Poll on ASA’s Decision to Split “C” Nationals in Two

Our blog post below, on the ASA’s decision to split the “C” National in two for 2009 — with half of the teams going to Hastings Nebraska and half going to Decatur has generated a bit of email, so we decided to post the poll below and see what our readers think.

Is the ASA’s Decision to Split the 2009 “C” National in Two a Good Idea?
pollcode.com free polls

Note that the poll gives you an opportunity to comment on the question — and give your reasons as to why you think it is or isn’t a good idea. Or why you think they made the decision. You can post your comment anonymously if you wish.

Update, September 2:

A knowledgeable reader points us to Sections 202-204 of the ASA Code, which defines the geographical regions, as to where the dividing line falls. (See below). So according to the ASA, Nebraska (host of next year’s Western Regional ASA “C” Half-National is in the “west”. (Explain that to sponsors buying plane tickets next September) If the theory of split nationals is to save on gas money, that sort of goes out the window for teams from the West, listed below, no? What is the meaningful difference between playing in Nebraska instead of Illinois? Negligible at best.

ASA Code Sections 202-204:

West = Texas, Minnesota, North & South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Oklahoma.

East = those not listed above.

Using the State-by-State breakdown for 2008, here is where those teams would play in 2009:

West – 42 Teams to Hastings, Nebraska in 2009

California – 14
Arizona – 12
New Mexico – 7
Utah – 3
Colorado – 1
Idaho – 1
Nevada – 1
Oregon – 1
Kansas – 1
Texas – 1

East – 8 teams To Decatur, Illinois in 2009

Pennsylvania – 4
Alabama – 1
Georgia – 1
Massachusetts – 1
South Carolina – 1

Editor’s note: Actually, when you factor in the “bump up” rule, the East would lose two more teams (Landis, PA and Katman, MA), so the East would be down to 6 teams, at least using the list from this year’s teams.

Update, September 4:

273 votes cast, and I’ve yet to see anyone make a case for the split. One commenter noted the same:

From Ken on September 3, 2008 at 1:50 pm.
I would like to hear the reasons for the 30 or so yes answers that have been logged in. Even if they are anonymous. Just curious what good can come out of a split.

By the way, we have invited ASA to comment or explain the reason for the split. Nothing from them yet.

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