The Aussies are Coming, The Aussies are Coming!

Australian team looking forward to Summerside experience

By Pat Healey, Marketing and Media Consultant, ISF 2005 Jr. Men’s World Softball Championship

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – Team Australia is looking forward to a great deal of Canadian hospitality, including die-hard softball fans and lots of lobster during their month-long trip for the ISF 2005 Jr. Men’s World Softball Championship June 24 to July 3 in Summerside. The Aussies will begin their tour June 10 when they arrive for 10 days of exhibition games and training in the Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont., region before heading to Summerside for the actual championship.

Team coach Lindsey Carroll said adjusting to the time difference and atmosphere in Canada and the fact they are currently out of season is one of the reasons they will be coming over two weeks before their first game. “It is important to give the team and coaching staff as much diamond time prior to the world championships as possible.,” said Carroll. The team has 20 games in South Perth arranged with the Kitchener Hallman Twins, Milverton, Innerkip, Elmira, Sebringville Sting, Mitchell Mets and two games against All Star teams with the first in Niagara Falls against the Golden Horeshoe Fastball League All Stars on Monday June 13.

The team open’s its campaign at the Senior Men’s tournament in Mitchell, before also touring Niagara Falls and watching a Toronto Blue Jays Major League Baseball game at Rogers Centre, Carroll explained. Confirmed games include four games (two double headers) in Belmore, Ont. June 16 and 17. They will be against Elmira and Belmore (June 16) and the Bluewater All Stars and Harriston (June 17). Games begin at 7 and 9 p.m. “Many players haven’t toured overseas or even been on a plane trip that was longer than four hours,” said Carroll. Since players are spread across Australia, training is conducted under the supervision of satellite coaches five times a week in preparation for the tournament. Currently, players are working on positional defensive while offensive sessions are held in the week while regular monthly testing is held to monitor the player’s progress, Carroll noted. Carroll said the Aussie team has a good balance of players, which is key when entering any championship tournament. “As a team I think we have a great balance of power hitting, slappers, bunters and speed which is what it takes to perform well at any championships,” he said. ” Our pitching staff also has speed and variety with five entirely different pitchers.”

Most of the Australian team have been together since 2001, playing almost 75 games as a group of 17. The team was selected following the Australian National Championships in Perth in January, 2005. Carroll is taking the step-by-step attitude into the ISF 2005 World
championship. “In any championship it’s important to build during the week, ensuring you peak at the right time of the tournament,” he said. “If everyone stays injury free, I would hope we achieve our first goal in making the play-off’s and we will see what happens from there.”
The Business Analyst with the Australian Government at the Department of Veteran’s Affairs in Canberra is not taking any team for granted, and isn’t letting his players either. “In an Under 19 event where the players are different every four years, you can never underestimate any participating country,” Carroll explained. “We will be respecting every country that takes the diamond but given past world championship results I would be expecting strong competition from the host country Canada, New Zealand, Japan and USA.” As for coming to Canada, and it’s “warm” summers, Carroll is anxious for the day to get here.

“Personally, being from Canberra, I’m looking forward to the warmer weather we will experience during our stay, as the winter months in Canberra are cold,” he said. “It will also be good for the players to meet people from other countries and play softball in front of softball loving fans of Canada. “But most importantly, I believe the lobster is good in PEI.”

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