLEY,JOEL L............. 3.2 21 22 20 4 1 3 0 2 0 31 37 7 2 > DZIENGEL,ANDY ............. 0.1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 > > WP - COOLEY,J 3. HB - COOLEY,J 2. PB - ROWAN,J. > > Strikeouts - KING,B; GORING, D 2; REITER,D; DZIENGEL,A; ALBERS,J; ALBERS,N; LULI,J; > ROWAN,J; Reeger, P. Walks - KING,B; BOHLMANN,C; ROSTHENHAUSL; CASCAES,G. > > Umpires - > Start: 12:00 Time: Attendance: > Game: 0509 > > > > 43rd Eau Claire Classic > MINNESOTA ANGELS vs FARM TAVERN > Jun 27, 2009 at Eau Claire (Hobbs) > > MINNESOTA ANGELS 0 (0-2) FARM TAVERN 15 (2-0) > > Player AB R H BI Player AB R H BI > --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- > KAUFMAN,JERROD ss/3b....... 2 0 0 0 Winters, Zenn 2b........... 4 2 2 2 > DIETHERT,CHRIS dh.......... 1 0 0 0 OWENS,TOM ss............... 4 2 3 3 > APPLEGATE,MIKE ss......... 1 0 0 0 HALE,DONNY 1b.............. 2 2 2 2 > SAUNGERS,RICK 2b........... 2 0 0 0 ABBOTT,COLIN lf............ 3 3 2 4 > BISHOP,SAM 3b/dh........... 0 0 0 0 GRAY,ROB dh................ 2 2 0 0 > THOMPSON,TOMMY cf.......... 1 0 0 0 GOOLAGONG,JEFF 3b.......... 2 1 1 2 > MATACZYNSKI,JEFF lf........ 1 0 0 0 GRANT,MIKE cf.............. 2 1 1 1 > LARSON,JEFF 1b............. 1 0 0 0 SANFORD,JASON c............ 3 1 1 0 > HORDA, SCOTT rf............ 1 0 0 0 CORBETT,JIM rf............. 1 1 0 0 > ARNTZEN,PAUL c............. 1 0 0 0 COX,FRANK p................ 0 0 0 0 > KAMMUELLER,KEVIN p......... 0 0 0 0 > Totals..................... 11 0 0 0 Totals..................... 23 15 12 14 > > Score by Innings R H E > ---------------------------------------- > MINNESOTA ANGELS.... 000 0 - 0 0 2 > FARM TAVERN......... 30(11) 1 - 15 12 0 > ---------------------------------------- > > Note: 1 out, 2 runners LOB when the game ended. > > E - SAUNDERS,R; ARNTZEN,P. LOB - FARM TAVERN 4. HR - HALE,D; ABBOTT,C; GOOLAGONG,J. > > MINNESOTA ANGELS IP H R ER BB SO WP BK HP IBB AB BF FO GO > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > KAMMUELLER,KEVIN L........ 2.2 11 14 13 5 4 0 0 0 0 19 24 2 1 > BISHOP,SAM ................ 0.2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 5 1 1 > > FARM TAVERN IP H R ER BB SO WP BK HP IBB AB BF FO GO > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > COX,FRANK W............... 4.0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 11 12 2 3 > > > Strikeouts - KAUFMAN,J; SAUNDERS,R; THOMPSON,T; LARSON,J; HORDA, S; ARNTZEN,P; > OWENS,T; GRAY,R; SANFORD,J 2; CORBETT,J. Walks - BISHOP,S; HALE,D; GRAY,R; > GOOLAGONG,J; GRANT,M; CORBETT,J 2. > > Umpires - > Start: 12pm Time: Attendance: > Game: 0609 > > > > From fastball at Sat Jun 27 15:41:03 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 12:41:03 -0700 Subject: FW: 43rd Annual Eau Claire Classic Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Stu Taylor" >To: "Al's Fastpitch" >Date: 6/27/09 2:32:18 PM > The tournament got off to a great start last night, with ASB-Villard defeating Wilber Lime with a two out single in the bottom of the 7th to plate the winning run. Farm Tavern, always a favorite of the fans here in Eau Claire did not disappoint with their opening game as they defeated The Bar - Green Bay by a score of 9-1. > >The crowds on Friday were FANTASTIC as was the weather. A beautiful night in the Chippewa Valley for fastpitch softball! Rain came in over night and lingered into the morning, but the fields were superb by the start of the first game at 10:00am. With the rain over and clouds lifting, the crowds are starting to build again for what promises to be some great games later this evening. > >We are experiencing some difficulties with our wireless connection at the Gelein Field Press Box. We will continue to send game reports through as quickly as possible. Pool Play action continues through this evening, with the elimination bracket beginning Sunday at 9:00am. > >We look forward to bringing you all the action as fast as we can, you can also view articles on the tournament by going to the Leader Telegram web site > >Stu Taylor >Tournament Director >Eau Claire Classic > > > > From fastball at Mon Jun 29 15:20:17 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 12:20:17 -0700 Subject: Softball Canada Announces Canada Cup Roster Message-ID: <> Received: 6/29/09 2:20:20 PM From: "Gilles LeBlanc" Add to People Section To: "Gilles LeBlanc" CC: Subject: Softball Canada Announces Canada Cup Roster / Softball Canada annonce la formation canadienne de la -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 29, 2009 Softball Canada Announces Canada Cup Roster (Surrey, BC) - Softball Canada ispleased to announce the list of nineteen (19) players who have been named tothe Senior Women?s National Team for the 2009 Canada Cup. The roster includesnine (9) players returning from the 2008 Olympic Team, four (4) players whoplayed for the Canadian Junior Women?s National Team in 2007, and six (6) otherplayers who were selected from three Evaluation Camps held over the past month.The final Selection Camp was held this past weekend in Victoria, BC. The athletes who will represent Canada at the Canada Cup inSurrey, BC from July 4-12 are: Athletes Position Number Home Town JenniferCaira Pitcher 20 Toronto, ON ErinCumpstone Catcher 18 Saskatoon, SK CharlotteDolan Catcher 28 Coquitlam, BC Tarah Ettinger Catcher 19 Halifax, NS KelseyHaberl 1st Base 5 Burnaby, BC VictoriaHayward Outfield 8 Mountainview, California KylieHovinga Pitcher 21 Omaha, Nebraska SheenaLawrick 1st Base 4 Calgary, AB Danielle Lawrie Pitcher 13 Langley, BC CaitlinLever Center Field 9 Buffalo , New York MarissaLitster Pitcher 23 Sidney, BC Leah MacIntosh Pitcher 44 Whitby, ON MelanieMatthews LeftField 12 Cloverdale, BC EvelynePare Right Field 26 Ile-Perrot, QC KaleighRafter Catcher 55 Guelph, ON JenniferSalling Short Stop 7 Langley, BC JessicaTieszen Utility 11 Surrey, BC MeganTimpf 3rd Base 14 Port Dover, ON JenniferYee 2ndBase 22 North Delta, BC Coaching Staff MarkSmith HeadCoach Falmouth, NS MelissaBasilio AssistantCoach Pickering, ON JimPeterson AssistantCoach Desmoines, Washington KimWright AssistantCoach Surrey, BC Laurie Freebairn AthleticTherapist Maple Ridge, BC HarveyStevenson Operations Manager Saanichton, BC 2008 Olympian Robin Mackin(Newmarket, ON), who is recovering from an injury, will be added to theCanadian roster following the Canada Cup. -SC- For more information, pleasecontact: Gilles LeBlanc Manager, Marketing andCommunications Softball Canada gleblanc at 613-523-3386 ext. 3105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POUR DIFFUSION IMMEDIATE 29 juin 2009 Softball Canada annonce la formation canadiennede la Coupe du Canada (Surrey, C-B) ? Softball Canada est contentd?annoncer la liste de dix-neuf (19) joueuses qui ont ?t? nomm?es ? l??quipeNationale Senior F?minine pour la Coupe du Canada de 2009. La formationcomprend neuf (9) athl?tes retournant de l??quipe Olympique de 2008, quatre (4)joueuses qui ont jou? avec l??quipe National Junior F?minine du Canada en 2007,et six (6) autres joueuses qui ont ?t? choisis ? partir des trois Campsd??valuation qui ont eu lieu lors du dernier mois. Le Camp de S?lection final aeu lieu la fin de semaine derni?re ? Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique. Les athl?tes qui repr?senteront le Canada ?la Coupe du Canada ? Surrey, C-B du 4 au 12 juillet sont : Athl?tes Position Nombre Ville d?origine JenniferCaira Lanceuse 20 Toronto, ON ErinCumpstone Receveuse 18 Saskatoon, SK CharlotteDolan Receveuse 28 Coquitlam, C-B Tarah Ettinger Receveuse 19 Halifax, N-? Kelsey Haberl 1erBut 5 Burnaby, C-B VictoriaHayward ChampExt?rieur 8 Mountainview, Californie KylieHovinga Lanceuse 21 Omaha, Nebraska SheenaLawrick 1erBut 4 Calgary, AB DanielleLawrie Lanceuse 13 Langley, C-B CaitlinLever ChampCentre 9 Buffalo , New York MarissaLitster Lanceuse 23 Sidney, C-B Leah MacIntosh Lanceuse 44 Whitby, ON MelanieMatthews ChampGauche 12 Cloverdale, C-B EvelynePare ChampDroite 26 Ile-Perrot, QC KaleighRafter Receveuse 55 Guelph, ON JenniferSalling Arr?t-Court 7 Langley, C-B JessicaTieszen Utilit? 11 Surrey, C-B MeganTimpf 3eBut 14 Port Dover, ON JenniferYee 2eBut 22 North Delta, C-B Personnel des Entra?neurs MarkSmith Entra?neur-Chef Falmouth, N-? MelissaBasilio Entra?neuseAdjointe Pickering, ON JimPeterson Entra?neurAdjoint Desmoines, Washington KimWright Entra?neuseAdjointe Surrey, C-B Laurie Freebairn Th?rapeuteAthl?tique Maple Ridge, C-B Harvey Stevenson G?rant des op?rations Saanichton, C-B L?Olympienne de2008 Robin Mackin (Newmarket, ON), qui se remet d?une blessure, sera ajout?e ?la formation canadienne suivant la Coupe du Canada. -SC- Pour plus d?information,veuillez contacter: Gilles LeBlanc Manager - Marketing and Communications Services 223 Colonnade Rd., Ste 212 Ottawa, ON K2E 7K3 gleblanc at (613) 523-3386 ext. 3105 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Jul 2 20:33:03 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 17:33:03 -0700 Subject: FW: Fw: From the Field in Monkton Message-ID: <> Report 1 3rd inning no score Twins vs Sask Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: brianbaillie at >To: fastball at >Date: 7/2/09 7:27:28 PM > >Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network > >-----Original Message----- >From: brianbaillie at > >Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 00:26:11 >To: >Subject: From the Field in Monkton > > > We're under way! Some great defense already. Jody Eidt has left the game - just has a cold and cough and wants some rest. >Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Networ From aldoran at Thu Jul 2 23:14:28 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 03:14:28 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 2 Message-ID: <> Paul algar throwing for NZ Blacksox Andrew Putnam for Vancouver NZ up 4 0 over Van in 4th 11pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Fri Jul 3 00:06:34 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 04:06:34 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 2 Message-ID: <> 7th NZ leading Vancouver 6 2 Gosse throwing for Vancouver Shannon for NZ Midnight Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Fri Jul 3 13:50:45 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 17:50:45 +0000 Subject: Monkton game 3 Message-ID: <> 1:45pm Jarvis @ NZ Manley for NZ Phibbs for Jarvis Overcast 15c Seems to be warming up Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Fri Jul 3 14:02:42 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 18:02:42 +0000 Subject: Ballparkradio @ Monkton Message-ID: <> Game 3 is underway Jim and Kyle are still wrestling with the internet connection They are trying to cover this game Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Fri Jul 3 14:16:06 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 18:16:06 +0000 Subject: BallParkRadio is Live in Monkton - Game 3 Message-ID: <> 2:10pm is now on Jarvis threatened t1 but left 2 on B1 Nz has scored 2 so far Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Fri Jul 3 16:41:23 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 20:41:23 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 4 Message-ID: <> 3rd inning and Sask are up 5 - 0 over all stars 4:40pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Fri Jul 3 17:40:51 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 21:40:51 +0000 Subject: Game 4 Final Message-ID: <> 6 - 1 for Sask over All Stars 5:35pm Sun trying to come out Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From fastball at Fri Jul 3 19:38:43 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 16:38:43 -0700 Subject: FW: From the Field Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: brianbaillie at >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 7/3/09 6:28:41 PM > Other entires for the Easton Home Run Derby : >Jeff Goolagong - Farm >Matt Palazzo - Stampede > >Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Networ From aldoran at Fri Jul 3 19:53:39 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 23:53:39 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 5 Final Message-ID: <> Midwest 5 Vancouver 0 7:45pm Home Run derby up next then Game 6 Kitchener vs The Farm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Fri Jul 3 22:53:53 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 02:53:53 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 6 close Message-ID: <> Back and forth Kitchener lead Farm 5 - 4 In 4th Cox for Farm boys Holoien for Twins Cold night 1050pm Live on ballparkradio Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 11:11:15 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 15:11:15 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 8 Message-ID: <> Kitchener leading All Stars 6 - 1 going into 7th Great crowd out enjoying this bright sunny day Final 6 - 1 11:08am Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 13:21:48 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 17:21:48 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 9 Message-ID: <> Vancouver were leading 4- 1 In 6th Jarvis home run makes it 4 - 3 Fehrman Phibbs started for Jarvis Koert now has the ball This game is live on ballparkradio 1:18pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 13:38:20 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 17:38:20 +0000 Subject: Game 8 T7 Message-ID: <> Dave fowler 2 run homer puts Jarvis up 5 - 4 over Van B7 Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 13:44:50 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 17:44:50 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 8 in 8th Message-ID: <> Van tied it up B7 5 - 5 T8 Int' tie breaker in effect 1:42pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 14:04:54 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 18:04:54 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 8 final Message-ID: <> B8 2 run double by Pat Mac Van 8 Jarvis 7 Outstanding game 2pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From fastball at Sat Jul 4 14:11:52 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 11:11:52 -0700 Subject: Game 9 is Vancouver vs Jarvis Message-ID: <> not game 8 Jarvis: 7 Vanvouver: 8 in 8 innings outstanding game Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 15:40:26 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 19:40:26 +0000 Subject: Monkton Game 10 Message-ID: <> Crashed a few minutes ago They are trying to fix it Midwest leading NZ 3 - 0 in 6th Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 22:08:15 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 02:08:15 +0000 Subject: Monkton - Farm vs Vancouver Message-ID: <> 3rd inning 6 - 1 for Farm B3 10:05pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 22:21:11 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 02:21:11 +0000 Subject: Monkton Jarvis vs Sask @ Mitchell Message-ID: <> Going to T2 no score 10:15pm At Monkton still 6 - 1 for Farm Cox started for Farm Mason for Van Gosse in in 4th Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From fastball at Sat Jul 4 22:24:02 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 19:24:02 -0700 Subject: FW: From the Field - Sat night Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: brianbaillie at >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 7/4/09 9:18:38 PM > An interesting point here tonite. Our 50-50 draw for the day worth $712.00 has been won by The Farms Zenon Winters. He's on the diamond playin while I made the announcement. >Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Networ From aldoran at Sat Jul 4 22:34:34 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 02:34:34 +0000 Subject: Monkton Jarvis vs Sask @ Mitchell Message-ID: <> 3 - 0 for Sask in 3rd Koert for Jarvis Ethier for sask 10:30pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sun Jul 5 12:35:22 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 16:35:22 +0000 Subject: Monkton - Mid West vs Sask Message-ID: <> Stampede leading Aspen 3 - 0 T6 Schellenberg led off w double T6 Tosh out at 1b Schales passed ball Shelly to 3b Schales home run now 3 - 2 Pitching change Game is live on ballparkradio Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From aldoran at Sun Jul 5 12:58:27 2009 From: aldoran at (Al Doran) Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 16:58:27 +0000 Subject: Monkton final MidWest over Sask Message-ID: <> 3 - 2 final for Stampede They play Kitchener for the championship 12:55pm Championship about 1:15pm Al Doran VIA my BlackBerry aldoran at fastball(at) From fastball at Sun Jul 5 21:01:32 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 18:01:32 -0700 Subject: FW: From the Field - final post Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: brianbaillie at >To: "Al Doran" >Date: 7/5/09 7:00:50 PM > Just leaving the now deserted ballpark. Light rain is falling and the teardown process is well underway. My postings have been sparse since yest pm, however we have once again pulled of an amazing weekend. Congrats to Kitchener. >Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Networ From fastball at Sun Jul 5 21:03:29 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 18:03:29 -0700 Subject: FW: OASA Sunday scores Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: Andy Bader >To: Al's Fastball >Date: 7/5/09 7:58:19 PM > Napanee 3, Linwood 1 >Fingal 3, Selkirk 1 >Fingal 10, Napanee 0 >Owen Sound 5, Fingal 1 >Owen Sound 4, Waterloo 3 >Owen Sound 8, Waterloo 1 (6-inn) > >MVP pitcher - Andy Skelton, Owen Sound > >Darrin Newson of Owen Sound hit a one-out bases loaded two-run single >in the bottom of the 7th to give Owen Sound a come-from-behind 4-3 >victory over Waterloo, forcing the 'if' sudden death final. In that >game, Dylan Cunningham's three-run home run in the top of the 1st was >all Andy Skelton needed as the Selects powered their way to an 8-1 >win in 6-innings to win the championship. > >Owen Sound, Waterloo, Fingal and Napanee all advance to the Canadian >junior men's championships in Owen Sound next month. > >Cheers >Andy > > >Andy Bader >Publisher/Editor >The Mitchell Advocate >Mitchell, ON >519-348-8431 >519-348-8836 (fax) > > > From fastball at Mon Jul 6 16:48:34 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 13:48:34 -0700 Subject: looking for outfielders - Sioux Falls, Aug 6-9 Message-ID: <> Received: 7/6/09 2:30:36 PM From: "Bud Joyce" : Subject: looking for outfielders -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team from Duluth,MN is looking for 3-4 players, preferoutfielders, for the Mens 2009 Nafa A tourney in SiouxFalls, S.D August 6th-9th?wehave 8-9 guys that are going at this time, but 2 of them are pitchers only?sowe need help in the outfield. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Jul 6 18:11:26 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 15:11:26 -0700 Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Sunday, July 5 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament Message-ID: <> Received: 7/6/09 1:32:31 AM From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Sunday, July 5 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament ATTENTION: MEDIA GAME RESULTS FORSunday, July 5, 2009 Canada Cup 2009Tournament All games belowat Softball City * Teams andschedule subject to change without notice (CC = Canada Cupgame) For more detailedCanada Cup Women?s game results visit CC-10 California Goldrush vs White Rock Renegades - 10-0 California Goldrush CC- 11 Team T.F.S. International vs White RockRenegades Jr.- 6-5 White Rock Renegades Jr. CC-12 Canadavs Netherlands - 8-1 Canada CC-13 Washington Absolute Blast vs Delta Sunfire - 8-0 Washington AbsoluteBlast CC-14 Canadavs Australia - 5-2 Canada CC-15 WhiteRock Renegades Jr. vs Washington Sidewinders - 3-2 White Rock Renegades Jr. CC-16 USA vsVenzuela - 8-1 USA CC-17 California Activities vs White RockRenegades - 4-1 California Activities The Canada CupSpecial Olympics Friendship Division Final Results: SOPO3 Final ?Coquitlam Tigers vs Langley Rebels - 11-7 Coquitlam Tigers Tomorrow, Monday,July 6 is the first day of the Canada Cup International Fastpitch FuturesTournament World Junior Women's presented by MVP Athletic Supplies, and thefirst day of the Canada Cup 16 & Under Fastpitch Showcase Tournament. Canada CupInternational Women?s Fastpitch Tournament play gets underway at Softball City(2201 ? 148th St., Surrey ) at 10:30am, 1:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm and 8:30pm.. Futures and Showcase games are scheduled tobe played at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park (64th and 168th,Surrey). The followingWomen?s games are scheduled for Monday, July 6, 2009: 10:30:00 AM CC-18Venezuela vs Netherlands -Softball City ? Diamond 1 1:00:00 PM CC-19 California Activities vs Team T.F.S.International -Softball City ? Diamond 1 3:30:00 PM CC-20 Australia vs Venezuela -Softball City -Diamond 1 3:30:00 PM CC-21 California Goldrush vs Washington AbsoluteBlast -Cloverdale Athletic Park - Diamond 6 6:30:00 PM CC-22 Canada vs USA -Softball City - Diamond 1 6:30:00 PM CC-23 Delta Sunfire vs White Rock RenegadesJr. -Softball City - Diamond 2 8:30:00 PM CC-24 Australia vs Netherlands -Softball City- Diamond 1 8:30:00 PM CC-25 Washington Sidewinders vs WashingtonAbsolute Blast ? Softball City ? Diamond 2 Canada Cup runsuntil Sunday, July 12. Phone604-536-9287 for Canada Cup ticket information or visit forother tournament information and schedules, including Canada gamesscheduled. Tickets also available at thegate. Teams and schedule subject to change without notice. For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan ? 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 7 01:34:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 22:34:36 -0700 Subject: Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament - Schedule Changes Due to Rain Delays Message-ID: <> Received: 7/6/09 8:15:11 PM From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Notice - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament - Schedule Changes Due to Rain Delays -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention: Media GAME TIMESCHEDULE CHANGES FOR MONDAY - JULY 6,2009 Canada CupInternational Women?s Fastpitch Tournament Schedule changesdue to rain delay for remaining July 6 Women?s games at Softball City (2201 ?148th St. Surrey, BC) are as follows: The 3:30pm gamebetween Australia and Venezuela which was halted due to rain conditions hascontinued on Diamond 1 at 5:45pm with five innings left to play. The 6:30pm Canadavs USA game has been rescheduled to start at 7:30pm, Diamond 1 at SoftballCity. The 8:30pm gamebetween Australia and Netherlands has been rescheduled for 8am, Tuesday, July 7on Diamond 1, Softball City The 8:30pm gamebetween Washington Sidewinders vs Washington Absolute Blast has beenrescheduled for 8am, Tuesday, July 7 on Diamond 2, Softball City (Enter throughSoftball City?s West or North gates for tomorrow?s 8am games. The South gate will open at 9:30am.) for updates. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 7 01:35:55 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 22:35:55 -0700 Subject: Results for Monday, July 6 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament Message-ID: <> Received: 7/7/09 12:20:07 AM From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Monday, July 6 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION: MEDIA GAME RESULTS FORMonday, July 6, 2009 Canada Cup 2009Tournament * Teams andschedule subject to change without notice (CC = Canada Cupgame) CC-18 Venezuela vs Netherlands - 3-1 Netherlands CC-19 California Activities vs Team T.F.S.International - 9-2 Team T.F.S. International CC-20 Australia vs Venezuela - 4?3 Venezuela CC-21 California Goldrush vs Washington AbsoluteBlast - 2-1 California Goldrush CC-22 Canada vs USA - 10-0 USA CC-23 Delta Sunfire vs White Rock Renegades Jr. -6-3 Delta Sunfire CC-24 Australia vs Netherlands (rescheduled to8:00AM, Tuesday, July 7 due to a rain delay in the day?s schedule) CC-25 Washington Sidewinders vs WashingtonAbsolute Blast (rescheduled to 8:00AM, Tuesday, July 7 due to a rain delay inthe day?s schedule) For more detailedCanada Cup Women?s game results and game results for the Futures and Showcasetournaments visit Tomorrow,Tuesday, July 7, the Canada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament playgets underway with games scheduled at Softball City (2201 ? 148th St., Surrey )at 8:00 am, 10:30am,1:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm and 8:30pm. The followingWomen?s games are scheduled for Tuesday July 7, 2009: 8:00:00AM CC-24 Australia vs Netherlands ? Softball City ? Diamond 1 8:00:00AM CC-25 Washington Sidewinders vs Washington Absolute Blast ? Softball City ?Diamond 2 10:30:00 AM CC-26California Goldrush vs Delta Sunfire - Softball City - Diamond 1 1:00:00 PM CC-27California Activities vs Washington Sidewinders - Softball City -Diamond 1 3:30:00 PM CC-28Canada vs Venezuela - Softball City - Diamond 1 3:30:00 PM CC-29Team T.F.S. International vs White Rock Renegades ?Cloverdale AthleticPark - Diamond 6 6:30:00 PM CC-30USA vs Australia ?Softball City - Diamond 1 8:30:00 PM CC-31Canada vs Netherlands - Softball City - Diamond 1 Futures games arescheduled to be played at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park (64th and168th Surrey). Showcase gamesare scheduled for Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park. Canada Cup runsuntil Sunday, July 12. Phone604-536-9287 for Canada Cup ticket information or visit forother tournament information and schedules, including Canada gamesscheduled. Tickets also available at thegate. Teams and schedule subject to change without notice. - 30 - For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan ? 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 7 19:55:21 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 16:55:21 -0700 Subject: OASA Jr Elims Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: Nexus Design >To: Al's Fastball News >Date: 7/7/09 5:46:10 PM > The Ontario Amateur Softball Association Junior Eliminations were held >in Mitchell Ontario on July 3, 4 and 5th.? What started out as a cold >and rainy Friday turned into a sunny Saturday and Sunday.? Great >weather for playing ball.? The 18 team field was narrowed down to?6 >teams on Sunday consisting of Linwood, Selkirk, Napanee, Fingal, Owen >Sound and Waterloo.? In the first 2 games of the morning, Fingal and >Napanee eliminated Linwood and Selkirk.? Fingal then went on to >eliminate Napanee.? Chad Hargrove pitched a 5 inning no hitter during >this game.? Owen Sound then went on to defeat Fingal.? Owen Sound then >faced the undefeated Waterloo team.? Darrin Newson of Owen Sound hit a >one-out bases loaded two-run single in the bottom of the 7th to give >Owen Sound a come-from-behind 4-3 victory over Waterloo, forcing the >'if necessary' sudden death final. In that game, Dylan Cunningham's >three-run home run in the top of the 1st was all Andy Skelton needed as >the Owen Sound Selects powered their way to an 8-1 win in 6-innings to >win the elimination and the Junior A Provincial.? >? >The Bob Domik Most Valuable Pitcher Trophy was presented to Andy >Skelton of the Owen Sound Selects. > > >Owen Sound, Waterloo, Fingal and Napanee all advance to the Canadian >junior men's championships in Owen Sound next month. >? >Many thanks go out to the blue crew led by Mitch Zuk, Greg Wise and his >team from Mitchell, the OASA convenors, Mitchell Legion and volunteers, >Mitchell Curling Club and volunteers and the teams and fans for a well >played and well run tournament. From fastball at Tue Jul 7 22:38:17 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 19:38:17 -0700 Subject: FW: FASTBALL WEB SITE Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "roger legendre" >To: , "Al Doran" , "Bruce Heidman" , "Megan Thomas" , , "randy Pascal" >Date: 7/7/09 9:32:08 PM > MEMBERS OF THE FOURTH ESTATE > Sudbury Star Sports (Bruce Heidman and Scott Haddow) > Northern Life Sports (Laura Myers) > CBC Radio Morning Sports(Megan Thomas) > Moose Radio (Bob Alexander) > 10 Personna(Randy Pascal) > Al's Fastball(Al Doran) >Greater City of Sudbury (Ron Dupuis , Laura McGrath) >Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League >Other fastball leagues >Players,fans and friends of fastball > > > Ladies , gentlemen > > I'm glad to announce that the Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League through Softball Ontario will have its own web site by the end of next week. The logo beautiful as it is will be displayed next week .On the web site you will be able to find the league schedule as well as the one for girls minor softball program , regular weekly standings and statistics. You will also find results from our teams participating in other tournaments .You will also find league happenings (new borns, wedding ...) .This is exciting news for fastball in the North. > Concerning the 4th Annual Northern Ontario Open Fastball Championships for Ladies and Men coming up very soon in August , its already up on Softball Ontario's web site as well as on Al's Fastball with some minor changes and important dates.we have not all the final commitments yet but it looks like we could be looking at 12 to 14 men's teams (strong commitments already from Ottawa Blitz and Val Gagne Hawks just 40 miles North of Timmins for Men and good possibilities of Thunderbay, Manitoulin Island[2] and Brampton for Ladies. I'm hoping to gather other hopefuls this weekend when I travel to Hunstville . > I will continue to write my four columns a week on My news Sudbury coming from the Northern Life Web site. Two are entitled This week in fastball and two are entitled This week in minor ball. > As I said these are exciting times for fastball and minor girls ball in the North . They may want to remove it from the Olympics but we will strive to keep it alive . > I'll be in Huntsville all weekend covering the 24 team annual men's fastball tournament . There will be 51 games played including three championships come Sunday afternoon at 3 PM . Three of our local teams are participating and I wish them good luck. Results and details come Sunday night. > I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the several medias for giving fastball in Greater Sudbury as well as in the North excellent coverage. > > Have a good week! See you on the ball fields! > > Yours in fastball , > > Roger Legendre > League umpire ,statistitian & > Public relations Liaison/Advisor for > The Minor Girls Softball/Fastpitch League as well as > The Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League > > >Feel free to respond . I would like to see your comments . I enjoy reading them all . From fastball at Wed Jul 8 08:37:33 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 05:37:33 -0700 Subject: Game Results for Tuesday, July 7 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament Message-ID: <> Received: 7/8/09 12:52:13 AM From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Tuesday, July 7 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament ATTENTION: MEDIA GAME RESULTS FORTuesday, July 7, 2009 Canada Cup 2009Tournament * Teams andschedule subject to change without notice CC = Canada Cupgame) CC-24 Australia vs Netherlands - 9-0 Australia CC-25 Washington Sidewinders vs WashingtonAbsolute Blast - 8-0 Washington Absolute Blast CC-26 CaliforniaGoldrush vs Delta Sunfire - 9-2 California Goldrush CC-27 CaliforniaActivities vs Washington Sidewinders - 11-1 California Activities CC-28 Canadavs Venezuela - 4-1 Canada CC-29 TeamT.F.S. International vs White Rock Renegades - 11-0 Team T.F.S. International CC-30 USAvs Australia - 7-0 USA CC-31 Canadavs Netherlands - 10-3 Canada For more detailedCanada Cup Women?s game results and game results for the Futures and Showcasetournaments visit Tomorrow,Wednesday, July 8 is Youth Day. Pre-registered Softball BC Learn to Play teamsparticipate in the on-field demonstration prior to the 6:30:00 PM Team Canadagame. The Canada CupInternational Women?s Fastpitch Tournament play gets underway with gamesscheduled at Softball City (2201 ? 148th St., Surrey) at 10:30am, 1:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm and 8:30pm. The followingWomen?s games are scheduled for Wednesday, July 8, 2009: 10:30:00 AM CC-32Venezuela vs Netherlands - Softball City -Diamond 1 10:30:00 AM CC-33Team T.F.S. International vs Delta Sunfire -Softball City - Diamond 2 1:00:00 PM CC-34California Goldrush vs California Activities - Softball City - Diamond 1 1:00:00 PM CC-35White Rock Renegades Jr. vs White Rock Renegades ? Softball City ?Diamond 2 3:30:00 PM CC-36USA vs Netherlands - Softball City - Diamond 1 3:30:00 PM CC-37Washington Sidewinders vs Delta Sunfire ? Cloverdale Athletic Park -Diamond 6 6:30:00 PM CC-38Canada vs Australia - Softball City - Diamond 1 6:30:00 PM CC-39White Rock Renegades Jr. vs Washington Absolute Blast ? Softball City? Diamond 2 8:30:00 PM CC-40USA vs Venezuela ? Softball City ? Diamond 1 8:30:00 PM CC-41Team T.F.S. International vs Washington Sidewinders ? Softball City ?Diamond 2 Futures games arescheduled to be played at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park (64th and168th Surrey). Showcase gamesare scheduled for Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park. Canada Cup runsuntil Sunday, July 12. Phone604-536-9287 for Canada Cup ticket information or visit forother tournament information and schedules, including Canada games scheduled. Tickets also available at the gate. Teams andschedule subject to change without notice. For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan ? 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jul 8 11:30:33 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 08:30:33 -0700 Subject: Pickerel River Cardinals Message-ID: <> Received: 7/8/09 9:25:02 AM From: "roger legendre" ATHLETICS IN A WINNING MOOD The onfield problems of the Pickerel River Cardinals continued in the Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League last evening . For the second straight time in as many days the Athletics defeated the Cardinals and this time in a more convincing fashion by the score of 8 to 3 . The Athletics are fast climbing the league standings and one more win could volt them into third place ahead of the Hounds and the North Stars . This was by far veteran Pat Sr Brennan's best outing of the season as he grabbed his second mound victory both against the slumping first place Cardinals . Pickerel did not help their cause with six costly fielding errors and poor hitting which has plagued them for the last three games . Jonathan Contin with the help of reliever Alex Ashawasagai was tagged with his third loss of the season .Both Jonathan and Alex combin to give up 13 hits , issued six base on balls and struck out 5 batters . On the other hand Pat gave up but four hits , issued one single walk and fanned seven batters. New rookie Eric Legendre had a fine evening for himself as he went 3 for 4 at the dish including a double , two runs batted in , two runs scored and one stolen base . Teamate J.P. Miron chipped in with a 2 for 4 at bat (double) while Jeff Ashawasagai hit 1 for 2 in a losing cause for the Cardinals. Play resumes Thursday night at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park in Garson when the 2-6-1 Athletics will attempt to escape the league cellar when they confront the 3-4-0 Dog House Sportsbar for the first time this season at 7 PM . In the nightcap scheduled for 9 PM under the lights it will be a battle of the titans when the league co-leaders at 6-3-0 tangle . It will be the slumping Pickerel River Cardinals taking on the surging Parry Island Hawks .. Three league teams : the Parry Island Hawks , the Pickerel River Cardinals and the J.C. North Stars will be taking part in the 24 team annual Hunstville Men's Fastball tournament this coming weekend. Some 51 games will be played starting Friday evening till the three division championships of Sunday afternoon at 3 PM .. As always , it promises to be an excellent tournament with teams from all over .. Parry Island has its first action Friday night at 7 PM while the North Stars and the Cardinals don't see their first game of round robin play till Saturday morning.I'll be travelling to Hunstville early Saturday morning to cover the tournament and should have results from all three of our teams as well as other tournament results and details. For the Northern Ontario Championships up coming in late August there are a couple of changes to note: New title for the tournament : NORTHERN ONTARIO OPEN FASTBALL CHAMPIONCHIPS FOR LADIES AND MEN When? : August 21st to 23rd in Azilda at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park Important dates : The deadline for entry is August the 14th (money and team roster A non refundable amount of $100 must be in no later than August the 5th Entry fee is always as usual $380 Format depending on the final number of teams will be either: A] Pools round robin play with two semi finals and a championship final or B] Bracket style double knockout championship (still 3 games guarenteed for both situatuons) Strong outside interest at the moment which should make this 4th annual tournament the largest ever We have good interest from Val Gagne Hawks men's team some 40 miles north of Timmins , Ottawa Blitz from Ottawa Men's Fastball League , 2 to 3 teams from Manitoulin Men's Fastball league , 2 to 3 teams from NortnShore League , interest from North Bay Senior Men's League, all of our 5 league teams ; in ladies we've got strong interest from the formation of two Sudbury teams with a good possibility of the formation a minor midget select team , the Mudheads from Thunderbay , the Stallions from Brantford , two Manitoulin teams and one North Bay entry . I'll be working on getting other teams while I'm in Huntsville this weekend. We could be looking at between 12 to 14 men's teams and 5 to 6 ladies' teams which would be our best tournament ever- that would be fantastic! Look for our league The Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League official web site by the end of next week or early the following week .Things are looking up and good for fastball in Greater Sudbury and Northern Ontario. Have a nice week! See you on the ball fields! Yours in fastball, Roger Legendre League umpire and statistitian Public Relations Liaison/Advisor for Greater Sudbury Minor Girls Softball/Fastpitch League & Pick McDonald Memorial Fastball League Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jul 8 11:40:10 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 08:40:10 -0700 Subject: Sudbury Message-ID: <> Received: 7/7/09 9:46:48 AM From: "roger legendre" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATHLETICS IN A WINNING MOOD The onfield problems for the Pickerel River Cardinals continued in the only game played Monday night in Azilda. I The 7PM game was cancelled because of poor field conditions.For the second straight game , the Cardinals fell to the fifth place Athletics . This time by the score of 8 to 3.Jeff Ashawasagai struggled behind the plate with a total of four costly fielding errors matched with poor hitting by his mates. In the end ,starter Jonathan Contin who was relieved in the fourth frame gave up 6 hits , 2 base on balls and fanned 3 batters. Reliever Alex Ashawasagai , gave up 5 hits issued two walks and struck out 3 batters. For veteran Pat Brennan Sr , it was his best outing of the`season and his second straight win . Pat gave up but four hits ,issued a single base on balls and fanned seven batters. Eric Legendre led the Athletics chargers with a 3 for 4 performance including two runs batted in and two runs scored with teamate J.P. Miron hitting 2 for 4(double) while Jeff Ashawasgai hit 1 for 2 in a losing cause for the Cardinals. Play resumes on Thursday night in Garson at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park .In the opener at 7 PM the hot fifth place Athletics will attempt to escape the basement of the league standings when they face the fourth place Dog House Sportsbar North Stars. In the nightcap it will be a battle of the titans when the two co-leaders , the Pickerel River Cardinals (slumping of late) and the Parry Island Hawks(surging), in the standings at 6-3-0 do battle under the lights at 9 PM . Three league teams the Pickerel River Cardinals , the JC North Stars and the Parry Island Hawks will participate this coming weekend in the annual 24 team Huntsville Men's Fastball Tournament. Parry Island Hawks open with their first game Friday evening at 7 PM .Both the Cardinals and the North Stars don't see action until Saturday morning. There will be a total of 36 games played including the championship final come Sunday afternoon. I should have a copy of the full schedule later today or on Wednesday when I'll email it out. Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre League statistitian Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jul 8 16:55:46 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 13:55:46 -0700 Subject: rain - Change in Canada Cup Games Schedule for Wednesday, July 8, 2009 Message-ID: <> From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Advisory - Change in Canada Cup Games Schedule for Wednesday, July 8, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDIA ADVISORY Canada CupInternational Women?s Fastpitch Tournament Please note: THERE ARE SCHEDULE CHANGES FOR WOMEN?S GAMESFOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 DUE TO A RAIN DELAY. 10:30 am games atSoftball City (2201 ? 148th St., Surrey, BC) have been delayed and are expectedto resume shortly as fields are prepared.It is currently overcast but not raining at Softball City. A notice will bereleased once resumption of play has commenced along with an adjusted Women?sgame schedule for today. There are alsochanges in the Canada Cup Futures and Showcase Tournaments schedule due to arain delay. Rescheduling updates forFutures and Showcase tournaments and for games played at Cloverdale AthleticPark will be posted on as details are solidified. For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jul 8 20:15:00 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 17:15:00 -0700 Subject: Canada Cup Games Reschedule UPDATE for Wednesday, July 8, 2009 Message-ID: <> From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Add to People Section To: "Al's Fastball News" CC: Subject: Media Advisory - Canada Cup Games Reschedule UPDATE for Wednesday, July 8, 2009 MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDIA ADVISORY Canada CupInternational Women?s Fastpitch Tournament Play has nowresumed after a rain delay in the Women?s Tournament at Softball City (2201 ?148th St., Surrey, BC) and the adjusted game schedule for today, Wednesday,July 8 is as follows: (It is currentlyovercast but not raining at Softball City and the rain is expected to holdoff.) The originallyscheduled 10:30am games are now in progress ? CC32 - Venezuela vs Netherlands and CC33 - TeamT.F.S. International vs Delta Sunfire. The originallyscheduled 1:00pm games - CC34 - California Goldrush vs California Activitiesand CC35 ? White Rock Renegades Jr. vs White Rock Renegades are now expected tostart at 3pm. The originallyscheduled 3:30pm game - CC36 ? USA vs Netherlands is now expected to start at5pm. The originallyscheduled 3:30pm game - CC37 ? Washington Sidewinders vs Delta Sunfire whichwas scheduled to play at Cloverdale Athletic Park will now be played atSoftball City and is now expected to start at 7pm. The originallyscheduled 6:30pm games ? CC38 ? Canada vs Australia and CC39 ? White RockRenegades Jr vs Washington Absolute Blast are now expected to start at 7pm. The originallyscheduled 8:30pm games ? CC40 ? USA vs Venezuela and CC41 ? Team T.F.S.International vs Washington Sidewinders are now expected to start at 9pm. There are alsochanges in the Canada Cup Futures and Showcase Tournaments schedule due to arain delay. Rescheduling updates forFutures and Showcase tournaments and for games played at Cloverdale AthleticPark will be posted on as details are solidified. for more tournament details. -30- For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Jul 9 10:06:47 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 07:06:47 -0700 Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Wednesday, July 8 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament Message-ID: <> From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan To: "Al's Fastball News" CC: Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Wednesday, July 8 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION: MEDIA GAME RESULTS FORWednesday, July 8, 2009 Canada Cup 2009Tournament * Teams andschedule subject to change without notice (CC = Canada Cupgame) CC-32 Venezuelavs Netherlands - 4-2 Netherlands CC-33 Team T.F.S.International vs Delta Sunfire - 11-1 Team T.F.S. International CC-34 CaliforniaGoldrush vs California Activities - 3?2 California Activities CC-35 White RockRenegades Jr. vs White Rock Renegades - 5-3 White Rock Renegades Jr. CC-36 USA vsNetherlands - 8-0 USA CC-37 WashingtonSidewinders vs Delta Sunfire - 3-2 Washington Sidewinders CC-38 Canada vsAustralia - 4-2 Australia CC-39 White RockRenegades Jr vs Washington Absolute Blast - 10-0 Washington Absolute Blast CC-40 USA vsVenezuela - 10-0 USA CC-41 Team T.F.S.International vs Washington Sidewinders - 13-3 Team T.F.S. International For more detailedCanada Cup Women?s game results and game results for the Futures and Showcasetournaments visit The Canada CupInternational Women?s Fastpitch Tournament play gets underway with gamesscheduled at Softball City (2201 ? 148th St., Surrey, BC) at 10:30am, 1:00pm,3:30pm, 6:30pm and 8:30pm. The followingWomen?s games are scheduled for Thursday, July 9, 2009: 10:30:00 AM CC-42 Washington Absolute Blast vs CaliforniaActivities - Softball City ? Diamond 1 1:00:00 PM CC-43 California Goldrush vs Team T.F.S.International - Softball City ? Diamond 1 3:30:00 PM CC-44 Australia vs Netherlands - Softball City? Diamond 1 3:30:00 PM CC-45 Washington Sidewinders vs White RockRenegades - Softball City ? Diamond 2 3:30:00 PM CC-46 White Rock Renegades Jr vs CaliforniaActivities ? Cloverdale Athletic Park ? Diamond 6 6:30:00 PM CC-47 Canada vs USA - Softball City ? Diamond1 8:30:00 PM CC-48 Australia vs Venezuela ? Softball City ? Diamond 1 Tomorrow,Thursday, July 9 is Province Newspaper Day and the final day of round robinplay. There will be anofficial Team Canada autograph session following the 6:30pm Team Canada/USAgame. Futures games arescheduled to be played at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park (64th and168th Surrey). Showcase gamesare scheduled for Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park. Canada Cup runsuntil Sunday, July 12. Phone 604-536-9287for Canada Cup ticket information or visit for othertournament information and schedules, including Canada games scheduled. Tickets also available at the gate. Teams andschedule subject to change without notice. - 30 - For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan ? 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jul 10 08:57:33 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 05:57:33 -0700 Subject: Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League Message-ID: <> Received: 7/10/09 12:23:35 AM From: "roger legendre" Attachments: THE HAWKS TAKE SOLE POSESSION OF FIRST PLACE Play continued in the Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League on Thursday night in Garson at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park. The hot Sudbury Athletics extended their unbeaten streak to four games with a third straight win this time over the slumping and defending league champs the Dog House North Stars 12 to 5 . The North Stars now drop to last place in the league standings. The game was called in the sixth inning because of the 7 run mercy rule . Pat Sr Brennan collected his third straight victory but made way to reliever John Ainsley in the fourth .Both John and Pat combine to give up 7 hits ,issue one single base on balls and fanned 9 batters . Troy Nootchtai went the distance for the North Stars and was tagged with his fourth loss of the present campaign. Troy gave up 12 hits ,issued 4 walks and struck out 6 batters.Ed Brennan of the Athletics led all batters going 3 for 4 including two doubles with teammate Eric Ace hitting 2 for 4 including a solo shot to right field while Mike Cain hit a perfect 3 for 3(triple) in a losing cause for the North Stars. In the nightcap , as expected , the fans got their money's worth as you would say with the top two teams tied for first place , Parry Island Hawks and Pickerel River Cardinals facing each other for the second time this season. The early goings had the Cardinals back in the groove as they took a 5 to 1 lead going into the fourth frame . The chances turned around as the never say die Hawks came back to score five runs in the next three innings including a two run inside the park homer by relief pitcher of Percy Tobobundung and led 6-5 going to the seventh and final inning.Dramatics were not yet over as the Cardinals scored two runs of their own in top half of their seventh on doubles by Jonathan Contin and Earl Contin to regain the lead at 7-6. In the bottom of the seventh , the first batter for the Hawks struck out but the next two reach base on a single and a base on balls . Old reliable Jason Green came to bat and on the second pitch slammed a decisive double to centre field scoring both runs and giving the Parry Island boys their 7th victory of the season and sole posession of first place in the league standings to start the second half of the season. Matt Tobobundung started for the winners but gave way to veteran reliever Percy Tobbobundung who got the victory .Both Percy and Matt combined to give up 11 hits , issue but two base on balls and fan 9 batters. Jonathan Contin went the distance for the Cardinals and was tagged with his fourth loss (third in a row) .Jonathan gave up 13 hits ,issued 4 base on balls and struck out 8 batters . Matt Tobobundung (two doubles) and Jason Green (one double) led the way for the Hawks going 3 for 4 while Ed "Shaq" Jr Panamick went a perfect 3 for 3 including a solo home run in a losing cause for the Cardinals. Three of the league teams (J.C./Dog House North Stars , Parry Island Hawks and Pickerel River Cardinals) are off to the 24 team Hunstville Men's Fastball Tournament this coming weekend . League play will resume Monday July the 13th at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park in Azilda when the Pickerel River Cardinals take on the Garson Hounds at 7 PM followed by the nightcap under the lights at 9PM when the two hottest teams in league Sudbury Athletics ( 3-0-1 in the last four outings) tangle with the first place Parry Island Hawks ( top of the standings with a 7-3-0 record).I'll have full results of this weekend's tournament in Hunstville come Sunday evening. Have a nice weekend! Check out the ballfields in your community and come watch some fine fastball be it at the minor , junior or senior level in both ladies and men. Don't forget Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League fans that our brand new web site entitled "Nickel Fastball" becomes public and unveiled come Tuesday July the 14th. Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre League Statistitian Public Relations Liaison/Advisor For Greater Sudbury Girls Softball/Fastpitch Association & Rick McDonald memorial Fastball League Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jul 10 08:58:47 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 05:58:47 -0700 Subject: Game Results for Thursday, July 9 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament Message-ID: <> Received: 7/10/09 1:52:18 AM From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Thursday, July 9 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament ATTENTION: MEDIA GAME RESULTS FORCanada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament - Thursday, July 9, 2009 Canada Cup 2009Tournament * Teams andschedule subject to change without notice (CC = Canada Cupgame) CC?42 Washington AbsoluteBlast vs California Activities - 7-0 California Activities CC?43 CaliforniaGoldrush vs Team T.F.S. International - 2-0 Team T.F.S. International CC?44 Australiavs Netherlands - 1-0 Australia CC?45 WashingtonSidewinders vs White Rock Renegades - 12-9 White Rock Renegades CC?46 White RockRenegades Jr. vs California Activities - 10-5 California Activities CC?47 Canada vsUSA - 3-2 USA CC-48 Australia vs Venezuela - 5-1 Australia For more detailedCanada Cup Women?s game results including final round robin standings and gameresults for the Futures, Showcase and Special Olympics Friendship Divisiontournaments visit Tomorrow isFriday, July 10 and Canada Cup play-off action gets underway. TheCanada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament play-offs get underwaywith games scheduled at Softball City (2201 ? 148th St.,Surrey, BC) at 10:30pm,1:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm and 8:30pm. The followingWomen?s play-off games are scheduled for Friday July 10, 2009 in theInternational Championship Round: CCP - 1 ? USA vsCalifornia Goldrush ? 1:00pm, Diamond TBA CCP - 2 ?Australia vs California Activities - 1:00pm, Diamond TBA CCP - 3 ? Canadavs Venezuela ? 3:30pm, Diamond TBA CCP - 4 ? TeamT.F.S. International vs Netherlands ? 3:30pm, Diamond TBA CCP - 5 - Winnerof CCP-1 vs Winner of CCP-2 ? 6:30pm on Diamond 1 CCP - 6 - Winnerof CCP-3 vs Winner of CCP-4 ? 8:30pm on Diamond 1 North AmericanPlay-off Round games in the Women?s Division are scheduled to be played atSoftball City. Futures Play-offgames are scheduled to be played at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park(64th and 168th, Surrey). Showcase Play-offgames are scheduled to be played at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park. Canada Cup runsuntil Sunday, July 12. Phone604-536-9287 for Canada Cup ticket information or visit forother tournament information including play-off schedules. Tickets are available at the gate. Teams andschedule are subject to change without notice. For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan ? 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Jul 11 09:30:53 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 06:30:53 -0700 Subject: Canada Cup Message-ID: <> Received: 7/11/09 1:17:00 AM From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Friday, July 10 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION: MEDIA GAME RESULTS FORCanada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament - Friday, July 10, 2009 Canada Cup 2009Tournament * Teams andschedule subject to change without notice (CCP = Canada CupInternational Championship Round) (CCNA = CanadaCup North American Round) CCP - 1 USA vs California Goldrush - 10-0 USA CCP - 2 California Activities vs Australia - 4-1Australia CCP - 3 Canada vs Venezuela - 8-3 Canada CCP - 4 Team T.F.S. International vs Netherlands - 6-1Team T.F.S. International CCP - 5 USA vs Australia - 2-0 USA CCP - 6 Canada vsTeam T.F.S. International - 2-0 Canada CCNA ? 1 WhiteRock Renegades Jr. vs Delta Sunfire - 5-1 White Rock Renegades Jr. CCNA ? 2 WhiteRock Renegades vs Washington Sidewinders - 1-0 White Rock Renegades For more detailedCanada Cup Women?s game results including final round robin standings and gameresults for the Futures, Showcase and Special Olympics Friendship Divisiontournaments visit The Canada CupInternational Women?s Fastpitch Tournament play-offs get underway on Saturday,July 11 with games scheduled at Softball City (2201 ? 148th St., Surrey ) at8:00am, 10:30am, 1:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm and 8:30pm. The followingWomen?s play-off games are scheduled for Saturday July 11, 2009: CCP-7 ? 8:00am - California Goldrush vs CaliforniaActivities - Softball City ? Diamond 1 CCP-8 ? 10:30am -Venezuela vs Netherlands - Softball City- Diamond 1 CCP-9 ? 1:00pm Australia vs Winner of CCP-7- Softball City - Diamond 1 CCP-10 - 3:30pm Winner of CCP-8 vs Team T.F.S. International -Softball City - Diamond 1 CCP-11 ?6:30pm USA vs Canada -Softball City - Diamond 1 CCP-12 - 8:30pm Winner of CCP-9 vs Winner of CCP-10 -Softball City ? Diamond 1 North AmericanPlay-off Round games in the Women?s Division are scheduled to be played atSoftball City. Futures play-offgames are scheduled to be played at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park(64th and 168th, Surrey). Showcase Play-offgames are scheduled to be played at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park. Canada Cup runsuntil Sunday, July 12. Phone604-536-9287 for Canada Cup ticket information or visit forother tournament information including all play-off round schedules. Tickets are available at the gate. Teams andschedule are subject to change without notice. - 30 - For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan ? 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Jul 12 10:40:45 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 07:40:45 -0700 Subject: Canada Cup Message-ID: <> Received: 7/12/09 1:11:15 AM From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Saturday, July 11 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION: MEDIA GAME RESULTS FOR Canada Cup InternationalWomen?s Fastpitch Tournament Playoffs - Saturday, July 11, 2009 Canada Cup 2009 Tournament * Teams and schedule subject to changewithout notice CCP = Canada CupInternational Championship Round) CCP-7 California Goldrush vs California Activities -6-3 California Activities CCP-8 Venezuelavs Netherlands - 7-0 Venezuela CCP-9 Australiavs California Activities - 1-0 Australia CCP-10 Venezuela vs Team T.F.S. International - 4-2Venezuela CCP-11 USA vs Canada - 3-0 USA CCP-12 Australia vs Venezuela ? 4-3 Venezuela For more detailedCanada Cup Women?s play-off game results and game results for the Futures andShowcase play-offs visit It?s ChampionshipSunday at the Canada Cup tomorrow, July 12 at Softball City (2201 ? 148thSt., Surrey, BC) with play-off action including the finals for the Women?s,Futures and Showcase tournaments taking place! The followingWomen?s International Championship Round games are scheduled for Sunday July12, 2009: CCP-13 - 1:30pm ?Canada vs Venezuela - at Softball City ? Diamond 1 CCP-14 ? FINAL ?6:30pm - USA vs Winner of CCP-13 - at Softball City ? Diamond 1 Futures, Showcaseand Women?s North American Round play-off games are also scheduled to be playedat Softball City tomorrow. The Showcasefinal begins at 11:00am on Diamond 1 and the Futures final takes place at4:00pm on Diamond 1. Canada Cup runsuntil tomorrow, July 12. Phone604-536-9287 for Canada Cup ticket information or visit forother tournament information including play-off schedules. Tickets are available at the gate. Teams andschedule are subject to change without notice. - 30 - For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan ? 604.341.0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Jul 13 01:27:03 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 22:27:03 -0700 Subject: Game Results for Championship Sunday, July 12, 2009 - Canada Cup International Women's Message-ID: <> Received: 7/13/09 12:08:40 AM From: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan Subject: Media Release - Game Results for Championship Sunday, July 12, 2009 - Canada Cup International Women's Fastpitch Tournament -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION: MEDIA GAME RESULTS for Championship Sunday July 12,2009 Canada Cup 2009 ? July 4 ? July 12 The 2009 CanadaCup at Softball City and Cloverdale Athletic Park in Surrey, BC was an excitingaction packed nine days of simply great softball. The 16th Canada CupChampionship Sunday results are as follows: Canada CupInternational Women?s Fastpitch Tournament Championship Final: * USA vs Canada -3-2 USA Canada CupInternational Fastpitch Futures Tournament World Junior Women?s ChampionshipFinal presented by MVP Athletics Supplies: * WorthFirecrackers vs White Rock Renegades 91 - 10-0 Worth Firecrackers Canada Cup 16& Under Fastpitch Showcase Championship Final: * IllinoisNorthern Ice vs Quebec Rebelles 16U 3-2 Quebec Rebelles 16U CANADA CUPWOMEN?S 2009 TOP TOURNAMENT ALL-STAR AWARDS MVP ? Natasha Watley - USA EILEEN TODD AWARDFOR THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL PLAYER ? Rubilena Rojas -Venezuela TOP BATTER ?Natasha Watley - USA ANNE IRVINE BESTDEFENSIVE PLAYER ? Clare Warwick -Australia LORI SIPPEL AWARDFOR TOP PITCHER ? Cat Osterman - USA SUZY BRAZNEY TOPCATCHER ? Lauren Lappin - USA for more detailed tournament results and information. - 30 ? For MediaRequiring Further Information Contact: ColleenGoodwin-Ryan at 604-341-0201 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 14 17:50:11 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 14:50:11 -0700 Subject: Looking for Pitcher Message-ID: <> Received: 7/14/09 4:19:14 PM From: DEREK J Macdonald Subject: Looking for Pitcher -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GlaceBay Mets of the Newly formed Maritime Fastball League are looking for a pitcher the weekend of July17,18,19th to attend a fastball Tournament in Charlottetown Pei, Hosted by the Charlottetown Fawcetts. If anyone is interested could they email me at eeker13(at) appreciated. eeker Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 14 18:09:57 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:09:57 -0700 Subject: Free Agent, player looking for a team Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Jul 16 08:20:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 05:20:36 -0700 Subject: FW: Team Canada Shuts out Japan in Both Ends of Exhibition Doubleheader Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Gilles LeBlanc" >To: "Gilles LeBlanc" >Date: 7/16/09 6:42:58 AM > Veuillez noter que le texte fran?ais ne sera pas disponible ce matin. > > > > _____ > >FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE > >July 15, 2009 > > > >Team Canada Shuts out Japan in Both Ends of Exhibition Doubleheader > > > >(Prince Albert, SK) - After enduring more than a day of cold, wet weather, >the skies cleared and softball fans in Prince Albert were treated to a >doubleheader of top level international men?s fastball as Team Canada took >on their Japanese counterparts. > > > >A good sized enthusiastic crowd came out to Prime Minister?s Park to see the >same teams that battled in the championship game of the Three Nations >Challenge that was held last year in Saskatoon . > > > >A nice wrinkle was added to the opening ceremonies when five Japanese >exchange students sung their National anthem prior to the game. They would >later take turns announcing the Japanese batters. Not to be outdone, a >lovely a cappella version of O Canada was performed by a young lady named >Cyndal Halcro. > > > >Game 1 - Canada 7, Japan 0 > > > >Canada put up a quick three spot in the second inning and never looked back >in the opener. Colin Abbott (Portugal Cove, NL) led off by grounding a >single to right field. He was immediately followed by Ian Fehrman (Townsend, >ON) who did the same thing. Two batters later, Derek Mayson (North >Vancouver, BC) turned an 0-2 count into an eight pitch at bat. On that >eighth pitch he deposited a three run home run into the parking lot on a >hill well beyond the right field fence. > > > >A similar situation would arise in Canada?s half of the third inning when >Steve Mullaley (Freshwater, NL) turned around another 0-2 count, lining the >ninth pitch of the at bat off the fence in left centre for a two-run double, >plating Abbott and Fehrman. > > > >The scoring was capped by an opposite field home run off the bat of left >fielder Jeff Ellsworth (St. Lawrence, PEI) > > > >Fehrman, Mayson and Ellsworth would all finish the game two-for-two while >Keith Mackintosh (Melfort, SK) would add a single. > > > >The game was called after Japan?s half of the fifth inning due to the run >rule. > > > >Trevor Ethier (Saskatoon, SK) went the distance for the victory, allowing >only a fourth inning double to Hiroshi Ishimura, striking out six along the >way. Kazutaka Murasato took the loss for Japan. > > > >Game 2 - Canada 2, Japan 0 > > > >The second game was a much closer contest that featured solid defence and >pitching by both squads. > > > >All of the scoring came in the top of the first inning. Centerfielder Ryan >Wolfe (Melbourne, ON) led off by grounding a single between third base and >shortstop. After retiring the next two Canadian hitters, Japanese starter >Kunihiko Iida caught a little bit too much of the plate on an 0-1 pitch to >Colin Abbott and Abbott launched it out of the yard in right field. > > > >Nick Underhill (Campbell River, BC) hurled the first four innings for Canada >in picking up the win. He gave up two singles, walked two and struck out one >in the process. Dean Holoien (Melfort, SK) picked up the save by holding off >Team Japan over the final three innings. The only blemish on his record was >a sixth inning walk. He struck out four along the way. > > > >Japan used four pitchers in the game with starter Kunihiko Iida giving up >both runs over 2 2/3 innings to take the loss. > > > >Wolfe would add a double in the seventh inning. Singles by Jody Eidt >(Mitchell, ON) and Rob Giesbrecht (Landmark, MB) would complete the Team >Canada hit totals. > > > >Singles by Hiroshi Ishimura and Hiraku Yokoyama were the only hits for >Japan. > > > >Canada will open up their part of the ISF competition on Friday evening, >July 17 when they take on Argentina immediately following the opening >ceremonies at BobVan Impe Stadium. > > > > > >For more information, please contact: > > > >Gilles LeBlanc > >Manager - Marketing and Communications Services > >223 Colonnade Rd., Ste 212 > >Ottawa, ON K2E 7K3 > >gleblanc at > >Cell: (613) 797-7171 > >Signature > > / > > > > > From fastball at Sat Jul 18 13:48:23 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 10:48:23 -0700 Subject: ISC II pitcher available Message-ID: <> Received: 7/18/09 12:07:48 PM From: cangmatt5(at) To: fastball at CC: Subject: ISC II pitcher available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Florencio Barreto from Venezuela is available for the tournament if anyone can add a pitcher. He throws for Los Socios in the AAU and played for Omaha Fastpitch Club and Herda and Sons in the summer of 2007. He threw in NAFA A-Major, AA, and 23-under in Iowa and threw in the ISC 23-under tournament that summer as well Matt Christensen Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Jul 20 21:39:16 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:39:16 -0700 Subject: Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League new web Message-ID: <> Received: 7/20/09 11:48:02 AM From: "roger legendre" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERS OF THE FOURTH ESTATE GREATER BCITY OF SUDBURY RICK McDONALD MEMORIALL FASTBALL LEAGUE PLAYERS,FRIENDS AND FANS OF FASTBALL The Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League new web site jusy in its first few day is now fully loaded with all the categories with a photo gallery now up and running also. You will find the following when you check it out : Welcome ,about us,diamonds,schedule;photo gallery,girls minor softball,umpiring,news from here and there , newsletter , statistics ,league schedule and profile .It will give you a`lot to read and see. Web site at : Blog us at : nickelfastball at Yours in fastball, Roger Legendre Web administrator League statistitian Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Have a nice vweek! Enjoy your league web site! Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 21 02:20:13 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 23:20:13 -0700 Subject: SOFTBALL CANADA CALLS FOR APPLICATIONS - DEPUTY UMPIRES-IN-CHIEF, OFFICIATING DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Message-ID: <> Received: 7/20/09 2:01:59 PM From: Softball Ontario Umpires Program Subject: SOFTBALL CANADA CALLS FOR APPLICATIONS - DEPUTY UMPIRES-IN-CHIEF, OFFICIATING DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: July20, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTBALL CANADA PLACES A CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - DEPUTYUMPIRES-IN-CHIEF, OFFICIATING DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NORTH YORK,ONTARIO- Softball Ontario is pleased to share that Softball Canada isplacing a call for applications for three (3) Deputy Umpire-in-Chief positionson the Officiating Development Committee. The positions begin October 1,2009. Please note that all three positions are 2 year terms. Committee memberselection shall be made according to pre-established criteria, which willinclude, in addition to the required skills and experience; both slo-pitch andfast pitch certified umpires, representation by population (i.e.provincial/territorial umpire registrations), gender equity, and bilingualismconsiderations. See the followingPosition Description & Responsibilities, and the Selection Criteria. Please ensure this information is circulated to all individuals who would beeligible for the position. The deadline forapplications for the ODC Deputy Umpire-in-Chief positions is Monday, August31, 2009 Decisions on the finalcandidates will be presented to the Board of Directors inSeptember. Announcement of thesuccessful candidates will occur following presentation to the Board ofDirectors. Your cooperation indistributing this information to all qualified individuals is very muchappreciated. Send your applicationsto Donna Ozarko, Softball Canada, dozarko at or fax 613-523-5761. DEPUTY UMPIRE-IN-CHIEF(ODC) The following is a listof the job responsibilities of Deputy Umpires-in-Chief. ? Attend Officiating Development Committee(ODC) meetings (up to 2 per year) ? Prepare &develop ODC meeting agenda items in consultation with the National Director ofUmpires & National Office Staff ? Provideinput to the Officials Development budget ? Provide on-going leadership to specific policy & project assignments forofficiating development program area(s) ? Directthe development & evaluation of the Officials Certification program incollaboration with the National Director of Umpires & National OfficeStaff ? Instruct & evaluate the OfficialsCertification program & National Umpire School program, as required ? Develop officiating educational resourcesincluding, but not limited to, National Umpire School material, SP and FPexams, newsletter information, casebook ? Supervise Canadian Championships and evaluate working umpires, as required ? Provide input into selection process forUmpires-in-Chief and Deputy UICs at Canadian Championships ? Recruit, select, & evaluate internationalumpires in collaboration with National Director of Umpires &CEO/designated staff person ? Recommendinterpretations & amendments to playing rules in consultation with theNational Director of Umpires ? Provide input onrevisions to umpire mechanics ? Assist withreview of officials' equipment requirements with official supplier ? Perform other related duties as requested by theNational Director of Umpires & CEO/ designated staff person Officiating Development Committee Deputy Umpire-in-Chief SelectionCriteria ? MinimumSecondary school completion (or equivalent educational background) ? Leadership,planning or administrative experience in a volunteer or professionalcapacity ? Experience in leading/instructing/facilitating softball officiating programs ? Excellentoral & written communication skills ? Officiatingsupervisory skills & experience evaluating officials (P/T or Nationallevel) ? Softball officiating experience ? Member in goodstanding with P/T Association & Softball Canada ? Applicationendorsed by P/T Association ? Fluency inCanada's official languages an asset ? Referencesprovided DEPUTY UMPIRES-IN-CHIEF WILL BE APPOINTED BY THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OFUMPIRES (IN COLLABORATION WITH OFFICIATING DEVELOPMENT BOARD LIAISON ANDDESIGNATED STAFF PERSON) AND RATIFIED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO THEOFFICIATING DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR A TWO-YEAR TERM, OR A SPECIFIC TERMDETERMINED BY THE EXTENT OF THEIR AREA OF JOB RESPONSIBILITY. DEPUTYUMPIRES-IN-CHIEF WILL ATTEND ODC MEETINGS AS THE BUSINESS OF THE ODCDICTATES. THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF UMPIRES WILL EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE OF THEDEPUTY UIC ANNUALLY. -30- Softball Ontariois the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 21 10:38:05 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 07:38:05 -0700 Subject: DOG HOUSE SPORTSBAR NORTH STARS BACK IN THE HUNT Message-ID: <> DOG HOUSE SPORTSBAR NORTH STARS BACK IN THE HUNT There was a doubleheader played at Rick McDonald Memorial Park's Azilda # 3 field on Monday night .Two teams who've been struggling of late came up with key victories which now changes the whole race in league standings. In the opener , behind the excellent one hit pitching of veteran Jordy "Swede" Dahlvick (3-0) , the North Stars(5-5-0) shut out the fifth place Athletics(3-8-1) 7-0 . Jordy was masterful in his four innings of work with only two Athletics reaching base on single hit and a base on balls. He now reduces his league leading ERA to 2,11 .Randy Dennis (0-0) now back from Southern Ontario(in his first outing for 2009) pitched the last inning. The game` was called after five innings due to the 7 run mercy rule. John Ainsly (0-2 )went the distance and was tagged with his second loss of the season on 8 hits , 3 issued walks and 2 strike outs. Mike Cain of the North Stars hit 1 for 2 with his 3rd league leading triple. In the nightcap , the Garson Hounds(4-5-2) wheeling from a five game slump defeated the first place Parry Island Hawks(9-4) 7 to 2 and in the process broke the Hawks five game winning streak. Gary"Guinou" Lamothe(4-5) went the distance for his 4th victory of the season on 7 hits and 8 strike outs . Matt Tobobundung (3-2) also went the distance and was tagged with his`second loss of the 2009 campaign on 11 hits ,3 base on balls and 12 strike outs.Jon Treen of the Hounds was the top hitter going 3 for 4 (2 doubles) with teammates Chuck Jacobs 2 for 3 and Brian Welsch 2 for 2 also hitting well. Jim Pawis (triple) and Al Guenette both hit 2 for 3 in losing cause for the Hawks. League play resumes on Thursday night at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park in Garson .. In the first of a doubleheader the Dog House North Stars will take on the Garson Hounds at 7 PM followed by the nightcap at PM when the Pickerel River Cardinals tangle with Parry Island Hawks . NEWS RELEASE The Northern ISC 2 Qualifier which was scheduled for Sucker Creek on Manitoulin Island for mid June under convenor Aaron Owl , was then switched to mid July (same area) and then finally put into the hands` of Eric Abitong from Sagimok for August 28th to 30th in Sagamok(Massey) may now be coming to Greater Sudbury and specifically the Rick McDonald Memorial Park in Azilda from August 28th to the 30th .It would then be co- convened by still Eric Abitong and myself Roger Legendre .I willl be in discussion with Blair Seton either today or tomorrow and we may then have a positive response which would give our area and specifically Azilda two back to back important fastball tournaments.A winner in this said ISC 2 Qualifier gives that team a spot in the ISC 2 Worlds next year 2010 in Midland , Michigan . Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre League Statistitian Northern Ontario Fastball Championship Co-convenor Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 21 10:39:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 07:39:36 -0700 Subject: LOCAL FASTBALL PRODUCT RETURNS TO CANADA AND IS SET TO JOIN THE DURHAM LORDS Message-ID: <> Received: 7/21/09 8:41:39 AM From: Scott Dennis CC: Karen Richards Subject: LOCAL FASTBALL PRODUCT RETURNS TO CANADA AND IS SET TO JOIN THE DURHAM LORDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Number: 3 Part Type: HTML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Durham Lords Media Release Tuesday, July 2, 2009 Local fastball product returns to Canada and is set to join the Durham Lords OSHAWA, Ont. - Durham College women?s fastball head coach JimNemish is pleased to announce the addition of Kayla MacLean of Whitby, Ont. tothe team for the 2009 Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) fastballseason. MacLean, a pitcher and infielder, spent last season playing with the Miami-DadeCollege Sharks in Florida. On the mound, MacLean throws a variety of pitchesand has had her fastball clocked at 61 mph. At the plate, she can hit for powerand average as her .402 batting average and .407 on-base percentage can attest.In addition to her season at Miami-Dade she has played in many largeinternational tournaments in the United States and Canada with her club teamover the past few seasons. ?We are really excited about Kayla choosing to come to DurhamCollege,? said Nemish. ?Along with her skills on the field Kaylahas a real passion for the game and with her experience and skill level shewill help take our program to another level. I feel with the addition of Kaylaand with all of our returning players, this should be an exciting team to watchthis year.? The Durham fastball program and MacLean intersected for the first time manyyears ago. As a youngster MacLean acted as the Durham Lords bat girl, and nowshe has decided to return to the school to wrap up her collegiate career. The addition of MacLean solidifies an already strong recruiting class whichalready features the program?s second ever out of province recruit inJana Hagan (Sherwood Park, Alta.) as well as teammates from Scarborough TianaCosentino and Shannon Stevenson. The incoming recruiting class combined with astrong veteran core will leave the Lords in excellent position to capture their15th OCAA championship. The team opens the OCAA regular seasonFriday, September 18 when they host Mohawk College for a 6:30 p.m. start. -30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) scott.dennis(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 21 14:51:42 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 14:51:42 Subject: SOFTBALL CANADA'S 2009 HOME RUN SPORTS UMPIRE OF THE YEAR Message-ID: <> Received: 7/21/09 2:07:58 PM From: Softball Ontario Umpires Program Subject: SOFTBALL CANADA'S 2009 HOME RUN SPORTS UMPIRE OF THE YEAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Stephanie Sutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: July 21, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTBALL CANADA'S 2009 HOME RUN SPORTS UMPIRE OF THEYEAR NORTH YORK, ON- Softball Ontario is pleasedto share that Softball Canada is placing a call for applications for the 2009Home Run Sports Umpire of the Year. The Softball Canada Home Run SportsUmpire of the Year Award is awarded annually to a Softball Canada Umpire thatbest exemplifies the characteristics of good sportsmanship, involved in theUmpire development, a positive Umpire role model and an educator andevaluator. This individual must not only have the above characteristicsbut truly show a love for the game of Softball and betterment of umpires fromthe local level to across Canada. Nomination Criteria includes: 1. The Umpire shall be a Canadiancitizen/landed immigrant 2. The Umpire shall be fully certified (atany softball umpire level) to qualify 3. The Umpire shall haveserved in a volunteer officiating position(s) for a minimum of 4 years. 4. The Umpire shall have served in a volunteer development as anInstructor, Evaluator, Mentor or Program Developer. 5. The Umpireshall have a high level of officiating ability. Nominationsshould include: ? Umpire?s name, address and phone number(s) ? Name, address and phone number(s) of Nominating individual orgroup ? Record of Nominee?s umpiring experience ? Recordof Umpiring achievements ? Umpire?s role in developing and improvingthe officiating aspect of Softball ? Personal highlights in 2009 Individuals or groupsin Ontario have the chance to submit their nomination for the 2009 Home RunSports umpire of the Year. Don?t miss this opportunity to have yourfellow Umpires and their achievements recognized across Canada. Please note the deadline for the 2009 Home RunSports Umpire of the Year is due to the Softball Canada office byFriday, August 29, 2009. The deserving recipientof the 2009 Home Run Sports Umpire of the Year will be honoured at the 2009Softball Canada Congress and will be hosted in Ottawa, ON. The Softball Canada 2009 Umpire ofthe Year Nomination Year is available on Softball Canada?s website under thefollowing link, or bycontacting Donna Ozarko, Program Manager- Officiating and Publications viaemail at dozarko at or613-523-3386 ex 3101. -30- Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 21 16:31:02 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 16:31:02 Subject: COME JOIN US IN AUGUST AT THE NORTHERNS Message-ID: <> Received: 8/21/09 10:30:19 AM From: "roger legendre" Add to People Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESS RELEASE COME JOIN US IN AUGUST AT THE NORTHERNS We are calling upon all former fastball players from the 50's , 60's , 70's and 80's who played here in the Greater City of Sudbury with the old Nickel Men's Fastball League , the Church League , the North End League and other leagues of those fabulous eras (ladies and men) to join us for the 4th Annual Brad Ringuette Northern Ontrio Open Ladies and Men's Fastball Championships . Your old friend for many of you Metro Szeryk will be in town and our guest for the weekend throwing out the first ceremonial pitch . If yiou're coming from out of town you can just reach me by email and I'll give the name of the hotel where all of our out town teams will be staying and for the same low rte. When you email , do it soon enough and tell me from what era you hail from ( roaring 50's , fabulous 60's , exciting 70's , or changing 80's ) , what team or teams did you play for and what position you played . I would expect players such as Gilles Patry ,, Bob Dolan , Ike MacDonald , Dick Decosse , Bob Sherman , Tom Malone , Moe Martel , Roy Chevrette , Bob Alexander , George the Candy Man Martel , Denis the Red Dallaire , Andy Queneville , Pat Bleau , John Robert ,Oscar Clouthier ,Ed Marynuck , Steve Smith ,Jim Smith ,Chi Chi Ferrenzina ,Jim Cappodocia , Ron Robert , Ray Dugas ,John Valiquette , Ron Dupuis (presently our deputy mayor)Kelper(umpires from then) and others I've forgotten to name to join us for that weekend , watch the new kids on the block play 21st century fastball and also reminis with Metro and their friends . Start now and get in touch with me through my email address at er_legendre at .. Spread the word , tell your friends and will see you in a month from today when the tournament starts. START SPREADING THE WORD If you've foorgotten who I am - go back to 1969 and beyond at O'Connor Park when you use to hear my voice say Play ball ! Jouons a la balle molle .Later you'd here the phrase I made famous as a play by play fastball announcer two twenty two .I think that will ring a bell Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre League Statistitian Tournament Convenor Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Jul 24 10:54:51 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 07:54:51 -0700 Subject: No subject Message-ID: <> Received: 7/24/2009 9:29:57 AM From: tcro14(at) Subject: Men vs Women in Fastpitch Monday night at Alexian Field in Schaumburg, Il.. the Schaumburg Flyers professional baseball team will play a fastpitch game against the Chicago Bandits and Jennie Finch. The game is at seven o'clock. The Flyers are an independent team that has AAA and AA talent according to their website. The Flyers were looking for a pitcher and Dave Perkins and myself -more Dave than me- put together three pitchers to throw against the Bandits. Brian Tobin who pitches for the Hogs, Andy Blackshaw who pitches for the Bar of Appleton and Jason Iuli who pitches for the All American Sports Bar in West St. Paul, MN.. The idea is to get the teams to see three different level pitchers. All three will share innings against the WPFL 2008 World Champions. The three will be interviewed on WGN Monday morning at 6am. Please watch and come out to the game. I have been told that they are almost sold out so get your tickets asap. Tickets:(847) 891-2255 Tommy tcro14(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 28 15:30:29 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:30:29 -0700 Subject: ASA Young Men's Nationals Message-ID: <> Received: 7/28/2009 12:08:37 PM From: Eric Lewis Subject: ASA Young Men's Nationals MIME Ver: Attachments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mankato, Minnesota is hosting starting Friday. This is the future of US fastpitch...yet there aren't enough teams to field 12 and 14 year old divisions. We need help asking dad-fastpitch players to get their sons and friends together to play Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 28 15:33:55 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:33:55 -0700 Subject: Looking for a pitcher in Decatur Message-ID: <> Received: 7/28/2009 12:41:45 PM From: Tom Crouch Add to People Section To: fastball at CC: Subject: Looking for a pitcher -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeKalb, Il. The Hogs are looking for a pitcher to help out with us in the "A" Nationals in Decatur (Sept 3-7). Interested pitchers should email me or Matt Smith mattsmith(at) Thanks Tommy tcro14(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 28 16:26:34 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:26:34 -0700 Subject: Looking for players in Salt Lake City, UT Message-ID: <> For Teams looking for Players: Team Name: Lumpys Location: Salt Lake City, UT Position/s: Pitcher ASA B approved Date Posted: July 27, 2009 Notes: Pitcher needed for ASA B in Prescott AZ September 4th -7th. E-Mail Address of Team Contact: Benji marcbenjamin2000(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 28 16:35:46 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:35:46 -0700 Subject: 18 year old pitcher available for ASA and NAFA Message-ID: <> Received: 7/27/2009 5:57:09 PM From: cangmatt5(at) Subject: 18 year old pitcher available for ASA and NAFA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryne Stefankiewicz is an 18 year old pitcher from Omaha, Neb. that wants to pitch in the ASA and NAFA 18 and 23-under tournaments. He has been pitching for two years and has been playing in the Omaha men's fastpitch league. His email is rstefankiewicz(at) phone is 402-669-4434 Thanks, Matt Christesen Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Jul 28 20:09:17 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 17:09:17 -0700 Subject: Looking for players in NZ Message-ID: <> For Teams looking for Players: Team Name: Roosters Softball Club Location: Auckland New Zealand Position/s: Pitcher & infield Date Posted: July 09 Notes: Want to come & play with young enthusiastic team in only their 2nd year of development? E-Mail Address of Team Contact: rooster(at) Martin Hunt Chairman Roosters Softball Club Inc. P O Box 104-104 Lincoln North, Auckland Ph 09 833 5649 Fax 09 832 0404 Mob 021 940 105 E rooster(at) Web Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jul 29 23:49:08 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 20:49:08 -0700 Subject: Two games were played Monday night at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park in Azilda Message-ID: <> HAWKS WIN KEY GAME Two games were played Monday night at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park in Azilda. In the opener , the Garson Hounds unleashed a 17 hit attack in pounding the last place Sudbury Athletics 13 to 1 .Gary Lamothe (5-5) went the distance in collecting his fifth victory of the season giving up 5 hits ,issuing 2 base on balls and fanning 2 batters .John Ainsly(0-3) also going the distance, was tagged with the loss in giving up 17 hits , issuing 2 walks and fanning 5 batters . Todd Parson , the Hounds catcher , led the hitting parade going a perfect 4 for 4 including his fourth home run of the season(tied for the league lead) , a three run shot to left field with teammate Robbie Edwards hitting 3 for 3 (double) and a walk while Jimmy Thompson hit 2 for 3 in a losing cause for the Athletics . In the nightcap , the Parry Island Hawks , came up with their most important win of the season as they defeated Dog House Sportsbar (2008 league defending champions) for the first time in four attempts this season by the score of 6-2.The victory moved the Hawks to within one point of clinching first place and the Commissioner's cup.Matt Tobobundung (4-2) went the distance and picked up his fourth victory of the season in giving up 7 hits , issuing 1 base on balls and striking out 7 batters .His opponent Randy Dennis(0-1) in his second outing of the season took the mound loss .Randy gave up 4 hits , walked 3 batters and fanned one .Frank Pegahamagabow of the Hawks led all hitters with a `2 for 3 performance at the plate while Joel Belanger went 3 for 3 (double) in a losing cause for the North Stars . League play resumes on Thursday July the 30th in Garson at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park with a double header . In the opener , the Athletics take on the North Stars and that will be followed by Hounds against the Cardinals from Pickerel River .This will bring an end to the regular season with the exception of seven rain out games to be played starting with a doubleheader in Garson on Wednesday, August the 5th. Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre League Statistitian Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Jul 29 23:50:55 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 20:50:55 -0700 Subject: Sargeant Rick McDonald Message-ID: <> SERGEANT RICK McDONALD Today Tuesday July the 28th is a very somber day for several of my fastball player friends ,fans of fastball and the family of Rick McDonald .Its on this very day that Rick was killed in the line of duty . Sargeant Rick McDonald was a twelve year veteran of the Greater Sudbury Police Force . Rick also played fastball and in his honor the league took his name .Every June the league holds a Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball Tournament as well as a Slo-Pitch tournament .A good part of the money gained here goes to help charitable causes such as buying bicycles for under privilege kids , send children with afflicted serious illnesses and their families to trips at Disneyworld as well as beautify the park named after him in Azilda . Our good friend who left us much to early is survived by his wife Corinne Fewster also a police officer. On Thursday night July the 30th , at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park in Garson, just prior to the opening game between the Dog House Sportsbar North Stars and the Sudbury Athletics , we will honor the memory of Sergeant Rick McDonald . We hope that many fans , former players and friends will be out for the special ceremony planned for that evening.. Yours in fastball, Roger Legendre Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Aug 3 15:19:38 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 12:19:38 -0700 Subject: "SUPER 12" Fastpitch Tournament in Argentina Message-ID: <> Received: 8/3/2009 10:25:59 AM From: Duilio Mart??n Scialacomo Subject: "SUPER 12" Fastpitch Tournament in Argentina -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Duilio Scialacomo, I'm a manager at C.E.P.E.F. 5 of a fastpich team, in Paran?? the capital city of Entre R??os ,or for you, ???between rivers???, in Argentina. besides that I arrange one of the most important tournament in my country. That tournament was called ???The super 12???; and compete against, the best of twelve???s equipment. That tournament, is carry out since 2 at 4 October; It ; It have the presence of the best players of my country, and this is the octave edition.For more information, you can see the blog WWW.CPEF5SOFTBOL.BLOGSPOT.COM; See you soon your faithfully; Duilio Scialacomo Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-27, VIA From fastball at Wed Aug 5 19:47:42 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 16:47:42 -0700 Subject: Vote_Danielle_Lawrie_for_Sportswoman_of_the_Year! Message-ID: <> Received: 8/5/2009 10:05:40 AM From: "Gilles LeBlanc" Subject: Vote_Danielle_Lawrie_for_Sportswoman_of_the_Year Canadian Senior Women?s National Softball Team playerDanielle Lawrie (Langley, BC), who was named USA Softball Collegiate Player ofthe Year and led the University of Washington to the Women?s College WorldSeries title earlier this summer, has been nominated for the Women?s SportsFoundation?s 2009 Sportswoman of the Year Award. Athleteswere considered for the 2009 award based on athletic achievements from the past12 months, excluding the 2008 Olympic Games. You can VOTE forDanielle Lawrie until August 9th, 2009 by clicking the button below.The winner will be announced by August 14th. You can read Danielle?s profileinformation by clicking on her picture (first on the left of the bottom row).To vote, select ?Danielle Lawrie? at the bottom of the page and enter yourname, e-mail address and postal code! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La joueuse de l??quipeNationale Senior F?minine de Softball du Canada Danielle Lawrie (Langley, C-B),qui a ?t? nomm?e Joueuse coll?giale de l?ann?e de USA Softball et a men?l?Universit? de Washington au titre des S?ries Mondiales Coll?giales F?mininesplus t?t cet ?t?, a ?t? nomin?e pour le prix de Femme Sportive de l?Ann?e 2009de la Fondation du Sport F?minin. Les athl?tes ont ?t? consid?r?es pour le prixde 2009 bas? sur leurs accomplissements athl?tiques des 12 derniers mois,excluant les Jeux Olympiques de 2008. Vous pouvez VOTERpour Danielle Lawrie jusqu?au 9 ao?t 2009 en cliquant sur le bouton plus bas.La gagnante sera annonc?e le 14 ao?t. Vous pouvez lirel?information (en anglais seulement) de Danielle en cliquant sur sa photo(premier de la gauche dans la rang?e du bas). Pour voter, s?lectionnez? Danielle Lawrie ? en bas de la page web et entrez votre nom, votrecourriel et votre code postal! Gilles LeBlanc Manager - Marketing and Communications Services 223 Colonnade Rd., Ste 212 Ottawa, ON K2E 7K3 gleblanc at (613) 523-3386 ext. 3105 (613) 523-5761 (Fax) / Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-27, VIA From fastball at Thu Aug 6 00:47:42 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 21:47:42 -0700 Subject: NAFA Tournament this weekend Message-ID: <> Landy Rodriguez sent you a message on Facebook... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Landy sent you a message. -------------------- Subject: NAFA Tournament this weekend Hi Al, My name is Landy Rodriguez and I'm looking to play this weekend at the NAFA Tournament. I will appreciate any help you can give me, if you know of any teams that might need a player. My number is (845)825-2116 in case anybody is interested. Thanks, Landy -------------------- reply to Al at fastball (at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-27, VIA From fastball at Thu Aug 6 00:51:07 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 21:51:07 -0700 Subject: 2009 MANITOULIN MEN"S FASTBALL LEAGUE PLAYOFFS GET UNDERWAY Message-ID: <> 2009 MANITOULIN MEN"S FASTBALL LEAGUE PLAYOFFS GET UNDERWAY On Tuesday night August the 4th , the Manitoulin Men's Fastball League playoffs got underway on two fronts . In series "B" the AOK Sucker Creek Raiders took the first game of their semi final series best of five affaire by the score of 6 to 3 over the Gore Bay Merchant. Aaron "Sixer" Owl was the winning pitcher going the distance and striking out ten batters while Glenn Duncanson was tagged with the loss and fanned five batters. Top hitter was Brenden Abotossaway of the Raiders going a perfect 4 for 4 .There were no home runs in the game. The only info we have at this time from the Series "A" semi is that Wikwemakong Lumberjacks defeated the M'Chigeeng Tribe in the bottom of the seventh inning to take a 1-0 lead in the best of five semi final .Both series resume on Thursday night in Gore Bay and M'Chigeeng. Thank you to Don Prescott(league Commissioner) for the information that helped me write this story . Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre Relations Liaison/Advisor Attached photo of winning pitcher Aaron "Sixer" Owl Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-27, VIA From fastball at Thu Aug 6 00:53:27 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 21:53:27 -0700 Subject: Team Standings in Sudbury Message-ID: <> TEAM STANDINGS AS OF AUGUST THE 5th , 2009 TEAMS G.P. W L T FOR AGNST +/- POINTS 1. HAWKS 14 10 4 0 93 58 35 28 2. HOUNDS 13 6 5 2 79 79 -- 14 3. CARDS 13 6 6 1 73 66 6 13 4. N.STARS 12 6 6 0 62 58 4 12 5. ATHLETIC.14 3 10 1 58 104 -46 7 Possibilities : 1. The Athletics cannot finish better than fifth and therefore will face the 2nd place finishers in their opening round best of 3 quarter final series ?A? , Monday August 17th at 7 PM in Azilda at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park 2. The Hawks need a tie or a victory in their final 4 point game against the Cardinals on Monday August the 10th in Azilda to clinch first place , the Commissioner?s Cup and a bye to the second round semi finals. 3. i) Should the Hounds win their remaining two games (one a four point game) , they could finish with 20 points and second place. ii) Should the Cardinals win their two remaining games (one a four point game against the Hawks) , they could potentially finish with 19 points at best and possibly second ,third or fourth position. iii) Should the North Stars win their remaining three games (one a four point game against the Hounds ) they could potentially finish with 20 points and also second place or third or fourth . The remaining games become very important since the highest seeded loser in quarter final action gets a second life (page system) and would play the fisrt place finisher in a second round semi final match up.At the moment , should the Hawks lose their final four point game against the Cardinals on August the 10th and the North Stars win their remaining three games (one a four point affair) , there would be a tie for first place and therefore the North Stars would retain first place and the Commissioner?s Cup pon a tie breaker (the North Stars head to head defeated the Hawks three times out of four) There are other remaining battles to be decided: A] The pitching crown : presently Jordy ?Swede? Dahlvick of the North Stars leads the parade with a 4-0 record and an ERA of 2,00 ; he is followed by Al Guenette of the Hawks with a record of 3-1 and a league leading ERA of 1,47 . Should Jordy not suffer any defeats in any remaining stars (the North Stars have three games to go) , he?ll become this year?s top pitcher for 2009. B] At the moment , catcher Curtis Hambly of the Cardinals leads all hitters with an average of 636 (21 for 33) which puts him 63 percentage points ahead of Jim Pawis of the Hawks at 575 (23 for 40). The next closest is Robbie Edwards at 516 ( 16 for 31) and he will finish with that being away for the next 14 days . So it?s a fight between Jim and Curtis . C] Todd Parsons of the Hounds leads the way with 5 home runs .Three other players are right behind him with four each. D] Two are tied at 6 in doubles E] Mike Cain of the North Stars leads in triples with 3 F] Jason Green of the Hawks leads in RBI?S with 19 G] Cuirtis Hambly of the Cardinals leads in On base % with 786 H] Robbie Edwards leads with 1 033 Slugging % The final five rainouts (two four point games) should make the end of the season very interesting. Many things up for grabs. Yours in fastball, Roger Legendre Your Public Relations Liaison/Advisor LETS HAVE A GREAT FINISH ! THAT?S FASTBALL PEOPLE! Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-27, VIA From fastball at Fri Aug 7 00:26:05 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 21:26:05 -0700 Subject: Sr Women Orleans Rebels have qualified Message-ID: <> Received: 8/6/2009 2:07:42 PM From: scottsearle at The Sr Women Orleans Rebels have qualified for the Canadian Championships for the 2nd year in a row. The tournament will be played in Kitchener from August 12-16th, but fans of the team in Ottawa will be able to get a sneak peek as the Rebels will host the Rebelles from Quebec for a double-header at Pierre Rocque Park in Orleans . Both teams have already qualified for the Canadian Championships and are ranked in the top 5 of teams in Canada . Orleans is the first Ottawa team to qualify for the Nationals two years in a row and fan support would be greatly appreciated. The games will be played on Sunday August 9th at 1:00 and 3:00 See you at the Park! Scott Searle Head Coach 613-837-0787 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-27, VIA From fastball at Fri Aug 7 11:32:55 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 08:32:55 -0700 Subject: Sudbury Fastball News Message-ID: <> RICK McDONALD MEMORIAL FASTBALL LEAGUE HAWKS CLINCH FIRST PLACE AND A BYE TO SECOND ROUND SEMI FINALS On Thursday night , in Gsarson at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park , the Garson Hounds paid a favor to the Parry Island Hawks.. By virtue of their victory over the Dog House Sportsbar North Stars they eliminated any chance of any team to surpass them and therefore give this first year team in the league , first place and the Commissiner's Cup . The Cup will be presenmted to them prior to their game against the Pickerel River Cardinals in Azilda on Monday night. The Garson Hounds remained in second place with their 6-3 triumph over the Dog House .Cory Stolar(1-0) in his first outing of the season , went the distance in giving up 7 hits ,issuing but one base on balls and striking out 8 batters.Randy Dennis(0-2) for the North Stars also went the distance giving up 9 hits , issuing one walk and striking out 6 batters in suffering his second loss of 2009 campaing. Todd Parsons 2 for 4 (double, league leading 6th home run of season) and Eddy Roy 2 for 4 (2 home runs ,3rd and 4th of the season) led the Hounds while Jesse St-Cyr hit 2 for 3 in losing cause for the Dog House. In the nightcap , the Pickerel River Cardinals kept pace with the Hounds in dumping the last place Athletics 10-3.Jonathan Contin (7-5) went all the way in recording his 7th mound victory of the season on 5 hits , 4 base on balls and 6 strike outs.Pat Brennan Sr (3-6) started for the Athletics in suffering his 6th defeat of the season and gave up 10 hits ,issued 3 base on balls and struck out 3 batters. Ed Brennan(0-0) came in to relieve in the 6th inning.Alex`Ashawasagai of the Cardinals led the way with a perfect 3 for 3 and a walk at the plate with teammates Ed Jr Panamick(double) and Jonathan Contin(triple,double) hitting both 2 for 3 .Eric Ace (home run , his fourth of the season) hit 2 for 2 with a walk in a losing cause for the Athletics. Play resumes on Monday night at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park in Azilda when the Athletics take on the Dog House North Stars at 7 PM followed by the nightcap at 9 PM where the first place Parry Island Hawks will face the third place Pickerel River Cardinals . MANITOULIN MEN'S FASTBALL LEAGUE RAIDERS TAKE 2-0 LEAD IN BEST OF FIVE SERIES There was only one game in the Manitoulin Men's Fastball League on Thursday night . Out in Gore Bay , the stingy defensive AOK Sucker Creek Raiders shuot out the Gore Bay Merchants 2-0 and now take a 2-0 strangle hold lead in that series "B" 3 out of five semi final.It was an excellent game for winning pitcher Mike Abnotosaway (1-0) who struck out 12 men and gave up but one base hit and issued just one base on balls.Jason Thibauilt(0-1) started for the Merchants and was tsggged with the loss in striking outt 8 batters. Glenn Duncanson(0-0) came in to relieve hom in the sixth frame.Both semi final series resume on Monday night . In series "A" tied at one game a piecev, the M'Cheeng Tribe will take on the Wikwemikong Lumberjacks in Wiki at 7:30 PM while the AOK Sucker Creek Raiders will look to sweep their series when they take on the Gore Bay Merchants at home with a 7 PM start time. BRAD RINGUETTE NORTHERN ONTARIO OPEN FASTBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS [August 21st to 23rd] The final deadline for entry into the 4th annual Brad Ringuette Northern Ontario Open Fastball Championships is fast approaching. One week from today , Friday August the 14th , all teams who desire to enter this tournament which is "open" must have in their complete team roster and their cheque in the amount of $380 . Cheques are to be made out to Northern Ontario Fastball Championships and mailed out to Northern Ontario Fastball Championships c/o Roger Legendre Co-convenor 968 Jeanne D'Arc Street Hanmer Ontario P3P 1R9 . For any further inquiries please email Roger at er_legendre at GIRLS SOFTBALL/FASTPITCH YEAR END PLAYOFF The Greater Sudbury Girls Softbal/Fastpitch Association has their year end playoffs this coming weekend at the Tery Fox Sports Complex starting this evening Friday August the 7th. There will be games in three divisions: squirts , bantams and midgerts . We wish all the young ladies the best of luck .We hope that Mother Nature will co-operate. Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre Public Relations Liaison/Advisor for the Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League and Girls Softball Chairperson /co-convenor for Brad Ringuette Northern Ontario Fastball Championships and ISC II Quialifier Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-27, VIA From fastball at Mon Aug 10 11:14:12 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 08:14:12 -0700 Subject: Paul Algar is available for ISC's 2009 Message-ID: <> Hi Al, It seems Vancouver cannot use me as an out of area pitcher, as they already have two, which makes me available as an out of area pick up, I am in area for Wisconsin though. If anyone wants to get in touch with me they can get me by e-mail or 309-287-6400. palgar11 (at) Cheers mate Paul Algar Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-27, VIA From fastball at Tue Aug 11 13:38:09 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 10:38:09 -0700 Subject: Sudbury Fastball News Message-ID: <> Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League DOG HOUSE SPORTSBAR NORTH STARS WIN IMPORTANT GAME The rain out schedule continued Monday night in Azilda at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park . In the opener at 7 PM , the Dog House North Stars scored early and went on nto easily defeat the last [lace Athletics 11 to 0 . Jordy "Swede" Dalhvick (5-0) went the distance in recording his fifth mound victory , giving up but one hit in the second frame , did not issue any base on balls and struck out nine batters. Steve Sabourin led the way for the North Stars with a 3 for 4 performance at bat including a three run homer in the first inning with teammate Junior Ilnitski hitting 2 for 4 while Eric Legendre was the only hitter for the Athletics at 1 for 2 . John Ainsley (0-5) went the distance in suffering his fifth set back on 10 hits ,issuing 5 base on balls and striking out six batters. In the nightcap under the lights , Parry Island Hawks were hard pressed to win a 5-4 victory over the Pickerel River Cardinals after leading 5-1 in the late innings. Prior to the start of the game the Haswks were presented with the Commissioner's Cup emblamatic of their first place finish and a bye to the second round semi finals (photo of the team will be in tomorow for the medias).Al Guenette (4-1) started and was relieved in the 7th frame by Percy Tobobundung(3-0) . Both pitchers combined to give up 6 hits , issue no base on balls and strike out 9 batters. Jonathan Contin (7-6) started and was relieved by Alex Ashawasagai (0-0) in the 5th inning. Boty combine to give up 7 hits ,issue 3 base on balls and strike out 7 batters. frank Pegahamagabow led the way for the Hawks with a 2 for 3 performance with Matt Tobobundung hitting his 5th round tripper of the season and now trailing Todd Parsons of the Hounds by only one with onev regular season game to go.Elwood "Squid" Ashawasagai hit 2 for 2 in a losing cause for the Cardinals . League play will resume Thursday night in Garson at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park with the last two rain out scheduled games of the rergular season . Both games haved have several important team and individual implications. Should the Hounds win the first game (a four point game) at 7 PM , thet would clinch second place . Should the North Stars win the 7 PM game , they would clinch second place . The Cardinals would need a victory at 9 PM against the Hawks to assure themselves of no worst than third position in the final standings.The second set of implications involves individual stats that will be rewarded at the year end banquet . For the pitchers its a batttle between the 5-0 Jordy Dalhvick of the North Stars` and the 4 and 1 Al Guenette of the Hawks. Should scheduled starter Percy Tobobundung (3-0) of the Hawks win on Thursday night he'd finish at 4-0 . A win by Dahlvick in the 7 PM game will clinch the pitching crown for him.In the batting situation , Curtis Hambly is now hitting 585 after going 0 for 3 on Monday night and is closely followed by Jim Pawis of the Hawks with 575 .. Boty players have onre game left and they are playing that game against each other to decide the batting crown . Finally , Todd Parsons of the Garson Hounds leads the home run race with 6 but is closely followed by Matt Tobobundung of the Hawks with 5 and then comes Robbie Edwards (Hounds), Eddy Roy (Hounds) , Eric Ace (Athletics) and Curtis Hambly(Cardinals) all with four . Thursday night in Garson should be an exciting time for the teams and the players. This is the tentative playoff first round quarter final schedule for the first week . On Monday night August the 17th , the second season gets underway with quarter finals 2 out of 3 . At 7 PM at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park the 5th plac`e ASthletics will take on the 2nd place finishers in series "A" .That will be followed by 3rd pace vs the 4th place in Series "B" .. The second game in both series goes Thursday night in Garson and in reverse order game 2 of series "B" at 7 PM and game 2 of series "A" at 9 PM .. Should a third and deciding game be needed in either series or both it/they would be played on Monday August the 24th in Azilda. The second round semi finals could stsart as esrly as August 24th or Thursday August 27th .. MANITOULIN MEN'S FASTBALL LEAGUE PLAYOFFS The AOK Sucker Creek Raiders Sweep Their Quarter Final Series In a single playoff game played at Sucker Creek tonight , the Raiders swept their best of 5 series in straight games with a 8-3 victory over the Gore Bay Merchants .The winning pitcher was Sean Assinewai while the loser was Jason Thibault .The Raiders will now await the winner of the "A" series to find out who they'll face in the championship final . That game was played this evening but no results as of yet. DESBORO FASTBALL TOURNAMENT WIKY WINS "C" DIVISION The Wiwemakong Lumberjacks played a tournament in Desboro on the weekend ..The Lumberjucks lost their first two games and had to come by the back door to win the "C" division title . More details on Tuesday . CALENDER FASATBALL TOURNAMENT LOCAL TEAM FROM SUDBURY WINS Two local teams from Sudbury participated in the annual 35 and over Calender tournament over the past weekend. Just coincidence that both teams made it to the finals . In the end the Stewie Orphans o Sudbury defeated the Athletics in the final 4-3 . pitou Paquette hit the solo home run to give the Orphans the victory . Frank Kujawinski of Iroquois Falls (playing for the Orphans) was the tournament's top pitcher with Pat Sr Brennan of the Athletics getting the spprtmanship award. Finally the MVP was given honorrarily to Brad Ringuette. In round robin action the Athletics`went 4-0 and the Orphans 3-1 . Both finalists defesated North Bay teams . The wining team consisted of the following players: Eddy Roy,Paul Stanley ,Shawn Cox , Pitou Paquette ,Billie Monohan ,Blaine Monohan ,Guy Montpellier ,Ali Gills ,Doug Foley ,Mike Bray , Frank Kujawinski, Jordy Dahlvick ,Teddy Ringuette , Gordy Ringuette and Brad Ringuette. DEADLINE REMINDERS To all. teams who have desires to enter the following two fastball tournaments , the deadline of both for the money and the roster is Friday August the 14th .. A] Brad Ringuette Northern Ontario Open Fastball Championships August 21st to 23rd in Azilda at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park cheque labeled Northern Ontario Fastball Championship mailed to Northern OntarioFastball Championships c/o Roger Legendre 968 Jeanne D'Arc Street Hanmer , Ont. P3P 1R9 B] 1st ever ISC II Qualifier leading to a Northern berth in the ToC in Midland Michigan for 2010 August 28th to 30th at Tery Fox Sports Complex cheque labelled ISC II Canada East mailed Blair Setford 2927 Nipiwin Drive Mississauga Ont. L5N 1Y1 Yours in fastball Roger Legendre Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Northern Ontario Fastball Championships and ISC II Qualifier Co-convenor and chairperson Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Wed Aug 12 01:36:47 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 22:36:47 -0700 Subject: Iowa State Fair Time also means it is ISC Message-ID: <> Received: 8/12/2009 12:32:40 AM From: Dennis Frye Subject: Iowa State Fair Time also means it is ISC Fastball Action ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The slow pace of an Iowa State Fair and its million attendees and ./ or Quad Cities and THE Fastest Game on Dirt ! Star Gazing , Eating and Drinking , people watching , stage shows , animal contest - they both have all of this ! The PING sound of Metal bats and Crowd noise and those Midwest Stampede Horns blaring to ADD Stadium ambience is WHY we are Chomping at the Bit for this weekend to get here . The four Iowa teams will battle the other 20 for The Superbowl of Softball Crown - The Coveted ISC Championship ! The ISC II will have a terrific Platform to perform as well . I have always told people after they ask me WHY do you take vacation every year and go to that softball thing and I respond take the midway out and put in 2 Major League manicured softball diamonds and action packed highly skilled athlete's playing baseball on a softball sized field and WOW - there is nothing else like it !!! I am cheering on The Midwest Stampede who in their 3rd year have made Major Stride's on being a force for the Title chase.The Teal and Orange are as Sharp as they get ! Thank You Quad Cities and ALL the people who make us Iowan's PROUD and we wish Every Sponser , Player , ISC Official and Umpire's and ALL Volunteer's and THE FAN's and Staff members and Media Personel that will make 2009 one to Cherish for the ages !!! PLAY BALL Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Wed Aug 12 11:03:14 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 08:03:14 -0700 Subject: The drug police are coming to this week’sCanadian senior women’s softball championship in Kitchener. Message-ID: <> Received: 8/12/2009 5:59:50 AM From: "Ray Alviano" To: "Al's Fastball News" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August11, 2009 By Christine Rivet, Record staff The drug police are coming to this week?sCanadian senior women?s softball championship in Kitchener. And while the sport boasts a squeaky-clean trackrecord when it comes to performance- enhancing substances, the game of softballcan ill-afford a failed drug test. Dropped from the Olympic docket following Beijing, as wasmen?s baseball, women?s softball has organized a campaign to bereinstated in time for the 2016 Games. ?That?s one of the reasons why baseballand softball separated in their Olympic bid ? because we had such apositive record in drug testing,? said Mike Branchauda manager for Softball Canada. ?We are happy to oblige (the drugtesters).? The recent notification by the Canadian Centre forEthics in Sport that random drug testing will be conducted in Kitchener sent tournament officialsscrambling though. The tournament host committee had to set up animpromptu doping control station and needed to find security personnel andchaperones for the tested athletes. Four athletes will be tested following Sunday?sfinal for substances on the World Anti-Doping Agency?s banned listincluding anabolic steroids and narcotics. The WADA list is 10 pages long, which could createsome confusion for athletes unaccustomed to the rigoursof testing. A tournament organizer, Pete McIlwraith, acknowledgedthis is a pivotal year for the sport and a flunked drug test would only provideanother unwelcome hurdle. ?I think Softball Canada is a little uptight aboutthis. It could be embarrassing for them.? Should an athlete test positive for a banned substancein Kitchenerthe CCES would recommend a suspension, though that player?s team wouldnot likely be sanctioned. The CCES regularly conducts random testing onnational-calibre athletes and at events throughoutthe country, so athletes here shouldn?t have been caught by surprise,said Branchaud. There?s no coincidence to the timing of thetests and the sport?s Olympic future, said the CCES?sdirector of communications. ?It was just their turn,? said Rosemary Pitfield. The nine-team tournament runs Wednesday through Sundayat Peter Hallman Ball Yard. crivet at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Fri Aug 14 17:14:44 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 14:14:44 -0700 Subject: SoftballCompetition Set to Begin on Sunday at Canada Summer Games Message-ID: <> Received: 8/14/2009 4:03:51 PM From: "Gilles LeBlanc" Subject: Softball_Competition_Set_to_Begin_on_Sunday_at_Canada_Summ -FORIMMEDIATE RELEASE August14th, 2009 SoftballCompetition Set to Begin on Sunday at Canada Summer Games (Summerside,PEI) ? The top young female softball players from our country are ready tocompete at the 2009 Canada Summer Games, with games scheduled from Sunday,August 16th to Saturday, August 22nd. Representativesfrom each of Canada?s ten provinces will play for the chance to earn a medal atthe event, in which softball has been included since 1969. The women?s gamewill attract fans from all over Prince Edward Island and throughout Canada. Themain venue for softball will be VIV Field in Summerside, while games will alsobe played at satellite locations, including Lions Club Field in Kensington,Alberton Memorial Field, ?cole Evangeline Fields in Abram-Village, and O?LearySoftball Field. Inthe preliminary round, each team will play each other province once for a totalof nine games. The top four teams will advance to the elimination round, as thetwo top teams will earn ?double-life? in the Page playoff system. The Bronzemedal game will be played at 6:00pm ADT on Friday, August 21stwhile the Gold medal game will take place at 10:00am ADT on Saturday, August 22nd. Twopreliminary round games are scheduled to air on TSN2 and RIS, as Manitoba willtake on Quebec at 1:00pm EDT on Monday, August 17th and Ontario willface British Columbia at 1:00pm EDT on Thursday August 20th. Thegame between Manitoba and Quebec can also be seen on replay on RDS at 11:00pmEDT on August 17th. The opening Ceremonies will also air at noon EDTon Saturday, August 15th on TSN2 and RIS, with a replay on RDS atmidnight and 9:00am EDT on Sunday, August 16th. The full TSN/RDS/RIStelevision schedule for the Canada Summer Games can be seen at Thetournament schedule, scores and daily recaps will be available both on theCanada Games website ( the Softball Canada website ( Softball Canada website also has a page entirely dedicated to the 2009Canada Summer Games, which can be accessed through the ?Canadian Championship?section of the left menu. The direct link is: Fouryears ago, British Columbia defeated Ontario 1-0 to earn their second softballGold medal, while Alberta took home the Bronze at the Canada Summer Games inRegina, Saskatchewan. -SC- Formore information, please contact: GillesLeBlanc Manager? Marketing and Communications SoftballCanada (613)797-7171 gleblanc at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Fri Aug 14 21:13:28 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 18:13:28 -0700 Subject: Sudbury Fastball News Message-ID: <> Received: 8/14/2009 8:08:20 PM From: "roger legendre" MANTOULIN MEN'S FASTBALL LEAGUE BEST OF 5 FINALS UNDERWAY ON THE ISLAND Thursday night August the 13th , the best of fivre finals got underway in the Manitoulin Men's Fastball League . AOK Sucker Creek Raiders travelled to Wikwemikong for a doubleheader.They were two very close bal games .The Raiders won the first one 6-3 bhind the fine pitching of Mike Abotosaway(3-0) while Jason Peltier was tsgged with the loss. Aaron Assineway hit a a two run shot to left field in the first .In the very next inning , Wiky tied the game at 2 .In the thgird Wiky goes up 3-2 on Jason Peltier's home run and that was followed by Aaron Owl's home run to tie the game at 3 for the Raiders.The Raiders score three more in late innings to win 6-3 and take a 1-0 lead in series .. In the nightcap , another close knail bitter , Wiky Lumberjacks defeats AOK Raiders 4-3 .The winning pitcher was Brent Assinewai while Aaron Owl suffered the loss.The game gets tied at 3 after 6 frames . In the top of the 7th the Raiders intentionally walk Brent Asinewai who decides to stel second . A wild throw in an attempt to nailo him results in a catcher's error and Brent scores. Brent shut outs the Raiders in the bottom of the seventh and the series is`now tied at 1 .Brent had 8 strike outs while Owl had 7 . The best of five series tied at 1 resumes tonight at AOK Raiders ball field. Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Sat Aug 15 00:56:13 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 21:56:13 -0700 Subject: Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball website Message-ID: <> Subject: RICK McDONALD MEMORIAL FASTBALL WEB SITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you've not visited our league web site which has now been in existence for 1 full month , please do so .It has 19 departments with changes ,subtractions and sadditions added every day .On the photo gallery we have now 41 photos with explanations. To get there you go to Look at it then blog us at nickelfastball at invitre your comments that we will put on our web . As of Friday morning August the 14th we had the hottest web site in Ontsrio with 20,414 hits or 680 per day. For those ewondering about the Northerns schedule , it should be out by no later than Monday August the 17th when it will be sent out with rules and other activities surrounding the tournament. Teams who've not yet sent their full roster please do so. Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre Public relations Liaison/Advisor 4TH Annual Brad Rienguette Northern Ontario Fastball Championship Chairperson Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Sat Aug 15 18:08:35 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 15:08:35 -0700 Subject: TheNetherlands Eliminate Canada in Extra Innings at Youth World Cup Message-ID: <> Received: 8/15/2009 4:21:17 PM From: "Gilles LeBlanc" Add to People Section To: "Gilles LeBlanc" CC: Subject: The_Netherlands_Eliminate_Canada_in_Extra_Innings_at_You MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: image001(181).jpg - 4k -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Number: 3 Part Type: HTML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORIMMEDIATE RELEASE August15th, 2009 TheNetherlands Eliminate Canada in Extra Innings at Youth World Cup (Prague,Czech Republic) ? After a tough 11-10 loss in 11 innings against Puerto Rico onFriday, the Canadian Women?s U16 National Team suffered another heartbreakingloss by a score of 5-4 in eight innings against the Netherlands. As a result,Canada has now been eliminated from the Easton Foundation Youth World Cup, butwas certainly in every game they played with all three losses in extra inningsagainst strong competitors. TeamCanada got off to a great start, as Jaycee Affeldt (MapleRidge, BC) struck out the side in the top of the first and the Canadian batscame out swinging in the bottom of the inning. Jennifer Gilbert(McKinney, Texas) led off with a single, and Tessa Loewen (Abbotsford,BC) smacked a ball to left field that eluded the outfielder allowing bothGilbert and Loewen to race around the bases to score. However, the lead wasshort lived as the Netherlands responded with two runs of their own in the topof the second and added another in the top of the third to go up 3-2. Canadacame back to tie the game 3-3 in the bottom of the third when Tessa Loewen and Tarah Ettinger(Plainfield, Illinois) both singled and advanced to second third on a fly ball.Loewen later scored on an error. After the Netherlands added another run totake a 4-3 lead, Canada tied the game once again in the bottom of the sixth.Tarah Ettinger led off with a single and was sacrificed to second beforescoring on a single by Jaycee Affeldt. Afterboth teams failed to score in the seventh, the game went into an extra inning,as Netherlands pushed their runner in from second but Canada was unable to dothe same, as the Netherlands won 5-4. JayceeAffeldt started the game in the pitcher?s circle for Canada, allowing threeruns on four hits with five strikeouts. Jennifer Gilbert pitched an inning anda third of relief and allowed one run on one hit with one strikeout, while Karissa Hovinga (LaVista, Nebraska) pitched the remaining 3 2/3 innings allowing one run on onehit and struck out six batters. Atthe plate, Tessa Loewen had a hit, two runs batted in and two runs scored,while Jaycee Affeldt had a hit and an RBI. Jennifer Gilbert, Tarah Ettinger andMiranda Castiglione(Brampton, ON) each added a hit. Canadavs. Netherlands: BoxScore and Play-by-Play Inother action at the Easton Foundation Youth World Cup, the Dominican Republiceliminated the Czech Republic with a 5-0 win, Japan advanced directly to theGold medal game with a 3-2 win over Puerto Rico, and the Netherlands shut outthe Dominican Republic 1-0 to earn a spot in the medal round. The Netherlandswill take on Puerto Rico in the Bronze medal game at 5:00am EDT Sunday morning,with the winner moving on to face Japan in the Gold medal game at 11:00am EDT. -SC- Formore information, please contact: GillesLeBlanc Manager? Marketing and Communications SoftballCanada (613)523-3386 x3105 gleblanc at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Sat Aug 15 20:31:33 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 17:31:33 -0700 Subject: Manitoulin Men's Fastball League Message-ID: <> Received: 8/15/2009 7:25:15 PM From: "roger legendre" Subject: Manitoulin finals fastball MIME Ver: 1.0 Attachments: Sucker_Creek.bmp - 600k MEMBERS OF THE FOURTH ESTATE MEMBERS OF THE MANITOULIN FASTBALL LEAGUE PLAYERS AND FANS OF FASTBALL Manitoulin Men's Fastball League AOK Sucker Creek Raiders Win Second Straight Title For the second straight year and the third time in the past four years , the AOK Sucker Creek Raiders captured the championship in the Manitoulin Men's Fastball League . With the best of five series tied at a game apiece after both teams won a game on Thursday night in Sucker Creek , the Raiders came on strong in Wiky on Friday evening blasting the Lumberjacks 14 to 1 where Sucker Creek had no less thann 7 home runs hit off pitchers Jason Peltier and brent Assinewai . Sean Assinewai and Troy Abotossaway each hit 2 with singles coming off Craig Abotossaway , Bob Madahbee (the winning pitcher) and Mike Abotosaway . madahbee also struck out 6 batters . The Sucker Creek Raiders never let up in the nightcap scoring a 8-1 victory to win the series and championship 3 games to 1 .Winning pitcher Mike Abotosaway hit a home run and so did Aaron Owl .Brent assinewai hit the only home run and score for Wiky in a losing way. The AOK Sucker Creek (Aundeck Omni Kaning) Raiders were presented with the Johh Goudreau plaque following the game(attached photo of team). * In your case Al , ignore this attachement since I sent it to your aldoran42 at address Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Sun Aug 16 15:51:40 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 12:51:40 -0700 Subject: CASA Women's Championship Results Message-ID: <> CASA Women's Championship Results Kitchener, ON Updated as we receive game files,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=4268&cntnt01dateformat=%25A%2C%20%25B%20%25e%2C%20%25G&cntnt01returnid=25 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Sun Aug 16 22:32:09 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 19:32:09 -0700 Subject: Quick Note from Summerside Message-ID: <> Received: 8/16/2009 9:29:16 PM From: Barry Smith Subject: Quick Note from Summerside -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Al: Hope all is going well at the ISC. Canada Games are off to a good start with beautiful weather helping things out. I was hoping to send something for the News-2 site today but I didn't get my accreditation until after the first game today thus I don't have official stats. I will send a summary of our first three games tomorrow night (only have e-mail access at beginning & end of day so far - I'm not staying in the village since I didn't get the badge in time but I'm with my cousin who has a beautiful place so it sure beats the barracks in that regard.) FYI, we lost a heartbreaker 1-0 to Alberta. We outhit them but didn't drive in runs when had the opportunity & they scored in the 6th without the aid of a hit. We have Ontario & PEI tomorrow. Ontario beat PEI 10-0 today & Sask & Quebec were tied 3-3 in the 6th when we had to leave this evening. Crowds in Summerside were good & quite enthusiastic. Have fun in Quad Cities. Barr Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Sun Aug 16 23:10:39 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 20:10:39 -0700 Subject: Canada Games Softball Competition – Day 1 Results Message-ID: <> Received: 8/16/2009 10:05:20 PM From: "Gilles LeBlanc" Add to People Section Subject: Canada_Games_Softball_Competition_-_Day_1_Results_/_Comp FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 16th, 2009 Canada Games Softball Competition ? Day 1 Results Highlights of the Day British Columbia 8, Newfoundland and Labrador 0. In the first of two games at Veterans Memorial Field in Alberton, British Columbia cruised to an 8-0 win in four and a half innings behind a combined no-hitter by pitchers Courtney Cronin (Delta, BC) and Nicole Sidor (West Vancouver, BC), who combined for 12 strikeouts. 2007 Junior Women?s National Team player Corrine Doornberg (Langley, BC) was three-for-three at the plate, while Lindsay McElroy (Tsawwassen, BC) added a double and a single. BC scored single runs in the first and second innings before pushing across four in the third. They added two in the fourth to complete the 8-0 score. Alberta 1, Nova Scotia 0. In a very exciting opening game at VIV Field in Summerside, PEI, Alberta scored the winning run in the bottom of the sixth to open the tournament with a victory. Nova Scotia seemed in control for most of the game, producing six hits off Alberta pitcher Camille Czarnecki (Edmonton, AB), but strong defensive play kept them off the board. In the bottom of the sixth, Kaitlyn Dougherty (Calgary, AB) walked, moved to third on two passed balls and scored on a fielder?s choice with a beautiful slide to avoid the tag from the catcher at home. Czarnecki struck out eight batters to earn the win in the pitcher?s circle. Manitoba 5, New Brunswick 0. In the second game played at Veterans Memorial Field in Alberton, Manitoba pitcher Sarah Shotton (Winnipeg, MB) fired 16 strikeouts in a seven inning 5-0 shutout win over New Brunswick. The Manitoba bats produced eight hits and took advantage of four errors to score their runs, led by Macey Hickes (Winnipeg, MB) who had a double and a single and scored two runs, and Adrianna Boychuk (Portage la Prairie, MB) who also registered a double and a single with one run scored. Ontario 10, Prince Edward Island 0. Ontario proved to be too much for Prince Edward Island, as Ontario pitchers Lacey Dinney (Binbrook, ON) and Natalie Becker (Waterloo, ON) combined for a no-hitter, and Meagan Baird (Ajax, ON) broke the game open with a base-clearing double to drive in three runs in the top of the fifth. Ontario had gotten off to a great start, taking advantage of two errors to score a pair of runs in the top of the first, added another in the second and two in the fourth before exploding with five in the fifth. Dinney struck out 11 batters in four innings of work, while Becker struck out all three batters she faced. The game was called after five innings due to the run rule. Quebec 4, Saskatchewan 3 (8 innings). Quebec and Saskatchewan battled into an extra inning in a great game between two very evenly matched teams that featured fantastic defensive plays on both sides, highlighted by several great plays by Quebec third baseman Julie-Anne Knerr (Pierrefonds, QC). Pitchers Caroline Champoux (Terrebonne, QC) from Quebec and Maria Buckingham (Shellbrook, SK) from Saskatchewan battled back in forth in the pitcher?s circle, each allowing three runs. Saskatchewan?s Alicia Eger led all batters at the plate with three singles, while teammate Desiree Ates (Regina SK) smashed a solo homerun in the bottom of the fifth to tie the game at 3-3 to later force an extra inning. In the top of the eighth, with Katheryne Robert-LeBlanc (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC) starting on second base due to the international tie-breaker rule, Quebec was able to sacrifice her to third and she later scored on a groundout to the pitcher to take the 4-3 lead. With a runner also starting on second base, Saskatchewan sacrificed her to third, but she was thrown out at home on the very next play on a great catch and throw by Knerr. Game results are posted on both the Canada Games website( and theSoftball Canada website ( after each game. For more information and media inquiries, please contact: Gilles LeBlanc Manager - Marketing and Communications Services gleblanc at (902) 626-7878 ? Canada Games Cell Phone Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Mon Aug 17 23:43:53 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 20:43:53 -0700 Subject: Canada Games Softball Competition – Day 2 Results Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 17th, 2009 Canada Games Softball Competition ? Day 2 Results Highlights of the Day New Brunswick 8, Newfoundland and Labrador 2. In the opening game at VIV Field in Summerside, Newfoundland and Labrador jumped up to a 2-0 lead in the top of the first, but New Brunswick scored eight unanswered runs over the first three innings to take the 8-2 victory. Katie Carr (Rusagonis, NB) was the big hitter for New Brunswick with three hits and two runs batted in, while Katrina MacKinnon (French Village, NB) added two hits and an RBI. Leading the way for Newfoundland and Labrador was Amber Kennedy, who collected three of her team?s seven hits. British Columbia 11, Prince Edward Island 0. From Kensington, Team BC picked up where they left off on Day 1 by defeating host PEI handily 11-0 in five innings. Kylie Ellis (Aldergrove, BC) tossed a one-hitter with nine strikeouts for BC, while Paige Collings (Delta, BC) had a double and a single with three runs batted in. Jackie Rothenberger (Coquitlam, BC) also drove in three runs with a triple. Miriah McIsaac (Vernon River, PEI) broke up the no-hitter with a single in the bottom of the fourth. Saskatchewan 2, Alberta 0. Saskatchewan and Alberta clashed in a very tight contest at VIV Field in Summerside, as pitchers Maria Buckingham (Shellbrook, SK) from Saskatchewan and Emilee Pittman (Calgary, AB) held the opposing hitters off-stride all game long. Ultimately, Buckingham came out on the winning end throwing a no-hitter through six innings of work with 10 strikeouts, while Alicia Eger (Regina, SK) registered the save without allowing a hit in the seventh. Pittman was just as dominant in the pitcher?s circle allowing only three hits, but two of them came in the bottom of the fourth inning when Saskatchewan scored both of its runs. Pinch hitter Erin Dyok (Quill Lake, SK) was the hero for Saskatchewan, driving in both runs with a single up the middle. Ontario 10, Nova Scotia 0. Ontario also kept rolling at the tournament with a big win in Kensington over Nova Scotia, as pitcher Tina Andreanna (Oakville, ON) fired a one-hitter with 12 strikeouts. Ontario sent 14 batters to the play in the top of the first to score nine runs. Jillian Russell (Bryon, ON) was the most productive Ontario hitter with a single and a double and three runs batted in, while Ontario also took advantage of five errors and stole three bases on their way to the win. Andreanna?s no-hit bid was spoiled by Laura MacKay, who singled to lead off the bottom of the second inning. Quebec 1, Manitoba 2. In a battle between two teams who posted victories on Day 1, Quebec and Manitoba battled in yet another exciting game as pitchers Caroline Champoux (Terrebonne, QC) from Quebec and Amanda Greenberg (Winnipeg, MB) held the runs to a minimum. Coming off a complete-game eight inning win last night against Saskatchewan, Champoux pitched her second complete game in taking the loss, allowing two runs in the first before holding Manitoba the rest of the game. On her part, Greenberg took a one-hitter into the sixth before Quebec was able to cut into the lead with a run. After taking Greenberg out, Manitoba survived a scare in the bottom of the seventh as Brigitte Aizprua (Terrebonne, QC) hammered a pitch that had the distance for a game-winning homerun, but was hit just foul. Alberta 8, Newfoundland and Labrador 1. Alberta jumped out to an early 5-0 lead in the bottom of the first and added two more in the second before finishing the game off with a run in the fifth to put the run rule into effect. Kiera Lyons (Ryley, AB) drove in two runs with a double for Alberta, while Kaitlyn Dougherty (Calgary, AB) added a pair of singles and two RBIs as well. Camille Czarnecki (Edmonton, AB) was the winning pitcher as she pitched the four last innings, allowing only one run on one hit with five strikeouts. Nova Scotia 4, Prince Edward Island 3. In a great ball game in Alberton, the lead changed a few times and Nova Scotia held on for a narrow 4-3 win. Nova Scotia opened the scoring in the first by taking advantage of two errors to score the first run. PEI wasted no time in responding, as Heidi MacRae (Tignish, PEI) led off with a single, followed by an error to allow Jonel Richard to reach base, and both runners scored on a single by Kayla Hackett (Tignish, PEI). The score remained 2-1 until Nova Scotia came back with three runs in the fifth, highlighted by a two-run double by Lisa White (Eureka, NS), who later scored on a groundout as well. PEI chipped away with a run in the sixth, but was unable to complete the comeback. Ontario 6, Quebec 1 In a key match-up, Ontario scored four runs in the bottom of the first and never looked back, as Natalie Becker (Waterloo, ON) allowed only one run on two hits in the complete game win. Jillian Russell (Bryon, ON) was only a triple away from the cycle, as she hit a homerun, a double and a single, while Rebecca Stanley (Waterloo, ON) also notched three hits including a double, two singles and a run batted in. The win improved Ontario?s record to 3-0, while Quebec dropped to 1-2. Manitoba 6, Saskatchewan 1. Manitoba also improved its record to 3-0 by scoring all six runs in the bottom of the fourth to beat their rivals from Saskatchewan. Five different players registered two or more hits for Manitoba, led by Kyla Thiesen (Hardisty, AB) with three singles and a run batted in and Brittney Robertson who produced two runs on a double and a single. In the pitcher?s circle, Sarah Shotton (Winnipeg, MB) allowed one run and scattered four hits with 12 strikeouts to shut down the Saskatchewan bats. British Columbia 7, New Brunswick 0. Despite the score, New Brunswick put up quite a fight with the powerhouse team from BC, as Samantha DeBortoli (Saint John, NB) held the BC bats in check by only allowing one run over the opening three innings. However, the BC bats woke up by scoring two runs in the bottom of the fourth and four more in the fifth for the run rule win in five innings. Nicole Sidor (West Vancouver, BC), Corrine Doornberg (Langley, BC) and Senior Women?s National Team player Kelsey Haberl (Burnaby, BC) each collected a pair of hits for BC. Marina Demore (Vancouver, BC) pitched a no-hitter through five innings, striking out 11 batters in the process. BC improved to 3-0 with the win to move into a three-way tie with Ontario and Manitoba. Game results are posted on both the Canada Games website( and theSoftball Canada website ( after each game. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Tue Aug 18 01:49:33 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 22:49:33 -0700 Subject: McDonald Memorial Fastball playoffs Message-ID: <> HOUNDS AND NORTH STARS WIN GAME ONE OF THE QUARTER FINALS The Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball playoffs got underway Monday night in Azilda at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park .In the opening game of series "A" between the Sudbury Athletics and the Garson Hounds , the Hounds scored three runs in the opening frame and then held on for a 4-1 victory and a 1-0 series lead . On two occasions , the fifth place Athletics had runners on base in a scoring position but could not capitalize on their chances . Gary Lamothe (1-0) went the distance for the Hounds giving up 6 hits , issuing one base on balls and struck out 8 batters. Pat Sr Brennan (0-1) also went the distance and was tagged with the loss , giving up 7 hits , issuing 1 base on balls and fanning 9 batters . Brian Welsch , Eddy Roy(double) and Gary Lamothe all went 2 for 3 with the Hounds while J.P.Miron hit 1 for 2 in a losing cause for the Athletics .. In the nightcap , the defending league champions , came out blasting on all celinders as they dumped the Pickerel River Cardinals 10-0 to take a 1-0 lead in the series "B" quarter finals . It took till the third inning but then , the North Stars put on a hitting clinics blasting ten runs in the next three frames to win going away . The game was called sfter 5 innings due to the 7 run mercy rule after five innings. Jordan Dahlvick(1-0) this year's top pitcher in the league at 5-0 with an ERA of 1,71 put on a pitching clinic for the North Stars with a mixture of drops ,rise balls and change up .In the end he finished with a 2 hitter , no runs scored and 7 strike outs.The Cain brothers led the way for the North Stars where MIke hit 2 for 2 withy a double and yiounger brother Mark went better at 3 for 3 . Earl Contin and Elwood "Squid" Asgawasagai hit 1 bfor 2 in a losing cause for the Cardinals. Jonathan Contin (0-1) was tagged with the loss and Johnny Kagagins(0-0) came in to relive him in the fourth .Both Jonathan and Johnny combine to give up 11 hits , issue no base on balls and strike out 2 batters . Both series will resume on Thursday night August the 20th in Garson at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park . Series "B " goes at 7 Pm while series "A" will be at 9 PM .. Both the Hounds and the North Stars could end their respective series Don't forget that the 4TH Annual Brad Rienguette Northern Ontario Fastball Championships get underway this Friday August the 21st in Azilda at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park .Our two very special guests Brad Rienguette and Metro Szeryk will be honored . Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre If anyone wants to reach Roger it must be by email only at er_legendre(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Tue Aug 18 09:53:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 06:53:36 -0700 Subject: Team NS at 2009 Canada Games Message-ID: <> Received: 8/18/2009 5:29:28 AM From: Barry Smith Add to People Section To: fastball at CC: Subject: Team NS at 2009 Canada Games ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Nova Scotia finds itself with a record of 1-2 after the first two days of the 2009 Canada Games currently being held in Prince Edward Island. Sunday???s opener in Summerside versus Alberta was a thriller for the fans with Alberta coming out on the top end of a 1-0 game despite being out hit 6-2. NS was unable to take advantage of placing runner in scoring position as Alberta pitcher Camille Czarnecki was able to get the key outs when she needed them. Starter Lisa Green was outstanding on the mound for NS, allowing just two singles over 5 innings. The Albertans scored the lone run in the bottom of the 6th inning off reliever Holly Denny. Kaitlyn Dougherty was able to score following a lead off walk & two passed balls, scoring on a ground out. Lyndsay Oakes and Lyndsey LeBlanc each had two hits for NS while Chelsea Walley had both Alberta hits. Monday???s action saw the blue and white dig a deep hole in Kensington against a powerful squad from Ontario, committing 5 errors in the game and giving up nine runs in the opening inning en route to a 10-0 5 inning defeat. Second baseman Jill Russell led a balanced Ontario attack with a double, single and 3 RBIs. Laura MacIntosh also had two hits. Laura MacKay had the lone hit off Ontario pitcher Tina Andrenea who struck out 12 and walked 2 in gaining the victory. One bright spot for Nova Scotia was the effort from Katelyn Munro in relief of starter Meghan Brown. Munro allowed only 1 run in her 4 innings of work. Team NS finished the day with a tough 4-3 victory over a scrappy Jeff Ellsworth coached PEI squad in a contest that was played in Alberton. PEI took a 2-1 lead into the 5th when Nova Scotia scored 3 runs, highlighted by a Lisa White double that scored Lyndsay Oakes and Lyndsey LeBlanc. Alicia MacKinnon would pinch run for White and later score on a passed ball for the 4th run. Holly Denny picked up the win in relief of Laura MacKay with Lisa Green pitching a perfect 7th for the save. White led NS with a single in addition to the RBI double while Lyndsey LeBlanc and Ashley Taweel chipped in with singles. Heidi McRae, Janel Richard, Kayla Hackett and Ashley Praught had the hits for PEI. Tuesday???s schedule sees NS face New Brunswick at Noon and BC at 8 PM. Both contests are in Summerside. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Tue Aug 18 23:28:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 20:28:25 -0700 Subject: Canada Games Softball Competition – Day 3 Results Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 18th2009 Canada Games Softball Competition ? Day 3 Results Highlights of the Day Quebec 9, Newfoundland and Labrador 0. Team Quebec got back in the win column with a win over Newfoundland and Labrador this morning in Kensington. Patricia Seguin (Rigaud, QC) and Rochelle Flanagan (Beaconsfield, QC) combined to throw a five inning no-hitter for Quebec. At the plate, Julie-Anne Knerr (Pierrefonds, QC), Marilyne Cloutier (Laval, QC) and Kristen McKenzie (Senneville, QC) all drove in two runs, while Brigitte Aizprua (Terrebonne, QC) and Seguin each had two hits and scored two runs. The win evened Quebec?s record to 2-2 and brought them back into the playoff picture. Ontario 3, Saskatchewan 0. In Ontario?s toughest game to date, they scored single runs in the first, second and fourth innings, as Tina Andreanna (Oakville, ON) held Saskatchewan to only three hits for the seven-inning shutout win, striking out 10 hitters. Meagan Baird (Ajax, ON) led Ontario at the plate with a double, a single and a run batted in, while Jill Russell (Bryon, ON) also drove in a run. The win improved Ontario?s record to 4-0, while Saskatchewan fell to 1-3. This was the first of three games that will be played at the brand new field in O?Leary. Manitoba 5, Prince Edward Island 0. Manitoba continued its strong play and improved to 4-0 with a win over Prince Edward Island. Manitoba pitcher Jen Dixon (Brandon, MB) fired a two-hitter over seven innings of work, striking out 11 batters. Dixon also helped out her own cause at the plate, driving in the first run of the game in the top of the third. Paige Smith (Gretna, MB) and Brittany Robertson (Brandon, MB) each had RBI singles in the fourth, while Adrianna Boychuk (Portage la Prairie, MB) hit an RBI double in the fifth. Nova Scotia 4, New Brunswick 2. Another chapter in the battle of the Maritimes was written as Nova Scotia held on for a 4-2 win after New Brunswick threatened with the bases loaded in the bottom of the seventh inning. Nova Scotia opened the scoring with a run in the second and took a 4-0 lead with three runs in the fifth. New Brunswick cut into the lead with a run in the sixth, but was only able to produce one run in the seventh as they left the bases loaded. Lyndsey Leblanc (Cole Harbour, NS) had a two-run single in the fifth for Nova Scotia, while Laura MacKay (Stellarton, NS) had two hits and a run batted in. The win improved Nova Scotia?s record to 2-2, while New Brunswick fell to 1-3. British Columbia 5, Alberta 0. BC pitcher Nicole Sidor (West Vancouver, BC) fired a complete game no-hitter to shut down Alberta, allowing four walks while striking out 15. Alberta pitcher Camille Czarnecki (Edmonton, AB) battled hard by allowing only one hit through the three opening innings, but once the lineup came through for the second time, the BC bats came alive, led by a two-run double by Jackie Rothenberger (Coquitlam, BC) and an RBI single by Sidor in the fourth. National Team player Charlotte Dolan (Coquitlam, BC) added an RBI single in the fifth and Andrea Stevenson completed the scoring by driving in the fifth run on a ground out. Ontario 16, Newfoundland and Labrador 1. Ontario continued to flex its muscle as they scored 12 runs in the bottom of the first inning on route to a 16-1 win over Newfoundland and Labrador. Highlights of the big inning include a two-run double by Laura McIntosh (Waterloo, ON) and a two-run single by Jillian Russell (Bryon, ON). Ontario added single runs in each of the second and third innings, and ended the game on the run rule with a two-run double by Suzanne Miller (Ajax, ON) in the bottom of the fourth. Lacey Dinney (Binbrook, ON) earned the pitching win for Ontario, allowing only one run and one hit, both on a triple by Laura Prosper (Little Rapids, NL). Dinney struck out nine batters as Ontario improved to 5-0. Quebec 10, Prince Edward Island 0. Quebec won its second game of the day to take possession of the fourth and final playoff spot by defeating PEI 10-0. Quebec pitchers Patricia Seguin (Rigaud, QC) and Rochelle Flanagan (Beaconsfield, QC) combined for a no-hitter for Quebec, registering 6 strikeouts among them. Quebec got on the board by scoring four runs with two outs in the second inning, as Anne Martel-Prevost (Blainville, QC), Brigitte Aizprua (Terrebonne, QC) and Seguin hit three consecutive RBI singles. Quebec rallied for two more runs with two outs in the fourth, with both runs scoring on a single by Julie-Anne Knerr (Pierrefonds, QC) to take a 6-0 lead. The very next inning, Trisha Bouchard (Kirkland, QC) launched a two-run homerun to put the run rule into effect, with Quebec going on to win in five innings. Saskatchewan 4, New Brunswick 0. New Brunswick turned another great effort, but unfortunately came out on the losing end once again, as Saskatchewan pitcher Ashton Hughes threw a complete game one-hitter, garnering 14 strikeouts in the process. Saskatchewan scored two runs in the top of the first inning to get things started, as they took advantage of an error. Later, Desiree Ates (Regina, SK) added a solo homerun in the fourth, and Kara Gimas (Regina, SK) hit a sacrifice fly to score the fourth run of the game. With the win, Saskatchewan got right back in the playoff hunt with a 2-3 record. Manitoba 2, Alberta 0. In Kensington, Manitoba kept pace with Ontario and British Columbia by shutting out Alberta 2-0 behind a masterful pitching performance by Amanda Greenberg (Winnipeg, MB), who threw a no-hitter with 16 strikeouts. She had a perfect game going into the top of the seventh, but walked the leadoff batter, but then retired the next three batters to finish the game. Jen Dixon (Brandon, MB) drove in a run with a single in the first, while Krista Bomak (MacGregor, MB) added an RBI single of her own in the third to lead Manitoba to the win. British Columbia 10, Nova Scotia 0. British Columbia improved its record to 5-0 to keep up with Ontario and Manitoba for first place with all three team playing each other in the final two days of the preliminary round. BC pitcher Courtenay Cronin (Delta, BC) fired a one-hitter with 16 strikeouts in the six inning win. Team BC opened the scoring early as National Team player Kelsey Haberl (Burnaby BC) cracked a two run-homerun in the top of the first. Haberl was not done there, as she also hit a solo homerun in the top of the fourth, and added an RBI double in the sixth. Her National Team teammate Charlotte Dolan (Coquitlam, BC) also had an outstanding game, cracking three double and scoring three runs. Game results are posted on both the Canada Games website( and theSoftball Canada website ( after each game. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Wed Aug 19 09:35:49 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 06:35:49 -0700 Subject: Team NS at 2009 Canada Games - Tuesday Results Message-ID: <> From: Barry Smith Subject: Team NS at 2009 Canada Games - Tuesday Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday saw Nova Scotia split a pair of games in Summerside, defeating New Brunswick 4-2 in the afternoon contest while losing 10-0 to British Columbia in the late game. Lyndsey LeBlanc???s clutch 2 RBI single in the 5th inning broke open a 1-0 game. NS would plate 3 in the inning to go ahead 4-0 but New Brunswick chipped away with 1 run in each of the 6th and would bring the tying run to the plate in the 7th before Holly Denny shut the door in relief of Meghan Brown. Brown was strong in her 6 innings of work, giving up just 3 hits and 1 run while striking out 6. Laura MacKay and Lyndsay Oakes both had two hits for Team NS. Erin Freeze had a single and a double to lead the NB attack. Alecia O???Brien threw a complete game in taking the loss, allowing 8 hits and striking out 7. Nova Scotia knew in advance that the BC match up would be a tough one. Many people are picking the squad from the west coast as one of the favourites to take home the gold medal. Unlike Monday???s game against Ontario, NS held tough for 6 innings but in the end the strong BC batting lineup and the pitching of Courtenay Cronin were just too much to handle. First baseman Kelsey Haberl and catcher Charlotte Dolan showed why they had been chosen to play with the Women???s National Team this summer. Haberl launched two home runs and narrowly missed a third one when she doubled off the top of the left field fence while Dolan finished with two doubles.. Paige Collings also had a double and two singles in three trips to the plate. Many Nova Scotians remember Cronin from the 2008 Midget Nationals where she led the Surrey Storm to the gold. She finished the contest with 16 strikeouts over 6 innings, allowing just one hit, a first inning single by Lyndsey LeBlanc. Team Nova Scotia's record moves to 2-3 and will take on Quebec Wednesday morning at 10 AM at the Evangeline Field in Abram Village and move to O???Leary for a 4 PM start vs Saskatchewan. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Wed Aug 19 22:30:57 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 19:30:57 -0700 Subject: Canada Games Softball Competition – Day 4 Results Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 19th, 2009 Canada Games Softball Competition ? Day 4 Results Highlights of the Day Quebec 7, Nova Scotia 1. In the first game at l??cole ?vang?line in Abram-Village, Quebec jumped to an early lead and kept adding to it as they defeated Nova Scotia to put themselves in good playoff position with a 4-2 record. Three consecutive hits each drove in a run for Quebec in the top of the first, including a double by Marilyne Cloutier (Laval, QC), a single by Kristen McKenzie (Senneville, QC) and a triple by Trisha Bouchard (Kirkland, QC). After Nova Scotia scored a run in the third to cut the lead to 4-1, Quebec added single runs in the fourth, fifth and seventh innings to ensure the win. Bouchard led Quebec at the plate with a triple and two singles, while Laura MacKay (Stellarton, NS) had three singles for Nova Scotia. Caroline Champoux (Terrebonne, QC) scattered eight hits to earn the win in the pitchers circle, retiring 10 batters on strikes. Ontario 1, Manitoba 0. Two of the three undefeated teams squared off this morning in Kensington, as Ontario pulled out a tough 1-0 win to improve its record to 6-0, while Manitoba fell to 5-1. In a very good pitching matchup, Ontario pitcher Natalie Becker (Waterloo, ON) fired a no-hitter with 15 strikeouts, while Manitoba?s Sarah Shotton (Winnipeg, MB) was also very effective and only allowed one run on five innings with 11 strikeouts. Becker?s perfect game bid ended when a batter reached on a third-strike passed ball, and the following hitter reached on an error. The winning run was scored in the bottom of the fourth when Jillian Russell (Bryon, ON) singled, moved to second on a single and scored on an error by the right fielder. British Columbia 8, Saskatchewan 0. British Columbia also moved to 6-0 with a win over Saskatchewan, seemingly paving the way for a battle of unbeaten teams with Ontario tomorrow at 2:00pm on TSN2 and RIS. BC pitcher Marian Demore (Vancouver, BC) allowed only three hits and registered nine strikeouts for the shutout victory in the pitchers circle. BC opened the scoring in the first with a run on an error, while Kelsey Haberl (Burnaby, BC) smacked an RBI single in the second to give BC a 2-0 lead. A big fourth inning proved to be the difference for BC, as Paige Collings (Delta, BC) cracked a leadoff solo homerun, Andrea Stevenson (Delta, BC) later hit an RBI single and Lindsay McElroy (Tsawwassen, BC) capped off the big inning with a big three-run triple before scoring on a wild pitch. Alberta 3, New Brunswick 0. In a very good ballgame, Alberta scored two runs in the top of the first inning and pitcher Camille Czarnecki (Edmonton, AB) fired a one-hitter to lead Alberta to the win. Rachel Caputo (Edomonton, AB) led off the game with a single, moved to third on an error the very next play and scored the first run of the game on a wild pitch, and Kiera Lyons (Ryley, AB) later drove in another run with a single. In the sixth, Kendice Ogilvie (Delburne, AB) led off with a triple and score on a sacrifice fly by Lyons to add the third run. Czarnecki had a no-hitter with one out in the seventh, but Samantha DeBortoli (Saint John, NB) hit a single over the second baseman to register New Brunswick?s only hit. Prince Edwards Island 9, Newfoundland and Labrador 1. Prince Edward Island notched its first win of the tournament with a 9-1 win in six innings over Newfoundland and Labrador. Newfoundland opened the scoring with a run in the bottom of the first, but PEI pitcher Taylore Matheson (Summerside, PEI) settled down the rest of the way by allowing only one hit over the five following innings. Kayla Hackett (Tignish, PEI) and Ashley Praught (Summerside, PEI) each had two RBIs for PEI, while Jessica Hay (Cornwall, PEI) added two singles, a triple and an RBI. Miriah McIsaac (Vernon River, PEI) also hit two sacrifice fly balls. British Columbia 8, Quebec 0. British Columbia continued its dominance as they have not allowed a run in seven games, with huge matchups with Manitoba (6-1) and Ontario (7-0) coming up on the final day of the preliminary round. BC pitcher Kylie Ellis (Aldergrove, BC) threw a one-hitter with a lot of help from her defence, as she registered four strikeouts. National Team player Kelsey Haberl (Burnaby, BC) had a double, two singles and an RBI for BC, while Charlotte Dolan (Coquitlam, BC) added a pair of singles. Kristen McKenzie (Senneville, QC) hit a single in the second inning for Quebec?s only hit. Quebec fell to 4-3 with the loss with a key matchup against Alberta (4-3) coming up tomorrow night at 6:00pm. Ontario 11, New Brunswick 0. Ontario scored nine runs in the bottom of the first inning and added two more in the fourth to beat New Brunswick at Evangeline Field in Abram-Village. Ontario pitcher Tina Andreanna (Oakville, ON) threw the five inning win, allowing three hits and retiring 11 batters on strikes. Ontario hit seven singles in the first to produce six runs, while Natalie Wideman (Mississauga, ON) hit an RBI double and Lindsay Woods (Mississauga, ON) smashed a two-run triple. Both ended the day going three-for-three with two runs scored and two runs batted in. Ontario joined BC with a 7-0 record, as the two teams will square off at 2:00pm ADT tomorrow in a game that can be seen live on TSN2 and RIS. Nova Scotia 2, Saskatchewan 0. Nova Scotia bounced back from a loss earlier in the morning to defeat Saskatchewan in O?Leary, as Holly Denny (Waycobah, NS) fired a one-hitter with 12 strikeouts. Nova Scotia opened the scoring in the bottom of the third, as Laura MacKay (Stellarton, NS) singled and later scored on an a double by Lisa White (Eureka, NS). Nova Scotia added an important insurance run in the sixth, as Amanda Somers (Cole Harbour, NS) singled and later scored on an error. Maria Buckingham (Shellbrook, SK) was the hard-luck losing pitcher, allowing only three hits with 11 strikeouts. With the win, Nova Scotia improved to 3-4 and is still in the hunt for the fourth and final playoff spot, but will need a lot of help on the final day of the preliminary round. Manitoba 5, Newfoundland and Labrador 0. Manitoba bounced back from its first loss of the tournament this morning by beating Newfoundland and Labrador 5-0. Manitoba pitcher Jen Dixon (Brandon, MB) pitched the complete game shutout, scattering seven hits, and also smashed a two-run homerun in the fifth. Paige Smith (Gretna, MB) and Kellie Baker (Brandon, MB) both had RBI singles in the third. Michelle Rideout (Conception Bay, NL) and Diana Carroll (Holyrood, NL) each registered two hits as Newfoundland and Labrador outhit Manitoba 7-6, but was not able to score any runs. Alberta 7, Prince Edward Island 6. Alberta was a big mover on Wednesday as they registered two big wins to join Quebec in a tie for the fourth and final playoff spot with a 4-3 record, with the two teams squaring off in a key matchup at 6:00pm on Thursday. Alberta jumped out to a 6-0 lead, but PEI fought back with three runs in the fifth to ignite the local fans, but Emilee Pittman (Calgary, AB) came out in relief and shut down the rally with runners on first and third. After Alberta added another insurance marker in the top of the seventh, PEI would not quit as Heidi MacRae hit a two-out RBI triple and scored on a passed ball to cut the lead to 7-6. However, that was as close as PEI would get. Maggie McIsaac (Vernon River, PEI) took the loss for PEI, but turned in a very good performance to keep PEI in the game. Alberta will face a tough road to the playoffs as they will take on Ontario (7-0) at 10:00am before a huge matchup with Quebec (4-3) at 6:00pm in a game that may very well decide who will advance to the playoff round. Game results are posted on both the Canada Games website( and theSoftball Canada website ( after each game. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Thu Aug 20 10:09:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:09:36 -0700 Subject: Team NS - Wednesday Results - 2009 Canada Games Message-ID: <> From: Barry Smith CC: Subject: Team NS - Wednesday Results - 2009 Canada Games -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova Scotia split another pair of games at the 2009 Canada Games being held in Prince Edward Island, losing 7-1 to Quebec and defeating Saskatchewan 2-0. In the opener held at Evangeline Field, Quebec opened up a quick 4-0 lead in the top of the 1st inning, knocking out 4 hits and taking advantage of a couple of NS errors. Nova Scotia had many chances to get back in the contest but leaving runners on base was once again the story for NS. Nova Scotia out hit Quebec 10-6 but could manage just the one run, stranding 12 runners during the course of the game. Trisha Bouchard led the Quebec attack with a double and two singles in three trips to the plate. Laura MacKay was the top hitter for NS with three singles. Alyssa MacKinnon also reached base three times with a single a walk & was hit by a pitch. The lone NS run was scored when Lyndsey LeBlanc drove in MacKinnon with a single in the 3rd inning. Caroline Champoux picked up the win striking out 10, 9 of which came with runners on base. Lisa Green was charged with the loss. The evening contest in O???Leary proved to be more successful for the Nova Scotians, using the dominant pitching performance of Holly Denny to defeat Saskatchewan 2-0. Denny would give up just two singles while striking out 12 and walking two to earn the victory. Saskatchewan hurler Maria Buckingham was not far behind, striking out 11 NS batters and allowing only three hits. Nova Scotia scored one in the 3rd inning when Laura MacKay singled, stole second and came home on a 2 out double by Lisa White. They added one in the bottom half of the 6th when Amanda Somers singled, moved to second on a Lisa White walk and scored when Meghan Brown???s ground ball was mishandled by shortstop Erin Dyck. Nova Scotia finishes round robin play on Thursday with games at Noon vs Newfoundland & Labrador and 4 PM vs Manitoba. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Fri Aug 21 01:01:42 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 22:01:42 -0700 Subject: Canada Games Softball Competition – Day 5 Results Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 20th, 2009 Canada Games Softball Competition ? Day 5 Results Highlights of the Day British Columbia 5, Manitoba 0. In a very good matchup between two playoff teams in Kensington, British Columbia scored three runs in the top of the fifth and added two more in the sixth to pull out the 5-0 victory. BC pitcher Nicole Sidor (West Vancouver, BC) pitched a two-hitter with 14 strikeouts, while her counterpart Amanda Greenberg (Winnipeg, MB) from Manitoba took the loss by allowing three runs in 4 2/3 innings of work, retiring seven hitters on strikes. BC took advantage of three errors in the two innings in which they scored runs, while Charlotte Dolan (Coquitlam, BC) drove in a run the hard way with a bases loaded hit by pitch. Kelsey Bryant (Surrey, BC) also drove in a run with a single in the sixth. The win improved BC?s record to 8-0 with a huge game against Ontario later in the day. Ontario 3, Alberta 0. Ontario kept pace with BC by beating Alberta to improve its record to 8-0 in O?Leary. Lacey Dinney (Binbrook, ON) pitched a no-hitter for Ontario, as only one hitter reached base on an error and was retired on a double play the very next batter. Logan White (Brantford, ON) and Lindsay Woods (Mississauga, ON) each drove in a run, while Meagan Baird (Ajax, ON) added a double and a single. Despite the loss, Alberta would take on Quebec later in the afternoon with the winner advancing to the playoff round. Saskatchewan 6, Prince Edward Island 0. Saskatchewan pitcher Shelley Wickstrom (Saskatoon, SK) fired a two-hitter at PEI and registered 10 strikeouts, while Desiree Ates (Regina, SK) smacked her third homerun of the tournament ? a two-run shot ? to lead Saskatchewan to the win. Jaclyn Bourdon (Duck Lake, SK) added a two-run double in the seventh and later scored on a passed ball. Taylore Matheson (Summerside, PEI) and Dayna Arsenault (Wellington, PEI) each had a hit for PEI. Nova Scotia 6, Newfoundland and Labrador 5. In a very entertaining game at VIV Field in Summerside, Nova Scotia scored one run in every inning with the exception of the sixth, including the game-winning run in the top of the seventh. Amanda Somers (Cole Harbour, NS) and Kylie Boudreau (Dartmouth, NS) each had a pair of hits and a run batted in for Nova Scotia, while Meghan Brown (Lower Onslow, NS) and Laura MacKay (Stellarton, NS) each added a double. For Newfoundland and Labrador, Laura Prosper (Little Rapids, NL) had an RBI double and scored a run, while Stephanie Pomeroy (St. John?s, NL) added an RBI groundout. Quebec 12, New Brunswick 0. At Evangeline School in Abram-Village, Patricia Seguin (Rigaud, QC) and Rochelle Flanagan (Beaconsfield, QC) combined for a five-inning no-hitter, and Quebec pounded out twelve hits to beat New Brunswick. Brigitte Aizprua (Terrebonne, QC) produced a double, two singles, two runs batted in and two runs to lead Quebec at the plate, while Katheryne Robert-Leblanc (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC) was three-for-three with a run batted in and two runs. Trisha Bouchard (Kirkland, QC) added a two-run double in the fifth. Ontario 2, British Columbia, 1. In a much anticipated battle between two unbeaten teams at 2-0 which aired on TSN2 and RIS, Ontario scored single runs in the fourth and fifth innings and escaped a dangerous sixth inning when BC stranded the bases loaded to earn the 2-1 win. Starting pitchers Marina Demore (Vancouver, BC) and Tina Andreanna (Oakville, ON) each had solid outings by allowing only one run each. At the plate, Jillian Russell (Bryon, ON) drove in the game?s opening run in the bottom of the fourth, and Kelly Blea (Whitby, ON) led off the fifth with a double and later scored on a single by Katie Burke (Scarborough, ON) to give Ontario a 2-0 lead. BC cut the lead in half on an RBI single by Lindsay McElroy (Tsawwassen, BC) in the top of the sixth, but Natalie Becker (Waterloo, ON) came on in relief of Andreanna to retire the final out of the inning, leaving the bases loaded. Both team will meet again in the 1 vs. 2 playoff game at 10:00am tomorrow morning, with the winning team earning a direct berth to Saturday?s final. The losing team will play in the Bronze medal game to earn another chance in the Championship game. Manitoba 8, Nova Scotia 0. Sarah Shotton (Winnipeg, MB) pitched another great game as she only allowed three hits with eight strikeouts to earn the shutout victory over Nova Scotia in five innings. Manitoba opened the scoring with a run in the top of the third on a perfectly executed safety squeeze by Deanna Mitchell (Portage la Prairie, MB). The following inning, Adrianna Boychuk (Portage la Prairie, MB) hit an RBI single and Macey Hickes (Winnipeg, MB) added a two-run single to give Manitoba a little breathing room. Jen Dixon (Brandon, MB) then put the game out of reach with a two-run triple in the fifth, and then scored on a single by Boychuk. Amanda Somers (Cole Harbour, NS) had a double in the fourth for Nova Scotia. With the win, Manitoba finished third place with a 7-2 record. Alberta 0, Quebec 1. In the most meaningful game of the day, Quebec finished fourth in the preliminary round and advanced to the playoff round by scoring one run in the top of the seventh. An Alberta win would have given them fourth place, but they fell just short. Quebec pitcher Caroline Champoux (Terrebonne, QC) and Alberta pitcher Camille Czarnecki (Edmonton, AB) gave it everything they had, as Champoux allowed only two hits and struck out eight, while Czarnecki allowed only three hits with six strikeouts. The only run of the game scored when Marilyne Cloutier (Laval, QC) hit a one-out double, was replaced by Rochelle Flanagan (Beaconsfield, QC) on the bases. Flanagan stole third and scored when the catcher overthrew third base. With the win, Quebec finished in fourth place with a 6-3 record and will face Manitoba in the 3 vs. 4 playoff game. Saskatchewan 16, Newfoundland and Labrador 0. Saskatchewan scored 11 runs in the third inning to beat Newfoundland and Labrador in three innings due to the run rule. Saskatchewan produced 14 singles in the game, while Casey Simpson (Nokomis, SK) had the only extra base hit of the game, a grand slam in the top of the third. At the end of the day, six Saskatchewan players registered two hits, and Alicia Eger (Regina, SK) had four runs batted in. Saskatchewan ended the tournament with a 4-5 record, while Newfoundland and Labrador finished 0-9. New Brunswick 8, Prince Edward Island 2. New Brunswick won the Battle of the Bridge by defeating Prince Edward Island in front of a huge crowd at VIV Field in Summerside. In the second inning, Stephanie Marquis (Lameque, NB) hit a two-run triple in the second inning and then scored on a double by Katie Carr (Rusagonis, NB) to put New Brunswick up 5-1, and they never looked back to take the 8-2 win. Alecia O?Brien (Saint John, NB) earned the win in the pitcher?s circle for New Brunswick, who finished in 8th place with a 2-7 record. Game results are posted on both the Canada Games website( and theSoftball Canada website ( after each game. *Live play-by-play foreach playoff game will be available on the Softball Canada homepage! For more information and media inquiries, please contact: Gilles LeBlanc gleblanc at (902) 626-7878 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Fri Aug 21 10:47:00 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 07:47:00 -0700 Subject: Team NS at 2009 Canada Games - Thursday Results Message-ID: <> Received: 8/21/2009 6:29:02 AM From: Barry Smith Subject: Team NS at 2009 Canada Games - Thursday Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova Scotia???s last day at the 2009 Canada Games resulted in yet another split, defeating Newfoundland 6-5 in the first game while losing 8-0 to Manitoba in the final contest. Team NS finishes with a record of 4 wins and 5 losses and will not advance to the medal round. Newfoundland gave the blue and white all they could handle in the early contest. After NS scored one in the top of the 1st, Newfoundland put up three of their own in the bottom half behind a Michelle Rideout double a walk by Amber Kennedy and singles by Laura Prosper and Alicia Poole. Nova Scotia Scored one in each of the first five innings while Newfoundland scored two in their half of the fourth to make it a 5-5 tie heading into the 7th. Laura MacKay doubled to start the 7th, was sacrificed to 3rd by Ashley Taweel and would score on a wild pitch. Holly Denny picked up the win in relief while Amy Corbett took the loss. Kylie Boudreau led the NS offence with 3 singles and a double. In the second game, Manitoba pitcher Sarah Shotton allowed only three hits while striking out 8 over 5 innings to register the victory. Manitoba broke open a 1-0 game in the 4th inning with four runs and added three more in the 5th. Holly Denny was charged with the loss for Nova Scotia. Denny and Laura MacKay had singles for NS while Amanda Somers had a double. Brittany Bartel, Adrianna Boychuk and Macey Hickas all had two singles for Manitoba. Manitoba will play Quebec in the 3rd vs 4th game on Friday while Ontario & BC will meet in the 1st vs 2nd match up. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Sat Aug 22 02:37:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 23:37:25 -0700 Subject: Canada Games Softball Competition – Day 6 Results Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 21st, 2009 Canada Games Softball Competition ? Day 6 Results Highlights of the Day British Columbia 3, Ontario 0. After losing 2-1 to Ontario in their final preliminary round game, BC got a measure of revenge by shutting out Ontario 3-0 in the 1 vs. 2 playoff game. BC opened the scoring in the top of the third when Corrine Doornberg (Langley, BC) forced a walk and later scored on a single by Kelsey Haberl (Burnaby, BC). BC then added two more runs in the sixth, as Charlotte Dolan (Coquitlam, BC) launched a leadoff solo homerun, and Lindsay McElroy (Tsawwassen, BC) reached on a fielder?s choice and score on a double by Paige Collings (Delta, BC). Courtenay Cronin (Delta, BC) fired a three-hitter and struck out nine batters for Team BC to lead them to the Gold medal game. Quebec 2, Manitoba 0. Manitoba had beaten Quebec 2-1 in a nail-biter on TSN2 and RIS on Monday, but Quebec came out with the important playoff victory to eliminate Manitoba. Caroline Champoux (Terrebonne, QC) dominated in the pitcher?s circle for Quebec, allowing only three hits in the complete-game shutout. Amanda Greenberg (Winnipeg, MB) and Sarah Shotton (Winnipeg, MB) each allowed a run in the loss. Quebec opened the scoring in the third when Catheryne Robert-Leblanc (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC) led off with a double and later scored when a dropped third strike was thrown to first and the throw to home was just late. They then added a very important insurance run in the fifth as Laurie-Anne Thouin (Varennes, QC) led off with a double as well and scored on a single by Brigitte Aizprua (Terrebonne, QC). With the win, Quebec moved on to the Bronze medal game against Ontario with a shot at the Championship game on the line. Ontario 5, Quebec 0. Ontario won another rematch with BC in the Gold medal game by beating Quebec 5-0. In a big second inning, Rebecca Stanley (Waterloo, ON) led off with a single and later scored on a single by Meagan Baird (Ajax,ON). Baird then scored on a double by Laura McIntosh (Waterloo, ON) before Stephanie Foreman (Cambridge, ON) launched a two-run homerun to centerfield. Logan White (Brantford, ON) then singled and later scored on an error to give Ontario a commanding 5-0 lead. Ontario starting pitcher Tina Andreanna (Oakville, ON) pitched four solid inning while only surrendering one hit before Natalie Becker pitched three hitless innings to seal the victory. Quebec will be awarded its first women?s softball Bronze medal at the Canada Games after tomorrow?s Gold medal game. Game results are posted on both the Canada Games website( and theSoftball Canada website ( after each game. *Live play-by-play for theGold medal game will be available on the Softball Canada homepage at 10:00am Atlantic time! For more information and media inquiries, please contact: Gilles LeBlanc gleblanc at (902) 626-7878 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Sat Aug 22 13:18:52 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:18:52 -0700 Subject: Canada Games Softball Competition – Day 6 Results Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 22nd2009 Canada Games Softball Competition ? Day 6 Results Highlights of the Day British Columbia 2, Ontario 1. In a very exciting Gold medal game, British Columbia came out on top with a 2-1 win against Ontario. Both teams had very solid pitching and played good defence, but Paige Collings? (Delta, BC) solo homerun in the bottom of the fourth proved to be the difference. BC opened the scoring in the bottomof the third inning, as they quickly loaded the bases when Corrine Doornberg(Langley, BC) led off with a single, Andrea Stevenson (Delta, BC) walked, and KelseyHaberl (Burnaby, BC) reached on an error. Charlotte Dolan then hit a sacrificefly ball in foul territory in left field to allow Doornberg to tag up fromthird and score. Ontario wasted no time in responding as Jillian Russell(Bryon, ON) smashed a solo homerun to right-center field to tie the game at1-1. However, BC re-took the lead when Paige Collings (Delta, BC) hit a solohomerun of her own to left field to lead off the following inning. Ontariothreatened in the fifth by getting a leadoff double by Meagan Baird (Ajax, ON),but Baird was later retired at home trying to score from third on a grounder tothe pitcher and BC escaped the inning with the lead intact. Ontario kept the pressure on in thesixth as well by they loaded the bases with two outs after an error and twowalks, but was not able to push anyone across to score as Nicole Sidor (WestVancouver, BC) got a big strikeout to get out of the inning. Both teams elected to go with twopitchers in the game, as British Columbia started Courtenay Cronin (Delta BC)who pitched five innings allowing only one run on four hits with fourstrikeouts. Sidor shut the door in relief to earn the save, throwing twohitless innings with 3 strikeouts. For Ontario, Tina Andreanna (Oakville, ON)three innings, allowing two runs on six hits before being replaced by LaceyDinney (Binbrook, ON) who pitched the final three innings without allowing ahit. BC won its second consecutive Goldmedal in women?s softball and third Gold in the history of the Canada Games.Ontario was awarded with the Silver medal, while Quebec took home the Bronze. GillesLeBlanc Manager - Marketing andCommunications Services 223 Colonnade Rd., Ste 212 Ottawa, ON K2E 7K3 gleblanc at (613) 523-3386 ext. 3105 (613) 523-5761 (Fax) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Mon Aug 24 17:13:35 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 14:13:35 -0700 Subject: Fastball 2009 Message-ID: <> Received: 8/24/2009 2:33:37 PM From: Nitehawk15(at) (Herb Wisdom) Subject: Fastball 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Texas Stars/Si Senor 50+ are looking for pitching help for the NAFA in Carson City, Nv. on September 18 to 20. Please contact Bobby Smith or Herb Wisdom Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Mon Aug 24 19:57:02 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 16:57:02 -0700 Subject: FW: Jonas Mach Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Scott Glazier" >To: >Date: 8/24/2009 9:14:36 AM > Al, could you please post this info on your website? Thank you and nice job as usual this past softball season. Much appreciated. Thomson Merchants > > >Jonas Mach will be available to return to the United States for the 2010 fastball season. Jonas had an excellent season with the Thomson Merchants in 2009, posting a 5-3 record with 100 strikeouts in 62 innings pitched. In 2009 World Tournament play, he had a 1-1 record with an ERA of 0.00. > >Jonas has open level experience from the past four seasons with Dolan & Murphy of Aurora, and the Thomson Merchants from Thomson, Illinois. > >Jonas can be contacted via e-mail at Jonas.Mach at > >Other questions or inquiries can be directed to Bruce Bielema at bielema at > From fastball at Mon Aug 24 20:02:55 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 17:02:55 -0700 Subject: alsfastball is down Message-ID: <> Thanks to Sympatico our network is down Once back up we will need some time to catch up to all the mail that came in while we were on the roas And waiting for Sympatico to re connect Priority will be given to ISC / ISC II >From my BB Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, VIA From fastball at Fri Aug 28 10:05:54 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:05:54 -0700 Subject: RICK McDONALD MEMORIAL FASTBALL LEAGUE Message-ID: <> Received: 8/28/2009 1:30:13 AM From: "roger legendre" Subject: Fastball Playoffs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RICK McDONALD MEMORIAL FASTBALL LEAGUE Quarter final action THE ATHLETICS LOSE A HEARTBREAKER In the third and deciding game of the quarter final series "A" , it went down to the bottom of the seventh to determine a winner. The never say die Athletics got on the board first scoring a run in the opening frame to take a 1-0 lead. In the top of the third , short stop Eric Legendre lined a shot over the centre field fence to give the Athletics a 2-0 lead . In the bottom of the third the Hounds rply with a two run round tripper by veteran Chuck Jacobs.Everything waa quiet until the 6th when the Hounds scored three more runs to take a three run lead of 5-2 going to the seventh . Showing great character and desire the underachieving Athletics errupted for six runs to take what seemed an unsurmountable lead of 8-5 . This is when the dramatics came in . The first three batters for the Hounds get on base with a single , a base on balls and a fielding error. Corey Farmer hit ba single to score a run and its 8-6 nobody out. The next two batters go out on fly outs. Todd Parsons , the catcher come up and with two strikes hits a dramatic grand slam to left field and the second place Hounds get a scare but win dramatically 10-8 to advance to the second round. Gary Lamothe (2-1) goes all the way on 9 hits ,2 base on balls and 7 strike outs. Pat Brennan Sr starts for the Athletics but is relieved in the fifth before returning in the seventh. Botyh pitchers combined to give up 12 hits , issue 4 base on balls and strike out 3 batters. Todd Parsons had a carrer night in going 2 for 4 ( 2 home runs .one a grand slam) and 6 runs batted in.JP Miron hit 2 for 3 (double) in a losing cause for the Athletics. The second round of the playoffs ( best of 3 semi finals) gets underway Monday night August the 31st at thev Rick McDonald Memorial Park in Azilda. In nthe opener series "D" it will be the North Stars facing the Hounds while in nthe nightcap the Parry Island Hawks will get their first playoff action when they take on the Pickerel River Cardinals in series "C". Action in nthe ISC II Qualifier leading to berth in the Tournament of Championsb in Midland Michigan for 2010 gets underway at the Terry Fox Sports Complex on Saturday morning at 8 AM . The fee is $10 a day or a weekend pass of $15 Yours in fastball , Roger Legendre Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Sep 4 20:27:09 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 17:27:09 -0700 Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO SEEKS MEMBERS FOR ITS COACHING COMMITTEE! Message-ID: <> Received: 9/4/2009 2:28:29 PM From: Softball Ontario Coaches Program Subject: SOFTBALL ONTARIO SEEKS MEMBERS FOR ITS COACHING COMMITTEE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: September4, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTBALL ONTARIO SEEKS MEMBERS FOR ITS COACHINGCOMMITTEE! NORTH YORK,ON- Softball Ontario\'s Coaching Committee is pleased to announce two (2)openings on the Coaching Committee. Coaching Committee Volunteers are anessential part in the delivery of Softball Ontario\'s National CoachingCertification Program including Learn to Coach; Keep Coaching;Competition-Introduction, Softball; Level III Technical Softball and MinorDevelopment clinics. Successful candidates will take a leadership role in thedevelopment of the Coaching Program in Ontario and will assist the CoachingCommittee Chairman in setting program goals and objectives, representing theCoaching Program and working to provide Coach Education in the Province ofOntario. CoachingCommittee members will be expected to attend all committee meetings(approximately two (2) per year) as well as facilitate two (2) NationalCoaching Certification Program clinics. Ideally, a Coaching Committee Memberwill have experience coaching softball in addition to the followingqualifications: ?Keen interest in Coaching Development andEducation ?Strong Communication and Administrative Skills ?Willingness to complete tasks assigned by the Chairman ?CoachingExperience is a definite asset TheCoaching Committee is currently involved in the following programs, with moreprojects underway: ?TheNational Coaching Certification Program for Softball in the Province ofOntario at the Community Sport and Competitive Stream ?Piloting newNational Coaching Certification Program clinic ? Keep Coaching (officiallycalled Community Sport Initiation) ?Piloting new On Field EvaluationComponent for Competition-Introduction, Softball ?International CoachingSymposium with Softball Canada How toApply All interested candidates are asked to apply inwriting, expressing your interest along with a detailed resume outlining yoursoftball and coaching background and qualifications for this position.Applications should be sent no later than September 16, 2008. Please beprepared to attend the Softball Ontario Coaching Meeting scheduled forSeptember 21, 2009 at the Sport Alliance of Ontairo building. If you have applied in the past for a position on the CoachingCommittee, Softball Ontario asks that you re-submit yourresume. Email your resume to Stephanie Sutton at ssutton(at) forconsideration. -30- Softball Ontariois the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Sep 7 18:17:46 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 15:17:46 -0700 Subject: Durham Lords Message-ID: <> WELCOME BACK!!! UPCOMING HOME EVENTS Thursday, September 10 "GREEN & BLUE" MEN'S SOCCER MATCH Durham Lords vs. UOIT Ridgebacks Vaso?s Field - 5 p.m. (Pep Rally at the Student Centre from 12-4) Women's Soccer vs. Clairlea Westerview (Exh.) ? Vaso?s Field ? 7 p.m. Saturday, September 12 SOCCER HOME OPENERS Durham Lords vs. St. Lawrence Vikings Vaso?s Field - 12/2 p.m. Sunday, September 13 Terry Fox Run Storie Park on Mill St Check out Durham Lords Media Release Tuesday, September 08, 2009 Durham College Women?s Fastball taking aim at a national championship OSHAWA, Ont. ? The 14 time OCAA champion Durham College women?sfastball team will be looking to add another title to their collection thisseason, as they have accepted an invitation to participate in the 2009 CanadianIntercollegiate Women's Fastpitch Championship that will be taking place fromOctober 10-12 at the Peter Hallman Ball Yard in Kitchener. ?I am excited for our team to have the chance to compete for a NationalChampionship,? said Durham College head coach Jim Nemish. ?It willbe a great opportunity for our team to go up against the top University andCollege programs in the country. I know our team will step up to the challengeas we represent Durham College on the national stage.? The eight team championship will feature eight of the top fastball programs inthe country competing for the national title. The teams include McMasterUniversity, St. Clair College, University of Calgary, University of Ottawa,University of Saskatchewan, University of Western Ontario, Wilfrid LaurierUniversity and Durham College. The format will consist of a two-division roundrobin, followed by a double-elimination playoff round. The Lords have been the top team in Ontario collegiate fastball, having wonfive provincial titles in the last seven years. Overall, the Lords have won 14Ontario titles and 25 provincial medals since 1981. The 2009 version of the Lords is as strong as the team has ever been withplenty of returning players mixed in with some stellar new recruits. 2008 OCAAPlayer of the Year and League Batting Champion Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.),along with her sister Erica Dewey will look to lead the Lords charge. Lastseason, the duo combined for 41 hits with a batting average of .465 during theregular season. Also returning to the lineup is 2008 OCAA championship toppitcher Danielle Smith (Port Perry, Ont.) and OCAA All-Star Carolyn Moore(Oshawa, Ont.). Head coach Jim Nemish has brought in top recruits Kayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.),Janna Hagan (Sherwood Park, Albt.) and Tiana Cosentino (Toronto, Ont.), all ofwhich are contending for a starting spot in the lineup. The Lords will continue training camp this week and begin their season withfour games on the road against the three-time National Junior College ChampionMonroe Community College of Rochester, NY. The four game series will take placefrom September 12-13. The 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch Championship website isonline at The OCAAprovincial championship will take place from October 16-17 hosted by MohawkCollege, following nationals. - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Sep 8 10:16:04 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 07:16:04 -0700 Subject: University of Ottawa Announces 2009 Team Message-ID: <> Subject: University of Ottawa Announces 2009 Team The University of Ottawa is pleased to announce the 2009 version of their team. The Gee-Gees are thrilled to announce that 9 team members competed at Canadian Championships this past summer, and all 9 won medals. Of special note, Vanessa Homiak won Gold Medals at both the Jr and Sr womens National Championships. 2009 represents a special year for the team as they will be chasing their 100th win and will represent Ontario at the 2nd Annual Canadian University Championship in Kitchener-Waterloo on Thanksgiving weekend. The coaching staff will have a fresh look with new coach, Jason McDonald joining Jenny Allen and Scott Searle. Although Jason is new to our program, he is no stranger to softball. He coached the Orleans Rebels in 1999, when they became the first team from the Ottawa area to qualify for the Nationals. He joins 3-time Eastern Canadian Champion and professional personal trainer Jenny Allen. Name Year Program Hometown Stephanie Samms 2nd Nursing Kingston Elissa Sivel 5th Education Pembroke Vanessa Homiak 4th History Orangeville Kristen Barber 1st Biopharm Ottawa Amanda Toll 2nd Statistics Orleans Mallory Watson 3rd Health Sciences Calgary Laura Skiperis 3rd Human Kinetics Guelph Emily Ernst 3rd Social Sciences Kingston Jenna Flannigan 1st Math Cornwall Rachel Legaspi 3rd History Windsor Brittany Shank 1st Health Sciences North Bay Jillian Taylor 5th Education Orleans Scott Searle Head Coach 613-837-0787 Scottsearle(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Sep 13 00:27:26 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 21:27:26 -0700 Subject: LORDS WIN BACK-TO-BACK GAMES IN ROCHESTER Message-ID: <> Received: 9/12/2009 8:43:36 PM From: Scott Dennis CC: Karen Richards Subject: LORDS WIN BACK-TO-BACK GAMES IN ROCHESTER Durham Lords Media Release Saturday, September 12, 2009 Lords win back-to-back games in Rochester Women?s Fastball Game One ? Durham defeated Monroe 10-5 Game Two ? Durham defeated Monroe 11-5 ROCHESTER, NY - The Durham College women?s fastball team looked impressive in their season opener as they swept the first two games of their weekend series against the three-time National Junior College champion Monroe Community College in Rochester, NY. The Lords took the opening game by a score of 10-5 behind the power of 2008 OCAA Player of the Year Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.) who picked up a home run and a triple with three RBI?s. Danielle Smith ( Oshawa, Ont.) picked up the win while freshman Janna Hagan (Sherwood Park, Albt.) pitched two innings of relief. In game two, Dewey was back at it again as she hit another home run and a single, as the Lords used a seven run fifth inning to get past Monroe 11-5. Kayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.) was credited with the win coming in relief of the starter Hagan. ?It was a good start to the season,? said Durham College head coach Jim Nemish. ?Our team played tight defence and hit the ball well. We will look for more of the same play tomorrow against this tough ball club.? The Lords will be back on the diamond tomorrow morning as they wrap up the four game set against Monroe. Durham will begin OCAA regular season action on Friday, September 18 with their home opener against Mohawk College at 6:30 p.m. Durham will host the annual CAN-AM Classic from Saturday, September 19-20 at Durham Field on Campus. Last year, the Durham Lords defeated Monroe 3-0 to claim the CAN-AM Classic title. GAME RECAPS Game One Final Score: Durham ? 10 Monroe ? 5 Key Stats Erin Dewey: HR, 3B, 3 RBI?s Kayla MacLean: 2-4 WP: Danielle Smith Game Two Final Score: Durham ? 11 Monroe ? 5 Key Stats: Erin Dewey: HR, 1B Janna Hagan: 2B WP: Kayla MacLean A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 2-0 Conference Record: 0-0 Next Game: Sunday, September 13 @ Monroe (DH) - 11 a.m. Next Home Game: Friday, September 18 vs. Mohawk - 6:30 p.m. CAN AM CLASSIC - September 19-20, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Sep 14 07:58:32 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 04:58:32 -0700 Subject: DC women’s fastball wraps up weekend series in Rochester Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Sunday, September 13, 2009 DC women?s fastball wraps up weekend series in Rochester Women?s Fastball Game One ? Monroe defeated Durham 9-1 Game Two ? Durham defeated Monroe 7-6 ROCHESTER, NY - The Durham College women?s fastball team split the final two games of their weekend series in Rochester, NY, which saw them take three of four games over the three-time National Junior College champion Monroe Community College. ? Monroe is always a great test for our team,? said Durham College head coach Jim Nemish. ?It was a great weekend of fastball and we are now ready to get the regular season started on Friday night.? The Lords will host Mohawk College on Friday, September 18 at Durham Field on campus in their regular season opener. First pitch is at 6:30 p.m. Durham came out flat in their first game on Sunday as Monroe scored five runs in the first inning, with the rally started by a lead off home run. The Tribunes never looked back in the contest as they added four more runs to give them an easy 9-1 victory. Game two was very entertaining as the teams found themselves in a see-saw match-up. Durham got off to the hot start this time as Kayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.) hit a three run triple in the first inning. She would later score off a Jodi Lang (Walkerton, Ont.) RBI single. Monroe would bounce back quickly with three runs over the first two innings but trailing by a run in the late stages of the game, the Tribunes could not solve relief pitcher Janna Hagen as the Lords went on to win by a score of 7-6. Monroe will make the road trip to Oshawa next weekend as Durham College is hosting the annual CAN-AM Classic from September 19-20. The Lords enter the tournament as the defending champions. GAME RECAPS Game One Monroe ? 9 Durham ? 1 Game Two Durham ? 7 Monroe ? 6 A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 3-1 Conference Record: 0-0 Next Home Game: Friday, September 18 vs. Mohawk College - 6:30 p.m. CAN AM CLASSIC - September 19-20, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Sep 15 12:01:51 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 09:01:51 -0700 Subject: DURHAM COLLEGE LORDS - WEEKLY GREEN & GOLD NEWSLETTER Message-ID: <> UPCOMING HOME GAMES! Check out the Sport Headlines! Tuesday, September 15 Women?s Soccer: Durham vs. Loyalist - Vaso?s Field - 6 p.m. Men?s Soccer: Durham vs. George Brown - Vaso?s Field - 8 p.m. Thursday, September 17 Women?s Soccer: Durham vs. Centennial - Vaso?s Field - 6 p.m. Men?s Soccer: Durham vs. Centennial - Vaso?s Field - 8 p.m. Friday, September 18 Women?s Fastball: Durham vs. Mohawk - Durham Field - 6:30 p.m. ***HOME OPENER Saturday, September 19 Baseball: Durham vs. York (DH) - Kinsmen Memorial Stadium - 1/3 p.m.. ***HOME OPENER Women?s Fastball: CAN-AM Classic - Day One - Durham Field Sunday, September 20 Baseball: Durham vs. St. Clair (DH) - Kinsmen Memorial Stadium - 1/3 p.m. Women?s Fastball: CAN-AM Classic - Day Two - Durham Field DURHAM COLLEGE MEN?S SOCCER HEADLINE: DC defeats UOIT in the Green and Blue Game!!! Overall Record: 2-0-0 Conference Record: 1-0-0 Last Week?s Results Durham defeated UOIT 4-2 (Exh.) ? Game Recap Durham defeated St. Lawrence 2-1 ? Game Recap Upcoming Games Tuesday, September 15 vs. George Brown - Vaso?s Field - 8 p.m. Thursday, September 17 vs. Centennial - Vaso?s Field - 8 p.m. Saturday, September 19 @ Centennial - 3 p.m. DURHAM COLLEGE WOMEN?S SOCCER HEADLINE: DC sets OCAA record for most goals in a game!!! Overall Record: 1-0-0 Conference Record: 1-0-0 Last Week?s Results Durham defeated St. Lawrence 14-0 ? Game Recap Upcoming Games Tuesday, September 15 vs. Loyalist - Vaso?s Field - 6 p.m. Thursday, September 17 vs. Centennial - Vaso?s Field - 6 p.m. Saturday, September 19 @ Centennial - 1 p.m. DURHAM COLLEGE WOMEN?S FASTBALL Overall Record: 3-1 Conference Record: 0-0 HEADLINE: DC fastball home opener Friday night!!! Last Week?s Results Durham defeated Monroe 10-5 (Exh.) ? Game Recap Durham defeated Monroe 11-5 (Exh.) ? Game Recap Monroe defeated Durham 9-1 (Exh.) ? Game Recap Durham defeated Monroe 7-6 (Exh.) ? Game Recap Upcoming Games Friday, September 18 vs. Mohawk - Durham Field - 6:30 p.m. ***Home Opener September 19-20: CAN-AM Classic Notes -Friday night?s game against Mohawk will be the Lords 2009 home opener -Durham?s game against Mohawk College at the CAN-AM Classic will count as an OCAA regular season game. DURHAM COLLEGE BASEBALL Overall Record: 0-4 Conference Record: 0-4 HEADLINE: DC baseball home opener Saturday afternoon!!! Last Week?s Results St. Clair defeated Durham 7-0 ? Game Recap St. Clair defeated Durham 12-6 ? Game Recap St. Clair defeated Durham 12-2 ? Game Recap St. Clair defeated Durham 4-3 ? Game Recap Upcoming Games Saturday, September 19 vs. York - Kinsmen Memorial Stadium - 1 p.m. ***Doubleheader/Home Opener Sunday, September 20 vs. St. Clair - Kinsmen Memorial Stadium - 1 p.m. ***Doubleheader Notes Durham?s game on Saturday will be the Lords 2009 home opener The CIBA Baseball National Championship will be hosted by Durham College from October 23-25, 2009 DURHAM LORDS NETWORK Make sure you tune into the Durham Lords Network on Youtube for the latest highlights, news and results. DURHAM LORDS ON FACEBOOK Want the latest updates online, join the Lords facebook page! Click on the facebook link at to join!!! While you are there, search for Lord Durham to become a friend! For more information on the Durham Lords, please call 905-721-3040 or visit Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 scott.dennis at - Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Sep 15 12:10:01 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 09:10:01 -0700 Subject: Jonas Mach free agent in 2010 Message-ID: <> Jonas.Mach(at) Hi Al, could you post this in the free agents section. I'm looking for a team to pitch for in 2010. Thanks Jonas Mach Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Sep 16 13:46:35 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 10:46:35 -0700 Subject: BIG WEEKEND COMING UP FOR DURHAM COLLEGE/UOIT ATHLETICS Message-ID: <> From: Scott Dennis Subject: BIG WEEKEND COMING UP FOR DURHAM COLLEGE/UOIT ATHLETICS Big weekend coming up for Durham College/UOIT Athletics OSHAWA, Ont.? It is a busy time of year on campus at Durham Collegeand UOIT with plenty of events scheduled. This weekend is no exception for theDurham College and UOIT athletic department as women?s fastball,baseball, men?s hockey, soccer and golf all take centre stage with homeevents taking place. WEEKEND SCHEDULE Thursday, September 17 Women?s Soccer: Durham vs. Centennial - Vaso?s Field - 6 p.m. Men?s Soccer: Durham vs. Centennial - Vaso?s Field - 8 p.m. Friday, September 18 Women?s Fastball: Durham vs. Mohawk - Durham Field - 6:30 p.m. ***HOMEOPENER Saturday, September 19 Baseball: Durham vs. York (DH) - Kinsmen Memorial Stadium - 1/3 p.m.***HOME OPENER Women?s Fastball: CAN-AM Classic - Day One - Durham Field Men?s Hockey: UOIT vs. Ryerson (Blue and White Exh.) - Campus Ice Centre- 7:30 p.m. Sunday, September 20 Baseball: Durham vs. St. Clair (DH) - Kinsmen Memorial Stadium - 1/3 p.m. Women?s Fastball: CAN-AM Classic - Day Two - Durham Field Monday, September 21 Golf: DC Open ? Lakeridge Links ------------------------------------------ DC WOMEN?S FASTBALL ? Home Opener and CAN-AM Classic The women?s fastball team will open up their 2009 regular season onFriday night as they host the Mohawk Mountaineers at Durham Field. First pitchfor the big game is at 6:30 p.m. The annual CAN-AM Classic will also be taking place on Saturday and Sunday.Monroe, Mohawk and Durham all vying for the tournament crown. Durham enters thetournament as the defending CAN-AM Classic champions. Can-Am Classic Schedule: Saturday, September 19 11 a.m.? Game #1 -Durham vs. Mohawk 1 p.m.? Game #2 - Mohawk vs. Monroe 3 p.m.? Game #3 - Durham vs. Monroe Sunday,September 20 10 a.m.? Game #4 - 2nd vs. 3rd 12 p.m.? Game #5 - 1st vs. Winner Game #4 ------------------------------------------ DC BASEBALL ? Four home games this weekend The Durham College baseball team?s home opener will be taking placethis Saturday as the Lords take on the York University Lions. Game time for thedoubleheader at Kinsmen Memorial Stadium is 1/3 p.m. The Lords will be looking for revenge on Sunday as the St. Clair Saints come toOshawa for a doubleheader. The Saints took the opening four games of the seasonagainst the Lords, and DC will look to return the favour at Kinsmen MemorialStadium. First pitch for the big series is at 1 p.m. ------------------------------------------ UOIT MEN?S HOCKEY ? Blue and White Game Saturday Night Puck drop for the annual men?s hockey blue and white game will be onSaturday, September 19 as the Ridgebacks take on the Ryerson Rams in anexhibition game. There will be plenty of events taking place before, during andafter the game so make sure you come out to the Campus Ice Centre to get yourfirst chance to check out the Ridgebacks in action. Game time is at 7:30 p.m. ------------------------------------------ DC GOLF ? DC Open scheduled for Monday Durham College is proud to host the annual DC Open, which will be takingplace at Lakeridge Links on Monday, September 21. The top collegiate golfersfrom across Ontario will be teeing off in hopes of winning the title. The DCOpen is regarded to as one of the top tournaments on the collegiate golf circuit,with the winners often prevailing at provincials and nationals. Make sure you sign up for Durham College and UOIT e-news for the latestupdates!!! - 30 - FOR MOREINFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Sep 19 01:29:50 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 22:29:50 -0700 Subject: Smith pitches a no-hitter in Lords home opener Message-ID: <> From: Scott Dennis Subject: BIG NEWS: SMITH PITCHES A NO-HITTER IN LORDS HOME OPENER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Durham Lords Media Release Friday, September 18, 2009 Smith pitches a no-hitter in Lords home opener Women?s Fastball: Durham defeated Mohawk 13-1 *Durham College pitcher Danielle Smith threw a no-hitter OSHAWA, Ont. ? Durham College women?s fastball ace Danielle Smith (Oshawa, Ont.) threw a gem in the 2009 home opener as she pitched a no-hitter as the Lords defeated Mohawk College 13-1 in five-innings. The energetic opening night crowd witnessed Smith at her best as she struck out five Mohawk hitters and allowed zero walks and hits. Mohawk?s only run on the night came after two Durham fielding errors, costing the Lords the shutout victory. The teams were scoreless after the first three innings play and Mohawk took a 1-0 lead in the top of the fourth. That is when Durham busted things wide open as they scored seven runs in the fourth inning followed by six runs in the fifth giving them the 13-1 victory. Durham?s bats were in full force as five players recorded two hits including Erica Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.), Carolyn Moore (Oshawa, Ont.), Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.), Jodi Lang (Walkerton, Ont.) and Kayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.). The Lords will now turn their attention to the CAN-AM Classic at Durham Field that takes place this weekend as the team will face Mohawk College at 11 a.m. The first game of the tournament will also count as an OCAA league game. DANIELLE SMITH ? LORDS ACE OCAA Player of the Year (2006) OCAA Championship MVP (2007) OCAA Championship Top Pitcher (2006, 2008) OCAA All-Star (2006) OCAA Rookie of the Year (2006) GAME RECAP Final Score: Mohawk 0-0-0-1-0 (1) Durham 0-0-0-7-6 (13) Pitching Durham WP: D. Smith - 5 IP, 0 H, 1 R, 0 ER, 0 BB, 5 K Mohawk LP: J. Roloson ? 3.2 IP, 6 H, 6 R, 6 ER, 3 BB, 3 K J. Denstedt ? 1.1 IP, 8 H, 7 R, 6 ER, 0 BB, 0 K Batting Durham Erica Dewey: 2-4, 4 RBI, 2 R Carolyn Moore: 2-3, 2 R, 2 RBI Erin Dewey: 2-4, 1 R, 1 RBI Jodi Lang: 2-2, 1 R, 1 RBI Kayla MacLean: 2-4, 2 RBI, 1 R A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 4-1 Conference Record: 1-0 CAN-AM Classic Schedule Saturday, September 19 11 a.m. ? Game #1 -Durham vs. Mohawk 1 p.m. ? Game #2 - Mohawk vs. Monroe 3 p.m. ? Game #3 - Durham vs. Monroe Sunday, September 20 10 a.m. ? Game #4 - 2nd vs. 3rd 12 p.m. ? Game #5 - 1st vs. Winner Game #4 - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Sep 19 15:26:44 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 12:26:44 -0700 Subject: Bantam Age Tournaments - USA or Eastern Canada for 2010? Message-ID: <> From: Praveen Johal Subject: Bantam Age Tournaments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi I'm hoping you may be able to help me. I am the coach of a Boys Bantam A Team in Richmond B.C. We are looking for an open tournament that we could go to in summer of 2010. The boys wanted to travel to a new place hopefully in the States or eastern Canada. Do you know of any tournamets that the boys may be allowed to enter for? Having trouble finding any for that age group.Thanks in advance for any info you may have.Praveen Joha pjohal(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Sep 20 07:23:44 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 04:23:44 -0700 Subject: Durham College Women's Fastball Message-ID: <> Received: 9/20/2009 12:14:30 AM From: Scott Dennis Durham College Women's Fastball CAN-AM CLASSIC Game One: Durham defeated Mohawk Game Two: Monroe defeated Mohawk 14-1 Game Three: Monroe defeated Durham 10-5 Action resumes on Sunday at 10 a.m. (Durham vs. Mohawk) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Sep 21 01:14:51 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 22:14:51 -0700 Subject: Durham College wins back-to-back CAN-AM Classic titles Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Sunday, September 20, 2009 Durham College wins back-to-back CAN-AM Classic titles CAN-AM Classic Championship Final: Durham defeated Monroe 4-2 OSHAWA, Ont. ? The Durham College women?s fastball team claimed their second consecutive CAN-AM Classic title on Sunday afternoon as they defeated the Monroe Tribunes 4-2 in the championship final. After losing their round robin match against the three-time National Junior College champion Tribunes on Saturday, the Lords knew that they would be in tough heading into the championship game after defeating Mohawk 6-0 in the morning semi-finals. In typical DC women?s fastball fashion, the team dug down deep and left it all out on the field as the Lords pulled out a thrilling two-run victory, claiming their second straight tournament title. Prior to last year, Monroe had won back-to-back CAN-AM Classic titles. Head coach Jim Nemish has the Lords looking sharp to open up 2009 as they are 2-0 in conference play and have an overall record of 7-2, including four victories over the very tough Tribune squad. Durham is now the only team in the OCAA without a loss in conference play as St. Clair fell to Seneca on Saturday afternoon. The CAN-AM champions will be back in action on Tuesday, September 22 with a doubleheader against the Seneca Sting. Game time in North York will be at 6 p.m. The Lords next home action will not be until Friday, October 2 as the Lords host the Conestoga Condors. CAN-AM CLASSIC RESULTS Saturday, September 19 Game One: Durham defeated Mohawk 8-1 Game Two: Monroe defeated Mohawk 14-1 Game Three: Monroe defeated Durham 10-5 Sunday, September 20 Semi-Final: Durham defeated Mohawk 6-0 Championship: Durham defeated Monroe 4-2 DURHAM COLLEGE CAN-AM CHAMPIONSHIP ROSTER 2 - Kayla MacLean (P/1B) 3 - Danielle Smith (P) 5 - Shannon Ferguson (C) 6 - Erin Dewey (3B/SS) 7 - Erica Dewey (CF) 8 - Samantha Roelofsen (2B) 9 - Jodi Lang (RF) 10 - Bailey Corneal (3B/OF) 12 - Jennilee Brohman (P) 15 - Janna Hagan (P/LF) 16 - Tiana Cosentino (3B) 19 - Laura Sterritt (OF) 21 - Rachelle Nasello (1B/C) 28 - Carolyn Moore (SS/2B) 29 - Deidre Morton (C) Head Coach: Jim Nemish Assistant Coaches: Mal Swift and Rosemary Theriault A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 7-2 Conference Record: 2-0 - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Sep 21 09:49:48 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 06:49:48 -0700 Subject: Gee Gees Fall To Western Mustangs in Sunday double header Message-ID: <> Received: 9/21/2009 7:46:47 AM From: The University of Ottawa Gee-Gee's Subject: Gee Gees Fall To Western Mustangs in Sunday double header FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT FOR GEE GEES DESPITE LOSS TO OIWFA CHAMPS WESTERN MUSTANGS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OTTAWA, ON September 20, 2009. The University of Ottawa women?s fastball team opened their season this past weekend with a 2-2 record. Saturday saw the Gee Gees best the Windsor Lancers by taking two games. While the weather was favourable, the softball gods weren?t smiling on the Gee Gees Sunday as they lost both games to their arch rivals the University of Western Mustangs, 8-1 and 10-8. The Gee Gees were slow out of the gate in a 8-1 loss to the Mustangs in game #1. They rebounded with a solid effort in game #2. Despite opening with a quick 3 runs in the first inning, the Gee Gees couldn?t hold off the defending champs. Despite strong performances from veterans Vanessa HOMIAK (3 for 4 with a HR, 2 singles, 3 runs scored) and 7 solid innings from pitcher Jill TAYLOR (7 IP, 3 earned runs, 4 strikeouts) the Gee Gees just couldn?t muster up enough runs to split the doubleheader. The Gee Gees and Mustangs faced one another in the 2008 Ontario Intercollegiate Women?s Fastpitch Championship game and are the early favourites to meet again in the 2009 Ontario championships. The Gee Gees next game is scheduled for September 25, 2009 vs. crosstown rivals the Carleton Ravens. Time and location yet to be determined. CONTACT: Jason McDonald Media Relations / Assistant Coach 613-883-5359 ottawausoftball(at) - END - Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Sep 21 09:51:42 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 06:51:42 -0700 Subject: WOMENS FASTBALL GEE GEES OPEN SEASON ON A HIGH NOTE Message-ID: <> Received: 9/21/2009 6:15:58 AM From: scottsearle(at) WOMENS FASTBALL GEE GEES OPEN SEASON ON A HIGH NOTE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OTTAWA, ON September 19, 2009. The University of Ottawa women???s fastball team opened their season on Saturday September 19th against the University of Windsor Lancers taking both games of a double header. The opening match, a 10-7 win, was a see-saw battle as the lead changed hands several times before starting pitcher Emily ERNST seized control of the game. ERNST held off a determined Lancer team and threw a total of 6 innings before handing the ball over to closer Jill TAYLOR. The Gee Gees seized control in the 5th inning taking advantage of clutch hitting from rookie third basemen, Stephanie SAMMS. In the rubber match, the Gee Gees came out of the gate firing on all cylinders eventually invoking the mercy rule by defeating the Windsor Lancers 7-0 over 5 innings. Powered by the strong pitching of 2008 Gee Gee MVP Jill TAYLOR (3 hits over 5 innings) and the hard hitting of rookie Jenna FLANIGAN (2 for 4, with 2 runs scored and a stolen base. The Gee Gees will take on the University of Western in a double header on Sunday September 20, 2009 at Pierre Rocque park in Orleans (game times 12:00noon and 2:00pm). This game will feature last year???s two top teams from the Ontario Intercollegiate Women???s Fastpitch Association (OIWFA). CONTACT: Jason McDonald Media Relations / Assistant Coacch 613-883-5359 ottawausoftball(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Sep 23 10:09:51 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 07:09:51 -0700 Subject: Lords fastball picks up a sweep over Seneca College Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Lords fastball picks up a sweep over Seneca College Women?s Fastball Game One ? Durham defeated Seneca 4-3 (8 innings) Game Two ? Durham defeated Seneca 7-0 (6 innings) NORTH YORK, Ont. ? The 2009 CAN-AM Classic champions picked up two road wins over Seneca College on Tuesday night, defeating the Sting 4-3 and 7-0 in doubleheader action. Game one was a pitchers duel with seniors Danielle Smith ( Oshawa, Ont.) and Rebecca Cunningham (Brampton, Ont.) throwing for their respective teams. Down 2-0 in the top of the sixth inning, Samantha Roelofsen (Alma, Ont.) and Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.) came up with clutch hits to even up the score for Durham. After a scoreless seventh inning, the Lords were able to score two runs in the eighth to take a 4-2 lead. The offensive attack at the plate was led by Tiana Cosentino (Toronto, Ont.) and Erica Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.). Smith would close things out in the bottom of the eighth, allowing only five hits in the game for her second win of the year. Cunningham and Smith had excellent outings leading into the game as Smith pitched a no-hitter in the Lords home opener while the Seneca ace struck out a record setting 17 batters in a win over Mohawk. The Lords carried the momentum into game two as they easily defeated Seneca by a final score of 7-0. With the bases loaded in the top of the sixth inning, Seneca conceded the victory ending the night early. With the two wins, Durham remains undefeated in conference play with a 4-0 record. The Lords currently trail the St. Clair Saints (5-1) by two points in the standings with two games in hand. The two teams will meet up in Windsor on Saturday, September 26 (11 a.m.) in a rematch of last year?s OCAA Championship final and with first place on the line. The Lords next home action will be on Friday, October 2 as Durham is set to host the Conestoga Condors at Durham Field. A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 9-2 Conference Record: 4-0 Next Game: Saturday, September 26 @ St. Clair (11 a.m.) Next Home Game: Friday, October 2 vs. Conestoga (6:30 p.m.) FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Sep 24 11:00:01 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 08:00:01 -0700 Subject: Durham Lords Varsity Alumni Event - Calling all alumni from 1997-2001 Message-ID: <> Subject: Durham Lords Varsity Alumni Event - Calling all alumni from 1997-2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Durham Lords VarsityAlumni Event ? Calling all alumni from 1997-2001!!! DATE: Saturday, October 3rd LOCATION: EP TAYLORS (Campus Pub) TIME: 7-11 p.m. WHO: DC Varsity Alumni (1997-2001) A varsity alumni event for varsity-athletes who played at Durham College from1997-2001 is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 3 from 7-11 p.m. at EPTaylors in the Student Centre. The night is being hosted by former DC athleteDavid Martells Inglish. Tickets only $5 at the door with plenty of great alumni specials and raffleprizes to be won. The night will be special as it will be a great time to catchup with your former teammates and friends from college days! Special entertainment: Highly regarded Sammy Davis Jr.cover group is performing! The band will be on stage at 9:30 p.m. Please contact David Martells Inglish at davidinglish at telus.blackberry.netfor more information. GO LORDS GO!!! Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 scott.dennis at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Sep 24 14:14:30 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 11:14:30 -0700 Subject: SpinMaster registration Message-ID: <> Received: 9/24/2009 11:00:41 AM From: "Mal Swift" Subject: SpinMaster registration Hi All The SpinMaster Pitchers and Catchers School is planning to start up classes November 2, 2009, just over 5 weeks away. As of this date I have but a few commitment cheques from parents/students who have sent in their registration information of: students name, date of birth, phone numbers, parents/guardians names, home address, email address, class time desired, and if you are a pitcher or a catcher. A confirmation committal cheque should be included with this information. This is the only way that I can ensure that there will be a school this year. Please mail your attending son's or daughter's required paperwork as soon as possible as there are start up expenses that have to be paid before the first class and so that the stars of tomorrow do not miss out on this valuable learning experience. Thanks Mal Mal Swift malswift(at) SpinMaster Pitching/Catching School - Head Instructor Durham Region Umpire Membership - Past Vice President Durham College Lord's Women's Varsity Fastball Team - Assistant/Pitching Coach - Ontario Colleges Athletic Association International Softball Congress II (Intermediate Men) - Game Controller/Awards Committee Oshawa City and District Fastball League - Past Vice President - Media and Promotion Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Sep 27 00:32:47 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 21:32:47 -0700 Subject: Lords lose for the first time this year in OCAA action Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Saturday, September 26, 2009 Lords lose for the first time this year in OCAA action Women?s Fastball: St. Clair defeated Durham 6-5 WINDSOR, Ont. ? The Durham College women?s fastball team suffered their first loss of the season as they fell 6-5 to the St. Clair Saints on Saturday in a rematch of last year?s OCAA finals. With the game tied at five runs a piece, St. Clair first baseman Danielle Desautels hit a walk off single to drive in the winning run. ?It was a good game that could have gone either way,? said Durham College head coach Jim Nemish. ?We got off to a slow start which really hurt us. We did well to battle back but the slow start caught up with us.? Durham trailed 5-2 heading into the sixth inning but drew closer with two runs in the top of the inning. Down a single run in the top of the seventh inning, freshman Kayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.) hit a home run to tie the game at five. Unfortunately for MacLean, St. Clair hit three singles of her in the bottom half of the inning to pick up the 6-5 victory. Danielle Smith (Oshawa, Ont.) started the game for Durham giving up five runs on six hits and two walks over three and a third innings. MacLean pitched the rest of the game allowing one run on five hits and two walks. Top batters for Durham on the day were Jodi Lang (Walkerton, Ont.) and Shannon Ferguson (Brockville, Ont.), each with a single and a double in the game as well as Carolyn Moore (Oshawa, Ont.) who picked up two singles. Durham will be back in action on Tuesday, September 29 with a road game against Mohawk College at 6 p.m. The Lords return home for three games next weekend beginning on Friday night against Conestoga at 6:30 p.m. Saturday?s doubleheader vs. St. Clair (12/2 p.m.) will be minor fastball day at Durham Field. A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 9-3 Conference Record: 4-1 Next Game: Tuesday, September 29 @ Mohawk (6 p.m.) Next Home Game: Friday, October 2 vs. Conestoga (6:30 p.m.) September, October 3 vs. St. Clair (DH) 12/2 p.m. *Minor Fastball Day - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Sep 28 01:04:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 22:04:25 -0700 Subject: Gee-Gees Sweep Waterloo in weekend fastball action Message-ID: <> Subject: Gee-Gees Sweep Waterloo in weekend fastball GEE-GEES SWEEP WARRIORS IN WEEKEND FASTBALL ACTION FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OTTAWA, ON September 27, 2009. The University of Ottawa women?s fastball team is beginning to round into championship form as they swept the visiting University of Waterloo Warriors in fastball action on Sunday (Game #1: 8-3, Game #2 13-0). Led by impressive pitching efforts from Emily ERNST (7 IP, 4 hits, 3 ER, 2 K) and Jill TAYLOR (7 IP, 4 hit shutout) the Gee-Gees cruised to victory. While the outcome was considered a total team effort, the timely hitting contributions from rookies Jenna FLANIGAN (.666 avg, HR, 3 runs scored, 3 SB) and Brittany SHANK (2 for 3, 2 SB, 3 RBI?s, 2 runs scored) helped push the Gee-Gees over the top with a 7 run 6th inning. The Gee-Gees leave for southern Ontario for a 6 game road trip beginning this Friday October 2nd which will see them play the York University Lions, MacMaster Marauders and Brock Badgers. All players and coaches are available for questions / interviews following practices and games. CONTACT: Jason McDonald Media Relations / Assistant Coach 613-883-5359 ottawausoftball at or Rachel Legaspi Media Relations / Player rachel.legaspi at - END - Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Sep 28 09:36:26 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 06:36:26 -0700 Subject: Gee-Gees Women's Fastball Team Takes 4 of 6 Games Message-ID: <> OTTAWA, ON September 27, 2009 Gee-Gees Women's Fastball Team Takes 4 of 6 Games This weekend was full of fastball for the Gee-Gees, playing the Carleton Ravens on Friday, the Laurier Golden Hawks on Saturday and the Waterloo Warriors on Sunday. The first pair of games against Carleton in Manotick was an excellent show of great offence fused with great defence, with the Gee-Gees winning both with 10-0 and 11-0.. Highlights include back to back no-hitters from Emily Ernst and Jillian Taylor, Vanessa Homiak's in-park homerun and a stand-up triple by Laura Skiperis. The Gee-Gees held their free fastball clinic for younger athletes at Alexander Grove Park in Stittsville before their games against the Laurier Golden Hawks. The games were incredibly tight, with the Gee-Gees losing by just one run in both games to the Hawks. The first game went to extra innings and saw Laurier take a 6-5 victory. The second game was just as close as the Gee-Gees mounted an impressive comeback to score 2 runs to tie the game in the visitors half of the 7th inning, only to see Laurier push across the winning run in the bottom half. 2 very good games between strong teams.The Gee-Gees will look to reclaim those loses against them at the National University Championships, held in Waterloo on Thanksgiving weekend. On Sunday afternoon, the Gee-Gees pushed hard against the Waterloo Warriors. Emily Ernst pitched a great first game through the rain and with the help of great at bats from hitters one through nine, the Gee-Gees defeated the Warriors with a strong 8-1 win. The second game proved to be even more exciting, with a homerun from rookie, Jenna Flannigan and another great hit from Vanessa Homiak, deep into right field. Jillian Taylor held down the fort with her excellent pitching and the Gee-Gees won 14-0. The Gee-Gees will travel this weekend to play against McMaster, York and Brock. Contact: Jason McDonald Media Relations/Assistant Coach 613-883-5359 ottawausoftball at or Rachel Legaspi Media Relations/Player 613-867-3249 rlega073 at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Sep 29 08:59:52 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 05:59:52 -0700 Subject: GB Women's Fastpitch Team - needs players for 2010 Message-ID: <> You may have heard through the BSUK grapevine orelsewhere that the GB Women's Fastpitch Team came second in EuropeanChampionships this past summer -- our best-ever result -- and thereby qualifiedto play in the ISF Women's World Championships next year in Oklahoma City. So we're putting together a programme for next summerthat will involve a 10-day training camp starting in late June, participationin the Canada Cup in Vancouver in early July and then on to the WorldChampionships in mid-July. We are currently facing two problems in connection withexecuting this programme and being successful at the Canada Cup and WorldChampionships. The first is that we need to raise about ?60,000! But that's ourproblem, and it's not what I'm writing about.... The second problem is that our success in the EuropeanChampionships was largely down to a tremendous performance by our #1 pitcher, ayoung woman named Stacie Townsend who has just started her last year ofeligibility at the University of Texas El Paso. But we have very littlepitching behind her, and nothing of the quality required to back up Stacie at aworld level. So we're looking for pitchers, and because there aren'tany in the UK, we're hoping to find one or more good Canadian, Australian,American or whatever pitchers with a British parent. And because of theconnections between Britain and Canada, there have always been softball andbaseball players in Canada with at least one British parent; you just have tofind them! As you know, pitchers in fastpitch can throw much moreoften than in baseball, so we don't need a whole pitching staff; just anothercouple of decent pitchers will do. So ... the point of all this is to ask whether you wouldbe willing to put the word out through any academic or softball networks andpeople in Canada that you might have access to see if we can uncover a pitcherwith British heritage. By definition, she would be below the level required tomake Team Canada; but there are a lot of good pitchers in Canada below thatlevel who could help us. Anyone you uncover should contact me. Please let me know if you think there's anything you cando -- and thanks for your help! Below, I've pasted in a copy of the notice that I've beensending to US college coaches in case that might be useful. Regards, Bob Fromer GB Softball NOTICE TO COLLEGE COACHES Dear _________, The Great Britain Women's Fastpitch Team has qualified toplay in the ISF Women's World Championships in Oklahoma City in July 2010. We have a talented team that finished second in EuropeanChampionships this summer -- our highest-ever placing! -- but to competesuccessfully at the World Championships we need more pitching depth. So we are looking for good pitchers who have a Britishfamily heritage and who could qualify for a British passport if they don'talready have one. To qualify for a passport, the player must have been bornin Great Britain herself, or have a parent who is a British citizen and wasborn in Great Britain. Players with British grandparents or great-grandparentscannot qualify. We would be very grateful if you could check with the pitchersin your program to see if any of them might qualify -- and if so, please get intouch by contacting: Bob Fromer GB Softball Team Manager bobfromer(at) (+44) 1886-884204 Hayley Scott GB Softball Head Coach hayley..scott(at) (+44) 7713-245809 Thanks very much for your help! Regards, Bob Fromer GB Softball Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Sep 29 12:39:52 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 09:39:52 -0700 Subject: Help build the future of softball by becoming a member of the Participation Committee! Message-ID: <> Help build the future of softball by becoming a member of the Participation Committee! NEWSRELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: LisaCrompton (416) 426-7150 lcrompton(at) DATE: September29, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help build the future of softball by becoming a member of theParticipation Committee! NORTH YORK, ONTARIO -The Softball Ontario Participation Program is pleased to begin the recruitmentprocess for position(s) on the Participation Committee. ParticipationCommittee Members are volunteers who take a strong leadership role in thepromotion of Softball in Ontario. Successful candidates will representthe Participation Program on all matters, including attending ParticipationCommittee Meetings, attending at least one Community Event each year, andparticipating in Softball Ontario?s Get In The Game Symposium. The ParticipationCommittee oversees several Softball Ontario programs, including the TrySoftball and Active Softball School Programs, the Get In The Game Symposium,the Community Fun Team, and the Certified Softball Administrator Program(CSAP). The Participation Committee also develops various new initiativesincluding the Softball Association Fundamental Excellence (S.A.F.E.) StarProgram, which is in development and supported by an Ontario TrilliumFoundation grant. Qualifications Good communicationand administrative skills Good leadershipqualities Commitment to thedevelopment of Softball Enthusiastic anddynamic personality Involved withsoftball Must be able to workwell with others Must be willing tohave a Police Records Check completed Responsibilities Have knowledge of andsupport Softball Ontario and related programs and promote the game of softballin general Liaise with SoftballAssociations and any other interested organizations Assist ProgramCoordinator in preparing information packages and reports Prepare or obtainarticles for Softball Ontario?s newsletters and other media Promote and providebriefings and presentations to groups, Softball Associations, Schools, Parks& Recreation Departments, etc. Take part inParticipation Program Community Events (minimum of 1 per year) Attend and providefeedback at two Participation Committee meetings per year Promote the sport ofSoftball and Participation Programs in particular Attend and take anactive role in the Get In The Game Symposium Participation CommitteeMembers are appointed for a period of two (2) years. How toApply All interestedcandidates are asked to apply in writing, expressing your interest along witha resume outlining your softball background and qualifications for thisposition. Letters of application must be received no later thanOctober 15, 2009. If you have applied for a position on theParticipation Committee in the past, we ask that you re-submit yourresume. Email your resume toLisa Crompton at lcrompton at softballontario.cafor consideration. -30- Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels ofcompetitions. Softball Ontario?s Participation Program receives fundingfrom an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant as well as a Sport for More Grantfrom the Government of Ontario and the Government ofCanada. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Sep 30 01:23:29 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 22:23:29 -0700 Subject: Durham runs over Mohawk College in Women's Fastball Action Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Durham runs over Mohawk College in Women's Fastball Action Women?s Fastball: Durham defeated Mohawk 16-0 HAMILTON, Ont. ? The Durham College women?s fastball team looked very impressive on Tuesday night as they shutout the Mohawk Mountaineers 16-0 in Hamilton. ?It was an excellent effort put forward by the entire lineup tonight,? said Durham College head coach Jim Nemish. ?A complete game in all areas by everyone. A total team effort.? Freshman pitcher Janna Hagan of Sherwood Park, Albt. did not let the cool temperature slow her down as she threw a one hitter, facing only thirteen Mohawk hitters over four innings before the game was called due to the mercy rule. Although the final score was one-sided, the Lords and Mountaineers played the first two innings to a scoreless draw. The Durham bats would eventually heat up in the top of the third inning as the Lords scored three runs, led by Erin Dewey's (Port Hope, Ont.) two run triple. Durham would break things wide open in the top of the fourth scoring 13 runs to take a commanding 16-0 lead. The inning was highlighted by back-to-back home runs from Dewey and Samantha Roelofsen (Alma, Ont.). The Lords 16 run outburst was led by Erin Dewey who went 4-for-4 with four RBI?s. Dewey would finish a double shy of the cycle. Other top hitters on the night included Erica Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.), who went 2-for-3 with two RBI?s and Roelofsen who was 2-for-3. Hagan and Jodi Lang (Walkerton, Ont.) finished with a pair of singles apiece at the plate.. The Lords will now look ahead to the weekend where they return home to Durham Field. Conestoga will visit Oshawa on Friday, October 2 for an evening affair beginning at 6:30 p.m. The defending OCAA champion St. Clair Saints will take on the Lords on Saturday, October 3 for a doubleheader beginning at 12 p.m. Saturday?s game will be minor fastball day at the ballpark. A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 10-3 Conference Record: 5-1 Next Home Game: Friday, October 2 vs. Conestoga (6:30 p.m.) September, October 3 vs. St. Clair (DH) 12/2 p.m. *Minor Fastball Day - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Sep 30 16:10:30 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 13:10:30 -0700 Subject: September has been amonth to remember for Durham College athletics Message-ID: <> DurhamLords Media Release Wednesday, September 30, 2009 September has been amonth to remember for Durham College athletics OSHAWA, Ont. ?The Durham College athletic program has excelled in the month of Septemberearning national and provincial recognition for their achievements. Most recently earning provincial top honours was Durham College women?sgolfer Kayleigh Kraemer, who was named the Ontario Colleges AthleticAssociation (OCAA) athlete of the week. On the men?s side, the Durham College golf team has put up great resultscollecting podium finishes at the Fanshawe Invitational, DC Open, and ElmiraInvitational. The Lords hope to carry their great play into the OCAA provincialchampionship which will take place in Welland from October 5-7. The Durham College women?s fastball team has been on a roll after winningtheir second straight CAN-AM Classic title. The Lords are also in the hunt fortheir 12th regular season pennant in 13 years sitting with a 5-1 regular seasonrecord and have outscored their opponents 53-11. The Lords will have a shot ata National title this year as they are taking part in the 2009 CanadianIntercollegiate Women's Fastpitch Championship from October 10-12. For the latest information on the Durham Lords, please A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS WOMEN?S FASTBALL Overall Record: 10-3 Conference Record: 5-1 (Second Place in the OCAA) Upcoming Games Friday, October 2 vs. Conestoga ? 6:30 p.m. Saturday, October 3 vs. St. Clair ? 12/2 p.m. - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Oct 1 15:35:59 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 12:35:59 -0700 Subject: LORDS TAKE THE FIELD FOR THE 20-INNING CHALLENGE Message-ID: <> LORDS TAKE THE FIELD FOR THE 20-INNING CHALLENGE OSHAWA, Ont. - On Monday, October 5 at Durham Field, fans will get towatch their fair share of baseball as the Durham College women?s fastballand baseball teams are taking to the field for a 20-inning challenge game.First pitch for the exhibition fundraiser is at 6:30 p.m. The unique 20-inning challenge cup between the two teams is taking placein support of the women?s fastball trip to Nationals, whichrun from October 10-12 in Kitchener, Ont. There will also be raffles andcontests taking place in support of the Durham Lords breast cancer awarenesscampaign. Lords veteran Gary Rose was one of the student-athletes who came up with theidea for the 20-inning challenge cup, in an effort to assist his fellow DurhamCollege student-athletes. ?The guys on the team wanted to help out the fastball team in theirpursuit of a national championship," said Rose. ?They have a greatteam and anything we can do to help out is our pleasure.? The game will be free to the public with plenty of great prizes to be won.There will also be a bar-b-q set up for fans to enjoy. Players on both teamsare also raising money by getting donations per inning played. The Lords women?s team thinks they have the advantage in the game,indicating that they have a well-known secret weapon coming out to the game.. Both teams will be in contention for the national title this season, as theybaseball team is hosting the 2009 CIBA Baseball Canadian Championship fromOctober 23-25. Make sure you check out www.durhamlords.comfor the latest news and information on the Durham College women?sfastball and baseball teams. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Oct 3 14:44:16 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 11:44:16 -0700 Subject: Friday night’s women’s fastball game moved to Sunday - Oshawa Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Friday, October 2, 2009 Friday night?s women?s fastball game moved to Sunday OSHAWA, Ont. ? Friday night?s OCAA women?s fastball matchbetween Durham College and Conestoga College has been cancelled due to rain..The game is now scheduled for Sunday, October 4 at 11 a.m. taking place atDurham Field. Saturday?s doubleheader against St. Clair is planned to go ahead asscheduled. First pitch is at 12 p.m. It will be minor fastball day as the Lordstake on the Saints for first place in the OCAA standings. Make sure you check out for the latest news and information on the Durham Collegewomen?s fastball team. - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Oct 3 14:44:58 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 11:44:58 -0700 Subject: First pitch for Saturday’s women’s fastball game has been moved to 1 p.m Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Friday, October 2, 2009 First pitch for Saturday?s women?s fastball game has been moved to 1 p.m. OSHAWA, Ont. ? Please note that the start time for the Durham College women?s fastball doubleheader vs. St. Clair College will be moved to 1/3 p.m.. The originally scheduled start time was at noon. Friday night?s OCAA women?s fastball match between Durham College and Conestoga College is now scheduled for Sunday, October 4 at 11 a.m. at Durham Field. Make sure you check out Durham Lords Media Release Saturday, October 3, 2009 Durham picks up a sweep over St. Clair in the battle for first place Women?s Fastball Game One: Durham defeated St. Clair 5-3 Game Two: Durham defeated St. Clair 1-0 OSHAWA, Ont. ? The Durham Lords women?s fastball team needed a sweep over St. Clair to have a shot at winning the OCAA regular season title. On Saturday afternoon, the Lords did just that as they defeated the Saints in both games of their rainy doubleheader on Minor Fastball day at the ballpark. With the two wins, the Lords improve to 7-1 in conference play while the Saints fall to 9-3. The Saints have wrapped up their regular season while the Lords need to win two of their final four games to clinch their 12th regular season title in 13 years. On Saturday, the Lords found themselves trailing 3-1 in the late innings of the game, but used a four run sixth inning to comeback and shock the Saints, picking up the ?w? in game one. Lords pitcher Kayla MacLean would pick up the win. Game two was just as tight as it was a pitchers duel between Janna Hagan and Samantha Newton. Although the Lords only managed three hits in the game, they would come out on top with a 1-0 win. The only run would come on a bases loaded, one out walk midway through the game. Hagan would pick up the complete game shutout against the rival Saints, increasing her shutout streak to 11 innings in the regular season. The Lords will now play on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. against Conestoga College at Durham Field. The game against the Condors was originally scheduled for Friday but was rained out. A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 12-3 Conference Record: 7-1 Next Home Game: Sunday, October 4 vs. Conestoga (11 a.m.) - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Oct 5 09:21:00 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 06:21:00 -0700 Subject: Perfection for Durham College – Kayla MacLean throws a perfect game Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Sunday, October 04, 2009 Perfection for Durham College ? Kayla MacLean throws a perfect game Women?s Fastball ? Durham defeated Conestoga 10-0 ***Kayla MacLean pitches a perfect game OSHAWA, Ont. ? Kayla MacLean of the Durham College women?s fastball team pitched a perfect game on Sunday in the Lords 10-0 win over Conestoga College. MacLean ( Whitby, Ont.) was untouchable on Sunday morning, sitting down 18 consecutive Condor batters, recording eight strikeouts enroute to the perfect game. The 10-0 victory finishes off a 3-0 weekend for the Lords, which included two wins over the St. Clair Saints on Saturday. Durham improves to 8-1 in conference action and are now one win away from clinching their 12th regular season title in 13 years. The Lords offence was not to be outdone by the defence on Sunday as Durham put up 10 runs over six innings of play. Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.) led the offensive attack going 4-for-4 at the plate, knocking in three RBI?s and scoring two runs. Erica Dewey was also perfect for Durham, going 2-for-2 with three runs and one RBI. Samantha Roelofsen (Alma, Ont.) and Bailey Corneal (Whitby, Ont.) were both 2-for-3 at the plate. Durham will be back in action on Tuesday, October 6 against the Seneca Sting (4-5) at Durham Field. First pitch is at 6:30 p.m. Durham is 2-0 against Seneca this season, with their first match going eight innings. It will be the Lords final home game of the 2009 season. The Lords are also preparing for 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch National Championship which will be taking place from October 10-12 at the Peter Hallman Ball Yard in Kitchener. For the latest news on the Durham College women?s fastball program, sign up for e-news on A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 13-3 Conference Record: 8-1 Next Home Game: Tuesday, October 6 vs. Seneca (6:30 p.m.) - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Oct 5 12:24:05 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 09:24:05 -0700 Subject: Tough Weekend for University of Ottawa GeeGees Fastpitch Team Message-ID: <> OTTAWA, ON October 4, 2009 Tough Weekend for University of Ottawa GeeGees Fastpitch Team The first of a series of long road trips went underway this weekend, as the Ottawa Gee-Gees fastpitch team travelled a few hours south to play against the York Lions, the McMaster Marauders and Brock University. The weather was unkind for fastball players this weekend, raining out the games against York on Friday night. The Gee-Gees went on to Mohawk Sports Park in Hamilton to face a defensively strong McMaster team. A few uncharacteristic offensive and defensive plays made it very difficult for the Ottawa Gee-Gees to come back from McMaster's 2-0 lead. The Gee-Gees could not recover and fell to a 3-0 loss. With a rejuvenated spirit, the Gee-Gees recovered much lost ground in the second game, with some great timely hits from rookies Jenna Flannigan, Kristen Barber and Stephanie Samms, leaving the Gee-Gees 6-4 in the fourth inning. Unfortunately, the weather again took a turn for the worse, with hail and then heavy rain, resulting in the game being called by the umpires. The Gee-Gees then went on to play Brock University on Sunday afternoon. The first game proved to be a game between the pitchers and tough defence, leaving it scoreless until the 6th inning, where rookie, Brittany Shank pinch ran for 5th year veteran Elissa Sivel on second base and rookie, Kristen Barber took to first with a walk. Second year veteran, Mallory Watson drove in the RBI, with the Gee-Gees winning 1-0. The second game proved to be a game of frustration, with the Gee-Gees struggling to come back from a 6-0 Brock University lead. A short rally brought the Gee-Gees four runs, but this was not enough to take the lead. The Gee-Gees will look to secure their 100th win at the National University Championships this week at Waterloo. Contact: Jason McDonald Media Relations/Assistant Coach 613-883-5359 ottawausoftball(at) or Rachel Legaspi Media Relations/Player 613-867-3249 rlega073(at) For Immediate Release: OTTAWA, ON September 27, 2009 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Oct 7 10:05:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 07:05:36 -0700 Subject: Lords women's fastball claims the OCAA regular season pennant Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Tuesday, October 06, 2009 Lords women's fastball claims the OCAA regular season pennant Women?s Fastball ? Durham defeated Seneca 8-1 ***Durham wins the OCAA Regular Season Pennant OSHAWA, Ont. ? With a convincing 8-1 victory over Seneca College on Tuesday night, the Durham College women?s fastball team won their twelfth OCAA regular season title in 13 years, improving their conference record to 9-1 on the year. The 2009 version of the Durham Lords has been dominant, outscoring their opponents 75-15 enroute to the regular season crown. The Lords will look to close out the regular season with a pair of wins and increase their winning streak to seven games with a doubleheader against Conestoga College on Thursday, October 8. The Lords looked to be in championship form on Tuesday as they put up eight runs on the scoreboard against Seneca ace Rebecca Cunningham. Cunningham leads the OCAA in strikeouts and entered the game with an ERA under three. Holding on to a slim 2-1 lead, Durham blew things wide open with four runs in the fifth and two more in the six to secure the victory. Janna Hagan (Sherwood Park, Albt.) was on the mound for Durham, pitching six innings and allowing one unearned run. Hagan is 3-0 this year and yet to give up an earned run in 17 innings pitched. Nicole Hayes (Whitby, Ont.) made her first appearance on the mound and picked up the save in a perfect seventh inning appearance. At the plate, Samantha Roelofsen bumped her average to .567 on the year after a 3-for-3 night including three runs and two RBI?s with a home run. The Alma, Ont. native leads the OCAA in batting average, runs (16) and RBI?s (12). Shannon Ferguson (Brockville, Ont.) also had a big night at the plate going 3-for-4 with two RBI?s while teammate Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.) was 2-for-3 with two runs scored. Kitchener will not only be the city for the Lords regular season finale, but it will also be the host site for the 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch National Championship taking place from October 10-12 at the Peter Hallman Ball Yard. The Lords will look their first national title in program history. For the latest news on the Durham College women?s fastball program, sign up for e-news at A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 14-3 Conference Record: 9-1 Next Game: Thursday, October 8 @ Conestoga (DH) - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Oct 8 16:43:09 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 13:43:09 -0700 Subject: No subject Message-ID: <> DurhamLord Media Release Thursday, October 08, 2009 Durham College student-athletes thinking pink OSHAWA, Ont. - The Durham College athletic department is proud to takepart in the province wide ?OCAA Plays for Breast Cancer Awareness?campaign and fundraiser, in conjunction with the Canadian Cancer Society andBreast Cancer Awareness. Throughout the month of October, Durham College varsity athletes are raisingmoney to create awareness for breast cancer. The Durham College baseball andwomen?s fastball teams kicked off the initiative playing an a 20-inninggame softball game this past week. Beginning on Tuesday, October 13, fans can purchase pink ribbons and put theirname on ?the DC wall of hope? outside the control centre of theCampus Recreation and Wellness centre in support of the Lords fundraisingefforts. The idea of a united provincial campaign was originally brought forward by along time serving staff member from an OCAA institution who recognized thepower of a group effort to reach a group of young women and men who willbenefit from the awareness campaign. Throughout the month of October, member institutions will be raising funds forthe campaign and a group cheque will be presented to the Canadian CancerSociety at the annual OCAA Directors Meeting in December. ?The OCAA is very proud of the work our student-athletes do in theirlocal communities. The work provides a valuable link between the community andschool and also enhances the life experience of being an intercollegiatestudent-athlete,? said OCAA Executive Director BlairWebster. ?The OCAA Plays for Breast Cancer Awareness campaign isanother example of the commitment the OCAA places on giving back and we areproud to be able to band together to raise funds and create awareness for thiscause.? Durham College strives to be the best athletic program in athletics, academicsand community involvement. The Lords will be taking part in a number ofupcoming community and charity events in the upcoming months including theholiday food/toy drive and ?Movember? ? the fight againstprostate cancer. The OCAA is comprised of 30 colleges and universities from around the provinceof Ontario and represents 14 sports and provincial championships for male andfemale varsity student-athletes. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Oct 9 01:17:36 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 22:17:36 -0700 Subject: Lords wrap up a record breaking regular season with a pair of wins Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Thursday, October 08, 2009 Lords wrap up a record breaking regular season with a pair of wins Women?s Fastball Game One ? Durham defeated Conestoga 10-0 Game Two ? Durham defeated Conestoga 4-0 KITCHENER, Ont. ? The Durham College women?s fastball team finished up their OCAA regular season on Thursday night with two road wins against Conestoga College. With the pair of victories, Durham finished the year at 11-1, earning their twelfth regular season title in 13 years and 24th pennant overall. It was a record setting year for the Lords at the plate as second year infielder Samantha Roelofsen (Alma, Ont.) won the OCAA triple crown, finishing first in every offensive category. Roelofsen won the league batting title averaging .594 this season, the highest total of any OCAA player since 1998. She also led the league in hits (22), runs (19) and RBI?s (15). Teammate and 2008 league batting champion Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.) also had an outstanding year, finishing the season with a .463 average along with 19 hits, 14 runs and 13 RBI?s. Dewey?s career batting average is .505 in two seasons, making her the OCAA?s all-time career batting leader, breaking a record that has stood since 1992. Durham?s performance on the mound this season was also exceptional, as the team allowed a league low 15 runs and gave up only one run in their last five games. Freshman Janna Hagan (Sherwood Park, Albt,) was untouchable on the mound allowing no earned runs in 21 innings pitched. Hagan saved her best for last as she pitched a one hitter in Thursday?s game one victory. Kayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.) also capped off a great season in the circle with a win/loss record of 4-0 with an ERA of 1.75. Thursday night?s two wins was a complete team effort over Conestoga with every player in the lineup contributing. Roelofsen was 5-for-7 on the night with three runs and three RBI?s while Bailey Corneal (Whitby, Ont.) went 2-for-3 in game two with a run scored. Nicole Hayes (Whitby, Ont.) and Hagan picked up the wins for Durham. The Lords hope to continue their great play in Kitchener this weekend as they take part in the 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch National Championship from October 10-12, 2009. The Lords will open up round robin play at the Peter Hallman Ball Yard on Saturday at 10:45 a.m. vs. McMaster University. The Lords will also take on the University of Ottawa and University of Saskatchewan in round robin action. Make sure you sign up for Durham College e-news at CANADA CUP PREPARES FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP YEAR! (2010 Canada Cup Dates Announced) (Surrey, B.C. Canada) A sports fan favourite and one of the best softball tournaments in the world is set to go for 2010 running July 3 ? 11 at Softball City, Surrey, BC with many of the best national and club teams in the world expected to compete. The 17th edition of the Canada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament will once again be the nucleus of the best the sport has to offer as national teams prepare for the ISF XII Senior Women?s World Championships to be held in Oklahoma City, USA the following week. The tournament organizers are already in full gear preparing for the grand slam tournament lineup which includes not only the 17th Canada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament, but also the 9th Canada Cup International Fastpitch Futures Tournament World Junior Women?s, the 6th Canada Cup 16 and Under Fastpitch Showcase Tournament and the 13th Canada Cup Special Olympics Friendship Division Tournament. ?It is with great pride that we announce the dates for 2010. The softball world has emphasized to us how important this tournament was to the sport at the different levels and knowing the impact it has on the lives of so many young female athletes we knew we had to put on a great show for them in 2010. The Canada Cup Host Committee and the hundreds of volunteers are already enthusiastically planning on how we can make this tournament the best one yet,? stated Glen Todd, Canada Cup Chairman. The Canada Cup was started by Todd in 1993 as an international women?s fastpitch developmental tournament to help the Canadian national team prepare for top-level international competition. Teams now regard the Canada Cup as one of the premier competitive tournaments in the world. For information on Canada Cup tickets and other tournament information call 604-536-9287 or visit - 30 - Media Contact: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan, Phone 604-581-9203 or e-mail: colleen(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sun Oct 11 01:55:45 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 22:55:45 -0700 Subject: Durham College women’s fastball open up Nationals with two shutout wins Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Saturday, October 10, 2009 Durham College women?s fastball open up Nationals with two shutout wins 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch National Championship Game One ? Durham defeated McMaster 3-0 Game Two ? Durham defeated Ottawa 7-0 KITCHENER, Ont. ? The Durham College women?s fastball team opened up round robin play at the 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch National Championship with two wins on Saturday. The Lords defeated McMaster University 3-0 in their opening match of the championship and then went on to defeat the University of Ottawa 7-0 to finish the day at 2-0. Durham will now meet up with the University of Saskatchewan at 9 a.m. on Sunday morning for first place in pool B. Saskatchewan also went undefeated in day one action beating Regina 8-4 and Ottawa 9-1. ?Our defence was the key to victory in both games,? said Durham College head coach Jim Nemish. ?We are hoping to continue our strong play heading into our game against Saskatchewan.? In game one against McMaster, the Lords defence had an outstanding game shutting down the Marauders bats. Kayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.) pitched a complete game one hitter, striking out eight McMaster hitters. The Lords offensive output would all come in the fourth inning, highlighted by a two-run home run by Erin Dewey. In their second game of the day, the Lords once again used great defence to shutout their opponent defeated the Ottawa Gee-Gees 7-0. The garnet and grey had a good opportunity to open up scoring with the bases loaded in the second inning, but the Lords defence managed to prevent the Ottawa rally to keep the game tied at 0-0. In the home half of the inning, Durham would score four runs to break the goose egg, and follow that up with two runs in the third and one in the fourth. Janna Hagan (Sherwood Park, Albt.) had a great game on the mound and at bat pitching a three-hitter while going 3-for-3 with two RBI?s. For complete coverage on the 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch National Championship, please visit the official website at A QUICK LOOK AT THE DURHAM LORDS Overall Record: 18-3 Conference Record: 11-1 Next Action ? October 10-12 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Women's Fastpitch National Championship Round Robin: Durham vs. Saskatchewan ? 9 a.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Oct 13 13:30:25 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:30:25 -0700 Subject: Missouri All-State Boys Message-ID: <> 2009-10 MISSOURI BOYS ALL-STATE FASTPITCH TEAM Name School Gr. Jacob Stoll Jefferson 11 * Colton Holtman Jefferson 11 * Clayton Schieber Jefferson 10 * Gilbert Henry Jefferson 12 Japheth Busick Newtown-Harris 11 U * Kameron Cool Newtown-Harris 11 Dillon McCracken Tina-Avalon 12 Brad Stoll NE Nodaway 12 U Taylor Eoff Gilman City 11 * Nick Wilson Gilman City 11 Bryce Rains Grundy Co. 12 Ryan Cox N. Harrison 12 U ** Tanner Bowen N. Harrison 11 Denton Wray Tri-County 12 U Mike Daniels Hale 12 Wyatt Price Ridgeway 12 Cody Youtsey Winston 11 U-Unanimous Selections *-All-State in 2008-09 **-All-State in 2007-08 and 2008-09 2009-10 State Tournament Order of Finish 1-Jefferson Eagles 2-Newtown-Harris Tigers 3-Tina-Avalon Dragons 4-Northeast Nodaway Bluejays 5-Gilman City Hawks 6-Grundy County Panthers 7-Tri-County and N. Harrison 9-Stet, Hale, Meadville, Pattonsburg, Winston Northwestern, Bosworth, Ridgeway Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Oct 15 09:53:28 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 06:53:28 -0700 Subject: Canada Cup 2010 Message-ID: <> Received: 10/14/2009 5:36:58 PM From: "Canada Cup Info" Subject: 2010 Canada Cup Media Release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Immediate Release CANADA CUP PREPARES FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP YEAR! (2010 Canada Cup Dates Announced) (Surrey, B.C. Canada) A sports fan favourite and one of the best softball tournaments in the world is set to go for 2010 running July 3 ? 11 at Softball City, Surrey, BC with many of the best national and club teams in the world expected to compete. The 17th edition of the Canada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament will once again be the nucleus of the best the sport has to offer as national teams prepare for the ISF XII Senior Women?s World Championships to be held in Oklahoma City, USA the following week. The tournament organizers are already in full gear preparing for the grand slam tournament lineup which includes not only the 17th Canada Cup International Women?s Fastpitch Tournament, but also the 9th Canada Cup International Fastpitch Futures Tournament World Junior Women?s, the 6th Canada Cup 16 and Under Fastpitch Showcase Tournament and the 13th Canada Cup Special Olympics Friendship Division Tournament. ?It is with great pride that we announce the dates for 2010. The softball world has emphasized to us how important this tournament was to the sport at the different levels and knowing the impact it has on the lives of so many young female athletes we knew we had to put on a great show for them in 2010. The Canada Cup Host Committee and the hundreds of volunteers are already enthusiastically planning on how we can make this tournament the best one yet,? stated Glen Todd, Canada Cup Chairman. The Canada Cup was started by Todd in 1993 as an international women?s fastpitch developmental tournament to help the Canadian national team prepare for top-level international competition. Teams now regard the Canada Cup as one of the premier competitive tournaments in the world. For information on Canada Cup tickets and other tournament information call 604-536-9287 or visit Media Contact: Colleen Goodwin-Ryan, Phone 604-581-9203 or e-mail: colleen(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Oct 15 14:55:50 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 11:55:50 -0700 Subject: Big weekend ahead for UOIT and Durham College varsity athletics Message-ID: <> Big weekend ahead for UOIT and Durham College varsity athletics National & Provincial Championships, home openers, weekend series, playoffruns and invitational tournaments ? What more can you ask for???? It is a big weekend coming up for both Durham College and UOIT varsity teamswith plenty of action taking place on campus and around the province. Here is acomplete run down of the events that you will want to check out! CHAMPIONSHIP CORNER ? ON CAMPUS UOIT Tennis 2009 OUA Tennis Championship ? October 17-18 Campus Tennis Centre (Match Times for both days: 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m. &6 p.m.) Championship Website: Durham College Baseball 2009 CIBA Ontario Finals (Best of Three Series) Saturday, October 17 @ St. Clair (1/3 p.m.) ? Games one & two inWindsor Sunday, October 18 @ Durham (1 p.m.) ? Game three if necessary (KinsmenMemorial Stadium) Durham College Men?s Basketball 2009 David Stewart Tip-Off Tournament ? October 16-17 CRWC ? Official start of the college basketball season Tournament Draw: CHAMPIONSHIP CORNER ? OUT OF TOWN Durham College Golf 2009 PING CCAA National Championship ? October 14-16 Hosted by St. Clair College in Windsor, Ont. Championship Website: Durham College Women?s Fastball 2009 OCAA Provincial Championship ? October 16-17 Hosted by Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ont. Championship Website: HOME OPENERS ? ON CAMPUS!!! Durham College Men?s and Women?s Volleyball Thursday, October 15 vs. Seneca CRWC - (6/8 p.m.) UOIT Ridgebacks Women?s Hockey Saturday, October 17 vs. University of Guelph Campus Ice Centre (7:30 p.m.) *The Ridgebacks are also in action on Sunday, October 18 against the BrockBadgers (3:30 p.m.) HOME GAMES ? ON CAMPUS UOIT Ridgebacks Men?s Hockey Friday, October 16 vs. Lakehead (7:30 p.m.) Saturday, October 17 vs. Lakehead (3:30 p.m.) Both games are at the Campus Ice Centre UOIT Men?s Soccer Sunday, October 18 vs. Westshore FC Vaso?s Field (2 p.m.) ON THE ROAD UOIT Rowing Guelph Novice Challenge - Saturday, October 17 Guelph, Ont. Durham College Women?s Basketball Georgian Invitational ? October 16-17 Barrie, Ont. Durham College Men?s and Women?s Soccer Thursday, October 15 @ Seneca (5/7 p.m.) Saturday, October 17 @ Cambrian (12/2 p.m.) GO LORDSGO!!! --- LET?S GO RIDGEBACKS!!! ScottDennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 scott..dennis(at) CIBA Baseball Nationals in Oshawa!!! October 23-25, 2009 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Oct 15 18:21:53 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 15:21:53 -0700 Subject: Inside Pitch for October Message-ID: <> The October2009 issue of THE INSIDE PITCH is now online. You can access itby using the link provided below. : or try If you have any questions or comments, pleasecontact me. Also, ifyou have any news items/pictures for the November issue, get them to me by November 9. Thanks very much. Bill PlummerIII Hall of Fame Manager, Editor,INSIDE PITCH National Softball Hall of Fame (405) 425-3433 e-mail: bplummer at visit us on the web: The Inside Pitch is provided inPortable Document Format (PDF). If you do not have software installed on yourcomputer that is capable of displaying or printing PDF files, please access theAdobe website to the download their free Adobe Reader software. The downloadaddress is: . If you need other help regarding TheInside Pitch file, or any other PDF file located on our website, please access for additional help. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Oct 16 01:39:44 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 22:39:44 -0700 Subject: Dewey named OCAA Player of the Year – Lords clean up at awards banquet Message-ID: <> Durham Lords Media Release Thursday, October 15, 2009 Dewey named OCAA Player of the Year ? Lords clean up at awards banquet HAMILTON, Ont. ? For the second straight year, Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont..) of the Durham College women's fastball team was named the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association player of the year. Top honours were handed out at the OCAA Fastball Championship banquet in Hamilton on Thursday evening to kick off the 2009 provincial championship. The Lords were the most recognized team of any college at the banquet, earning a total of six awards. Dewey was named the player of the year along with earning all-star recognition while teammate Samantha Roelofsen (Alma, Ont..) won the league?s top hitter award and was also named an all-star. Freshman Kayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.) earned the league?s top pitcher award and the entire Lords roster was recognized as the regular season champions. Dewey put together another spectacular season helping lead the Lords to an 11-1 OCAA regular season record. At the plate, she finished the year with an average of .488, with 20 hits, 14 runs and 12 RBI?s. Her outstanding defensive play at the short stop position anchored the Lords defence that allowed a league low 15 runs in 12 games. In two years with the Lords, Dewey?s career batting average is .505, making her the OCAA?s all-time career batting leader, breaking a record that has stood since 1992. Much like Dewey, Roelofsen had a tremendous year at the plate earning her OCAA all-star status. In her second year with the Lords, the Alma, Ont. native finished first in every major offensive category, with an average of .594, 22 hits, 19 runs and 15 RBI?s. With the top batting average in the league since 1992, Roelofsen earned the top hitter award, the fourth time in five years a Durham College athlete has won this title. Kayla MacLean became the first Durham Lord in three years to win the league?s top pitcher award. The freshman dominated OCAA hitters all year registering a 4-0 record with a 1.75 ERA. She also found perfection as she threw a perfect game this season in a 10-0 win over Conestoga. MacLean and Janna Hagan (Sherwood Park, Albt.) made up the top pitching staff in the league during the regular season and hope to continue their success heading into the OCAA championship. The Lords entire team was honoured as the 2009 OCAA regular season champions. Durham finished the regular season with an 11-1 record to clinch their twenty-fourth overall OCAA regular season pennant. For head coach Jim Nemish and the Lords, it marks their twelfth regular season title in the last thirteen years. The team will open up the championship on Friday at 11 a.m. against the Conestoga Condors (full schedule below). OCAA Women?s Fastball Player of the Year Erin Dewey ? Durham OCAA Women?s Fastball League Batting Champion Samantha Roelofsen ? Durham, .594 Avg. OCAA Women?s Fastball League Top Pitcher Kayla MacLean - Durham OCAA Women?s Fastball League All-stars Erin Dewey ? Durham Samantha Roelofsen ? Durham CHAMPIONSHIP SCHEDULE: All games @ Mohawk Sports Park Friday, October 16, 2009 Game 1: Durham vs. Conestoga ? 11 a.m. Game 2: Seneca vs. St. Clair ? 1 p.m. Game 3: Losers of Games 1 and 2 ? 3 p.m. Game 4: Winners of Games 1 and 2 ? 5 p.m. Saturday, October 17, 2009 Bronze Medal Game: Winner of Game 3 vs. Loser of Game 4 ? 10 a.m. *Loser awarded Bronze, winner advances to Gold Medal Round Gold Medal Game #1: Winner of Game 4 vs. Winner of Bronze Medal Game ? 1 p.m. Gold Medal Game #2: If Necessary ? 3 p.m. Championship Website DurhamLords Media Release Friday, October 16, 2009 Gold medalin sight for Durham College women?s fastball team Game One: Durham defeated Conestoga 10-0 Game Two: Durham defeated St. Clair 6-0 Durhamadvances to the Gold Medal Game on Saturday at 1 p.m. HAMILTON,Ont. - The Durham Lords women?s fastball team advanced tothe gold medal game at the OCAA women?s fastball championship with twoshutout victories on Friday. The Lords opened up the championship with a 10-0 win over Conestoga College andwould follow that up with a 6-0 victory over St. Clair College, clinching aspot in the gold medal game. ?The team played great today,? said Durham College women?sfastball head coach Jim Nemish. ?If we want to achieve our goals, we knowwe have to keep it up heading into tomorrow?s action.? For Nemish and the Lords, it will mark the team?s 13th consecutive tripto the provincial title game, earning eight titles over that span. The Lords started out great in the opening game of the championship defeatingConestoga 10-0 in four innings. Durham put up five runs in the first followedby four in the third to take a commanding lead in the game. OCAA top pitcherKayla MacLean (Whitby, Ont.) pitched all four innings for Durham, allowing twohits while striking out six. Top hitters included Samantha Roelofsen (Alma,Ont.) who went 2-for-3 with two RBI's, Erin Dewey (Port Hope, Ont.) who was2-for-3 and Janna Hagen (Sherwood Park, Albt.) who was 2-for-3 with two doublesand three RBI's. Against their rival St. Clair College, Durham stepped up their game as theyshutout the Saints 6-0. Hagan pitched the complete game for Durham shutting theSaints offence down holding them to just two hits. Hagan also had a fine day atthe plate with two triples and two RBI?s. Roelofsen got the Lords offence started with a first inning home run. VeteranCarolyn Moore (Oshawa, Ont.) picked up two RBI?s in the game. Durham is hoping that they get a better result on Saturday then they did a yearago; where they dropped two straight games in the gold medal finals against St.Clair College, earning the silver medal. St. Clair will face Conestoga College in the bronze medal game at 10 a.m. onSaturday with the winner advancing to the gold medal game at 1 p.m. Durham willhave two cracks at winning the provincial title as the championship is a doubleknockout format. GAME RECAPS Game One Durham 10 Conestoga 0 Conestoga 0-0-0-0 (0) Durham 5-4-1-X (10) Players of the Game Conestoga: Staci Miller Durham: Kayla MacLean Game Two Durham 6 St. Clair 0 St. Clair 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 (0) Durham 1-0-3-0-2-0-X (6) Players of the Game St. Clair: Keri Bagley Durham: Janna Hagan CHAMPIONSHIPSUMMARY Friday,October 16, 2009 Game 1: Durham defeated. Conestoga 10-0 Game 2: St. Clair defeated Seneca 4-1 Game 3: Conestoga defeated Seneca 3-1 Game 4: Durham defeated St. Clair 6-0 Saturday, October 17,2009 Bronze Medal Game: St. Clair vs. Conestoga ? 10 a.m. *Loser awarded Bronze, winner advances to Gold Medal Round Gold Medal Game #1: Durham vs. Winner of Bronze Medal Game ? 1 p.m. Gold Medal Game #2: If Necessary ? 3 p.m. ChampionshipWebsite MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be A QUICK LOOKAT THE LORDS Overall Record: 21-5 Conference Record: 11-1 (regular season champions) - 30 - FOR MOREINFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Oct 17 11:17:59 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 08:17:59 -0700 Subject: ISC pitcher needed for 2010 Message-ID: <> From: "Gary Christensen" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winterset A's of Winterset, Iowa 50273 Looking for an ISC pitcher for 2010 season contact Bob Baker at bkbaker(at) or call at 1-641-831-0096 sooner the better! Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Oct 19 11:59:24 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 08:59:24 -0700 Subject: Spinmaster Starting soon Message-ID: <> SpinMaster starting soon Monday November 2, 2009 Oshawa On SpinMaster Pitching The SpinMaster Pitchers and Catchers School commences again for the seventh year in a row on Monday November 2, 2009, two weeks from now. For those that have not registered as yet I suggest you do it now to confirm your spot in the School and not miss out on this opportunity. Pitchers will be instructed by as many as 5 experienced pitching instructors which translates into a very small ratio of students to instructor. SpinMaster classes are held on Mondays for 19 sessions over the fall, winter and spring seasons. SpinMaster Catching Just a reminder that the SpinMaster Pitchers and Catchers School provides instruction for catchers, not only pitchers. Catchers to catching instructor ratio will be roughly two or three to one. Matt Swift, who played for the Oshawa Bombers Intermediates in the Oshawa City and District Fastball League, will head up the instruction for the catching sessions with his 29 years of catching/playing experience. Matt will provide any prospective or experienced catchers with the valuable tools required to be very successful for many years to come. Anyone wishing to improve their game and move up to the next level or information on the School should contact Mal Swift below: Mal Swift 600 Stewart Street Whitby, ON L1N 3V4 malswift at, 905 668 1156, 905 442 0935 ( for original announcement please see September 10, 2009 on Al Doran's fastball news) Mal Swift Mal Swift malswift(at) Oshawa City and District Fastball League - Past Vice President - Media and Promotion Durham Region Umpire Membership - Past Vice President ( 34 years ) SpinMaster Pitchers & Catchers School - Head Instructor ( 7th year, 40 years experience ) Assistant Coach - Durham College Lord's Women's Varsity Fastball Team - Ontario Colleges Athletic Association ( Certified Level III ) International Softball Congress II (Intermediate Men) - Game Controller/Awards Committee ( 7 years ) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Oct 19 15:53:33 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 12:53:33 -0700 Subject: ball player looking for team in Florida Message-ID: <> Hey! Thanks for replying, here's my info: Gabe Luckert , 34 yrs old,rhp can also play in the outfield. Cell : 407 745 8843 Hey! i've been looking up to play fastpitch softball here in Central Florida, I reside in Orlando but I coluld go to play in nearby cities like Tampa, Clearwater etc, Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Oct 22 00:55:24 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 21:55:24 -0700 Subject: OntarioUniversity Women’s Fastpitch Softball Championship Message-ID: <> OntarioUniversity Women?s Fastpitch Softball Championship (allgames at Stronach Park) London, ON Pool A Pool B A1 University of Western Ontario B1 Wilfrid Laurier University A2 University of Guelph B2 McMaster University A3 University of Windsor B3 University of Ottawa A4 University of Toronto B4 Brock University Friday Oct 23 Stadium Diamond 1 5:30 pm G1 Western vs Guelph G2 Laurier vs McMaster 7:30 pm G3 Windsor vs Toronto G4 UOttawa vs Brock Saturday Oct 24 Stadium Diamond 1 10:00 am G5 Western vs Windsor G6 Laurier vs UOttawa 12:00 pm G7 Guelph vs Toronto G8 McMaster vs Brock 2:00 pm G9 Western vs Toronto G10 Laurier vs Brock 4:00 pm G11 Guelph vs Windsor G12 McMaster vs UOttawa 7:30-9:30 pm Awards Banquet (London Convention Centre) Sunday Oct 25 Stadium Diamond 1 10:30 am G13 2nd Pool B vs 3rd Pool A G14 2nd Pool B vs 3rd Pool A 1:00 pm G15 1st Pool A vs Winner G13 G16 1st Pool B vs Winner G14 3:00 pm G17 G15 Winner vs G16 Winner G18 G15 Loser vs G16 Loser 5:00 pm Medals and Awards Presentation Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Oct 22 15:19:06 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 12:19:06 -0700 Subject: Durham College set to host the 2009 CIBA Baseball National Championship Message-ID: <> Hi All I know, I know, it is not fast pitch but it is the next best ball game this weekend. Mal Durham Lords Media Release Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Durham College set to host the 2009 CIBA Baseball National Championship OSHAWA, Ont. - The top baseball teams in the country are coming to the Durham region this weekend for the 2009 Canadian Intercollegiate Baseball Association National Championship proudly hosted by Durham College. The much anticipated event will take place from October 23-25, 2009 at Kinsmen Memorial Stadium (Oshawa, Ont.) and Kirky Field (Pickering, Ont.). The three day event will showcase high caliber baseball action, as the top six teams from across the country will battle it out for the national title. Action will begin on Friday, October 23 at 11 a.m. with the official opening ceremony set to take place prior to the Lords first game at 5 p.m. (Kinsmen Memorial Stadium). After the conclusion of round robin play on days one and two, the two semi-final match-ups are scheduled for Sunday at 11 a.m. followed by the national title game at 3 p.m. For the latest details on the championship and for all information, please visit the championship host site at PARTICIPATING TEAMS Host: Durham College (Oshawa, Ont.) Ontario Champion: St. Clair College (Windsor, Ont.) OUA Champion: University of Western Ontario (London, Ont.) Northern Champion: Concordia University (Montreal, PQ) Atlantic Champion: Cape Breton University (Cape Breton, NS) Wild Card: University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ont.) TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE (All times LOCAL: Eastern Standard Time) Friday, October 23 Game 1: St. Clair vs. Western (11 a.m.) ? Kinsmen Game 2: Concordia vs. Ottawa (2 p.m.) ? Kinsmen Game 3: Cape Breton vs. Durham (5 p.m.) ? Kinsmen Saturday, October 24 Game 4: St. Clair vs. Ottawa (10 a.m.) ? Kinsmen Game 5: Concordia vs. Western (10 a.m.) ? Pickering Game 6: St. Clair vs. Durham (1 p.m.) ? Kinsmen Game 7: Cape Breton vs. Western (1 p.m.) ? Kirky Game 8: Concordia vs. Durham (4 p.m.) ? Kinsmen Game 9: Cape Breton vs. Ottawa (4 p.m.) ? Kirky Tie breaker game or games (if necessary) 7 p.m. ? Kinsmen (1) and Kirky (2) Sunday, October 25 Semi Finals 11 a.m. - Kinsmen & Kirky National Championship Final 3 p.m. ? Kinsmen FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Fri Oct 23 01:45:22 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 22:45:22 -0700 Subject: aau 17u or 18u Message-ID: <> From: Susanne Hillis aau 17u or 18u -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Bio: Jake Hillis, Deland High School, age 15, Pitching 3rd in rotation for Varsity. Sophmore year. Main Position-Pitcher, also shortstop, second or third. Looking to play with a solid team. AVAILABLE NOW. central florida area. 386-785-9397 or 385-341-0903. Notes: Throwing speed 85-86 Fast ball, change up, curve ball, splitter. (HITS THE SPOT) E-Mail Address: Shillis1(at) For Teams looking for Players: Team Name: Location: Position/s: Date Posted: Notes: E-Mail Address of Team Contact: Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Oct 27 00:44:59 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 21:44:59 -0700 Subject: SpinMaster directions, clothing, registration, etc. Message-ID: <> SpinMaster directions, clothing, registration, etc. Hi All Directions to the Durham College Recreation and Wellness Centre - Gym # 3 are as follows: >From the east, south or west - Take Hwy. 401 to Simcoe St. North and follow up to north of Taunton Road to Conlins Road lights. - Turn left ( west ) to first set of lights and turn left ( south ) on Founders Road. - Follow Founder's Road to Avenue of Champions ( you may have to park here and walk south to the Centre) - or turn right on Avenue of Champions and you may be able to park at the Park and Pay in front of the Centre or maybe on the south side of the Centre assuming the gates are up and there are spaces ( you may access the Gym # 3 from the walkway on the east side of the centre ). - walk through the entrance and follow straight in to Gym # 3 that you can see from the reception area, that you must pass thru ( security ). Clothing: - non scuff running shoes that will not leave any marks on the gym floor - shorts or sweats that are not too baggy, please do not wear the snap type down the side wind pants that would catch pitchers fingers while working out - T shirt - glove and a water bottle for hydration Reminder that pitchers must provide their own catchers which may be team mates, parents, relatives or friends. Catchers bring all your catching gear. First class is next Monday Nov. 2/09. Have you paid your registration fee as yet? Prospective students that have not paid as yet please bring your fees for next Monday. First come, first serve. I hope I do not have to turn anyone away? Thanks Mal Mal Swift malswift(at) SpinMaster Pitching/Catching School - Head Instructor Durham Region Umpire Membership - Past Vice President Durham College Lord's Women's Varsity Fastball Team - Assistant/Pitching Coach - Ontario Colleges Athletic Association International Softball Congress II (Intermediate Men) - Game Controller/Awards Committee Oshawa City and District Fastball League - Past Vice President - Media and Promotion Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Oct 29 14:50:05 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:50:05 -0700 Subject: AAU International Women's Fastpitch Tournament - Jan 29-31 Message-ID: <> International Women's Fastpitch Thursday, October 29, 2009 AAU International Women's Fastpitch Tournament January 29 - 31, 2010 Orlando,Florida Entry Fee $450.00 Deadline, January 14, 2010 For more information, please contact: Alex Linares: 407-828-5602 407- 466-7434 Eric Geldart: 706-379-5042 egeldart at NOTE: The AAU Men's International Tournament is on January 21-24 40 teams: New Host Hotel: Champions World Resort - Alex Linares Amateur Athletic Union Of The United States, Inc. Sports Manager Panama & Puerto Rico Liaison International Events 407- 828-5602 407- 934 - 7242 (fax) alex at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Nov 12 13:39:17 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:39:17 -0800 Subject: Durham College student-athlete taking part in the Olympic Torch Relay Message-ID: <> DurhamLords Media Release Thursday, November 12, 2009 Durham College student-athlete taking part in the Olympic Torch Relay OSHAWA, Ont. - The Olympic Torch Relay will inspire and engage Canadiansfrom coast to coast as it travels along the path of northern lights towards theVancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Taking part in that journey will be DurhamCollege student-athlete Mandi Doris (Ajax, Ont.), who will have a once in alifetime experience participating in the torch relay. "It is a great honour to be selected to carry the Olympic torch and I amreally looking forward to it," said Doris. "It is defiantly a once ina lifetime experience and one that I will remember forever." The big day for Doris is on Wednesday, December 16, 2009. She will be carryingthe torch for approximately 300 metres along Edward St. in Newcastle, Ont. at2:20 p.m. in front of friends, family and other proud Canadians getting achance to look at the Olympic flame. As a member of the Durham College women's volleyball team, Doris has facedplenty of pressure filled situations in big matches over her five year career,and knows the torch relay will be similar to playing on the court. "I am pretty calm about the situation right now but I am sure the nerveswill kick in as the day approaches," said Doris. "My family waspretty excited when we heard I would be taking part. My mom has been tellingeveryone she knows!" This year's Olympic Torch Relay is the longest in history, stretching over1,000 communities across Canada. The relay began on October 30, 2009 and willfinish at the Opening Ceremony, marking the official start of the Vancouver2010 Olympic Winter Games on February 12, 2010. When asked to nominate a student-athlete for the Olympic torch relay and to representDurham College, athletic director Ken Babcock had no doubt that Doris was theperfect choice. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be chosen to carry theOlympic torch," said Babcock. "She is a true leader, an outstandingperson, and a role model student-athlete here at Durham College both on and offthe court. I couldn't think of anyone more deserving to carry out this hugehonour. I am also excited that Durham was asked to be included in the 2010Olympic torch run." Doris is not the only Durham Lord involved with the torch relay, as formerwomen's fastball player Kailey Miller will also be taking part in the run.Miller will be running on December 18th, 2009 in Newmarket, Ont. Visit all of the details on the Olympic torch relay. - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 scott.dennis at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Nov 16 13:38:08 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 10:38:08 -0800 Subject: Chatham Minor Girls Softball Association clinic Message-ID: <> CHATHAM MINOR GIRLS MINOR SOFTBALLASSOCIATION PARTNERS WITH SOFTBALL ONTARIO TO HOST COMPETITION-INTRODUCTION,SOFTBALL ON-FIELDEVALUATION CLINIC NORTH YORK,ON - The Softball Ontario Coaches Program is pleased to announce the pilot ofthe ?Competition-Introduction, Softball On Field Evaluation Clinic?(OFE Clinic). Chatham Minor Girls Softball Association is partnering withSoftball Ontario to host the OFE Clinic on Saturday, December 6, 2009 andSunday, December 7, 2009. The Evaluation Clinic is funded by the Questfor Gold Program-Coach Enhancement category. What is?Competition ? Introduction, Softball?? ?Competition ? Introduction, Softball? is the first CoachingClinic available in the NCCP Competitive Stream. In the CompetitiveStream, Coaches usually have previous coaching experience or are formerathletes in the sport. They tend to work with athletes over the long term toimprove performance, often in preparation for provincial, national, andinternational competitions. There are three (3) components toCompetition Introduction, Softball which includes: What toCoach (16 hours) How to Coach (16 hours) On Field Evaluation (1.5 hours) The On FieldEvaluation component (OFE Clinic) is the final step in becoming?Certified? in ?Competition ? Introduction,Softball?. Please note that Competition-Introduction, Softball hasreplaced Level 1 and Level 2 in the old NCCP. Who is eligible for the upcoming OFE Clinic? To beeligible to apply for the OFE Clinic in Chatham, ON, Coaches must have taken?What to Coach?, ?How to Coach?, have successfullycompleted the on-line Make Ethical Decisions test are considered?Trained? in Competition-Introduction, Softball. The OFE Clinic is available to all eligible Coaches who are?Trained? in Competition-Introduction, Softball on a first-come-first -bias and is limited to seven (7) Coaches per day. What do Ineed to do to attend? Interested softball Coaches are asked to complete an application form and sendit into the Softball Ontario office by fax at 416-426-7368 or email to ssutton at Be sure to get your application in today! Here is the link to theapplication: SoftballCoaches must have the following items to be prepared prior to the clinic andsent into the Softball Ontario office for the Evaluators to review: Practice Plan An outline of a full practice for 1.5 -2 hours of a specific skill (i.e. throwing, bunting, etc.) Coach Portfolio Completed with all the Coaches current information Emergency Action Plan To be used from their current practice facility or softball diamond The abovelisted items must be sent to the Softball Ontario office no later than Friday, November 27, 2009. Coaches should be prepared to participate in the following activities duringthe Evaluation Process: Implement a 45 minute practice while instructing a specific skill with guest athletes to demonstrate their competencies of the theory and technical components learned from ?What to Coach? and ?How to Coach? Write a Skill Analysis test after reviewing video of athletes and determining how to re-direct them to improve their skills Have introductory and exit interview with one of Softball Ontario?s qualified NCCP Evaluators SoftballOntario delivers the National Coaching Certification Program and Coach Educationon behalf of Softball Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada in theProvince of Ontario for the sport of Softball. If you haveany questions regarding the Softball Ontario Coaches Program or the NationalCoaching Certification Program, please contact Steph Sutton via email at ssutton(at) -30- SoftballOntario is the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal isto promote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Tue Nov 17 16:02:17 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:02:17 -0800 Subject: Midland, MI team looking for ISC II pitcher Message-ID: <> Received: 11/17/2009 2:47:06 PM From: "Mickey's Softball" Subject: Midland, MI team looking for ISC II pitcher -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mickey's out of Midland, MI is looking to qualify for the ISC-II in Midland next summer and is in need of a pitcher. Please contact for further details. Thanks! Justin Davis Midland, MI MickeysFP(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Wed Nov 25 15:49:34 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 12:49:34 -0800 Subject: NOMINATE YOUR SOFTBALL COACH FOR THE COACHESASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO'S COACH-OF-THE-MONTH! Message-ID: <> From: "Steph Sutton" Subject: NOMINATE YOUR SOFTBALL COACH FOR THE COACHES ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO'S COACH-OF-THE-MONTH! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Number: 3 Part Type: HTML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOMINATE YOUR SOFTBALL COACH FOR THE COACHESASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO'S COACH-OF-THE-MONTH! NORTH YORK,ON- Softball Ontario is pleased to share information about the CoachesAssociation of Ontario?s Coach of the Month award. Each month,one outstanding coach will be identified and featured on the CAO website andwithin their local community. Applications are currently being accepted on anongoing basis and will be kept on file for up to six months. All fields of thenomination form must be complete and consent from the nominated coach isrequired. One of thetop priorities of the CAO is to recognize and celebrate the outstandingcontributions that coaches make to both sport and athletes all across theprovince. That's why we've created a program to highlight some of thegreat men and women who dedicate their time to enhancing the quality of sportin their community. List of pastwinners include: July2008 - Chuck Langille, Softball August 2008 - Joan McDonald, Archery September 2008 - Craig Taylor, Triathlon October 2008 - Wellesley Johnson, Track & Field November 2008 - Bruce Boyd, Football December 2008 - Mark & Tony Borghese - Hockey January 2009 - Ron Gallen, Boxing February 2009 - Ken Barnes, Hockey March 2009 - Sandra Dulac, Fencing April 2009 - Paul Dunn, Basketball May 2009 - Bob Clarke, Basketball June 2009 - Dan Milkovich, Rugby Nominateyour Softball Coach today! SoftballOntario is the sole provider of the CAC?s National Coaching CertificationProgram (NCCP) for Softball in the province of Ontario and offers the followingcoach education opportunities: Learn to Coach; Keep Coaching;Competition-Introduction, Softball; Level III Technical Softball clinics. If you areinterested in Softball Ontario?s Coaching program, please contactStephanie Sutton via email at ssutton at softballontario.caor 416-426-7150. -30- Softball Ontario is the governing bodyfor the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is to promote and develop thesport of softball for its athletes, officials and volunteers by providingprograms and services at all levels of competitions. IfI can be of further assistance, please just ask. Yours in Softball, Steph Sutton Program Coordinator Umpires and Coaches Programs Softball Ontario 3 Concorde Gate Toronto, ON M3C 3N7 416.426.7150 416.426.7368 ssutton(at) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Dec 5 10:19:44 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 07:19:44 -0800 Subject: COACH AHead: BEGINNING THE COACHING EXCELLENCE PATHWAY Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton(at) DATE: December 4, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COACH AHead: BEGINNING THE COACHINGEXCELLENCE PATHWAY NORTH YORK,ON- Softball Ontario is pleased to inform Softball Coaches of the CoachingAssociation of Ontario?s Coach AHead Program. The Questfor Gold Enhanced Coaches Funds provides Ontario athletes with increased accessto better qualified coaches through a variety of program such as CoachBursaries and financial assistance to provincial sport organizations such asSoftball Ontario. In 2009-2010 the CAO and the Ministry of HealthPromotion identified a need to bridge the game between Level 3 and Level 4/5Coaches. The CoachAHead consists of two-three hour workshops that will help coaches improve theirCoaches effectiveness by developing leadership, communication and decisionmaking skills: Workshop#1 Locations and dates are: Thunder Bay-January 21, 2010 Ottawa- January 27, 2010 Toronto- January 23, 2010 Workshop#2 Location and dates are: Guelph-January 27, 2010 (offered in conjunction with the CAO Coaches Conference) Ottawa- March 28, 2010 The CoachAHead program benefits includes: ?Improve coaching effectives with athletes who think differently than you ? Understand the impact of how your thinking style affects your coachingstyle ? Improve 4 dimensions of high performance thinking your creativity,understanding, decision making and personal spirit ? Use your strengths to make a positive difference coaching ? Build better relationships ? Master new strategies on how to work smarter, not harder To beeligible to participate in this program, Softball Coaches must be fullycertified Level 2 in Softball or have obtained trained status inCompetition-Introduction, Softball. Travel subside is available forcoaches living outside of the Greater Toronto Area. For more detailsplease visit The cost ofthe Coaches Ahead Program is $50.00 per Coach. Thanks to thesupport from the Ontario Government, through Quest for Gold funding. Formore information on Coach AHead or to register a coach, visit -30- SoftballOntario is the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal isto promote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Dec 5 10:21:04 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 07:21:04 -0800 Subject: SPORT WRAPPING AND TAPING WORKSHOP WITHTHE SPORT ALLIANCE OF ONTARIO Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Stephanie Sutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton at DATE: December4, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPORT WRAPPING AND TAPING WORKSHOP WITHTHE SPORT ALLIANCE OF ONTARIO NORTH YORK,ONTARIO- Softball Ontairo is pleased to share information about Sport Wrappingand Taping Workshop offered by the Sport Alliance of Ontario. DATE /TIME: Saturday, January 16, 2010 9:00am ? 4:00pm (approx.) COST: $97.75 (SAO/PSO Members) $115 (Non-members) Costincludes manual, all materials and Letter of Completion We accept:VISA, Mastercard or cheque made payable to Sport Alliance of Ontario LOCATION 3 Concorde Gate Toronto Boardroom 1 COURSEDESCRIPTION: Created by the Sport Alliance of Ontario and taught by a Certified AthleticTherapist, this is a hands-on workshop where participants learn how to preventand care for common sports injuries with the proper use of taping and wrappingtechniques. The following topics are covered in this one-day workshop: ? Wrapping and taping techniques for acute injuries ? Applying support techniques to acute soft tissue injuries: - ankle and shoulder wrapping - arm and shoulder sling ? Elastic wrap support: - quadriceps/hamstring wrap - groin wrap ? Understanding taping techniques: - wrist, thumb, finger, ankle, patellar tendon (jumper's knee) taping. Thisworkshop is designed for the beginner. To registerfor this workshop, please contact Heather Stephens via email hstephens at or416-426-7314. As part of the new NCCP, professionaldevelopment opportunities, like this one, will beconsidered part of softball coaches education and could be addedto their Coaching portfolio. SoftballOntario is the sole provider of the CAC?s National Coaching CertificationProgram (NCCP) for Softball in the province of Ontario and offers the followingcoach education opportunities: Learn to Coach; Keep Coaching;Competition-Introduction, Softball; Level III Technical Softballclinics. If you would more information about Softball Ontario'sCoaches Program, please contact Steph Sutton via emial at ssutton(at) orphone at 416-426-7150. SoftballOntario is the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal isto promote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Sat Dec 5 10:22:13 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 07:22:13 -0800 Subject: RED CROSS SPORT FIRST AID COURSE WITH THESPORT ALLIANCE OF ONTARIO Message-ID: <> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Stephanie Sutton (416) 426-7150 ssutton(at) DATE: December4, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RED CROSS SPORT FIRST AID COURSE WITH THESPORT ALLIANCE OF ONTARIO NORTH YORK-Softball Ontario is pleased to share information about an upcoming Red CrossSport First Aid Course with the Sport Alliance of Ontario. DATES/TIME: Saturday, February 6 & Sunday, February 7, 2010 9:00am ? 6:00pm (approx.) COST: $119.00 ? SAO/PSO members $140.00 ? non-members (incl. 2 manuals, Standard F.A. and CPR ?C?/AED certificate andtax) Pay by VISA, Mastercard, or cheque (payable to Sport Alliance of Ontario) COURSEDESCRIPTION ? An 18-20 hr. practical, hands-on workshop aimed at educatingcommunity sport coaches, trainers and volunteers on the prevention, treatmentand response to injuries in sport ? Participants will receive Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR?C? certification with an emphasis on sports injuries. AEDCertification is also included. ? Topics include: Planning for Sport Safety; PreventingInjuries Through Proper Training; Preparing to Help Injured Athletes; YourSafety Plan; Head and Spine Injuries; Injuries to Soft Tissue and Bone; Returnto Play Guidelines; First Aid Kit. LOCATION: Sport Alliance of Ontario 3 Concorde Gate (map and parking info) Toronto, ON Boardroom 2 TO REGISTER: 1. On-line registration ? (non-members only) 2. Complete Registration Form 3. Call (416) 426-7314 For moreinformation, please contact Heather Stephens via email hstephens at or byphone at 416-426-7314. As part ofthe new NCCP, professional development opportunities, like thisone, will be considered part of softball coaches education and could beadded to their Coaching portfolio. SoftballOntario is the sole provider of the CAC?s National Coaching CertificationProgram (NCCP) for Softball in the province of Ontario and offers the followingcoach education opportunities: Learn to Coach; Keep Coaching;Competition-Introduction, Softball; Level III Technical Softballclinics. If you would more information about Softball Ontario'sCoaches Program, please contact Steph Sutton via emial at ssutton(at) orphone at 416-426-7150. -30- SoftballOntario is the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal isto promote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Dec 10 15:47:59 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:47:59 -0800 Subject: Pitcher Available Message-ID: <> Pitcher Available SOFTBALL TEAMS: After giving it considerable thought, I have decided due to travel and financial constraints that I will no longer play for New Image Salon. It was a great four years, winning the NAFA National Championship three times and once the ASA Class A National. No one will ever forget the 97-3 year. I would like to thank manager Jeremie Holman; sponsor Peg Holman; team fans; and all my teammates. No one could have asked for a greater bunch of guys to be teammates with. Wishing them the best of luck in 2010 and beyond. I do feel I still have some wins left in this old arm so if anyone is in need of a pitcher, please contact me. My phone number is 608-846-6813 or 608-628-9015. My e-mail address is balnickel(at) If you can not reach me, you may contact my dad, NAFA Vice-President at 608-225-1321. His e-mail is oldfab(at) The decision will ultimately be mine but will listen to any good advice. Hopefully so teams can get there schedule set, a decision as to who I will pitch for will be made by February 1st. Bryan Lathrop (Ed Note) Pitched for Kitchener-Waterloo Cubs, runner-up in 2009 ISC II Tournament of Champions) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Thu Dec 10 15:49:08 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:49:08 -0800 Subject: Durham Lords/UOIT Ridgebacks in the Community Message-ID: <> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Durham Lords/UOIT Ridgebacks News Release Thursday, December 10, 2009 Durham Lords/UOIT Ridgebacks in the Community OSHAWA, Ont. - Having established themselves with championship caliber programs and high graduation rates, Durham College and UOIT varsity teams strive to be the best in athletics and academics. The varsity athletic program has also made a strong commitment to the local community through involvement. The Durham College and UOIT Athletics Department encourages community initiatives, providing a great experience for the athletes by lending a helping hand to the neighbourhood in which they live. Below is some recent and upcoming community events in which varsity student-athletes at Durham College and UOIT are taking part in: Elementary School Visits Varsity student-athletes are traveling around to local elementary schools to talk to students about the importance of education and healthy living, while assisting teachers running physical education classes. Athletes describe their experience of playing sports while focusing on education. Topics such as homework, studying, respecting teachers, the importance of physical activity and living a healthy lifestyle are being brought to the student?s attention. The Lords and Ridgebacks also get a chance to impress the children with some of their athletic skills, while Hunter the Ridgeback and Lord Durham entertain the classes. Fundraising Events Teams are constantly participating in fundraising events in order to raise donations for local charities. The Durham College varsity teams took part in the OCAA Breast Cancer campaign, which rose over $7,000 for the Canadian Breast Cancer society. The UOIT rowing crew and men?s hockey team also took part in the Terry Fox run this fall, while student-athletes participated in the Movember challenge, growing mustaches to raise money for prostate cancer research. The Durham College women?s basketball team recently held their second annual holiday toy drive for the Sick Kids foundation (pictured), while the UOIT men?s and women?s hockey teams took part in the campus wide holiday food drive. Community Events The Lords and Ridgebacks have also attended a number of community events this past year. Most recently, members of the men?s hockey team were out at the Rotary Skate-a-Thon at the GM Centre, signing autographs for all of the participants. Special Community Days The UOIT Ridgebacks and Durham Lords host a number of community days at their regular season home games. Anyone who has attended a home game this year has more than likely seen a minor sports team or choir perform before or during a game. Children get to play and perform in front of the big crowds and even get to meet some of the players. Minor Practices The Durham Lords and UOIT Ridgebacks are helping lead practices throughout the Durham Region. Whether it is club teams or school teams, the Lords and Ridgebacks have been lending a hand, giving tips to coaches and the players.. If you are interested in participating in any of these community initiatives, please contact the Athletic Department at (905) 721-2000 ext. 2784. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) scott.dennis at Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA From fastball at Mon Dec 14 11:50:59 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 08:50:59 -0800 Subject: FW: Don_Bates_Named_Head_Coach_of_Men's_National_Softball_Team Message-ID: <> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA >--- Original Message --- >From: "Gilles LeBlanc" >To: "Gilles LeBlanc" >Date: 12/14/2009 10:35:22 AM > From fastball at Mon Dec 14 14:09:10 2009 From: fastball at (Al's Fastball News) Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 11:09:10 -0800 Subject: Former voice of the Durham Lords and UOIT graduate hosting TSN’s SportsCentre Message-ID: <> Durham Lords/UOIT Ridgebacks Media Release Monday, December 14, 2009 Former voice of the Durham Lords and UOIT graduate hosting TSN?s SportsCentre OSHAWA, Ont. ? Former ?Voice of the Lords? Kate Beirness made her debut as the newest anchor on SportsCentre this weekend, TSN's flagship news and information show. Beirness spent two seasons as the PA Announcer and a member of the radio broadcast team and for the Durham College athletic department. ?We are very proud of Kate and what she has accomplished in such a short amount of time,? said Ken Babcock, Durham College and UOIT athletic director. ?The first time I met Kate, I knew she was going to go places! She will be a great addition to the TSN all-star lineup and I am sure she will enjoy a long career in the broadcast industry.? Beirness, a graduate of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) commerce program, spent two seasons as the voice of the Lords (PA announcer) and radio announcer for Durham College varsity home game broadcasts (basketball and volleyball). She later joined Rogers TV Durham as the sports anchor and reporter on First Local news. As a member of the Durham College broadcast team, Beirness had the opportunity to call a number of high profile events including the 2007 Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) men?s basketball provincial championship, the 2006 and 2007 OCAA Basketball all-star games as well as all of the Lords basketball and volleyball home games. She was the first ever female Voice of the Lords. The Lords broadcast crew was recognized in two consecutive years, winning the OCAA Outstanding Media Award for Ontario college sports broadcasting coverage. Prior to joining the SportsCentre lineup, Beirness worked at the network?s sister station, A-Channel Barrie, where she was the sports anchor and videographer. The Durham College and UOIT athletic department would like to congratulate Kate on her success and wish her the best of luck with TSN?s SportCentre. - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION: Scott Dennis Sports Information and Marketing Coordinator Durham College and UOIT Athletics 905.721.2000 Ext. 2784 (P) 905.721.3117 (F) scott.dennis(at) With files from Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) fastball at NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA