2008 AAU Int’l Single Elimination Saturday Schedule of Games

The results of Friday’s 7 PM games will be distributed and posted tomorrow. Below is the first round schedule of the 32-team single elimination bracket play. The alpha-numeric ID shown opposite each team’s name represents the pool they played in and their pool play final ranking. Example, A2 means the team finished 2nd in pool A.

Saturday, January 26
9 AM

Los Socios (A1) vs Redline (B4)
CPI (C2) vs Earl’s Club (D3)
Chicago/New York (B1) vs Elmira (H4)
Niagara Fury (E3) vs Millwood Logistics (F2)
Mac’s Sprayers (E1) vs Brewers (G4)
St Thomas Storm (A2) vs Manor Dirt Bags (F3)

Saturday, January 26
11 AM

Ambassadors (H3) vs Thomson Area Merchants (G2)
Jamaica (D4) vs Florida Fastpitch (C1)
Broken Bow (D1) vs Cherokee (E4)
Ohio Battery (B2) vs P.K. Broward (C3)
Puerto Rico (H2) vs Fedlock (G3)
New Breed (C4) vs Omaha Red Angels (F1)

Saturday, January 26
1 PM

Tijuana Fastpitch (D2) vs Big Cove (A3)
Venezuela/Miami (F4) vs Texaco Pirates (G1)
Combatientes (E2) vs Radio 560 (B3)
Spain (A4) vs Team Minnesota (H1)

Weather forecast for Saturday and Sunday is sunshine, no wind and temperatures in the low to mid 70’s Fahrenheit.


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