Fw: port huron updates

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Sat Jun 30 09:25:13 EDT 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Schieman <kschieman38 at yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 23:18:50 
To: Gary Baughman<iscstat at hotmail.com>; Al's Fastball News<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Reply-To: Kurt Schieman <kschieman38 at yahoo.com>
Subject: port huron updates

Hi guys,
 I dont have the scorebooks with me but this is what I do have
game 1 motor city 6  wp doug gillis
             tailgators sport s bar 1 lp Paul Hoisington
game 2 Huron Wellness 3 wp dewy dyck
             st thomas  2 lp ryan cummings
game 3 wellington sox 2 wp todd uhrig
            ashland stock pack 1 lp rob schweyer
we will have better updates on the games tomorrow. Last game got over at 1:30am. Great crowd tonight prollhy our best ever for aport huron fastpitch game. Had to be 600-700 people.
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