Around Town, April 20, 2005

The Guerreros (Damian and his dad Bennie) drove in all three runs as the Black Sox topped the Panteras, 3-1 in Artesia league play, Wednesday night. Damian drove in a pair of runs with an RBI single in the first and Bennie added an RBI single in the fourth. Damian also had a long double in the game, (and I do mean long), but has been relieved of his base coaching duties. You’ll have to ask him about that one.

And speaking of the Guerreros, they won Fred Hanker’s Black Sox contest for the month of March, for having the most hits among the competing duos. If you haven’t visited Fred’s Long Beach Black Sox team site lately, there’s lots of great stuff, including plenty of photos, and April’s contest, which pairs Black Sox players with a major league player in the “who’ll hit the most home runs contest”.

Not sure what Fred is putting in the team’s water, but no less than three Black Sox players have gotten engaged this year, including Dale Lopes, Dan Fleming and the latest, Chuck Chapel. No report on who might be next, but those Black Sox room reservations are getting larger all the time.

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