Mackintosh rounds third, now heading for home

From the The StarPhoenix:
Dustin Munroe
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Canada’s Craig Crawford is out on second, with Japan’s Yu Nishimori gunning for a double play in the 3 Nations Challenge on Friday at Bob Van Impe Stadium. Photo Credit: –SP Photo by Richard Marjan

Before the music is cued for Keith Mackintosh, he is looking forward to one more dance.

Mackintosh is competing in the 3 Nations Challenge tournament this weekend at Bob Van Impe Stadium, what he calls the dress rehearsal for the International Softball Federation world men’s championship next summer in Saskatoon.

For the first time in his 13-year career with the Canadian team, Mackintosh got to play with the national team in Melfort, where he was born and raised. The Canadians had an exhibition doubleheader against the U.S. there on Wednesday, winning twice.

“It’s an unbelievable feeling to be introduced in your hometown as part of a national team,” said Mackintosh. “I’m nearing the end of my career, so it’s pretty special for me to experience those moments.

“I played all my minor ball in Melfort, we had a good core of players who lived and breathed the game. Our team, coming from a community of 5000 people, won the bantam western championships, bantam national championships and the junior national championships before we all moved on.”

Canada defeated the U.S. 4-2 in the opening game of the Challenge on Thursday. In the late game Japan defeated the U.S. 8-3. Canada played Japan and the U.S. on Friday. Action continues today, with Japan playing Canada at 6:30 p.m. and Japan against the United States at 8:30 p.m. Playoffs are on Sunday.

Mackintosh lives in Saskatoon with his wife, Kim, and sons Riley, 10, and Matthew, 4, and plays club ball with the Aspen Interiors Black Sox.

“They’ve all been involved in the game, Kim played when she was younger,” said Mackintosh. “They’ve all been really supportive of me travelling around.

“I’ve made a deal with my wife and kids that if I don’t make the ’09 team that will play here, I’m retiring this year. I’m not ready to retire this year, but if the Canadian championships (in Saskatoon in late August this year) is my last tournament, then I’ll be good with that.

“This year will be my 19th senior men’s nationals. It would be nice to make the ’09 national team, finish up 20 years (of senior national play), and call it a career.”

He is one of 20 players vying for spots on the 2009 national team.

Mackintosh’s playing career may be in the twilight, but he looks forward to getting a new generation excited about the sport.

“Both of my kids will be playing and I’ll give them the same kind of support my parents did for me,” he said. “There will also be a few more weekends at the lake in the summer.”

Mackintosh’s favourite softball moment is winning gold at the 2003 Pan American Games in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. You get the feeling playing in the 2009 world championship in front of the home crowd would be even sweeter.
© The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon) 2008

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