ISC Introduces New Roster & Team Registration Process

August 6, 2007 Final Deadline for ISC/ISCII Rosters

In a continuing effort to streamline our overall operation and at the same time, reduce both expense and volunteer requirements for tournament hosts, beginning in 2007 the ISC will implement a new team roster and team registration process at the World Tournament and ISC II Tournament of Champions.

The former 3-part roster form is being eliminated and replaced with a single copy form that is available on line or will be email attached to those requesting it. The new form is currently displayed at Click on Rules & Forms in the left margin of front page. You can save this form, to your computer, from the web site display.

For both World Tournament and ISC II teams, the roster form must be submitted three times per season; May 1, July 15 and the Monday preceding the start of the ISC World Tournament. In 2007, this final date is August 6.

The May 1 date is a “preliminary” roster and a mandatory PRAWN declaration date for those teams having PRAWN players. May 1 will also continue being the due date for Out of Region (formerly Out of Area) player forms.

July 15 is the deadline for rosters to be in the hands of the championship tournaments host for use in the printed tournament program.

August 6 will be the final deadline for rosters used in the 2007 World Tournament and ISC II Tournament of Champions.

All rosters are to be emailed to the appropriate Statisticians whose addresses appear on the roster form itself.

The overall process involves each team “saving” their first roster on their computer. Then as subsequent due dates arrive, only changes need to be made to the saved form.

This process will eliminate the need for the former Team Registration ordeal on the Friday morning preceding the start of the World Tournament. The mandatory team manager meeting will still be held at 12 noon on the beginning Friday. Outside the manager meeting room, tables will be set up for distribution of materials for each team. Player and immediate family member tournament passes will be distributed based on the August 6 roster submission. This distribution process will begin around 10 AM and continue until after the manager meeting concludes. ISC personnel, Umpires, Hall of Fame inductees and others requiring credentials will also pick up outside the manager meeting room.

The Statisticians will also be available during this distribution process, to make any last minute roster changes.

For ISC II, the above process will be used but the manager meeting and credentials distribution will take place preceding the start of the ISC II Tournament of Champions. Time and location will be announced later.

To download a copy of the new roster form, click here.

(It’s an Excel file, so choose “save” to save to your computer’s hard drive, or “open” if you want to open it.)

If you don’t have Excel (which is part of Microsoft Office) and don’t want to $pring for it, try the open source freebie, “Open Office”.

Click here to visit the official ISC website page with for Rules and Forms. You’ll find the new 2007 Roster under “Forms”, right at the top.

For those wanting the new roster form via email attachment, email any of the following and request one.

The ISC extends thanks to Bret Baughman, ISC Historian and Assistant Statistician, for his efforts in developing much of the new procedure and roster form.

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