Two Important Reminders from Al’s Fastball


Two Important Reminders
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I thought I would start the month off with two reminders.

No. 1 – Please do not forget NEWS-2 at

Most news items posted to (NEWS-1) also get posted to NEWS-2 as well as a lot of short items such as “Player looking for a Team” – “Team looking for a pitcher”, etc. along with news from the world of Women’s softball and other items of interest that do not make it to our main site.

NEWS-2 is also our back up site, where we post updates if our main site is down, heaven forbid.

No. 2 – Our reminder to Please do not send us results or schedules, etc. with Columns of Information. They are simly too hard to post – especially on NEWS-2.

We have only said it about 99 times before, but we keep getting reports with nice neat columns of information, but please note: THEY DO NOT WORK!

I can post some of them onto my site, but even then some of them look terrible.

On the fastpitchwest archive, they look dreadful.

On email blasts to our lists, they look worse.

So Please, no columns in your reports.

Our guidelines are worth a read if you have not posted before, or recently.

Al Doran
Als Fastball List


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