ISC II #30 Denmark, WI Circle Tap Lumberjacks earn berth in ToC

Denmark, WI

The Denmark, WI Circle Tap Lumberjacks earned a return trip to the ISC II ToC in Chippewa Falls in August by taking second place in the Wisconsin ISC II State Tournament held in Denmark last weekend. The 30th ranked Lumberjacks had two wins over 10th ranked Bar of Appleton and wins over the Rice Lake Orangeman and Rep & Baja’s of Stratford. The two losses came to 8th ranked Wilber Lime of Galesville.

Game 1
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks——–000 100 0—–1-4-1-4
The Bar of Appleton——————-301 101 x—–6-7-1-4
Dave Miller WP 1-0,Scott Bortolini (4) & Bryan Hansen
Tim Jorgenson 2×3 (3RBI)

Game 2
Galesville Wilbur Lime—————–100 100 2—–4-6-1-3
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks———010 000 0—–1-3-1-5
Dave Miller LP 1-1 & Bryan Hansen
Tim Jorgenson 1×3 (2B), Shawn Krueger 1×3 (RBI)

Game 3
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks——-014 001 1—–7-7-2-9
Rice Lake Orangemen——————100 000 0—–1-3-2-6
Scott Bortolini WP 1-0 & Bryan Hansen
John Zipperer 2×3 (2RBI)

Game 4
The Bar of Appleton ——————020 100 1——-4-7-2-4
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks——–210 300 x——6-5-0-9
Dave Miller WP (2-1) Scott Bortolini (7) & Bryan Hansen
Todd Heezen 2×3, Shawn Krueger 1×3 (2 RBI), Bryan Hanson 1×4 (2RBI)

Game 5
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks——–201 110 1—–6-7-1-11
Statford Rep & Baja’s—————–000 111 0—–3-11-1-9
Scott Bortolini WP (2-0), Dave Miller (6) & Bryan Hansen
HR-Tim Jorgensen 2R & solo, Mike Chalupney solo

Game 6
Denmark Circle Tap Lumberjacks——–000——–0-1-1-1
Galesville Wilbur Lime—————-84x——-12-11-0-3
Dave Englebert LP (0-1),Scott Bortolini (1) & Bryan Hansen

The Lumberjacks will be in action July 1-3 in Wisconsin Classic League play and July 8-10 at the Earl’s Club tourney in Bristol, WI.

Todd Every
Circle Tap Lumberjacks

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