Fw: AAU Resulta - Friday 9 AM Games

aldoran at pmihrm.com aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Jan 22 12:05:09 EST 2010

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken%20Hackmeister%20 <iscken at comcast.net>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 16:40:27 
To: Al Doran<aldoran at pmihrm.com>; Jim Flanagan<jim at fastpitchwest.com>; Milt Michael<miltmich at telus.net>; <rachel at aausports.org>
Subject: AAU Resulta - Friday 9 AM Games

Florida Fastpitch---------2 

Sureno Soy----------------15 

WP - Jones and DeGroat 

LP - Ellarton and Perry 

Puerto Rico National Team----8 


WP - Diaz and Borrero 

LP - Vedez and Cuello 


Earl's Club-------------0 

WP - Alvarez and Flores 

LP - Johnson and Maginn 

Puerto Rico Juniors-------3 

PK Broward-----------------2 

WP - Ortiz and Serrano 

LP - Kelly and Alstat 

Chicago/New York-----6 

Cobourg Forsce--------3 

WP - Potolicchio and LaLonde 

LP - Crawford and Herold 

Hill United-------------3 

Big Cove--------------0 

Hill United wins by forfeit.  Big Cove has not withdrawn from tournament. 


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