Fw: Get Your Very Own ACTIVE Softball Game Now- Available for Sale!

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Wed Jan 11 10:19:41 EST 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <claxton at softballontario.ca>
Sender: "Softball Ontario Coaches Program" <claxton=softballontario.ca at mail357.us3.mcdlv.net>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 15:11:18 
To: Al<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Reply-To: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <claxton at softballontario.ca>
Subject: Get Your Very Own ACTIVE Softball Game Now- Available for Sale!

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_[2]Softball Ontario__Contact_:    Carly Laxton
                   [3]claxton at softballontario.ca
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_Date_:           January 12, 2012

_Softball Ontario's ACTIVE Softball Game is NOW Available for Sale!!_
_TORONTO, ON_ -  Softball Ontario is excited to announce that our Active
Softball Game is now available for sale to schools, softball associations,
camp/recreation groups and any individual interested in purchasing this fun,
innovative game!

The Active Softball Game is an interactive board game that features an
oversized 4’ x 4’ vinyl game board displaying twenty-eight (28) activity
squares that correspond to six (6) activity card categories (receiving,
hitting, throwing, pitching and healthy-eating concepts). Each activity card
focuses on introducing and developing softball-specific skills and
fundamental movement skills in an exceptionally distinctive way. For coaches
looking for innovative and FUN practices plan for their players- this would
be it!! This game helps participants focus on softball-skill development and
teamwork all while keeping them ACTIVE!

_What is included in the Active Softball Game?_
  * NEW 4’x4’ Vinyl Game Board
  *  Set of Six Playing Pieces with matching Playing Pieces
  * A set of NEW Activity Cards (42)
       + Revamped and updated!!
       + Easy to read description of each activity
       + Large colourful diagrams to follow
  * Resource Materials
       + Rules and Skills Guide
       + Skills Test Competition Booklet

_What is the Skills Test Competition Booklet?_
The Skills Test Challenge was introduced in 2011 and is used to help
evaluate participants on their basicmovement skills and concepts plus
healthy living concepts. _Each of the skills evaluated in the Skills Test
Challenge fit within the new 2010 Health and Physical Education
Curriculum_!! There are _twenty-two (22) skill tests included in this
Manual_, which will test both your participant’s basic physical abilities and
softball-specific skills. The Softball Skills Test Challenge can be run at
any point in your season. Softball Ontario suggests that to get a better
overall view of each participant’s fitness skills and softball-specific
skills, run the Skills Tests prior to the season, mid-way through the season
and at the end of the season. This could help get a better overall view of
each individual participant’s development!

Softball Ontario’s ACTIVE Softball Game is available for _JUST $150.00_
(plus HST and shipping). Don’t miss out of this opportunity to own one of
the best Programs created by Softball Ontario that not only teaches
participants the sport of softball but does it in a FUN and UNIQUE way!

_Need Additional Equipment?_
Contact Softball Ontario to borrow a FULL set worth of equipment for a _FREE
one-month (1) loan period_!
If your Association is interested in purchasing equipment to keep, contact
Softball Ontario for more details on where to purchase the equipment needed
with the Active Softball Game!
(All equipment is made from child-safe materials- perfect for indoor use!!)
_How to Order?_
Simply click on the link below and fill out the form! You can either email
the completed form to Carly Laxton at [4]claxton at softballontario.caor fax it
to (416) 426-7368 ATTN: School Programs Coordinator!
    4. mailto:claxton at softballontario.ca

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    5. http://softballontario.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=169bffd6d8fc91cec68933f57&id=35c050ac9b&e=ec83be8bd9


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_Copyright © 2012 Softball Ontario, All rights reserved._
 You are receiving this email because you signed up for the Coaches Link and requested to receive information about new and valuable programs that are the future of coaching development in Ontario.
_Our mailing address is:_
Softball Ontario
3 Concorde Gate
Toronto, On M3C3N7

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