Bob Otto on Men’s Fastpitch


We are pleased to share Bob Otto’s blog with you. (Click banner above or here for story and photos) You know if his name attached, there are plenty of great fastpitch photos to go with the story. Bob was the official ISC photographer from 1995 to 2000. We have been honored to share many of Bob’s photos here at fastpitchwest. It was Bob’s work that provided the inspiration for Maddy to get serious about fastpitch photography. (Maddy’s photos from this year’s tournament due out soon, watch here for more info)

Be sure to scroll down to see a young(er) Todd Martin picking up the Outstanding Pitcher’s Trophy to go with the ISC World Title that his team, the Smokers, won in 1998.

Ten years later, he is standing in front of the same scoreboard at Sunset Park in Kimberly, Wisconsin, once again, winning the Outstanding Pitcher’s trophy to go with an ISC World Title, this time with the Kitchener Rivershark Twins. Two titles, two outstanding pitcher awards, ten years apart. Remarkable.

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