Fred Hanker Injured, Out for 6 Weeks

We are sorry to report that Fred Hanker, owner, manager and top hitter for the Long Beach Black Sox was injured during SCIFL league play over the weekend and will be out for 6 weeks, according to reports on Sunday. Fred suffered a deep gash on his index finger (glove hand) from a sliding baserunner. He was treated and stitched up at a nearby hospital, with doctors telling Fred that the gash very nearly hit the tendon, which would have required surgery. As it is, Fred will miss the 4th of July tournament in Beaumont, as well as the final two league weekends of SCIFL league play, July 12-13 in Santa Barbara and July 26-27 back in Santa Fe Springs.

The loss is a big blow to the Black Sox, who were in the midst of a solid season, and gearing up for the NAFA World Series in Mankato, Minnesota in August. Fred arrived in camp at the beginning of the season in great shape, and has been the Sox top hitter this season. Fred also runs one of the more popular team websites around, though I doubt that he will feel like doing much typing for the next month or so. We wish him a speedy recovery.

We reached Fred on Monday morning, and he had this to say:

“I’m lucky its on my left index finger and not my right. The emergency room doctor said she doesn’t think it cut the tendon but it came came very close. I have to go see my primary doctor in 10 days to get stitches off for further examination.”

Fred also said that he hopes that the six week estimate to heal is on the high side, and hopes to be back in action, but time will tell.

(Click logo for official SCIFL website)

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