Fw: Wikwemikong Fall Fair Fastball Tournament 2012

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 27 09:45:51 EDT 2012

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Peltier <wikyreds_11 at hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 08:46:07 
To: Roger Legendre<er_legendre at sympatico.ca>; Al Doran<fastball at pmihrm.com>; B River<terryj64 at hotmail.com>; <b_biedermann14 at hotmail.com>; <balexander at hbgradio.com>; <balexander at moosefm.com>; 'Ben&Steff'<bensteff at sympatico.ca>; <bheidman at thesudburystar.com>; Blue Ump<bluelight24 at sympatico.ca>; Bonkers<fpegahmagabow at hotmail.com>; C Lukes Niagara Falls<rrobertson at cogeco.ca>; Cardinals<pat.brennan at henveyinlet.com>; chad st cyr<chadstcyr at hotmail.com>; Chiefs<lorey2009 at live.com>; Chris Vanvolkenburg<chris_vanvolkenburg at hotmail.com>; Cody Boissoneau<cody_buzzno at hotmail.com>; Dan Quesnel<quazzycer at hotmail.com>; Darcy Kewageshig<wakaluk at gmail.com>; Dave Birnie<dbirnie at cogeco.ca>; <delenearmstrong at hotmail.com>; Dog House<mmmcain at vianet.ca>; Dog House<jesse.stcyr at yahoo.com>; Dog House<pitoup56 at hotmail.com>; Eddy Roy<eddie.roy at railamerica.com>; Erin Lamothe<erinlamothe7 at gmail.com>; <fitchett_paul at hotmail.com>; Gore Bay<rthibaul at manitoulintransport.com>; Greater Ottawa Fastball<fastball at fitzroyharbour.com>; Hounds<topar5 at vianet.ca>; <jean-gilles.larocque at scdsb.edu.on.ca>; Joel Belanger<jbelanger at persona.ca>; john ainslie<wolfeyes710906 at hotmail.com>; jonathon contin<contin_5 at hotmail.com>; Justin Nootchtai<justin_nootch at hotmail.com>; Lake Simcoe Lightning<todd.hamblin at rogers.com>; <kyle.thibault at ca.atlascopco.com>; Lanny Fichette<lannyf35 at hotmail.com>; <lmyers at northernlife.ca>; Manitoulin<donklp at embarqmail.com>; M'Chigeeng<mel_pin at hotmail.com>; M'Chigeeng<neildebassige at hotmail.com>; Metal Door<jfzeiger at metaldoorltd.com>; Minesing Fastball<scourtemanche at atlasblock.com>; <mkelly at tribefastball.ca>; <mukmuk_10 at hotmail.com>; N fall fastball<rob at integrityhealth.tv>; North Stars<northstarsfastball at hotmail.com>; Nugget Sports<sports at nugget.ca>; Parry Island<nastassja0410 at hotmail.com>; Paul Lizotte<paul at lizottefuels.com>; <paullizotte at personainternet.com>; <randj1 at onlink.net>; Rep for Bracebridge Men's<brad_quinton at hotmail.com>; Rick Hames<rhames2 at cogeco.ca>; Royals of Etobicoke<theprophecy13 at hotmail.com>; sagamok<change_up99 at yahoo.com>; Sagamok Rez Riders<gerard_baibomcowai at hotmail.com>; Sagamok RR<skittles917 at hotmail.com>; Shayne Malone<shaynemalone at hotmail.com>; Sid &Tommie<trecollet at hotmail.com>; Sports<sports at thesudburystar.com>; Sports Com<statsman at sudburysports.com>; Sucker Creek<abotossawytroy at hotmail.com>; <tedconway at muskoka.com>; <tiffany.freer at live.com>; tina shilling<tinas at ramafirstnation.ca>; Toronto Bingo<herbayles at yahoo.ca>; Val Gagne Hawks<shelleygiguere35 at hotmail.com>; <vboissoneau at hotmail.com>; Walter(Wally)Sr Tobobogun<parryislandcottage at gmail.com>; <welsh7.5 at personainternet.com>
Subject: Wikwemikong Fall Fair Fastball Tournament 2012

Wikwemikong Fall Fair Fastball TournamentSeptember 21-23, 2012Thunderbird Park, Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island, ONEntry Fee: $350$1500 guaranteed 1st place prize (2nd place and consolation prize amounts based on # of teams)$100 non-refundable deposit required to secure your team's spot in the tournament3 Games GuaranteedAll games officiated by the Blue Umpires of Greater Sudbury For more info or to register your team, please contact Mark Peltier at 705-859-1708 or Lawrence Enosse at 705-859-3597.
 From: er_legendre at sympatico.ca
To: fastball at pmihrm.com; terryj64 at hotmail.com; b_biedermann14 at hotmail.com; balexander at hbgradio.com; balexander at moosefm.com; bensteff at sympatico.ca; bheidman at thesudburystar.com; bluelight24 at sympatico.ca; fpegahmagabow at hotmail.com; rrobertson at cogeco.ca; pat.brennan at henveyinlet.com; chadstcyr at hotmail.com; lorey2009 at live.com; chris_vanvolkenburg at hotmail.com; cody_buzzno at hotmail.com; quazzycer at hotmail.com; wakaluk at gmail.com; dbirnie at cogeco.ca; DeleneArmstrong at hotmail.com; mmmcain at vianet.ca; jesse.stcyr at yahoo.com; pitoup56 at hotmail.com; eddie.roy at railamerica.com; erinlamothe7 at gmail.com; fitchett_paul at hotmail.com; fpegahmagabow at hotmail.com; rthibaul at manitoulintransport.com; fastball at fitzroyharbour.com; topar5 at vianet.ca; jean-gilles.larocque at scdsb.edu.on.ca; jbelanger at persona.ca; wolfeyes710906 at hotmail.com; contin_5 at hotmail.com; justin_nootch at hotmail.com; todd.hamblin at rogers.com; Kyle.Thibault at ca.atlascopco.com; lannyf35 at hotmail.com; lmyers at northernlife.ca; donklp at embarqmail.com; wikyreds_11 at hotmail.com; mel_pin at hotmail.com; neildebassige at hotmail.com; jfzeiger at metaldoorltd.com; scourtemanche at atlasblock.com; mkelly at tribefastball.ca; mukmuk_10 at hotmail.com; rob at integrityhealth.tv; northstarsfastball at hotmail.com; sports at nugget.ca; nastassja0410 at hotmail.com; paul at lizottefuels.com; paullizotte at personainternet.com; randj1 at onlink.net; brad_quinton at hotmail.com; rhames2 at cogeco.ca; er_legendre at sympatico.ca; theprophecy13 at hotmail.com; change_up99 at yahoo.com; gerard_baibomcowai at hotmail.com; skittles917 at hotmail.com; shaynemalone at hotmail.com; trecollet at hotmail.com; sports at thesudburystar.com; statsman at sudburysports.com; mukmuk_10 at hotmail.com; abotossawytroy at hotmail.com; tedconway at muskoka.com; tiffany.freer at live.com; tinas at ramafirstnation.ca; herbayles at yahoo.ca; shelleygiguere35 at hotmail.com; vboissoneau at hotmail.com; parryislandcottage at gmail.com; welsh7.5 at personainternet.com
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 17:45:15 -0400

These are the ones I know of . Some I have no 
contact as of yet .
1.  13th Annual Rick McDonald 
Memorial Fastball Tournament in Azilda on June 9th and 10th . See by email 
Bonkers (email above among those there .
2.  1st Annual Gerald Coutu Memorial 
Fastball tournament in Timmins June 22nd to June 24th : 
guaranteed 4 games ; cost per team is $400 ; deadline for registration is June 
13th ; first and second prize guaranteed $1500 and $750 ; contact  Mike 
Bourgeois at 705-232-5765 or canucksrule35 at hotmail.com 
3.  The 7th annual 
Northern Ontario /Shamou Shoot Out    -date to be determined this 
week as either the third weekend in July or the second weekend in August .Entry 
fee is $380 . Prizes (amount) to be determined by the number of teams but first 
prize should be no less than $1000  . Contact me by email at er_legendre at sympatico.ca
4. The All Ontario B/C 
Intermediate men’s championship
August 18th and 19th at the Terry Fox Memorial Complex (two top 
Following the first two games –official opening ceremonies
The following pitchers are not allowed : ISC roster,OASA Sr Elimination roster 
and OASA Great Lakes pitchers
No entry fee for the teams
Pre warm-ups are not allowed on the infield before games
ISC pitching rule
Further details will be given in next few weeks where the deadline will be 
established for sometime in late July
Chairperson Roger Legendre at er_legendre at sympatico.ca
further tournaments for the North that arise , I will announce 
Roger Legendre statistician and  publicist for the 
Quentin Seeley Remax Men’s Fastball League of Greater Sudbury
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