Archive for the ‘ISF’ Category

Australia over Venezuela 7-0

Friday, July 17th, 2009

Martin Jorge, Editor of (“Softball News Latin America), based in Argentina.(Martin is in Saskatoon)

Rough translation of story by our friend Martin Jorge of
(Sometimes Google Translate is humorous, but you get the gist of the story)

Australia beat Venezuela by 7 to 0. Adam Folkard 1 hitter

Australia just beat Venezuela 7 to 0 in what marked the introduction of both teams in the World Softball Championship, which began to dispute today in Saskatoon, Canada. Adam Folkard stole the show, throwing a perfect game for 6 2 / 3 innings, closing the door to line up venezonalno. The only one who could connect ojeda hit was Carlos, who found an unstoppable between short and third base with two outs in the seventh inning.

Australlian took the lead in the first entry with two entries, and thus took control of the game and the scoreboard. The pitcher Adam Folkard could not be anything to rival batters while John Garcia threw a neat game. At the top of the fourth, a new glimmer of Australia increased the difference, while Venezuela could not do anything against a rival pitcher’s deliveries, who was still throwing a perfect game.

At the top of the seventh, Australia would define the game with 4 runs to put the game 7 to 0 and away from the tops. All that remained was to see if your perfect game Folkard close to the closing of the seventh. And things iban prefect for Australian pitcher, who promptly won the first two outs of the period. Only one out of the game is separated perefecto and history. A bat out the emerging Carlos Ojeda, who connected from the first two pitches foul of the account. Two strikes, no balls, Folkard fired a missile through the center of the plate, Ojeda range, Australia celebrates the feat of his pitcher, but a cry from the first base Umpire stops the breath of all. Launching illegal, one ball and two strikes to the batter, and again to the battle. Flokard throws two balls in succession, Ojeda is not fooled, complete account. Australian pitcher tries to put out the batter with a Venezuelan climber on the inside corner, but Ojeda connects unstoppable ball and breaks the perfect game for Folkard.

Ending the game a batter later, when then launch another illegal, Ojeda was caught in the third pad for the last out of the game. In this way, debuted in Australia with an impressive World filing its launcher, while Venezuela was an inspired Folkard not allowed anything in the whole game.

In other results, Botswana beat Denmark by 4 to 1, while the Philippines beat United Kingdom by 4 to 3.

ISF Team Preview – Argentina

Friday, July 17th, 2009

This is the fourth in a continuing series of team previews for the XII ISF World Championships. You can find all of them to date here.

(click logo to visit the official ISF XII World Championships website)

Argentina will play Canada tonight at 7pm CDT in one of the opening night feature games. Will we see Lucas Mata in the circle, or perhaps Montero?

Rough translation from

La Selección Argentina is already in Saskatoon

Jul 14th, 2009
Argentina Men’s Choice Canada arrived yesterday and is already installed on the Campus of the University of Saskatoon waiting World Championship starting next Friday in the party
inaugural tournament against Canada.

After having played this weekend the Boys of Summer Tournament in Wisconsin, the selection was moved to the Airport Chicago International, where he took the plane, after little more
three hours of flight, deposited in the city of Saskatoon. The team took the afternoon off yesterday to rest after the journey, and begin. Today in the training set for the latest details on
straight path to ecumenical event which starts on Friday. For the planned a morning physical training, while the Selección Argentina afternoon train on the court.

Argentina Roster

BOLZAN, Kevin (Paraná)
CACERES, Mauricio (Bahía Blanca)
COCCIA, Luciano José (Bahía Blanca)
GAMARCI, Andrés (Paraná)
GAMARCI, Julio Ismael (Paraná)
GODOY, Gustavo (Paraná)
GUERRINIERI, Gustavo (Paraná)
GUERRINIERI, Jose Alberto (Paraná)
LATASA, Leonardo (Buenos Aires)
MATA CARABAJAL, Lucas Diego (La Pampa)
MONTERO, Maximiliano (Paraná)
MONTERO, Pablo Cesar (Paraná)
MOTRONI, Bruno (Paraná)
PETRIC D’AGOSTINO, Fernando (Paraná)
PINTOS, Juan Enrique (Bahía Blanca)
PINTOS, José Luis (Bahía Blanca)
POTOLICCHIO, Juan (Paraná)

Photo from Facebook album: Confederación Argentina de Softbol’s Photos – Entrenamiento de la Selección Argentina

More photos of the Argentine team working out in Saskatoon at Facebook, for those of you who are on Facebook.

And, of course, the # 1 fastball news blog in Latin America:

Al’s Fastball in Saskatoon – Day 1

Friday, July 17th, 2009

Al Doran of Al’s Fastball is in Saskatoon and will be providing regular reports to the fastball community. We’ll post some excerpts here at Morning Brief, courtesy of Al, but be sure to log into his site to read the full reports. Click the familiar blue logo above to read his pre-tournament notes to date, including this item:

3pm or so walked over to see who was on the other diamonds, close to BVI and to GHP. Argentina was having a practice and some of the guys I had met in Midland gave me a wave.
Over to another diamond where Team USA was playing the team from the Czech Republic. Paul Koert was pitching and USA were up about 6-0 when I left to go back to the main diamond.

Before I left, Ty McKinney came over and greeted me, what a gentleman. A number of the other members of Team USA waved and smiled. Its nice to know the ball players are not upset with me for taking a stand on the Paul Algar issue. Hopefully they know they have someone to turn to if things ever take a bad turn for one of them. It should not be this way but once in awhile politics seeps into fastball.

I am told the Kiwis plan to play full out tomorrow evening against Team USA and that the Haka they sometimes perform will be intense. This is the first game for the Kiwis so it would be natural if they do perform the Haka.

Editor’s note: The controversy over Paul Algar is detailed in an earlier post from Al: Paul Algar – Ready to pitch for Black Sox – Blocked by ASA ? In short, the report is that the ASA/USA refused to release Paul Algar to New Zealand, so Algar is back home in Illinois, and not on the Black Sox’s ISF Roster. As the fastball gods would have it, the two teams will meet on Opening night, 9pm Saskatoon time. Emotions figure to be high for this one.

Long distance glove affair

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

(click logo to visit the official ISF XII World Championships website)



Two days before the International Softball Federation men’s world championship begins in Saskatoon and the only thing rounding the bases at Bob Van Impe Stadium on Wednesday is a tractor. After this week’s downpour, a pumper truck has been brought in to suck up the water.

A quick-dry compound absorbs the rest. The shale is then evened out, leaving the sun to finish the job.

When the roar of the tractor cuts out, there is silence. But listen closely.

A distant crack of a bat filters into the stadium. Behind Bob Van Impe Stadium is a maze of lush fields, where exhibition games have begun. Instructions ring out in various accents, fans congregate along the sidelines in clusters of lawn chairs. Kids play catch as players flex their bats, their white pants a mess of grass stains and dirt.


The championship doesn’t start until Friday, but the softball world has arrived in Saskatoon.

Inside the organizers’ trailer, it’s what hasn’t arrived that’s making news.

On Wednesday morning, Canada changed its laws, requiring a visa to admit travelers from the Czech Republic and Mexico. While the Czech team touched down before the law took effect, officials scrambled to ensure the Mexican team was granted entry.

And where is the Indonesian team?

Gary Armstrong, executive director for the event, just laughs. There’s always something.

After their long plane rides, the teams are on deck. Saskatoon is making a good impression.

“Today we’ve got sunshine and two games lined up,” says South African pitcher Monte Sadler. “As far as preparation goes that should be more than adequate.”

Sadler says the team is especially looking forward to playing Australia.

“We’re big rivals in rugby and cricket,” he says. “We’ve got to take it through on the softball field as well.”

The Great Britain team includes players from all over the world, including Saskatoon StarPhoenix reporter Dave Hutton.

Three-year national team veteran James Chalmers is an Australian who lives in Denmark and plays for Great Britain. He gets a little grief for his shifting affiliations.

“There’s always some snide remarks from the Australians,” he says.


The British team, which finished fourth at the recent Grey Sox tournament in Vancouver, touched down in Saskatoon on Tuesday. While Vancouver certainly made an impression — Chalmers is trying to convince his wife they should move there — his time in Saskatoon has already provided a highlight.

“We went to Walmart,” he says with a laugh. “We got some blue shorts that fit every one.”

The fields and the bullpens aren’t the only place to find ballplayers. Lorette and Stan Halliwell, who play senior slow pitch two mornings a week, are on hand to check out the Americans. The Halliwells attended the 2002 women’s worlds and were particularly taken by the Japanese team.

“They were just warming up and they were throwing the ball so fast, you couldn’t see it,” Lorette says. “It was really cool to watch.”

Ron Matheson, a native of Miramachi, N.B., who has retired in Saskatoon, is also here at the ballpark, sizing up the Americans, but has already decided who he is rooting for.

“I’m going to go with our home team; Canada and Australia to be in the finals,” Matheson says. “But you never know. Anything can happen in softball. Nobody’s unbeatable.”

Matheson, who played competitive ball with military teams, plans to make it out to as many games as possible at worlds.

“If people don’t come out here and see this,” he says, “there’s something wrong.”

© Copyright (c) The StarPhoenix

Schedule for Pre-ISF Games for Thursday Changed

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

(click logo to visit the official ISF XII World Championships website)

Re: ISF XII World Men’s Softball Championship pre tournament games in Saskatoon for Thursday have been changed


Thursday, July 16, 2009 Glenn Reeve #6
5:00pm United States vs. Czech Republic
7:00pm U.S.A vs. Saskatoon Sr. A Diamondbacks
9:00 pm Saskatoon Sr. A Diamondbacks vs. Czech Republic

Paul Algar – Ready to pitch for Black Sox – Blocked by ASA ?

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

From Al Doran, of Al’s Fastball:

This is probably going to be one of the most controversial items I have ever posted however I firmly believe someone has to step up and say something.

Paul Algar is 44 years old yet is probably in the best physical condition of his life. He has come back from a horrific incident in New Zealand, conditioned himself to the point where he is ready to go on the field in Saskatoon and represent New Zealand, his native land. He is a Black Sox.
Paul has been travelling with the Black Sox on the pre-ISF tour, proudly wearing the Black Sox uniform.

Paul was filling in for injured 18-year old pitcher, Thomas Enoka. As I understand it, Thomas is not going to be able to pitch in Saskatoon without risking permanent injury to his shoulder.

The New Zealand Black Sox want Paul Algar to pitch for them in Saskatoon, to replace young Enoka.

The rest of the story is that it’s reported that the ASA will not release Paul Algar to play with the Black Sox. This is strange considering the ASA did not feel that Paul Algar was good enough to wear the Team USA Jersey. So they don’t want him but they will not release him. That is the story we have been told.

Who, reading this has any influence with the ASA?

Someone, Please, pick up the phone and call the ASA and convince them to release Paul Algar to go and play for the New Zealand Black Sox in Saskatoon.

Young Paul Koert was in a similar situation recently. Not chosen to represent Canada, the United States invited him to play for Team USA and Softball Canada did the right thing / sportsmanlike thing, they released Koert to go play for the USA.

Unfortunately, Softball Canada can’t do much on this one, they cannot help Paul Algar. Only the ASA can help Paul Algar.

I recently saw Paul Algar at the Monkton tournament where he wore the Black Sox uniform with pride. He looked in tremendous physical condition. Paul’s brother Loren, pitching coach with the Australian national team told me he was so proud of his younger brother. He said that after his horrible injuries in New Zealand, Paul had a long recuperation period but he fought back, to the point where he thinks Paul is now in even better physical condition than he was before his injuries two years ago.

Paul is not only in top physical condition, he has the burning desire to play for his country one last time. At age 44, he is not going to get another chance.

Someone with some influence with the ASA, please pick up the phone today and convince them to release Paul Algar to go and play for his New Zealand Black Sox.

Paul saw his Black Sox off to Saskatoon yesterday while he flew home to Illinois to await word. He is ready to play.

Paul, I certainly hope I see you in Saskatoon, wearing the black.

Al Doran

p.s. Paul is available for both the ASA’s and the ISC WT.

palgar11 (at)

ISF Team Preview – USA

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

(click logo to visit the official ISF XII World Championships website)

The following is the second in a series of team previews for the 2009 ISF World Championships that begins later this week. The USA squad opens the tournament Friday night, July 17 against the reigning world champions, the New Zealand Black Sox.

From the USA Softball website:

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — Although the USA Softball Men’s National Fast Pitch Team is one of the most decorated in the world, it has been 21 years since the Americans stood atop the World Championship podium. Team USA aims to change that July 17-27 when they compete at the 2009 International Softball Federation Men’s World Softball Championship in Saskatoon, Canada.

“I think we’ve got a good mix of guys that will make us competitive with the best teams in the world,” coach Pete Turner (Stockton, Calif.) said. “We have some great hitters but if our bats are struggling, it’s not game over for us. We have a strong pitching staff that I think can carry us through.”

The squad will be led by pitchers Terry Luster (Bunceton, Mo.), Travis Price (Corona, Calif.) and Paul Koert (Brooklin, Ontario). Also competing are Frank DeGroat Jr. (Ringwood, N.J); Chris Delarwelle (Forestville, Wis.); Nate Devine (Sonora, Calif.); Don Garvey (Appleton, Wis.); Paul Koert (Brooklin, Ontario); Adam LaLonde (Ashland, Ky.); Kyle Magnusson (Minot, N.D.); Tyron McKinney (Asland, Ohio); Blake Miller (Kingsville, Texas); Daryn Miller (Creve Coeur, Ill.); Matt Palazzo (Des Moines, Iowa); Stephen Pinocchio (Jamestown, Calif.); Landy Rodriguez (West Haverstraw, N.Y.); Marcus Tan (Union City, Calif.) and Chase Turner (Stockton, Calif.).

The 17 men are part of a program that has won five gold medals (1966, 1968, 1976, 1980 and 1988), one silver (1972) and three bronze (1984, 1992 and 2000). In 2004, the last time the World Championships were contested, Team USA finished a disappointing fourth.

“Not winning a medal was a little shocking to us to be quite honest,” Turner said. “We were cruising through the pool play but when we got to the playoffs, I think we kind of got ahead of ourselves and lost control of the situation. Before we knew it, we were out of contention and asking what just happened. I don’t think any of us want to feel that way again.”

Team USA starts the 2009 World Championships by going against the one of the best teams, five-time World Champion New Zealand, which has won the last three World titles (1996, 2000 and 2004), when pool play kicks off July 17. Also competing in Saskatoon are 2004 World silver medalists Canada and bronze medalists Australia, although the United States will not face those teams in pool play.

“There is going to be a lot of competition in Saskatoon. There are a lot of countries with a lot of talent,” Turner said. “But what happened in 2004 doesn’t determine what is going to happen here in 2009 so it’s a clean slate for everyone. We’re going to go out there and play our hardest every day like we would have if we were the defending World Champions.”

The other pool play matches for Team USA are with Denmark on July 18; Japan on July 19; Philippines on July 20; Botswana on July 21; Great Britain on July 22; and Mexico on July 23. The World playoffs are July 24-25 with the medal rounds on July 26. Following the bronze medal game at noon, two teams will play for the 2009 International Softball Federation World Men’s Softball Championship title at 3 p.m. in the Bob Van Impe Stadium.

As a tune-up for the 2009 World Men’s Championship, the men competed in four exhibition games in Salem, Va., going undefeated against the Virginians (Salem, Va.) and Keatings (Pa.) Fitness Center.

“I am happy with the results. The guys played real well (against the Virginians and Keatins) so it was a great tune-up for the World Championships,” Turner said. “I am happy with the way that they were hitting the ball out there. And our pitching staff did exactly what we wanted, putting up zeros on the board. I really think this is one of the strongest men’s teams that we’ve had in a while.”

The team will hold exhibitions July 15-16 against the Philippines, Saskatoon Diamondbacks and Bruno Merchants in Saskatoon. “These games are just tune-ups to get everyone playing together as a team, to get everyone understanding their roles and responsibilities before we get into Worlds,” Turner said.

For more information about Worlds, visit:

2009 Men’s Fast Pitch National Team Schedule
World Men’s Fast Pitch Championships

July 15
Philippines (Ex.)
Saskatoon, Canada

July 15
Saskatoon Diamondbacks (Ex.)
Saskatoon, Canada

July 16
Bruno Merchants (Ex.)
Saskatoon, Canada

New Zealand
Saskatoon, Canada

July 18
Saskatoon, Canada

July 19
Saskatoon, Canada

July 20
Saskatoon, Canada

July 21
Saskatoon, Canada

July 22
Great Britain
Saskatoon, Canada

July 23
Saskatoon, Canada

July 24-27
Pending (Playoffs)
Saskatoon, Canada

Click here for individual player profiles.

Adam LaLonde
Blake Miller
Chase Turner
Chris DeLarwelle
Daryn Miller
Don Garvey
Frank DeGroat, Jr.
Kyle Magnusson
Landy Rodriguez
Marcus Tan
Matt Palazzo
Nate Devine
Paul Koert
Stephen Pinocchio
Terry Luster
Travis Price
Tyron McKinney
Head Coach Peter Turner
Asst Coach Thad Brown
Asst. Coach Avon Meacham

ISF Team Preview – New Zealand Black Sox

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

(click logo to visit the official ISF XII World Championships website)

The following is the first in a series of team previews for the 2009 ISF World Championships that begins later this week. We thought it fitting to begin with the reigning world champions, the New Zealand Black Sox.

(click logo to visit official team website for the Black Sox)

The following article ran back in March, 2009, but provides a good look at the squad preparing to defend its world title.

(click logo for original news story)

Black Sox go for new look
By Linda Wood

It will be a new-look Black Sox softball team that will attempt to win a fourth consecutive world championship crown in Saskatoon, Canada in July.

Four players who were available for this year’s tournament, and were members of the side in 2004 side, have missed selection in the team meaning captain Jarrad Martin, Patrick Shannon, Brad Rona, Nathan Nukunuku, Roman Gabriel, Thomas Makea and Donny Hale are the survivors while Aaron Neemia and pitcher Heinie Shannon were both members of the Samoa team at the 2004 world championships.

“It has been a big call,” Black Sox coach Eddie Kohlhase said.

“The players have just been unable to recapture the form they had in 2004.

“There are some unlucky players and they will be disappointed.”

Kohlhase has also made a big call in going outside of his initial training squad and including Auckland’s Enoka brothers, Thomas and Ben, in the team. Just over a year ago the two were named in the Junior Black Sox team for that side’s world championship, which was also played in Canada.

Thomas has joined the pitching staff spearheaded by veteran Marty Grant, with support from Jeremy Manley and Heinie Shannon.

Ben has been named in the outfield with Rhys Casley, Thomas Makea, Donny Hale, Daniel Milne and Gareth Cooke.

“They are the real bolters,” Kohlhase said. “I think they have a very big future in the game.”

Kohlhase has also, as expected, named Travis Wilson in the side. Wilson was a member of the world championship team in 1996 but for the next eight years pursued a professional baseball career, mainly with the Atlanta Braves.

He returned to the Black Sox team four years ago and quickly re-established himself in the side but, due to his work commitments – Wilson is the fielding coach for the Black Caps – missed the tour of South America in November and then last month’s Pacific Series in Apia.

“He brings to the team another professional approach,” Kohlhase said.

While the Black Sox have dominated the world championships – they have contested the last six finals and won four of them including the last three – they don’t talk about defending the crown.

“This is a new team,” Kohlhase said.

“To win this tournament is going to take all 17 players pulling in the right direction.

“It is going to be a tough one, though.”

Meanwhile, a combination of experience and youth make up the White Sox team for the Southern Cross Challenge and the test series against Australia next month in Christchurch.

Recalled to the side are Cindy Potae, Kiri Shaw and Michal Tangaroa.

Potae and Shaw have more than a decade of international softball experience with world championship and Olympic Games experience behind them, while Tangaroa, who is the daughter of former Black Sox pitcher Chubb, has played in a world championship tournament.

The only new cap in the team is Hutt Valley’s Atsuko Tamaka.

“We need some experienced players in there so they can pass that on to the younger ones,” White Sox coach Dean Rice said.

Click here to view the player profiles at the official Black Sox website.

Roster and profiles (without photos) after the jump.


A bit of news from Saskatoon – Rain

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Martin Jorge, Editor of
(“Softball News Latin America), based in Argentina.

(click banner to visit site)

Our friend Martin Jorge (Editor, has arrived in Saskatoon for the ISF World Championships and shares this note with us:

“I’m writing from Saskatoon, I arrived yesterday with Argentina National Team. I don’t think we [Argentina] will be playing any exhibition games here, but if we do I’ll let you know. Today is raining here in Saskatoon, so probably the games scheduled for today will be suspended.

Last weekend we were in Denmark, in the Boys of Summer Tournament. Argentina lost in semifinals against Stampede. I took some photos there, you can find in our Federation page in Facebook:

Martin will be providing news and info from Saskatoon as the tournament progresses.

Note on Streaming Video for ISF XII Men’s World Championships

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Note from Al Doran of Al’s Fastball re: Streaming Video of ISF Worlds at Saskatoon:

We have received numerous notes of inquiry since then from fans from all over the world asking for more details. I am sorry but I am as much in the dark here as everyone else. The host site still has no information on its subject link:

So all I can recommend is you keep watching that site and/or contact the host committee.

Excellent questions posed to us include:

– who are the announcers, play by play and colour commentators – do they know senior men’s ball?
– What video and audio quality will we have?
– What is the schedule for the games to be covered?
– will other games have at least a video image?

Hopefully we will have more information very soon as the countdown is on, we play ball in 3 more days!

The official site is:<


I am counting on the host committee to provide me with our standard Game Summary Sheets right after every game so that we can keep the information flowing on all the action. I have been assured a reserved spot in the press box and a wireless connection so we should be good to go on Friday morning.

Safe travels to all the fans, players, umpires, and officials headed to Saskatoon, see you in the park on Friday morning.

Stay tuned to

Click here for more info on the tournament.

Al’s earlier post on streaming video at Saskatoon:

XII ISF World Men’s Softball Championship – web streaming

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Media Release

Re: XII ISF World Men’s Softball Championship

The organizing Committee of the XIIISF World Men’s World Softball Championship Softball is pleased toannounce that fans from around the globe can watch the best softball in theworld, through video streaming. As a result of a partnership with Softball Canada all games played at Bob Van Impe Stadium will be made availablethrough pay per view, video streaming. A number of the games will include live play by play. The cost for a complete tournament package is $59.95 or $39.95for the final 10 games. Fans can gain access through the tournament websitemedia link at the top of the page.

Editor’s note: We have also received a number of emails from fastpitch fans around the world asking for more information on the streaming video broadcasts of the ISF Worlds in Saskatoon. Some had heard that Ballparkradio might be handling the broadcasts. We are not. (As mentioned in prior post, we did submit a proposal, but we were not selected). If we hear anything further, we’ll post in all the usual places, including here at the Morning Brief.