Maddy’s 2007 AAU Photos – Gallery 9

Well, this makes nine (9) galleries, with one more to go. Home stretch !

Click the camera to view first nine galleries of photos from the 2007 AAU International Tournament, held January 18-21, 2007. Maddy has prepped about 300 photos, so we’ve been posting a gallery every day over the last or so. If you don’t see the team you’re looking for, check back soon, as we have one more gallery to go.

After clicking the camera icon above, click the menu button on left for Gallery 9, or to jump directly to Gallery 9, click here.

This gallery includes some dramatic shots taken at the end of the championship game, including the “Dominican Duo”, Eduardo Perez launching a game tying home run in the 7th inning, and teammate Frank Perez celebrating the game/tournament winning home run that earned him tournament MVP honors.

Following those pics are some odds and ends, and the start of the award winners:

Third Place Team Photos, for the two teams tying for Bronze:
Hallman Twins, Kitchener, ON Canada and the Texaco Pirates, of the Bahamas

Here’s Haziel McDonald accepting the third place hardware from tournament director Alex Linares on behalf of his Texaco Pirates, while Doug Eidt does the honors for the Hallman Twins.

How about this scenic shot?

Mac’s Billy Smith, with the kid that grew up down the street, Frank DeGroat, Jr.. (You were taller then, Billy 😉 )

And finally, three of the men behind the success of the AAU International tournament, (L to R), Alex Linares of the AAU, Ken Hackmeister, and Dick Mason of the ISC.

Tomorrow’s final gallery will feature the rest of the award winners, and a few odds and ends, bringing our Maddy’s Photos of the 2007 AAU to more than 300.

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