ISF Men’s World Cup – Day 1

Chris Miljavic, Frank De Groat, Jr. Star in Opening Round Win

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[Prague, Czech Republic June 18, 2007] –

Decos EHS loses first game to USA 9-2

Miljavec started the rally in the bottom of the first inning for Team USA with a bunt and got to second on a single by Moraga a grounder to Decos EHS Doug Gillis advanced both runners and Miljavec scored on a passed ball by catcher Anthony Beaumont.

Decos EHS got back in the game after a single by Michael Cameron who scored on a hard line drive double by Jeffry Visser. After USA starter Travis Price walked the next batter Pim Winkel, catcher Anthony Beaumont got on first after an bunt and an error by Price which scored Jeffry Visser.

USA got back in the lead in the bottom of the second after a single by Miller and a slap single by Lucas Goring. Miller scored on a passed ball which brought Goring to third. Lalonde walked and both Goring and Lalonde scored on another slap single by Miljavec.

USA scored another two runs on a huge two run HR off the bat of Frank De Groat in the third. Doug Gillis gave Decos EHS a good three innings against the US and was substituted by Kiwi pitcher Jared Welsh. Team USA scored another run in the fifth by Miller and ended the game in the sixth on runs by Moraga and Delarwelle.

A good performance by both teams and Decos EHS certainly got the respect they earned.


Decos EHS 0-2-0-0-0-0 = 2 4 2
USA 1-3-2-0-1-2 = 9 9 1

Decos EHS: Doug Gillis (LP) 5-1-6 (3 inn)
Jared Welsh 2-3-3 (2 1/3 +2 inn)

HR: Frank De Groat (+1)

Tomorrow Decos EHS will play Venezuela and Czech Rep

Norman Ames
Decos EHS Fastpitch, Haarlem, The Netherlands


USA – Decos EHS 2-9
Prague Stars – Denmark 3-7
Japan – Santa Isabel Zaragoza 6-0
Czech Rep – Tenerife 7-0

No surprise 1st day of Men’s World Cup in Prague. all results were more or less expected however we still could see interesting games and good level of fastpitch. US team beat Doug Gillis
pitching for dutch team Demo EHS, Japan won easily over spanish team from Zaragoza, Denmark had some problems with second czech team Prague Stars 7:3. Evening game live on TV betwen Czech Republic and Tenerife Halcons (spanish team, but filled with Venezuelans and Dominicans) was close only until 5th inning (1:0) when Czech team scored 5 runs and than finished in 6th by one more to end the game. Vnezuela, who had some problems finally arrived and will play their first game tommorow morning against Dutch selection and US team will play Japan in the game at 8 p.m.

Pavel Prachar

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