fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Sun Nov 27 19:01:42 EST 2011

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Legendre <er_legendre at sympatico.ca>
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:50:21 
To: Al Doran<fastball at pmihrm.com>; <balexander at hbgradio.com>; <balexander at moosefm.com>; <bheidman at thesudburystar.com>; CBC Sports<morningnorthsports at cbc.ca>; <lmyers at northernlife.ca>; MCTV Sports<andy.barbato at ctv.ca>; Nugget Sports<sports at nugget.ca>; <randj1 at onlink.net>; Sports<sports at thesudburystar.com>
Cc: Andy Nootchtai<erin_neb at hotmail.com>; Athgletics<ebrennan at personainternet.com>; Athletics<moxymac at gmail.com>; B.River<terryj64 at hotmail.com>; <b_biedermann14 at hotmail.com>; Bear Isl.<pejomick at hotmail.com>; 'Ben&Steff'<bensteff at sympatico.ca>; Blue Ump<bluelight24 at sympatico.ca>; Bonkers<fpegahmagabow at hotmail.com>; Brad Matheson<bratheson at hotmail.com>; <bubbs_69 at hotmail.com>; Cardinals<pat.brennan at henveyinlet.com>; <cavenuts44 at msn.com>; chad st cyr<chadstcyr at hotmail.com>; Chris Vanvolkenburg<chris_vanvolkenburg at hotmail.com>; Cody Boissoneau<cody_buzzno at hotmail.com>; corey farmer<coreyfarmer at hotmail.com>; Dan Bidal<dbidal at northernnissan.com>; Dan Quesnel<quazzycer at hotmail.com>; Darcy Kewageshig<wakaluk at gmail.com>; Dave Birnie<dbirnie at cogeco.ca>; dave cerisano<dave.cerisano at sympatico.ca>; <DeleneArmstrong at hotmail.com>; Derek Pinkerton<dpink72 at hotmail.com>; <dizzylizzy_68 at hotmail.com>; Dog House<mmmcain at vianet.ca>; Dog House<jesse.stcyr at yahoo.com>; Dog House<pitoup56 at hotmail.com>; Dog House-Sl P<tiguy at personainternet.com>; Duke Peltier<peltiers at amtelecom.net>; Ed Cappadocia<thecapps at hotmail.ca>; Dwight Beer<dp_beer at hotmail.com>; Eddy Roy<eddie.roy at railamerica.com>; Erin Lamothe<erinlamothe7 at gmail.com>; Fan<judy.dunn at sympatico.ca>; frank Cox<frank.cox at sympatico.ca>; Greater Ottawa Fastball<fastball at fitzroyharbour.com>; Hounds<topar5 at hotmail.com>; <huneydumplin at hotmail.com>; James Snake<jleche at hotmail.com>; <jean-gilles.larocque at scdsb.edu.on.ca>; jen Peters<hockey_fan_16 at hotmail.com>; Jim and Kim Culling<jakk at sympatico.ca>; <jim.ilnitski at sympatico.ca>; Joel Belanger<jbelanger at persona.ca>; john ainslie<wolfeyes710906 at hotmail.com>; Justin Nootchtai<justin_nootch at hotmail.com>; Ken E Veith<ken12 at bell.blackberry.net>; <ken12 at bell.blackberry.net>; <Kyle.Thibault at ca.atlascopco.com>; Lake Simcoe Lightning<todd.hamblin at rogers.com>; Lindsay Fastball<nicknock68 at hotmail.com>; lisa showan<dizzylizzy_68 at hotmail.com>; Mag<wnogan at wbafn.com>; Mark Peltier<wikyreds_11 at hotmail.com>; M'Chigeeng<mel_pin at hotmail.com>; M'Chigeeng<neildebassige at hotmail.com>; Metal Door<jfzeiger at metaldoorltd.com>; Minesing Fastball<scourtemanche at atlasblock.com>; <mkelly at tribefastball.ca>; <mukmuk_10 at hotmail.com>; N Stars/drummer<Haileyc at persona.ca>; NB Men's Fastball<mracine3 at cogeco.ca>; Nicole &Jeanatte<msfix.60 at gmail.com>; North Stars<northstarsfastball at hotmail.com>; Parry Island<nastassja0410 at hotmail.com>; Paul Lizotte<paul at lizottefuels.com>; <paullizotte at personainternet.com>; <PETERS564 at GMAIL.COM>; Rep for Bracebridge Men's<brad_quinton at hotmail.com>; Rick Hames<rhames2 at cogeco.ca>; <rocknolet at sympatico.ca>; Ron Wager<habfan4evr at hotmail.com>; <ron.dupuis at city.greatersudbury.on.ca>; Royals of Etobicoke<theprophecy13 at hotmail.com>; sagamok<change_up99 at yahoo.com>; Sagamok Rez Riders<gerard_baibomcowai at hotmail.com>; Shayne Malone<shaynemalone at hotmail.com>; Sid &Tommie<trecollet at hotmail.com>; steve sabourin<sabsteve at hotmail.com>; Steve Dombek<steve.dombek at investorsgroup.com>; Sucker Creek<mukmuk_10 at hotmail.com>; Sucker Creek<abotossawytroy at hotmail.com>; <tedconway at muskoka.com>; Tiffany Martin<lilbrat_74 at hotmail.com>; <tiffany.freer at live.com>; <todd at lizottefuels.com>; Tony Farrenzina<carpetkingcleaning at hotmail.com>; Toronto Bingo<herbayles at yahoo.ca>; Troy Nootcfhtai<tnootch420 at hotmail.com>; <troychatwell at msn.com>; <tyrone_shawana at hotmail.com>; Val Gagne Hawks<shelleygiguere35 at hotmail.com>; <vboissoneau at hotmail.com>; Walter\(Wally\)Sr Tobobogun<parryislandcottage at gmail.com>; <welsh7.5 at personainternet.com>; Wiky<mrpelch at hotmail.com>; Winship Athletics<winship at me.com>


                                The work is now in motion leading to this elite fastball tournament coming up in  less than 10 months .Already some very special people have accepted a position on the organizing committee such as our deputy mayor and former fastball player from the 60’s and 70’s –Ron Dupuis from Valley East ; former mayor and federal MP –John Rodriguez ; sports personality – Randy Pascal  ; well known fastball player from the 70’s –Judy Dunn ; well known fastball player from the 60’s Noreen Davidson ;GSBBO president – Charles Ketter ; known fastball enthusiast and organizer from the North Shore –Delene Armstrong ; RMMFL and minor girls umpire in chief – Larry Pedersen ; former head of Steelworkers union –John MacDonald ; know sports enthusiasm and former minor ball organizer – Shirley O’Neil .
                               The chairperson for the tournament –Roger Legendre , is in the midst of forming an inner circle tournament which presently has Bob Sherman and Delene Armstrong . He will also be looking to form the coach/managing committee for our local entry and thus far Pitou Paquette has accepted . The following have been approach but with no firm commitment as of yet : Robbie Edwards (Sudbury) and Derek Pinkerton from the tri -town area .
                                Should any former ball players be interested in offering their services as volunteers please feel free to contact me by email only at  er_legendre at sympatico.ca In the coming week I will have a special email where you can reach me specifically for this tournament .
                                If the media need more specific information on this tournament , feel free to contact me by email .

Yours in fastball ,

Roger Legendre
Tournament chairperson
RMMFL statistician and public relations liaison/advisor
Official with the GSBBO
Catch my blog on high school basketball sports at Sudbury life.ca + my photo gallery (now up to 140)
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