Fw: Satruday Results from New Dundee/Great Lakes OASA Championship

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Sun Jul 31 12:56:15 EDT 2011

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

-----Original Message-----
From: thomson.brad at gmail.com
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 16:26:29 
To: Dennis Dosman<dennisdosman at dosmanprinting.com>; Jamie Killingsworth<Jamie.Killingsworth at bellmedia.ca>; Al's Fastball List<fastball at pmihrm.com>; Jim Flanagan<jim at fastpitchwest.com>; Fred Wallace<bayshore at radioowensound.com>; CKNX/Steve Sabourin<SSabourin at cknxradio.com>; Blair Adams<Blair.Adams at 570news.rogers.com>; The Record/Sports at the Record<sports at therecord.com>; The Record/ Mark Bryson<mbryson at therecord.com>; 'Mary Myers'<mjnm at sympatico.ca>
Reply-To: thomson.brad at gmail.com
Cc: Ken Hackmeister<iscken at comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Satruday  Results from New Dundee/Great Lakes OASA Championship

Wellington       102203x    8 11 0
Toronto Gators 000000x    0   3 1

6 innings mercy

WP Todd Uhrig 6in 0R 3H 9K 0BB
Trevor Seip Catching

LP Doug Hoffman 2 1/3  3ER 4H 4K 1BB
Todd Winkworth. 3 2/3. 5R 4ER 7H 3K 0BB  
John Kemp Catching

------Original Message------
From: Dennis Dosman
To: Jamie Killingsworth
To: Brad Thomson
To: Al's Fastball List
To: Jim Flanagan
To: Fred Wallace
To: CKNX/Steve Sabourin
To: Blair Adams
To: The Record/Sports at the Record
To: The Record/ Mark Bryson
To: 'Mary Myers'
Cc: Ken Hackmeister
Subject: Re: Satruday  Results from New Dundee/Great Lakes OASA Championship
Sent: Jul 30, 2011 11:38 PM

Brad....I will be away tomorrow....Aunt and Uncles 60th 
anniversary...free dinner...yes,  I will drive 3 hours and miss  a 
fastball  championship to get a free  dinner, so you know where my 
priorities lay......so please send the results to those on this 
list....game  by game would   be best...and good  luck in  the 
championship game at 2pm...

Hit reply all and send the recap...



Dennis Dosman
Dosman Printing
fax 888-9352
30 Avondale South
Waterloo, ON  N2L 2B8

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

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