#15 Minnesota Angels at Boys of Summer

From Al’s Fastball

This weekend the Angels went to Denmark, Wisconsin to compete in the Boys of Summer Tournament. Picked up 1 win and dropped 2. The Angels now have an overall record of 22 wins and 7 losses.

Game 1
ISC #8 Albaugh 6 Angels 3
WP Gollan LP Kammueller
HR Fjelland, Foore Kaufman Aman

Game 2
Angels 2 ISC #21 Bar of Green Bay 1
WP Kammueller LP Johnson

Game 3
ISC #3 Aspen 7 Angels 1
WP Smith LP Kammueller
HR Crawford, Box

The Angels would like to thank Dean, Darren and their crews for making this an excellent event. The chance to compete on center stage against top teams at this complex in front of fans who appreciate the game is priceless. Our next outing will be the West St. Paul Tournament this upcoming weekend which promises to be a competitive field as well.

Jeff Larson
Minnesota Angels

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