Trivia Time

What do these two ballplayers have in common? (Scroll down for answer)


Trivia Answer: They are both “Home Run Derby” winners. At top, is Ryan Howard of the Philadelphia Phillies, who won MLB’s version of the Home Run Derby Monday night at baseball’s All-Star Game. Below, is Brian Ree of the Portland Merchants, who put on his own “Home Run Derby” over the past weekend, at the Prince George Bear Classic men’s fastball tournament, hitting five (count ’em, “5”) home runs. A few differences, though….Howard hit his off of batting practice pitching, while Ree hit his in actual games, against ISC level pitching. Other differences? Well, Howard stands 6’4″, 250 pounds. Ree, just under 6′, and 180 pounds. Where does he get that kind of power? The answer, we think, is in that swing (on display on the latest cover photo at Ree, we are told, endured some good natured ribbing about “taking the juice”, including a visual search by “GK”, Gerald Kennedy. No steroids were found. But all kidding aside, anyone that has seen Ree in person would not think “juice”, but rather, recognize that he had developed into one of the rising talents in the game. Shades of Schellenberg. He and his Portland teammates won the Bear Classic, by the way, and will be in Vancouver at month’s end for the Vancouver Challenge. Sorry for blowing your cover, Brian.

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