Ken Vierling on the move

Great news for ISC II UiC Ken Vierling, who will be flying home to Minnesota today from a Denver hospital. Ken was involved in a single-vehicle accident outside of Denver early in the spring that took the life of his passenger and has left him paralyzed from the chest down. Ken’s brother Dave and his sister-in-law Lori have been by his side at the hospital ever since, providing daily updates on Ken’s progress in his recovery.

We have great news everyone. Ken is coming home [today]. He will leave the hospital at 9:00 AM and leave the airport at 11:00 AM. He will arrive in Rochester at about 4:15 PM CDT. All transportation to and from hospitals and airports are paid for and nothing is stopping us now. Apparently the weather is going to be good for flying.

You can read their reports here.

Ken’s friends have created a web site to assist with fundraising efforts. If you can find a way to help, either by buying tickets, attending the events or providing support in some other way, please do so.

Please visit to find out how you can help.

We wish Ken continued best wishes in his ongoing therapy and ask that you keep in him your thoughts and prayers.

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