Post-County Speculation….

The news of back-to-back ISC World Champion County Materials, WI shuttering their operation yesterday has, not surprisingly, starting people to wondering where the members of the talent-laden roster will wind up, particularly in view of the PRAWN rule adopted by the ISC last year, which places limits on the number of All World players that can be added to a team’s roster. Some speculation over at the Saskatoon Jr. Diamondback’s Forum, where the Hot Stove League is already starting to simmer:

From the Saskatoon Jr. Diamondbacks Forum

Prawn will def play a huge factor in where the County players end up ….will the Kiwis and Aussies come back and play for probably less money then they earned with County…cause we all know there are only a couple of teams left that pay big money and these teams already have prawns …I wonder if another sponser will step up and shell out big money for 6 of this guys and the rest will hook up with the other big money clubs?…or will we see the county players spread themselves arround the other clubs?

FARM: rumour has them overhauling entire line up , only untouchables i see here are Gray , Budke , Twachman….maybe room for 3 prawns?

ORILLIA: probably need a couple of bats , but really cant see them dropping ontario players for kiwi’s or aussies

PATSYS: current Prawns :Lalonde , Mookie , Folkard , Degroat , Wilson , Muizzy , Morega , …def see some movement here probably add P.Shannon , A.Kirkpatrick , N.Nukunuku
delete Muizzy , Mookie , Morega , Lalonde

KITCHENER : Current Prawns: Eidt , Simmons, White , Shewfelt, Koert, Martin,Jones can’t really see this club paying to have a kiwi/aussie other then maybe Kirkpatrick if Koert or Martin are not wanted back

ASPEN: With Farm resuffle look for both Tosh and Deanno to return home adding 2 prawns

As for other top ten teams that spend some money not sure what there plans might be , but should cause for some parity amongst top teams in 07 … outside of Patsy’s i think most teams are on a level budget and playing field.

Editor’s Note: Here is the gist of the PRAWN rule, from the Official ISC Website:

PRAWN Restrictions

A PRAWN (Player Rep All World Name) list will be maintained by the ISC containing each name of the two all-world teams for the most recent 5 years, including MV Player and Outstanding Pitcher. The PRAWN list will be released on Al’s list by August 30 each year and posted on the ISC web site as soon as possible.

Each team will be limited to 6 players (combination of pitchers and position players), plus exceptions (see below) that have been named All World in the last 5 years – only one of which may be a pitcher. Teams are still limited to 2 OOA pitchers for the season. All teams must name their PRAWNs to the Executive Director by May 1 each year.

Click here for a look at the latest PRAWN List, 102 players strong. Note that the All World players for 2006 have not yet been added.

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