GB Women's Fastpitch Team - needs players for 2010

Al's Fastball News fastball at
Tue Sep 29 08:59:52 EDT 2009

You may have heard through the BSUK grapevine orelsewhere that
the GB Women's Fastpitch Team came second in EuropeanChampionships
this past summer -- our best-ever result -- and thereby qualifiedto
play in the ISF Women's World Championships next year in Oklahoma


So we're putting together a programme for next summerthat will
involve a 10-day training camp starting in late June, participationin
the Canada Cup in Vancouver in early July and then on to the
WorldChampionships in mid-July.


We are currently facing two problems in connection withexecuting
this programme and being successful at the Canada Cup and WorldChampionships.
The first is that we need to raise about £60,000! But that's
ourproblem, and it's not what I'm writing about....


The second problem is that our success in the EuropeanChampionships
was largely down to a tremendous performance by our #1 pitcher,
ayoung woman named Stacie Townsend who has just started her last
year ofeligibility at the University of Texas El Paso. But we
have very littlepitching behind her, and nothing of the quality
required to back up Stacie at aworld level.


So we're looking for pitchers, and because there aren'tany in
the UK, we're hoping to find one or more good Canadian, Australian,American
or whatever pitchers with a British parent. And because of theconnections
between Britain and Canada, there have always been softball andbaseball
players in Canada with at least one British parent; you just
have tofind them!


As you know, pitchers in fastpitch can throw much moreoften than
in baseball, so we don't need a whole pitching staff; just anothercouple
of decent pitchers will do.


So ... the point of all this is to ask whether you wouldbe willing
to put the word out through any academic or softball networks
andpeople in Canada that you might have access to see if we can
uncover a pitcherwith British heritage. By definition, she would
be below the level required tomake Team Canada; but there are
a lot of good pitchers in Canada below thatlevel who could help


Anyone you uncover should contact me.


Please let me know if you think there's anything you cando --
and thanks for your help!


Below, I've pasted in a copy of the notice that I've beensending
to US college coaches in case that might be useful.



Bob Fromer

GB Softball






Dear _________,


The Great Britain Women's Fastpitch Team has qualified toplay
in the ISF Women's World Championships in Oklahoma City in July


We have a talented team that finished second in EuropeanChampionships
this summer -- our highest-ever placing! -- but to competesuccessfully
at the World Championships we need more pitching depth.


So we are looking for good pitchers who have a Britishfamily
heritage and who could qualify for a British passport if they
don'talready have one.


To qualify for a passport, the player must have been bornin Great
Britain herself, or have a parent who is a British citizen and
wasborn in Great Britain. Players with British grandparents or
great-grandparentscannot qualify.


We would be very grateful if you could check with the pitchersin
your program to see if any of them might qualify -- and if so,
please get intouch by contacting:


Bob Fromer

GB Softball Team Manager


(+44) 1886-884204


Hayley Scott

GB Softball Head Coach


(+44) 7713-245809


Thanks very much for your help!



Bob Fromer

GB Softball


 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)
   fastball at


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