Fw: Follow Durham College at the Fastball Nationals

fastball at pmihrm.com fastball at pmihrm.com
Sat Oct 6 10:01:48 EDT 2012

------Original Message------
From: Scott Dennis
To: Coach WFB Jim Nemish (jrnemish at rogers.com)
Cc: Ken Babcock
Subject: Follow Durham College at the Fastball Nationals
Sent: Oct 6, 2012 9:33 AM

Follow the Durham College fastball team online all weekend long!

Coach Nemish has indicated that online stats will be available at http://www.pointstreak.com/ - a direct link will be provided on the Lords facebook/twitter sites once the games are up.

Championship Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/CCSAsoftball
Championship Twitter - www.twitter.com/CCSAsoftball
Durham Lords Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/durhamlords
Durham Lords Twitter - www.durhamlords.com/123
Durham College E-News - http://www.durhamlords.com/fanzone/fanzone.html
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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