Maddy’s Monday Night Photos from Ramona, CA (USA Jr. Men & Alliance)

Click Here to view Maddy’s Photos from the So Cal ASA Alliance weekend at Ramona, California, which included the USA U19 Jr. Men’s team.

Don’t forget — the USA Jr. Men fly out tomorrow, Tuesday, June 21, 2005 for Prince Edward Island, Canada for the ISF international competition from June 24, 2005 through July 3, 2005.

Editor’s Choice for best photo of the weekend, with a bit of story to it:

As many of you know, Maddy had never been to a fastpitch game until a couple of years ago. In a short time, as I think her photos show, she’d developed quite an eye for the game. She’s always looking for a new or interesting way to share the game with you. This past weekend, she ran over to tell me that she had something new. “I’ve got some shots”, she said excitedly, “where the guy got away!”. I don’t know whether I enjoyed the photo more, or her delight in discovering something she hadn’t seen before. [smile] Ah, the things we take for granted. John Otte, you made her day.

(Look for the whole sequence of photos of the rundown play, shortly) Oh, and no, before you ask, she was not backing up on the play.

Runnerup for editor’s choice: Impersonation of a 747 landing short on runway 2-9er right.

And finally, honorable mention, for some serious air. That can’t be his normal stride — can it? BTW, who is it (#4?)

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One Response to “Maddy’s Monday Night Photos from Ramona, CA (USA Jr. Men & Alliance)”

  1. mikey says:

    Maddy’s photo’s have definitely gotten better. Great action shots. That 747 landing is funny as hell.


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