2008 AAU Int’l Single Elimination Saturday Scores – 9am Games

The following 6-games are the beginning of the 32-team single elimination tournament. Game times today are 9 and 11 AM, 1, 3 and 5 PM.

Millwood Logistics……4
Niagara Fury……………0
Wp – Wagar and McKenzie
LP – Berube and Crocker

Chicago/New York…13
WP – Escalona and Prol
LP – Martin and Martin

St. Thomas Storm……..2
Manor Dirt Bags……….0
WP – Vogel and Franklin
LP – Morales and Correa

Venezuela Brewers…………0
Mac’s Sprayers…………….. 7
WP – Hardy, Gervasutti (6) and Kostel
LP – Chaparro and Zambrano

Los Socios…………………9
Redline Fastpitch…………0
WP – Barruto and Send
LP – Bolin and Bunner

Earl’s Club………………4
CPI………………………..5 – 9-innings
WP – Murphy and McCallum
LP – Gaura and Gerum


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