Linus Software Stealers Blogging Game Results

We are pleased to share some news from up north, British Columbia, from “roving reporter” Darren Strang, pitcher for the Linus Software Stealers. For those who might not have visited the Stealer’s team website, IMHO, it’s one of the best fastball team sites on the ‘net. And now they’ve added a blog to go with it, to keep fastball fans abreast of their latest game results. Here’s a sample of the most recent post at the blog — click the “Read the rest…” link at the end to read the whole thing.

It’s Miller Time!
The Linus Software Stealers traveled to Connaught Park on Tuesday to face the Meralomas. The weather threatened to shut this one down but the skies were clear at game time. The Lomas sent the young gun from the Maritimes Jon Kane to the mound. The Stealers countered with Darren Strang. Again the Stealer bats were hot, Corey Manns drew a lead off walk and was moved around by a Mark Dunlop single. A collection of hits and errors plated Dunlop and Manns for a 2 – 0 Stealers lead. That lead was later increased in the first inning when Paul Arthur reached on a single and was driven home by a Doug Miller homerun. Miller just back after missing the first few games of the season didn’t stop there as he finished the night going 3 – 4 with 3 HR’s and 5 RBI. Darren Strang got the win as the Stealers finished up with a 9 – 2 win. That win takes the Stealers premier record to 3 – 2 – 0 and overall record to 5 – 5 – 2. The next action for the Stealers will be Thursday when they take on the Giants from South Hill at Steveston Park at 7:30. [Read the rest of the entry at the Stealers’ blog…]

(Editor’s note: There are a number of sites offering free blogs, like the one that the Stealers are using. Readers may recognize the format of the Stealer blog as google’s, which we used for this Morning Brief before we installed WordPress software which now runs the Morning Brief. No matter the software, blogs are a great tool for getting your team up on the web, especially for those who don’t have the time or inclination to do an entire site. And as you can see from the Stealer’s blog, they also make a great adjunct to the main site. Click the “Blogger” icon on the Stealer’s blog for more information if you’re interested in creating your own. And if you do set one up, be sure to drop us a line so we can link you up.)

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