Fw: AAU Results - Friday 3 PM Games

aldoran at pmihrm.com aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Jan 22 17:42:41 EST 2010

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken%20Hackmeister%20 <iscken at comcast.net>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 22:40:34 
To: Al Doran<aldoran at pmihrm.com>; Jim Flanagan<jim at fastpitchwest.com>; Milt Michael<miltmich at telus.net>; <rachel at aausports.org>
Subject: AAU Results - Friday 3 PM Games

Italian Athletic Club---------------3 

Dominicana US-------------------0 

WP - Mayson and Waverick 

LP - Mejia and Lam 

Millwood --------------7 


WP - Wagar and Dearborn 

LP - Suarez and Cabrero 

Chicago/New York-------3 


WP - Putnam andLaLonde 

LP - Loya and Prol 

Florida Fastpitch--------------5 

Minnesota Angels-------------1 

WP - Murphy and Phillip 

LP - Woods and Scheevel 

Oklahoma Fastpitch----------3 

Ashland Stockpack-----------5 

WP - Van Husen and Cevette 

LP - Harry and Wetselline 

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