Fw: Great lakes - saturday part 2

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Sat Jul 28 22:21:33 EDT 2012

------Original Message------
From: pkgraham at telus.blackberry.net
To: Al (John Allen) Doran
ReplyTo: pkgraham at telus.blackberry.net
Subject: Great lakes - saturday part 2
Sent: Jul 28, 2012 10:16 PM

Gm 7
Ohsweken - 3 
Sweaburg - 0
Wp- Darrin Zack 6I, 2h, 5k
Lp- Todd Winkworth 7i, 5h, 5k
HR- Ohs- M Sault

Scarbourgh - 7
Niagara- 0
Wp- Andy Skelton- 7I, 1H, 15'
Lp- Andrew Phibbs 5I, 5h, 8k(relief J Paylove 2I, 1h, 3k
Hr- Sca- Skelton

Jarvis - 8
Kitchener Outlaws- 1
Wp- brad Rona 4i, 6h, 7k (relief Koert 1i, 2')
Lp- Brian Belilse 5i, 8h, 2k

Kw Cubs 9
Palermo - 2
Wp- Ryan French 6i, 4h, 4k
Lp- Tim Neil 5i
Hr- Kw- brad Thompson, brandon parks-2

Scarboroug -4
Sweaburg- 2
Wp- joran Graham 5i, 3h, 6k
Lp- Todd Winkworth (relief from Martin)

Niagara - 3
Ohsweken - 2
Wp- Dan martin 7I, 8h, 8k
Lp- Caleb Keeshig 7i, 4h, 4k

Sundays game-

Kitchener vs Sweaburg
Palermo vs Ohsweken

Jarvis vs Niagara
KW cubs vs Scarborough

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Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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