Fw: Fastball results

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Tue Jun 5 20:59:37 EDT 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Legendre <er_legendre at sympatico.ca>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 20:55:21 
To: Al Doran<fastball at pmihrm.com>; Andy Nootchtai<erin_neb at hotmail.com>; Athgletics<ebrennan at personainternet.com>; Athletics<moxymac at gmail.com>; Athletics<pat_brennan at cpr.ca>; <b_biedermann14 at hotmail.com>; 'Ben&Steff'<bensteff at sympatico.ca>; <bheidman at thesudburystar.com>; Bishop C.<larocqj at scdsb.edu.on.ca>; Blue Ump<bluelight24 at sympatico.ca>; Bonkers<fpegahmagabow at hotmail.com>; Brad Matheson<bratheson at hotmail.com>; Cardinals<pat.brennan at henveyinlet.com>; CBC Radio<johnhonse at personainternet.com>; chad st cyr<chadstcyr at hotmail.com>; Chris Vanvolkenburg<chris_vanvolkenburg at hotmail.com>; corey farmer<coreyfarmer at hotmail.com>; Dan Quesnel<quazzycer at hotmail.com>; <DeleneArmstrong at hotmail.com>; Dog House<mmmcain at vianet.ca>; Dog House<jesse.stcyr at yahoo.com>; Dog House<pitoup56 at hotmail.com>; Ed Cappadocia<thecapps at hotmail.ca>; Eddy Roy<eddie.roy at railamerica.com>; <er_legendre at sympatico.ca>; Erin Lamothe<erinlamothe7 at gmail.com>; Fan<judy.dunn at sympatico.ca>; Hounds<topar5 at vianet.ca>; <jean-gilles.larocque at scdsb.edu.on.ca>; Joel Belanger<jbelanger at persona.ca>; john ainslie<wolfeyes710906 at hotmail.com>; jonathon contin<contin_5 at hotmail.com>; Justin Nootchtai<justin_nootch at hotmail.com>; Lanny Fichette<lannyf35 at hotmail.com>; <lmyers at northernlife.ca>; <mcoutu at xstratanickel.ca>; MCTV Sports<andy.barbato at ctv.ca>; Mike<sarm48 at hotmail.com>; Neil's/Church League<hubert.jeanne at sympatico.ca>; Nicole &Jeanatte<msfix.60 at gmail.com>; North Stars<northstarsfastball at hotmail.com>; Parry Island<nastassja0410 at hotmail.com>; Paul Lizotte<paul at lizottefuels.com>; <paullizotte at personainternet.com>; <randj1 at onlink.net>; Roger Legendre<er_legendre at sympatico.ca>; <ron.dupuis at greatersudbury.ca>; <ron.dupuis at city.greatersudbury.on.ca>; sagamok<change_up99 at yahoo.com>; Shayne Malone<shaynemalone at hotmail.com>; Sid &Tommie<trecollet at hotmail.com>; Sports<sports at thesudburystar.com>; Sports.Com<statsman at sudburysports.com>; <tiffany.freer at live.com>; Tony Farrenzina<carpetkingcleaning at hotmail.com>; Troy Nootcfhtai<tnootch420 at hotmail.com>; walter jr tobobondung<trayven_05 at hotmail.com>; Walter\(Wally\)Sr Tobobogun<parryislandcottage at gmail.com>; <welsh7.5 at personainternet.com>
Subject: Fastball results

  Sudbury Star
  Northern Life/Scott Haddow
  Al’s Fastball

                                                                               QUENTIN SEELEY MEN’S FASTBALL LEAGUE


                                    On Monday night in Azilda at the Rick McDonald  Fastball Diamonds Memorial , Paul Lizotte of the Garson Hounds just two years removed from his playoff perfect game was in his first full outing  facing the winless Dog House Sports Bar . It became very evident from his opening frame that he was on his game . He faced only 18 batters in 5 innings (game called for the 7 run mercy rule) . Lizotte only saw 3 batters reached first base on walks , 6 fielding outs and 10 strike outs . It was the first victory of the season for the Hounds . Terry Kutchke led the way for the Hounds with a perfect 3 for (triple) with teammate Bryan Welsh also hitting 3 for 3 (all singles ) .Pat Brennan started and suffered the loss with brother Ed Brennan taking over in 5th inning . The final score was 7-0 .
                                      In the nightcap , the undefeated first place North Stars continued their winning ways in blasting the First Nation Seminoles 13 to 7 . Brad Matheson , the starter , was the winner with Lanny Fichette moping up in the 5th frame . Percy Tobobondung started for the Seminoles (taking the loss) with Pat Brennan Jr taking over in the 5th frame . Brad Matheson help his own cause in going 3 for 3 while Moe Coutu hit 2 for 3(triple) in a losing cause for the Seminoles .
                                       Play resumes on Thursday night June the 7th when the Seminoles take on the Hounds at 7 PM while the Dog House will tangle with the North Stars at 9 PM under the lights . Both games will be played at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park in Garson .

Medias , teams , players and fans are reminded that this coming weekend is the 13th annual Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball Tournament to be played in Azilda .Games get underway on Saturday with the championship final scheduled for Sunday afternoon .

Yours in fastball ,

Roger Legendre   league head statistician as well as the public liaison/advisor

See you on the fastball diamonds !!!

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