Paul Algar – Ready to pitch for Black Sox – Blocked by ASA ?

From Al Doran, of Al’s Fastball:

This is probably going to be one of the most controversial items I have ever posted however I firmly believe someone has to step up and say something.

Paul Algar is 44 years old yet is probably in the best physical condition of his life. He has come back from a horrific incident in New Zealand, conditioned himself to the point where he is ready to go on the field in Saskatoon and represent New Zealand, his native land. He is a Black Sox.
Paul has been travelling with the Black Sox on the pre-ISF tour, proudly wearing the Black Sox uniform.

Paul was filling in for injured 18-year old pitcher, Thomas Enoka. As I understand it, Thomas is not going to be able to pitch in Saskatoon without risking permanent injury to his shoulder.

The New Zealand Black Sox want Paul Algar to pitch for them in Saskatoon, to replace young Enoka.

The rest of the story is that it’s reported that the ASA will not release Paul Algar to play with the Black Sox. This is strange considering the ASA did not feel that Paul Algar was good enough to wear the Team USA Jersey. So they don’t want him but they will not release him. That is the story we have been told.

Who, reading this has any influence with the ASA?

Someone, Please, pick up the phone and call the ASA and convince them to release Paul Algar to go and play for the New Zealand Black Sox in Saskatoon.

Young Paul Koert was in a similar situation recently. Not chosen to represent Canada, the United States invited him to play for Team USA and Softball Canada did the right thing / sportsmanlike thing, they released Koert to go play for the USA.

Unfortunately, Softball Canada can’t do much on this one, they cannot help Paul Algar. Only the ASA can help Paul Algar.

I recently saw Paul Algar at the Monkton tournament where he wore the Black Sox uniform with pride. He looked in tremendous physical condition. Paul’s brother Loren, pitching coach with the Australian national team told me he was so proud of his younger brother. He said that after his horrible injuries in New Zealand, Paul had a long recuperation period but he fought back, to the point where he thinks Paul is now in even better physical condition than he was before his injuries two years ago.

Paul is not only in top physical condition, he has the burning desire to play for his country one last time. At age 44, he is not going to get another chance.

Someone with some influence with the ASA, please pick up the phone today and convince them to release Paul Algar to go and play for his New Zealand Black Sox.

Paul saw his Black Sox off to Saskatoon yesterday while he flew home to Illinois to await word. He is ready to play.

Paul, I certainly hope I see you in Saskatoon, wearing the black.

Al Doran

p.s. Paul is available for both the ASA’s and the ISC WT.

palgar11 (at)

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