Al's Fastball News fastball at pmihrm.com
Tue Jul 7 22:38:17 EDT 2009

 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com
   fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/
NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball

VIA http://www.webbox.com

>--- Original Message ---
>From: "roger legendre" <er_legendre at sympatico.ca>
>To: <balexander at hbgradio.com>, 	"Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>,
	"Bruce Heidman" <sports at thesudburystar.com>, 	"Megan Thomas"
<morningnorthsports at cbc.ca>, 	<lmyers at northernlife.ca>, 	"randy
Pascal" <statsman at sudburysports.com>
>Date: 7/7/09 9:32:08 PM
>  Sudbury Star Sports (Bruce Heidman and Scott Haddow)
>  Northern Life Sports (Laura Myers)
>  CBC Radio Morning Sports(Megan Thomas)
>  Moose Radio (Bob Alexander)
>  Sudburysports.com/Channel 10 Personna(Randy Pascal)
>  Al's Fastball(Al Doran)
>Greater City of Sudbury (Ron Dupuis , Laura McGrath)
>Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League
>Other fastball leagues
>Players,fans and friends of fastball
>                                 Ladies , gentlemen 
                        I'm glad to announce that the Rick McDonald
Memorial Fastball League through Softball Ontario will have its
own web site by the end of next week. The logo beautiful as it
is will be displayed next week .On the web site you will be able
to find the league schedule as well as the one for girls minor
softball program , regular weekly standings and statistics. You
will also find results from our teams participating in other
tournaments .You will also find league happenings (new borns,
wedding ...) .This is exciting news for fastball in the North.
                         Concerning the 4th Annual Northern Ontario
Open Fastball Championships for Ladies and Men coming up very
soon in August , its already up on Softball Ontario's web site
as well as on Al's Fastball with some minor changes and important
dates.we have not all the final commitments yet but it looks
like we could be looking at 12 to 14 men's teams (strong commitments
already from Ottawa Blitz and Val Gagne Hawks just 40 miles North
of Timmins for Men and good possibilities of Thunderbay, Manitoulin
Island[2] and Brampton for Ladies. I'm hoping to gather other
hopefuls this weekend when I travel to Hunstville .
                          I will continue to write my four columns
a week on My news Sudbury coming from the Northern Life Web site.
Two are entitled This week in fastball and two are entitled This
week in minor ball.
                          As  I said these are exciting times
for fastball and minor girls ball in the North . They may want
to remove it from the Olympics but we will strive to keep it
alive .
                          I'll be in Huntsville all weekend covering
the 24 team annual men's fastball tournament . There will be
51 games played including three championships come Sunday afternoon
at 3 PM . Three of our local teams are participating and I wish
them good luck. Results and details come Sunday night.
                           I would like to take this opportunity
to thank all the several medias for giving fastball in Greater
Sudbury as well as in the North excellent coverage.
>                     Have a good week! See you on the ball fields!
                                           Yours in fastball
                                            Roger Legendre
                                            League umpire ,statistitian
                                            Public relations
Liaison/Advisor for
                                            The Minor Girls Softball/Fastpitch
League as well as
                                             The Rick McDonald
Memorial Fastball League 
>Feel free to respond . I would like to see your comments . I
enjoy reading them all .

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