2007 NAFA Masters World Series – Age Requirements and Qualification

Carson City, Nevada (West)
Rockford, Illinois (East)

The NAFA Masters World Series invites all Masters teams to play without qualifying. The age requirement is that anyone turning the age of the class you want to play in that year is eligible, i. e. anyone turning 35 at any time in 2007 can play 35, anyone turning 50 in 2007 at anytime can play 50. The Second rule of age requirements to promote equality in this program is that all pitchers must meet the above age test. In addition: Each team in the 35-Over class is allowed to bring 3 position (non-pitching) players that are 3 years too young (i.e. turn 32 in this calendar year),

Each 40-over team is allowed 3 position players that are 3 years too young (i.e. turn 37 in this calendar year). Each 45-over team is allowed 3 position players that are 3 years too young (i.e. turn 42 in this calendar year), Each 50-over team is allowed 3 position players that are 3 years too young (i.e. turn 47 in this calendar year). There are no pitcher or team classifications at this time.

The 2007 NAFA Masters World Series Eastern Zone Championship- Rockford Illinois, Sep. 8th & 9th

The 2007 NAFA Masters World Series Western Zone Championship – Carson City Nevada, Sep. 15th & 16th

Check out the following web sites for details.

NAFA : http://www.nafafastpitch.com/2007_masters_zones.htm

Ontario Masters Fastball Web site : http://eteamz.active.com/omf/

Yours in Sport,

Dave Birnie
Web Site Administrator
Ontario Masters Fastball
Web Site : http://eteamz.active.com/omf/
E-mail : dbirnie(at)cogeco(dot)ca
E-mail : ontariomasters(at)hotmail(dot)com

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