Player Photo Gallery at Fastpitchwest

It’s been a while since we’ve updated our Player Photo Gallery at Fastpitchwest. . It’s a work in progress, but we’d like to include as many players as possible.

To be included, just send us an email at photos (at), with a link to your favorite photo of yourself that is posted at Fastpitchwest and we’ll add you to the mix.

Or if you’d like us to post a different photo than the one that is presently linked, just send us an email with the new link. Maybe you’re with a different team now, and would like a current pic. Maybe that beard you used to have doesn’t suit your new look, or maybe Maddy caught you in a Michael-Jordanesque pose with your tongue sticking out. Whatever the case may be, just shoot us an email and we’ll update with your new favorite.

And if you can’t find your smiling face among the thousands of photos posted at Fastpitchwest, send us one of your own. (or if you know there is a photo, but for some reason, it’s no longer posted online, tell us the date and tournament that it was taken at.

Best to send a link if you can find one though, as it will get posted quicker. If there’s a photo at another website, we’ll need their permission to link it up.

Here’s a new one coming in now, from Charlie Pena, in Texas:

Click here to read our prior post about Charlie’s team, the Baytown Hawks, who will be competing in this year’s 50th Latin tournament, alongside a good portion of the Garcia family, Todd included among them.

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