Al's Fastball News fastball at
Fri Jan 16 14:35:45 EST 2009


 NORTH YORK, ON- Attention all Softball Associationswho would
like to train coaches for the 2009 Softball Season!  TodaySoftball
Ontarioreceived a great opportunity for you to obtain funding
to help train femalecoaches, but you must act quickly!

Dueto tight timelines set by Softball Canada, Softball Ontario
must provide a listof interested Softball Associations for consideration
for the CoachingAssociation of Canada’s “We Are Coaches”Campaign
by THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 2009!  The “We AreCoaches” Campaign provides
financialassistance for coaching clinics at the house league

The“We Are Coaches” campaignfunding opportunity is for Softball
Associations who are interested in hostinga Softball Ontario/National
Coaching Certification Program “Lean toCoach” or “Keep Coaching”
clinic(s).  Softball Ontario delivers the National Coaching CertificationProgram
for Softball in the Province of Ontario.

Tobe eligible to apply for this special funding you cannot previouslyparticipated
in Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3 of the “We AreCoaches” campaign.

“We AreCoaches” is a three-year campaign designed toincrease
the number of trained Women coaches in Canada in order to providefemale
mentors and role models for young participants.  The campaignprimarily
targets mothers with children involved in community level sport,
andstrongly communicates the sense of community, reward, and
FUN that can beachieved through coaching.

Inyear one of the campaign, Coaches Association of Canadapartnered
with Softball Canadato pilot this initiative with the community
of Orleans, ON.

Inyear two of the campaign, the following Softball Communitiesparticipated:
 Windsor, ONSt. Catharines, ONand Orleans, ON. 

Inyear three of the campaign, the following Softball Communitiesparticipated:
 Arthur, ONOshawa, ON, Oakville, ON, Orleans, ON and Windsor,

Localcommunities in Ontarioare to recruit Women to participate
in the sports’ National CoachingCertification Program (NCCP)
community sport workshops (Learn to Coach and KeepCoaching).
 There will be additional training and support offered in openand
friendly forums to further encourage and assist these women in
becomingsuccessful community coaches.  In an effort to continually
enhance Canada's community sport programs through coachtraining
and developmental activities, six (6) grants of $1500 each will
beawarded to local softball organizations across Canada.

Thecommunity coaching grants must be completed by March 31, 2008.
Softball Canada is responsible for the financialassistance of
“We are Coaches” grant while Softball Ontario theadministration
of the program. If your local softball association would benefitfrom
“We Are Coaches” program,please contact Stephanie Sutton by Thursday,
January 22, 2009 by 4:00 pm viaemail at ssutton(at)
or bycalling 416-426-7150 with the proposed date of your clinic
and the clinic youwish to offer.


Softball Ontario is the governing bodyfor the sport of softball
in OntarioOur goal is to promote and develop the sport of softball
for its athletes,officials and volunteers by providing programs
and services at all levels ofcompetitions.

 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)
   fastball at


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