Fw: Looking for Athletes to Represent Canada at the Maccabiah Games

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Tue May 8 09:57:48 EDT 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Softball Ontario's Participation Program <lcrompton at softballontario.ca>
Sender: "Softball Ontario's Participation Program" <lcrompton=softballontario.ca at mail127.us2.mcsv.net>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:36:16 
To: Al<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Reply-To: Softball Ontario's Participation Program <lcrompton at softballontario.ca>
Subject: Looking for Athletes to Represent Canada at the Maccabiah Games

Softball Ontario is pleased to share information about the Maccabiah Games
and Maccabiah Canada’s search for softball players to represent Team Canada
at the junior (ages 18 and under), open (ages 19-35) and masters (ages 35+)
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_Contact_:    Lisa Crompton
                     [2]lcrompton at softballontario.ca
    2. mailto:lcrompton at softballontario.ca

_Date_:          May 7, 2012

_Looking for Athletes to Represent Canada at the Maccabiah Games_
Maccabiah Games 2013TORONTO, ON - Softball Ontario is pleased to share
information about the Maccabiah Games and Maccabiah Canada’s search for
softball players to represent Team Canada at the junior (ages 18 and under),
open (ages 19-35) and masters (ages 35+) levels.  The Maccabiah Games, a
prominent international sports competition held every four years in Israel,
is one of the top three gatherings of athletes in the world.

Qualifying athletes are invited to apply for an opportunity to join Team
Canada for the 19th Maccabiah Games, in Israel in July 2013. Join a
delegation of over 8,000 athletes, coaches and support personnel that will
proudly represent over 65 countries competing for Gold, Silver and Bronze
medals. Go to [3]www.maccabicanada.com to view the complete list of sports
that Maccabi Canada will be sending to compete at the 19th Maccabiah Games
and register today for an opportunity to compete for Team Canada.
    3. http://softballontario.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71a17dfff5844262b6f3e33e9&id=6e1d453699&e=6c4e4fbfff

At Maccabi Canada we work to create the "Maccabi Dream" by which every
Jewish athlete will participate in the Games and compete at a high level
from an international perspective. Join top level athletic talent and
combine athletic competition and sport with an unforgettable visit to
Israel. Compete in the Games and experience Israel’s rich Jewish culture,
proud traditions and an Israel educational experience of a lifetime!

Athletes must adhere to the Jewish faith.

Join the Maccabi Canada family and get on your way to realizing the Canadian
Jewish athlete’s dream. If you have any additional questions or require more
specific information, please contact Ashley Kochman, Maccabi Canada’s
Athletic Director (contact information below). You can also contact our
national office and visit our website at anytime for more information.

For more information, contact:

_Ashley Kochman_, Athletic Director
ashleykochman at gmail.com

National Office:
_Tali Dubrovsky_, Executive Director
tali at maccabicanada.com
416-398-0515 ext. 202
- 30 -
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 You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive Softball Ontario's Participation Program Newsletter.
_Our mailing address is:_
Softball Ontario
3 Concorde Gate
North York, ON L1C4V6

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