The Deuce blog has added an email mailing list for players and fans of the ISC II. We’ll send announcements about things like the broadcast archives for 2005, the upcoming 2006 ISC II Tournament of Champions in Kitchener, and updates of note that are posted on our blog. It’s designed for players and fans alike. We’ll still be posting the majority of items to this blog, with the email list reserved for announcements of a more special nature, giving members of the mailing list the inside scoop on things.
Click here to join The Deuce mailing list. (it’s automated so you can do it yourself).
Click here to visit the mailing list archives.
You’ll find both of the above links in our links section in the right hand margin for easy access in the future.
The volume of email is heaviest during the ISC II Tournament of Champions every August, and lighter during the rest of the year.
You may unsubscribe or turn it off or on whenever you like, and we protect your privacy. Your email address will not be shared.