Fw: 2013 Canada Games Apprenticeship Programs

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Mon Jun 18 16:17:36 EDT 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <ssutton at softballontario.ca>
Sender: "Softball Ontario Coaches Program" <ssutton=softballontario.ca at mail55.us1.mcsv.net>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 16:16:26 
To: Al<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Reply-To: Softball Ontario Coaches Program <ssutton at softballontario.ca>
Subject: 2013 Canada Games Apprenticeship Programs

Softball Ontario and Provincial Women’s Softball Association are
pleased to share information about the 2013 Canada Games Apprenticeship
Programs which includes: 2013 Canada Games Aboriginal Apprentice Coach
Program and the Women in Coaching Apprentice Program.
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[2]Softball OntarioContact:    Steph Sutton
                     [3]ssutton at softballontario.ca
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Date:           June 14, 2011

2013 Canada Games Apprenticeship Programs
TORONTO, ON- Softball Ontario and Provincial Women’s Softball
Association are pleased to share information about the 2013 Canada
Games Apprenticeship Programs which includes: 2013 Canada Games
Aboriginal Apprentice Coach Program and the Women in Coaching
Apprentice Program.  The 2013 Canada Games Apprenticeship Program
provides each Province/Territory the opportunity to send 2 female
Apprentice Coaches and 2 Coaches of Aboriginal ancestry (male or
female) to the 2013 Canada Games in apprenticeship roles as well as a
number of Coach Development opportunities.

What is in it for Softball Coaches?
  * Receive practical and integrated national multisport game
    experience at the 2013 Canada Summer Games in Sherbrooke, QC
  * Be paired with a mentor Coach for the duration of the program
  * 2 professional Development opportunities
  * NCCP Competition-Development Certification

  * Must has some NCCP Training, but not higher than NCCP Level 2 in
    Softball or Competition-Introduction, Softball  trained or NCCP
    Competition-Development, Softball trained
  * Must be committed to the objectives and requirements of the
    program, including attendance at the associated 2 professional
    development sessions
  * Must be a Canadian Citizen or have landed immigrant status
  * Must meeting the remaining eligibility criteria listed on the

Here is the outline with application form for each Program:

Women in Coaching Program- Ontario:
    4. http://softballontario.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=169bffd6d8fc91cec68933f57&id=b030ab97c0&e=ec83be8bd9

How to Apply:
Fill out the application that is included in the above link and submit
it to the Coaches Association of Ontario office by July 6, 2012.

Aboriginal Apprentice Coaching Program-Ontario:
    5. http://softballontario.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=169bffd6d8fc91cec68933f57&id=63635ae332&e=ec83be8bd9

How to Apply:
Fill out the application and submit it to the Aboriginal Sports and
Wellness Council of Ontario by July 6, 2012.

If you have any questions about the application, selection process or
Canada Games Apprentice Program, contact Taylor Durand at the Coaches
Association of Ontario [6]taylor at coachesontario.ca
    6. mailto:taylor at coachesontario.ca

If you have any questions about Softball Ontario’s National Coaching
Certification Program, please contact Steph Sutton at
[7]ssutton at softballontario.ca
    7. mailto:ssutton at softballontario.ca

If you have any questions about Provincial Women’s Softball Association
Female Team Ontario, please contact Todd Bannister at
[8]fastpitch89 at gmail.com
    8. mailto:fastpitch89 at gmail.com

Softball Ontario is the governing body for the sport of softball in
Ontario. Our goal is to promote and develop the sport of softball for
its athletes, officials and volunteers by providing programs and
services at all levels of competitions
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Copyright © 2012 Softball Ontario, All rights reserved.
 You are receiving this email because you signed up for the Coaches Link and requested to receive information about new and valuable programs that are the future of coaching development in Ontario.
Our mailing address is:
Softball Ontario
3 Concorde Gate
Toronto, On M3C3N7

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